- TEN PAGES DAILY EASTOKEGONtAN. PENDLETON, QUKOflM. TUESDAY, AtJGUSf 12, lolft VMM HVB (pate eoo locjoi saoaoi locjo COIOY (, CASH 0 GROCERY '. ... . . - .. ? - IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROY'S FRUIT JARS Economy, Pints, doaen . . . $1.30 Economy, Quarts, dozen -.. $1.45 Economy, gal., dozen . $1.75 Kerr Wide Mouth, pints $1.20 Kerr Wide Mouth, quarts $1.35 Kerr Wide Mouth, gal $1.65 Kerr Regular Mouth,, pints. $1.10 Kerr Regular Mouth,' quarts $1.20 Kerr Regular Mouth, Yz gal $1.30 Sugar, Best Cane, sack". $10.25 Shasta T, z lb. 25c, 1 lb. 50c Van Camps Fork and Beans, No. 2 tins, 5 for $1.00 ft hat the Picture Theateri Have to Tell You. AT TJ1M TIIICATKIM TOI)AV , A.V TOMORROW. Alta l'anlln Frederick in "pal in Full. International . "News and I Vaudeville. Arouilo Charlie Chaplin. In "Bunny. side," end Clludys Brockwell In '-Tlie Divorce Trap." j. ; Pastime Serials. . "Tiger's Trail" and "Perils of Thunder Mountain." Also comedy, "A Pair of Deuces." Ijoday and .( Wednesday PAST1MI3 TOlXtY lockit taxi immui tajiks T1US JOY OVT OF JOY RIDE I FOR KM AUTHORIZED FACTORY REPAIRS, PARTS AND SERVICE. This is the service that your FORD in service. keeps Safest Cheapest Best All the latest Ford factory machinery to do your work right and prompt. ; . - , v Simpson Auto Co. Only when the speedometer goes to pieces being unequal to the velocity of a speeding motorcar, do Joy rides real ly feel that they are getting; the ulti mate out or ivre. . In the cane of John' Davis, hero of "Perils of Thunder . Mountain." the potest episode of which is to be shown ui ina i-ugLirae ineater goany not only did the speedometer break, but the entire magnificent equipage In which he ana his sweetheart, .Uthel, went arldintf. reeled . rrandly. to ruin. - i This expensive crash oecurcd when their touring car hurled Itself, un controlled and going at full speed, over the rim of a cliff. John and Ethel, his sweetheart, even had they been unaware of the cliff In the car's oath. 9 would hot have considered It a joy u ride when they discovered the door of 6 the car had been locked. jjl The current episode tells what hap K 'pened next and the sequel of this sensational incident furnishes still an 4 other thrill. 9 j. Antonio Moreno and Carol Hollo- A WAV .r. f 1 nil i n ir Minnflflllv prninfiil starring opportunities in this, new Vita- graph made "snow serial." , . , Q in an BRony ui apprenensinn, jonn K Davis, not knowing that the note which directed his footsteps was but a decoy, forced his way Into Itam Chun der's den. Here In this Kast Indian fakir's retreat he expected to find Ethel, his sweetheart a. prisoner the note he had received purporting to be from her. It directed him to a jewel led casket In this den for a key to her hiding place. : , His quest was not in Vain. Almost instantly his searching ggase rested on a glistening jewel-studded casket. Eagerly he seized it. An electrio shock stuned him. Every nerve and fibre In his body sprang taut at the contact. Vainly he tried to shake himself loose. His fingers' were as riveted to the surface of this black box of mystery. Water & Johnson Sts. Phone 408 i i iiiiii II J 1 i t . Children 15c , Adults 3.",c coo ooo ooo nod ooo I SUN W-Vv.. :': i IS, 'Jr'i i J I ZV ..