I1'- V V . . 1 . . f" 1TATLY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OKEGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1919.' V TWELVE PACES FACE foui? Most Talked of Woman in England 1 5 AN" INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published Dally and Semi-Weekly, at SUBSCRIPTION HATES I'enrttelon. urcton, by the BAST OltKUONlAN 1'1'BL.tSHINa CO. (IX ADVANCE) Kntered at the sjpstorfica at Pendle ton. Oregon, mm second-class mall natter. Dally, ona year, by mai. 15.00 Daily, six months by malL. 1.50 Telephone .. Daily, three montha by mail 1.S6 ON SALB IN OTHER CITIES. Imperial Hotel Nevi Stand. Portland Bowman Kewa Co.. Portland, Oregon ON FILE T Chicago Bureau, 0 Security Bulld- inir. j Washington. D. C, Bureau Ml Four teenth street. N. W. I Dally, ona month by mail .no uaiiy, one year by carrier , T.60 Daily, alx montha by carrier.. 1.75 Dally, three montha by carrier I.S5 Dally, one month, by carrier .fis 8Mni-tVeekly. on year, by mall 1.50 senn-werKly. alx months, by mail .7S Semi-Weekly, four montha by mail .CO " "". " '-. H - - - r 3 I r,; ::v- v. (Swjbcs I . m : rslnn t3 (? A ; 'Mil ' " "' : t I i v 1 - $ -.-.-- la I V RV - I the Kirmira at ont MOV1KS In the suburban district we have , a movie show Each night, also bi-weekly matl- noes; It's packed from door to cur . tains, up stairs and down ' frelow f ' We've no amusement save Uiese . silent (lays. All oru of people tend it, ttray . haired and babe In anna, New-wedded, middle-aged and wlddies.' But that part of the concourse. that has the greatest charm Is that bunch way down in front the noisy kiddies. . , , , It's true the films are ancient we've Just started on war And Fairbanks' debut on -the speechless stage little wars after the war with which tuurope is cursed. For a time the Paris Council closed its eyes, since this inva sion aided in putting pressure on Jiela Kun to retire in favor of a representative Govern ment. These conditions passed when it became evident that he was on his , way . out. Every step taken since then by the Roumanians has been taken de spite Entente warnings to them and Juitente pledges to the Magyar people. This ugly incident of a con fused and perilous time has its lesson for us. Nothing prevents tliaca lif-fla nrors orlll from running together into an i other general contest, put the inurnosps and the nowcr of the But that cuts no ce with young;- four Western nations, lamong which the United States. i To those children down in front ;by its financial strength and . each acre a page ,wealth of material for recon Newly printed, illustrated, from Jgtruction, occupies a command' wo"du' bk..f "ffJ. 1 ling place. The League of Na . ..LiMr' tions is operating now. It must For the child's no caption critic do so. While the Senate still . w ith keen, dissecting knife. drools debate, order and choas to tne K.di,e evemmng tnais ' contend for the world, and on Z Z that issue the United States -hes the imust take its stand. rew . Hisses for the Kaiser kaiser for us yet . And will be doubtless for at least , two years, . Till we're used up all our old films, and there's plenty left, i I bet . . But when Old Glory's showing. then the cheers, Ah, tell us not the old folks make pictures a success, Who quiet sit like hatching chick biddies; Uh-uh, there's but one Teal thins, you only need a guess To say its brought about by acts of kiddies. York World. NEWS FROM ESSEN THE ZONE SYSTEM HE KRUPP WORKS have given their name to many famous guns and to fam ous plate steel to resist the mis siles of guns. But all at once ithat prodigious labor of des truction has proved as vain for !the land of the Krupps as a vol- iley of blank cartridges. Not onlv is this war dead but all war i3 moribound, and the iKrupp Works are clamoring eairerlv for civil contracts and "JOTH the .National tentorial; peaceful opportunities. Association and the state A vivid picture of the new editorial association of era is given in an Essen dis Oregon are committed to the f patch which tells of a general policy of a zone system for pos- jappeal made by the managers tage rates on second class mat- jof the industry to the workers, ter. It is easy to understand jRecently the Krupp concern why the- country publishers iwas a bidder for the steel work take this view. on the Norwegian state .rail- i ': Under the old plan in vogue ways, also for a big contract before the zone system was (with one of the largest concerns adopted a flat rate per pound iin Holland. Nevertheless, the was charged for second