r V.-tT-i TEN Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, 1 m TODAY. -. , Bash r advertisement will se run unJw Tesay" for the first Inaertlun only. During j subsequent Insertions of lbs ad ! it wlil appear usder Its prop ' alassjflgetloa, 1 IfORSALE NEW TODAY r,a"",sgisr sas -,-, -sis FOR PA LOUSE WHEAT FARMS and Farm Lease, write Garfield t-ana o., uarneid, wash. . K6r SALIC Good wheel cheap. PS I Franklin. Cull FOR BALE Wicker baby buggy, good asnew. Lants Apt., Room- 3. WANTED Work for few hours each (lay In private family. Call 627W. roil KALE Tho Co k' worthy chop mill on Alia street. Farmers who aire In need pf a. Daw barn will find enough lumber here to build with. For Information Sea C O.' Matlock, RANTED Woman ' , housework on ranch. for general Phono 16F21. WANTED Ily married couple with out children, two or three furnished housekeeping rooms. Phono 111. WANTED To buy aome goud aec ' ond hand furniture, see l'aul at Slmpeon Auto Co. ' ' rllibura of WowfcTaft.. . .. Will not meet Thursday, Aug;' 14, but will hold ' a regular ' meeting Thuradayv Aug. 1st. . S500. phono 72. Alto, FOH BALM Overland car In excel lent condition. (200 will ' handle. Phone .7231. j i'OJl BALK Fh'Ht olaaa Underwood fypewrlti-r. ' II. F. Jakaha, Hotel Pt, Ueorge, FOH KALK-r-Kord tourlnc ear, good condition. All new tires. J, Lanr, 71 College St. r FOR SAUK 1917 Chevrolet In good condition. Beat bargain In town. Apply Apt 1, Alta House, FOR SALE A 4S Holt Combln n- gine in nrat class condition. Inquire amei Hill, 110 K. Mala or phone 671. For Sale Continued Wanted VANTKD Uood clean raga at The Eaot Oregonlan orflca. FOR BAUS-rlsight I In. Ualn wagon. inquire W. Webb or Phone I m o - r FOR 8ALE Heo. 4, 191 model, good condition In every way. Rea sonable offer takea it. Phone 1S7, FOR SALE White angora rabbits. Inquire 416 Garfield or ohone -148. WANTED Job In harvast by practi cal tractor driver, r. E. Samuel son. Gen. Del., Pandletci. ... . , WANTED Experienced, woman to ' cook on ranch. . Address P. O. Bos 175. ,'. . . WANTED Second band flat 'desk. Inyulre this office. top WANTED Dressmaking. A loo plain ewlng. Inqulie 107 Garfield. HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY; OF PKNDLETON AND VICINITY t bis Director it cspecUUly hwxl iW Ue ouUo-Uwn reaUer l amr want the urn aiiU ajdraas of re- sponsible boslness aim who represent tue foiiowwir wwh una. ecrns who stauul ready to 7oa prompt and efficient serrlce. All are reliable, inspoaslble business om Auto Tops FOR BALE One model C 15 Bulck roadater. very cheap. 11 00 down. B. O. Motor Co. Phone 102T. WANTED Girl to help with house work, (11 Lsvrls, Phone (S4M. FOR SALE One model 7 11 Over. land, so low In price it would be unfair to quote It, One Uuldk road Hter. 11V0 cosh vill bundle. Gastrin t'retron Motor Co. , . FOR 8 ALU ALL kinds of Insurance, J. II. Kates, 614 Main St., phone 604. FOR SALE room furnished house. Price 11100, Enquire tit Thompson FOR SALE By owner, neat little home In solid block, at price of improvements. Address 'B" - oars aat Oregonlan. ' t - , - f Attention Artlsana. All membcra it Alpha 'Assembly N , will me tonight (Tucailay) at g o'clock) at Kagle-Woodman hall. TIMR CAHD. ; Weston-Po(Mllrtoa Auto Stage. Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. in. find It 4 c p. ni. Leaves Athena for Pendleton ajt 1:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at , 1:10 a. m. and 1 :20 p. m. . Leaves Pendleton Allen-Knlght Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 i a. ni. and 4 p. m. O. -Hi, McPHERRIX, Prop. FOR SALE Seven room house with one and one-half lot. North Side. Snap if taken at ones. P. O. Box 177, City; ... cjj,l FOR SALE One 117 model Ford, excellent condition, on easy term Also two 1016 Fords under (250. 