-...;.;.f 1111111111111 IIIIIIIIllrtllllllllll!!IIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllif I ALLTHEBESTMUSIC is contained on the records for our splendid talk ing machines. Have you seen our new Victor, Edison and Co lumbia machines prices from $25 , and up? We also have a large ship ment of pianos, terms to please, nano tuning and repairing. Don't forget to stop and see our 5 new Victors. ' ' I Warren's Music House I . , Pendleton, Oregon 1 Thone 52-1. , ?iiiMiiiiiiiiMiiMiimiiiinttHiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiHiiiiitiittniiiinMiiiuiiiiiiMi ARCADE TODAY AiitATj cmcKEXs, Rrpn,ro SIIiKKV TCATirKR.S, Ml'DDM ntPLIN IX SEWIE8T COMEDY it' v rX- X h-i 1 " . . . -rtfii .u m Adds Another Human Roto to Ins; I4st IUrn Hand In "Sunnysldc." Charlie Chaplin Is seen, as a "hired man," the much Imposed upon slave of a hyprocrltlcal farmer In "Sunny- side,"' his third million dollar comedy S ! to be releosed by First National Ex- ; i M t n ra ' nirintt whlph will Ha ihnwn at the Arcade theatre, beginning today. The part Is distinctly pifferent from 5 .'Chaplin's characterisations In "A Dog's IJfe." in which he played the role .of a youny , city man, and Si "Shoulder Arms," in which he was HIS TmD MJLUON DOLLAIl .COMEDY, "' . . ' ; " . : ;'''; 3 Reels of Fun and Frolic with the World's Greatest Comedian . SEE CHARLIE AS A WAITER A T SUNNYSIDE FARM IIOTEI-A VALET ALSO TO FOWLS, COWS AND PIGS, OH BOY, SOME PICTURE. - V t IN ADDITION ' ' 1 in GpsBroraell "M Divorce Trap oo 5 soldier, the two first $1,000,000 come- I nnl !dles produced by Mr. Chaplin's new ;Ugg ooo CSV. ooo II !.n.i 1 ooo C3 ooo nnn- Ml ooo ooo ooo cm li'uJ ooo EDO ooo ooo can Of! ooo era OGO "r understand they are the fatted calf for you?" "Just my luck. . The doctor made me cut out all fat foods." Airplane Sdars OVer s Forbidden Sinn Fem 1 Meeting in Armagh BELFAST, Aug. today encountered 820 Main St. For Sale FIVE TON SPEEDWELL TRUCK f- This truck is chain driven and in good condition. It will pay you to investigate- this buy if you have much heavy hauling to do. . , . , Address BL D.'.this office. comonny. The entire nacKgrouna is that of a quiet countryside where s Charlie shows his unfamlliarlty with E. rural, life In a . ceaseless succession of happenings. ' ' Ilcllidon Gets Into The Milk jjjl On a-certain Sunday when Charlie Hi Is musing over bis hard lot. It be S1 comes his' duty to go and- hunt the cows while his employer goes to S church; Thinking of his sweetheart, Sjdauehtpr of a eighborlmr farmer, s Charlie absent-mindedly lets th eows S get awny from him and they stray E'tn time to find one of them sauntering ,f0!eI"!"f'lf ".Lr w?. S'; in to find Out what tho , sermon s about. ' SI He tfhnses It, and. S farmers seem able to siiBifert any means of getting it out of the church, E mounts it and rides outs .But, his 5;Mile of triumph Is short-lived for the 5 jcow throws him riot only into a ditch, 5 but into a state of unconsciousness. , S k The fairest of wood nymphs come 'to play wllh him.. Lifting the fallen i chore boy from his lowly place they 'glide off with hint through the mazes !of the dancte. . Of course, the origi nality of Chaplin rises splendidly to this occasion, and the nymphs learn !things about their own art that they never knew before. Fixing his curly hair like tho horns of a faun, Charlie I becomes the merriest of the merry In the dance. , . preparing will help considerably the room. in I lSz--Sinrt Felners a ne method of forbld- ts iaen mceims rtiin.B - - - ld hv- authorities who soared ovor- i,ii- ,ho head in an airplane, rolicemen nrtd when none of the . ,,, h ntini?. SUlUltrm Ull'tl umj-nnvu If you haven't time ! HOUSEHOLD Wet a towel in eolof water and hang It In the open window on a hot day It en soup to get cold' you 'can remove the grease by dipping a cloth in ice waiter and straining the soup through this. The