class j Holland firm allotted its con matter. A newspaper or maza- itract to an English competitor, ine sent from Pendleton to jand Norway will secure its rail Walla Walla, a short distance, road steel at a much higher was subject to the same carry-'price from the United States, ing charge as a paper of the i There fore the Krupp firm same weight from New York begs its workers to take warn to the Pacific coast. On the'ing, for. the managers believe long shipments the flat rate of these contracts were lost be one cent ,per pound, meant a cause of strikes at the plant and heavy annual loss to the gov-, industrial unrest in Germany, eminent . jThe directors; implore the em- One eastern magazine of but p0yes to cooperate in the ef moderate circulation is declar-lfort to secure all the business ed to have enjoyed mailing pri-p0SSible. . vileges that mant an annual) a vivid picture is this of a loss of $400,000 to the govern-striking change. . A few ment. The larger magazines, 'months ago and the name of profited more in proportion, ! Krupp was almost as imperial the annual deficit 'through theas that 1 of Hohenzollern. unbusinesslike arrangement jThroughout four years 01 eann , Hnio, Thamar Karsevliu , . of UluKhlleffl X, fPKan.n. l.'aK.A.Ina . to n.mildrini' in A Rt'li8lJ H t...i kn. i ' i. j 0 tnikoii.nf woman in England and on hows her' in the startling coiu...c the continent. The Firebird.1 This portrait study Ratfmir Ponoo Pnnfprpnrp WnrriPS Taid Agjde, Tries to fick U inner oi urana m-v .- .... MM-a 4 ,mrrrm' if V 2 1 1 - rU.;. ; 4 , , Ja, w I . i uul Mierni -iirJMal costing Uncle Sam 100 millions quake the enormous mills roar- or more each year. - ed anitonea to mane ew TV.O smaller mao-azines and Lwnos' t-rt cause mankind to Being one of the principal represen tatives of one of the big four at the peace conference was trying work and there was little chance for relaxation. However, a number or aeiegates snatched an afternoon from theix tasks and relaxed at the Lrongchamps race course near Paris the day the Grand Prix was run. This snapshot shows Mr. Balfour studying the race card, trying to pick the winner of the big race. With the British statesman is Captain Malcolm Bullock, who re cently married Lady Victoria Primrose. Girl is Badly Hurt In Fight With Lion; Tries to Choke It 'III I : f ' : HA L.L.Y. Idaho, Aug. 13 Lell.a Burrell. 15, while herding cattle on the outskirts of town was mauled Sunday by a mountain lion and after a struggle In which tho girl tried to choke the animal, she was found un conscious, her arma. buck and cheti badly Uteemted. ' Tho Hon jumped upon her bock while she wns In a sitting position, tearing her clothing Into shreds, and a shoe which was torn from her loot could not be found. Cltixens at ' once, organised to hunt the lion-which has been seen In tho vicinity of the town for a month. The girl will recover. Widows and splnlsters naturally op pose men who -do not propose. LEMON JUICE TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if , skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled ' No' man is nccessurlly simple cauao he lives tho simple life. , . be lt Is human nature to want to abuse seme one occasionally, if. 4 1 "" jr root beef? : j . At any place where soft beverages are (old. 'Ill ml Bottled In 3 itiea .V 4 THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT tj PHONE 680 Snuexse the Juice of two lemons into bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake wtll, and you i hsi-o a rina rtop rikn t tt (ha hoot i-a- 1 I a I Eiitiburn and tan lotion, and complex- ion whttener, at very, very small cost. I m Your grocer has the lemons and any A dru? store or toilet counter will sup- yA ply three ounces of Orchard White for I J few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, ' fj arms and hands and see how quickly 'K the freckles, sunburn, wlndburn and Xw an disappear and how clear .sort and white the. skin beeomes. Yes! It is harmless. Typewriters Cleaned and Repaired We also sell Ribbons, and RIBBON COUPON BOOKS. In this way you can get ribbons for any machine for less. - " ' ABOUT THE STABS 1 1 The Northern Crown The Northern Crown is one of the few contellatlons that is arranged like the object supposed to be represented. It is composed of seven stars arranged in a semi-circle and Is a conspicuous cluster in the northern heavens. It. is a prehistoric constellation and rich in myths and fairy tales, one la to tne effect that the crown was presented to Ariadne, the daughter of Minas, second