110b resh will hand1!. Eastern Orejon i ol or Co. DOES YOUR AUTO need a new top, or me oia one repaired ' 11 so, go to Oadwa. ' '. , - Cows for Nolo. i A few first class cows to sell, all of these are good much cows. Geo. Wachtei, Klverxide. Phone !7W. ' TIMOTHY HAV. alfalfa hay. all kinds of hog feed, cow feed and chicken feed. Umatilla Flour A Grain Co.. 1300 W. Alta, 220 B. Court. Phone 1014, and 111. WANTED Woman , for general housework on ranch. Phone ion WANTKD Girl fori general house. wiHt. 1'hone Mrs,' Jas, S:-u-g1s. 101. WANTED Woman for general housework; In small family. Call at 645 Mam or pbons No. 121. IF YOU MEED New Top or Cur. tains for your car, tie Oadwa, 201 E. Court. . ' AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing, 121 West Alta street - Auto Tire Servlc WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service jar. we go anywnere, any tune. Simpson Tire Service Co.. Phone 661. Blacksmithing THE BOWMAN SHOP, Llacksmith. Ing, Horseshoeing our Specialty, Re pair auto springs, wheels, all sises. FIRST CLASS Blacksroithlog ef every description. You can do better hers. A. P. Burgln, 607-1 Clar St. Batteries Auto Tires WANTED Furnished house or apt. Will take lease. Inquire 30T lil leth or phone 1173J,. Q. , IL Col lins. ' - . .. ....," .. ' 'PENNSYLVANIA . Vacuum Cup. . 611- vertown Cords. Wallace Bros, i- FOR SALE Soma very fine registered Red nigs, male and female. J. E. Troxel, Wild Horas Creek. , Phone BUICK Model II, for sale or trade for Ford or Maxwell. Bulck has good tires and in fair mechanical condition. Inquire at 1104 B. Court street after 6 p. m. any evening. FOR QUICK SALE AT SACRIFICE 110 acres south of La Crosse; 115 acres fall wheat; 16 acres summer fallow S tiAAfl i n run ImDmvmftnfi I fair. Pries 18.870. Half easb; terms balance. Crop will make a j large payment on the land. " J. E. j Moors, Care Security State Bank. La crosse, wash. Lost LOST In business district, package containing ladies pink waist. Re turn to Singer Sewing Machine Co. and' receive reward. LOST Whits rt terrier . dog with . black and brown spots on bead and black spot on hip. Flndsr will re ceive reward by Lotifylng R. J, Camp, bell. Phone 11F22. FOR SALE 10 head percheron mares from I to 1 years old, most of them ith foal, known as the York horses. Also one Percheron stallion seven years old.1 For particulars, address Ida M- York. Box 7. Route 1, River side, Pendleton, Oregon. FOR HALE Hocond hand doors and windows. Iniuirs of Griawold sV Swan son, second floor American Nat, uanK Bidg. WANTED Competent young lady for stenographic and clerical posi? tloa with local concern. ' Must have had experience in office work and be able to handle stenographic work ef ficiently. Anawer n your own hand writing, giving age. " reference and salary desired. l. O, Box 647. ' Architect RAYMOND W HATCH Architect. . Phone 7(1, Rooms) I and 1. De pahs Bid -f.-.. r.'.::fj-. B.s GEORGE R. WRIGHT- ARCHITECT Telephone 604; (14 Mala lit, Pen dleton, Oregon. BATTERIES repaired or recharged. nw mnA r.ntnl haMerlea. jEJCCtriC Service Station. Cor Garden and Court Guaranteed for IS months.' W.' E. Chase Co., 110 E. Court. Tele phone 161, Pendleton. Chiropractor DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor. P trice over Cash Market, la E. vourt; pnone 164. Legal Blanks LEGAL BLANKS of svsry description. Blank Deeds, Leases, Writs, Bill of sales. Contrasts, Subpoenas. Affidavits. Complaints, Summons, etc., for sale at ast Orrcimlau Offico. ' ' Monuments L. MONTERASTELLL Marble and Granlt works; write or arrange for interview for prices, styles, etc c Piano Tuning MCDONALD MUSIC STUDIO, (! W. Webb St. Fall term opens Sept. IS, 1111. Latest approved methods a ipuuur, violin and harmony author ized teacher of Godowsky Progressive Series of PJ&no Lessons. Phone (46W. FOR SALE Set dining fhairs, rock