cold cloth' will congeal the grease and you Will have a clear soup. One thrifty housewife hangs the in side wrappers of the kitchen soap aiongsme me sinis ana mey hio nw ,as "soap leaves." She asserts that I jone wrapper contains sufficient soap ' to wash the hands twice, iror con- : venience she cuts each wrapper in half. . . Bartdpaper should be part of every kitchen equipment. It has many uses. A piece of fine sandpaper will readily remove the scorched poritort from the bread, cake, etc., and leave a perfectly smooth surface. If the children's brown shoes look very shabby In color why not black- them? Dissolve in boiling water cooling off jA piece of soda the size of a walnut. When cold rub it well over the shoes. '.This will darken them. Then apply to wait for ;tw0 coats of -shoemaker's t ink and p'olisji in the usual manner. " Something that many good citizens are not worrying enough about It thj constitutional convention. j "When sanity returns and the dupe! who were led into racial or industrial violence look for the persons who In4 stigated thoe acts, lo, the instiggators will have vanished! tMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiiliiiiii 1 ANSCO S 1 CAMERAS ; Speedex Films E Do t let another summer go S 1 S by without an . jAnscO. It Will ; add mora to the, pleasure of g your outlngj than anything else ; E A', winter and long afterwards S yo-i can live over again with g ii ir pi ares those good sum- ; 5 mer days. Iet us show you the g! B Ansco line. E Tallman & Co. S Leading DruggiKts- &UII!l!IUHIllllllllHIIIHIIUIIIIIIII!lllllll?t Bring Your Car to Us We can furnish prompt ly any size. :. 1 Shieid Glass We have an experienced man who will 1 set 1 the glass while you wait- B. L. Burroughs, Inc. Corner Webb and Col lege Sts. Father and Daughter Drowned at Washougal , In Sunday Accident PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 12. In a fruitless effort, to save the life of his daughter, tyim Agnes Winchell, Hi ram It. Winchell of. S54 Marguerite avenue lost :hisi -own' life Sunday In the north fork of the Washotigsl river back Of Cape - Horn, where he and his family had motoredt for a dajs outlrig. I - :! : " . Miss Winchell had been swimming In the shallower portions of the river, and her father, watching' nearby, had warned' tior against going too near a deep pool, through which sweeps a turbulent 'enrrent. She climbed upon a raft of ties rier. the Ooodsell lg glng company's pllico nt'the edge, of the water aid fell 'from It Into the pool. . Icaplnsr lnt the water the father was caught by the current and was lost before rie could seise the girl. . WliifhPil was u salesman for, Lang Ut Co. of Tortlurid, and had been em ployed there fot 13 years. HJ'taa WincheH mas upending tb)e summer, In' I'brtland before going Kast to take a position as Instructor of bacteriology In ( XohhS Itopklns university.; j Just Wis I-ticU.. "So J-ou're going home?' old man to the wnnt'crei1. "i'gsi tomor'roA" "ID ASTIME Children 5c TODAY Adults 20c said the "The Tiger's Trail" With RUTH ROLAND Perils of Thunder Mountain' Antino Morenio and Carol Holloway THE LIGHTNING LUKE Locked Taxi Door, Takes Joy Out of Joy Ride. Keystone Comedy "A PAIR OF DUCES" f Children 10c Adults 30c n 1 ' i !"-' ': ..:V. PAULii "Paid in Full" Themost tragic sacrifice love ever asked. In Addition INTERNATIONAL NEWS lilt 1 1 IH 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I liiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii VAUDEVILLE ...GIRLS OF '61 Songs and Dances of the Olden Days. ALF RIPON Scottish Commedian.