King of Crete. The legend re lates that Theseus, King of Athens was shut up in the famous labyrinth of Crete to be devoiued by a ferocious monster, also confined in" the laby rinth. This beast "was supposed to feed upon young men exacted from the Athenians as a tribute to Mlnas who was said to be somewhat of a tyrant, even in that day of unsocial customs. It Is said that Thesus attacked and slew the wicked monster, and Ariadne, who was very fond of the Athenian gave htm a ball of thread by which he rxtric-ated himself, from thj wm 1 ing passages. He then married the beautiful damsel, but afterwards de serted her. Bhe was sorely grieved at the action of her spouse, and tried to hang herself, but was persuaded against it by Bacchus who married her and presented her with a golden crown and after her death it was placed among the stars. The constellation is also called Ariadne's Crown." publications throughout tne shudder. There was no lacsoi country have been retarded irrhands then, nor 01 coniratia, growth through what has been !nor power to compel toilers to nnthino- mnr or less than & na-ianppnf conditions. tional subsidy to the magazines) now these famous furnaces , and certain large city dailies. are again dimly lighted tooe The complaint against the gign pacific efforts. And where zone system comes lrom m has tne war ieit me -""" .jiililiiiiiiiniilllililililiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiliiiiiiilir- THE PAGE RANCH EARLY CRAWFORD PEACHES READY FOR SHIPMENT. KIXK FOR CAN'S INC.. STAN'FIKLD, OltKGOX THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER CO. 304 Oak St. . Portland, Oregon. REPRESENTATIVES AT HOTEL ST. GEORGE 1 .' v-m.-mBkmk,m.mSKKm.'m'm.'wm7& 1 ..-C. : ' 5 i i I J beneficiaries of the old order. The country dailies are cheer fully paying the increased rates which are not heavy. , THE ROUMANIANS IN BUDAPEST. makers? Far behind, xney made guns to blast cathedrals, to hurl flame into the libraries of LoHvain, to snooi oaui seventy-five miles of country side into a Paris Church. And they have finally destroyed their own security, shattered HE Roumanian War Coun- ;their own prosperity, aim mu Ul cil sets high value on re-jbegin the nwnu -venge. The only reason conciliating their employes, given for invading Hungary to and begging for coiwderation its capital and marching into in the foreign markete whicn the city is that Hungarians oc-;they planned to dominate ior CUDlt'U 13 UIllUlt.il. UU1IHS . , I t .. 1 tr-l it io o no-ur nirture m the long war wnicn is at an cuu. I t V I ;r,fj uv I this brief satisfaction the Ru- gallery of pictures painted by ( of the civilized (penaent. reprobation world. ' ,,l Hungary has been cut off from the sea and closely trim med to nationalistic demands upon every Bide. Budapest was for months at the mercy of an autocratic tyranny which, though milder than Lenine"s has completed the ruin of the country. Not satisfied with this, the Roumanians passed the new boundaries and waged in Hungary one of the twenty Losing: Struggle Against Hiirh Cost of Living Causes Mother of 5 to Suicide ;S THE DINING ROOM IS OPEN AGAIN AT 4 HIDAWAY SPRINGS Serving three fine meals every day. . Go with the crowd to this beauti ful mountain resort where you can . romp or rest. : In the Blue Mountains of Southern Umatilla Co. X IL M. CULTER, Prop. Dancing, Swimming, Hunting, Fishing, Etc. - Hot Mineral Water Pool and Baths. Cottages and Tents for Rent -Free Camp Grounds. Groceries, Gas and Oils Can be Had on Grounds. iJCWARK, K. J . Aug. li. Iespond. IS cnt over, losing the struggle against s the high' cost of living which. she,s said, kept hrr five children ill, Mrs.s Catherine Wohlford committed sul- ! 5 cide today by 'iking poison. Neigh-S bni told the police she recently said s . - z (hat owing to b gh prices she could ,S hardly keen the rhiMren alive." II I II II 1 1 1(1 1 (II 1 1 II I III (II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 li 1 1 If I II I III II 1 1 II II II I III 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 il II II II II I If I'1 Pilot Rock-Lehman Springs stage makes Hida way Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 1 V mf TRUCKS Almost 60,000 in use more than any other make. Backed by the reputation and position of the larg est manufacturers of trucks exclusively in the world. And our- own reputation here for square-dealing and honest value. . - " ; ; "There is a Republic Truck to meet every hauling need." - - Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 ; '