er, ruga, three-quarter bed, ' spring mattress, 1 double bed, dresxer, stand mow cover, inquire Zz3 LdncoJn. FOR SALE One late model Ford, excellent condition, been used by1 a lady for city use. Upholstering and top and body all in fine condition, one of those like , new you know what we mean. Liberal terms. Phone 1031. , E. 0 Motor Co. , Pilot Rock-Pendleton Auto Stage. Leaves Pilot Reck at 1. a. m. , Leaves Pendleton at 10:10 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1. p. m. Leaves Pendleton st 4 p. nC ' FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. Miscellaneous DR. K, J. KAVANAUGH Is. now lo cated In the Ji'.dd Bldg., Room 15. l. Auto Washing : CARS WASHED I call for and de liver. Especially equipped to han dle work right. Automoble Laundry Phone 11, opposite court house. ! DR. LORETTA H. STARBA -l 0 Feebler Bldg. to 11 a. . m. 1:20 to ( p. m.- other hours by ap- poinunent; phones Of. 612. Res. 11. Contractors & Builders Auto Repairing PARKER A B AN FI ELD. DesiCTilnr. Englneerins. Constructlrurr 10 years experience in concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg: Portland, Or HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mail orders promptly attended to. DRB3S MAKING Mrs. Petty. 746. 701 A Alta. - - Phone FOR SALE Splendid home on north ids. Ten rooms, dining room. kitchen and fuel storsge rooms In the basement, two lotf-a garage, small barn and chicken uuse trees,, beau, tiful lawn and shrubbery. iDquirs 714 Jackson St. . , , ., . , TYPEWRITERS All makes. Rebuilt end fully guaranteed. We sell on terms ix aesirea. I writs ror new price list. Wholesale Typewriter Co., szi wasningtoa St., Portland, Ore- LOI1T One dark Jersey cow with bell; one torso mulay br India cow branded 7 on right hip and one smsll bald-faced Horford with Sams brand. Anyone knowing their whereabouts notify this office. Reward. LOST One bay gelding branded D. t. - ' on left shoulder. ' Scar on left hip. reached mane, white spot In forehead, weight about 100 lbs, i years Old. One bay gelding (turning brown) pacer, branded D I left shoulder, weight about 100 lbs, years old. Suitable reward for Information leading to recovery of above described snimals. Jim Kan Is, Cayuse, for or Pavld Ingram, CUy. FOR SALE Good garage, good lo cation in business part or (own. Well equipped with machinery and tools, good stock of extras and tires, Must quit on account of health, jr. D. Roysr, City Oarage, Pilot Roek, Ore. FOR SALE 1470 acre of fine wheat ' land, one and one-half miles irons station.' Good house and barn, (00 a ores In summerfalfew. AH plow land. Price (25.00 per acre. Part cash, bal, crop payments, ( per cent int. w. B. smith, ions, Oregon. A FINE STOCK and sheep farm, con sisting of 2000 acres bunch grass ana, 10 .acres Unproved alfalfa land. iuv acres unimproved, with wa system, located In southeastern Klick itat county, Washington, is offeree ror sale at a very low price and easy terms lor-a short time only by own sr. Address West era Investment Co.. aiaeruaie, wash. DRESSMAKING (17 Willow. 421. Phone INDEPENDENT Call 651W. CITY Scavenger. For Rent APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTflL FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court ONLY (600 for 10 seres, all andsr government ditch, one mil from Hermlston, Ore, Is reneed. - not a building. Is best alfalfa land. Joining land has cut as high as 1 tens alfalfa per aore. No rocks or gravel, soil Is Ore. sandy silt. Address Ed Usher, To rino, Wash- .. ... HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, (01 Clay. SELL TREE3 FOR US First class stock, complete line, liberal terms Write for contract today. . Salem Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL, An a credited Training School for Nurses, Pendleton, Oregon. Young women between the ages of 11 and 15 who can be credited aith one or two years hich school or equivalent of same will be received as pupil nurses. For fur ther information, address. Sister Su perior. , MILLER 4k BEMENT All , kinds of automobile repairing. Chevrolet and Veils service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed. (30 Cotton wood. Phone 201. Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your car, Condition no object Auto Clearing House, Garden ds Alta. Phone 765. Auto Fainting BY MEM WITH TEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros., 112 Johnson. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Auctioneer HOUSE FOR RENT Furniture tor sale. Address VY-thia office. FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room. 415 uarnold. Phone 24 1M. FOR RENT Large - front aleenins room wnn Data, Inquire lis Ann Street, evenings. . .,. Beauty Shop BE BEAUTIFIED at Miss Robb's shop. Judd Bldg. Phone 1060. POING3 OF THE DUFFS . 7 Wilbur's Middle Name Is Foreflush. BY ALLMAN ilMtWoTfjASl Til A SWtU. -a- . il I ffl TrM&Qfl fit wwt tjOMt ! .. 11 1 1 .Lit I i h'.oi!tii STATltmJACAf Auo I I Vm am t Chjrt esaac1t I 1 J I gJj ... (Jy ' "v LEARN AUTO,' tractor and truck mechanics. We teach steam, gas and electrical engineering, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene welding. Personal inatruction on actual work In the best equipped school on the Pacific coast. Cay or night sessions and you can start any time. Write for. Free catalogue. Seattle Engl neerlng and Auto School, Seattle, Wash. . - j v. i; COL. W. F. : YOHNKA, Auctioneer, mokes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets yon the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan Office. Auto Electric Work AUTO Electric Work of all ' kinds Magneto, starter, ignition, etc., EI' ectrio Service Station, Mala A Water. VISITING CARDS Wedding An. nouncements. Invitations, many de late na and styles to seleot from. For sale at East Oregonlan Office. WH REPAIR anything1 electrical on an automobile, w. B. Chase Co. Attorneys . Now Train See-vtorj. ' Takes effect Sunday, August trd. No. l departs 1:10 a. m. . No. 11 arrives 4 0 p. m.; departs 6.00 p. m. " No. 2 arrives 4:15 p. m., departs 5 10 p. m. No-8 departs 7:45 a. m. No. 5 dipati 10:05 a. m. '" No. 41 depns 1.2 s. m.x '' K! 62- departs 10:16. ,' No. 41 departd i;20. . . ' " - " ' - Adv; NOTICES GEORGE W. CO U ITS, Attorney Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. CARTER de SMYTHS, Attorneys at Law. Office In rear of American National Bank Blulding. FEB 4k FEE, Attorneys at law. floes in Despaln Building. Of. R. I.'KEATOR. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Blulding. S. A. Lowoll, attorney and counsel lor at law. Office In Despaln Bldg. 8. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Smith-Crawford. Blulding. NOTICE! Having closed out my entire bus! ness to the Umatilla Flour and Grain Co. I would be pleased to have all per sons knowing themselves to be endebt ed to me. to call at the old stand and make settlement, for after a reason able time all unpaid accounts will be handed to my attorney with Instruc tions to collect. So pleass be prompt end oblige. The Umatilla Flour and Orala Co. will in the future carry a full ine of poultry and stock tonics and accessories and to them I would refer my former trade. ...... '"CP. COLESWORTHT, " 111 East Alta Street. PETERSON, BISHOP A CLARK, at torneys at Law. Rooms 2 and 4. Smith-Crawford building. fc3M HBV NvAC Of 1H& Horn, is kr tue : -r?,r r THE PAPEC I At ' I .1 . ." 1 ! 1 "S"!sSli '. 