it TWELVE PAGES PAGR EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OflEGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1910. - fc,t-.rnlT... u f 1 ( it f ' . It W 1 .. 9 IT Hi P. aw cm? eeaye Mi JN. 3 All Electrical Appliances are Reduced in Price and are Being Sold on Time Payments or for Cash. tlre idea of this saleisi to popularize a the use of electricity in the home This is not a money-making proposition or merchandise sale for profit. Most of . these small appliances can be used for a few cents per day, saying untold labor, with quicker, nicer and better results than any other way. ; You IT Credit is Good $15.00 Grill and Ovenette $14.00 Your Credit IS' GOOD Washer $148.50 $142.50 ; 1 . A Few of bur Special Prices ' . - $148.50 No. 25 Thor Washer .$142.50 . $2L50 G. E. Urri Percolator $19.50 $16.50 NeW life' Vibrator . . : . v. .$15.00 $9.00 Safety Heating Pad ... ..$7.00 Westinghouse Toaster Stove $8.00 $l.7o SewEZ Motor .$15.00 $15.50 Universal Wif fie Iron $13.50 $205.00 No- 44 Thor Irpner .$175.00 $9.50 Universal Aluminum Percolator ..$9.00 $47.00 WESTERN ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE . .". .,. , , . .$40.00 $15 UNIVERSAL WAFFLE IRON $13.50 $10,00 GRILL .....$9.00 A Few of our Special Prices $47.00 Electric Sewing Machine .'. .... :. .$40.00" $47.50 Ohio Cleaner .$42.50 $7.00 Boudoir Set .'. . .$6.50 $10.00 G. E. 3 Heat Grill .$9.50 $45.00 Poppy Vacuum Cleaner $32.50 . - (With Attachments.) . $6.50 G. E. Irons . . 4 . i . $5.75 $25.00 G. E. 12-inch Fans $16.50 $12.50 Universal Percolator $11.00 $7.00 G. E. Toasters $5.50 AVe will have a special display of these appliances at our office, or, if it is not convenient to call, pHoneus and our special representative will call on you. Court and Cottonwood Street vivvays at i our oerviuu Telephone 40 :S1