1 .. . "TT IV POUND. The following described : animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wtt:. i Cne mule 2 years old, bleak, weight about 1000 lbs. Branded triangle on left stifle. , ;" - If said animal re not claimed by the owners or thoes entitled to its possession, costs and expenses paid and taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 19th day of August, Is IS, tho aaid animal will be sold to the highest Mdder, at public auction, for rasli. at the City Pound, in said City of Vendition, the proceeds of such sale to -be .applied to the payment of such OEta and expenses of, making Dated this 7th day or Aug., 1911. AL ROBERTS. CHy Mavsha!. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, . Office over. Taylor Hardware Com pany. ' ' RALEY V BALEY, Attorneys at - Law. Office in American National Bank Building. " FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. R. M. TURNER, Attorney at Law. Rooms 7, 8. , Despaln building. Bicycle Repairing E. M. ACKERMAN, CONTRACTOR. -Excavating. 1201 East Court. Phone ZSSM. Dentist DR. THOMAS OHMART. Taylor Hard wards Bldg.. Pendleton. Ore- Phone (07. Draymen Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTSi Wail" Paper, Picture Fram ing. I. J. McAtcw, .the PracUoal Paint Man. Lowi Bros., Paints. J. W. JACKSON1, General Contractor. Painting, paperin and kalsomlnlnc done quick, neat and cheap, (1( Cal vin. Phone 1024. THE s HOUSE PAINTER WENDT TtntinAT,' Paper Hanging XMUnates Fornl-sueel Phone 1144 Shop 72 Cottonwood Poultry Supplies CHICK FOOD, Sor&xch food, tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley, C F. Colesworthr, It EL Alta. Plumbing and Heating CALL PEN LAND Bros. Transfer van to move your household roods. Wa also pack or store goods, We do coun try hauling. Telephone 229. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat D. N. REBER. M. D Specialist Belts Bldg.. Room , 10. 11. Phone 138. Optical department. Repair work. You make your own selection of any style of mounting or frame. shape, size and curve of kena. Engraved Cards HEATING plants,, sheet metal work, pipe fitting, general plumbing sup plies X. . Phelps. 117 E. Court. ' Radiator Repairing ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. AU makes Of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop. HAVE your Radiator, repaired by our expert. Thorough satisfaction guar anteed. I. D. Phelps, 217 E. Court. Real Estate Florist POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker1, Florist, 628 Main St. Farm Loans SNOW & DAYTON. 117 East Court St. Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us .bout a loan. UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa lands. Pendleton property, stock ranches, e raxing lands. W. II. Morrison Restaurant THE QUELLE. A good place to eat. ' Rugs v ' ..v NEW and attractive rugs made from your old Ingrain and Brussel car pets by the Walla Walla Fluff Rug Co., 1132 Walla Walla Ave- Walla Walla, Wash. Phone 1(77. Gates Half -Soles HAVE the old tiros half-soled; 1500 miles guaranteed: have proven worth. 43. W. Bradley, (31 Cottonw'd. Jeweler and Optician WILLIAM iS. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians Pendleton, Oregon. Suits to Measure EMIL BECK, the tailor. Hotel Pen dleton, Bldg, Phone 1108 . Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLB, dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest place' to buy household goods. 210 IX Court. Phone 171W. Job Printing LETTER HEADS. Envelopes, BUI Heads. loose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forms, Dodgers, Placards, et. printed to your order. East Oregott- ian Office. Laundry EVERY article Laundered perfectly. There's an agent In your town. Troy Laundry, 608 Garden St. Lubricating Oils - MONOGRAM Oils and Greases, all AUTO Tires Vulcanized, bicycles and dealers. Eastern Oregon Warehouse supplies, Savaers tires, key fitting. Matlock and- Alta Sts. F. G. Sullivan Pendleton Cycle Co., 228 E. Court. Eastern Oregon Representative. Sheet Metal Works :'. PENDLETON6KEET METAL works! chimney tops, gutters, skylights, troughs, auto bodies, 728 Cottonwood. Taxi Seoice WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring oar. call- Goedeeke. We go any where, anytime; all new taxis; phone 4(4; stand (11 Main St. Tailors L1XDGREN FRANSBEN, alterations;. 735 Main St Tallot Used Cars USED CARS at genuine bargain price at the Pendleton Motor Sales Co., Cottonwood ft Water Sts., Phone 634. Notice to Contractors. Notice is herecy given that sealed bids will be received at the office of R. W. Hatch. Architect, Pendleton, Oregon, on or before 1 p. m., August 15th, 1919, for the construction of a three room frame house for school district No. 12, ITrnatilla county, and to be located eleven miles from, Pen dleton. Plans may be sscn at the offices of W W. Oreen. county school superintendent, court house, or R. W. Hatch, Pendleton, Oregon. Mexioo ahould not be encouraged to PPly to the league of nations for a mandate to suppress lawlessness In the United State, . ...... . ..- . . . PARIS H. C. I. FlIGHF BRINGS SHARP DROP PARISHCL "Peaceful Persuasion" by . "Patrol Committees" Re suits in 50 Per Cent Cut. for each commodity in a given section and then "peacefully persuade" shop keepers who hare been selling at higller prices to cut their figures. The trado unionists are taking a leading part In the campaign. PARIS. Aug. 11. The first organ ised unofficial campaign to fight the high costof llvhiff in Paris has re sulted In price etits varying! from 10 to 69 per cent, it was claimed Wed nesday by leaders of the movement Consumers' leagues were formed In various parts of tho city and "patrol committees' were sent out to inspect the price tickets of all commodities. The movement la spreading and the syndicalists in the provincial towns are taking measurements ef their own to reduce the costs of foodstuffs. "The patrol committees" in Parts are assisting tho police to enforce the laws compelling shopkeepers to post a list of prices, but the work has been carried out In orderly fash ion without any disturbance), The Man la Killed. LA JUNTA, Colo., Aug. 12. Alfred L. Meyers, 44, a former resident of La Junta, was thrown from his horse and killed -Satdrday near his ranch at E&telan, Baoa county, ac cording to word . lust received here. Meyers went to the postoffloe and when he. did not return in due time, his wife started to ' search for him, Meyeia la survived by. a -widow sad one son. He was a member of the La Junta lodge of Elks, . '. .' Surprise Party Given" . tor V isitors at Ricth Ed Sl)oe was In Pendleton Sunday; Mrs. George Roberts is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Turner of Pilot Rockj, . George Roberts is visiting in Echo. LFTAY FEVER Hi? Malt VapoRub ia spoon and innate the vapors. YICKS VAPOR fib L20 30. 60'. REITH, Aug. 13. A surprise party was given for Mildred Jennings., niece of Mr. Jennings Saturday night. A number of children were present, the evening being spent in playing games. Mildred Stickler of Pendleton was a i guest of Laura and Carrie Hillman ' Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mra Charlio Fanchier were guests of Mr. and Mra. Joe 8warts ' Robert Jennings was a Pendleton committeemen uvto tUfl lowest frlcea Tiaitvr SuDdayi , ,. r WAKT ad coiimn auo CLASSIFIED DIIMTCTORY Coasting sis ordinary words ta Us 11ns and charged bg the Una. Want ada and locale. Hates !" a-tsHS, rtrst Insertion, pmr Una . lie Vaeh add. Insertion, per llae se One week (six Insertions), each iKSArtioeu per line.-. ( isse. each I sort! o a, pr line. S month contrast each laser. - tloa. par Has to ll-saia eeairaet. lie -lie Ne ads takea for lass 1 Uses. Minimum chares Adi takea ever tas teiepaooe only from East Oregonlan eob ecrlbers sod those listed ta tas Telephone Directory. Copy snue be ta our office sot later tbaa 1:1 o'clock day ef pabMaastsa.