r. n o ,r',-, i .-.-..,, ' ' . .. 1 ' . f . .1. 1 J- ,J J -, .''!'. i, 1 ' -V ..' ' .. H .-. . " "'''"' .j -1 mwl- 1'-- - -.VV .. "V' If ' . ...... I I'. ' . Notipfcs, Business Opportunities; :rJLocalsf Lost ., Found, v i j For Rent, Etc. Classified for; Easy Reference ' WW TODAY ba. nm under ) Vlair" for thm rirat InsartloQ only. Ourjov ubaeauant Inaortlom of tha id It will app undar Ita propar luaUloaUoo. FOR SALE FOR SALE Good 'parlor' organ. 2'i (.'uivin Mt.. pnonp 43DW. NEW TODAY, DBNBt TRUCK. Id IS, haa been uaed fur only light work. Haa aacn three month!' actual ' work. Good Urea. A bargain. Frentzel Motor Co., 723 Cottonwood, I'hone 46, ' i KOK aALK-800 A., 4 nil. from lone &00 A. ar more tillable, ImL paa- ture, no want. 22S A plowed. Mak- Intr of rood ranch, wheat and atock. Price, 111 - per A. Addreaa owner, u. K. Binenck, lone. Ore. KOlt 1 BALE Wicker baby cab. Thompson. I'hone 604 J.,' 212 I'OR SALE Piano at a barbaln. .Orujiite atreet, or phone XSlW. 114 For Sale Continued FOR SALE Light 8 In. Bain wagon. Inquire 2102 W. Webb or Phona U68R. FOR SALB-IHJ Chevrolet In good i condition. ' Pent bargain In town. APl'iy'Airt i, Aittt Houae. . LATH MODEL No. 5 Underwood good aa new at a moderate price for aulok eule. , A. , F, Jakaha, St (leorge HotcW Foil 8ALE 74CJ. ' Jl pair twin beds. Phona LOST Pearl ring,"- somen here ' be tween Pout atreec and the mill race. Finder call 2lJ and receive' reward. WANT TO oloae In.:. 814 Clt'. . lIUY LAROR HOUBK. Price mint be right, lioa WANTED AT ONCB 2 or t furnUh ed houaekerplnif rooma. Close In, for man and wife and amaJI tioy, or will consider i small furnished house. Box (14 City; TIMOTHT HAY, alfalfa hay, nil kinds of ho feed, cow' feed and chicken feed. Umatilla Flour tt Grain Co., 1300 W. Alta,' 220 E. Court. Phone 1014 and 251. . ' -J rOHD, 1914- flne ahaie. Phone 4. FOR 6ALE One model 7S It Over land, so low in price It would he llllf.llr in miiitA It Tin. !AfXt rr.arl. Isterl 2100 cuiih wll handle, raslcrn iTL-iton aiotor uu. FOR BALB--AIji kinds of' insurance. J. H. Kates, 114 Main St., Phone 604. FOR SALE .White , angora rabbita. : Inquire 41S Garfield or phene 248- SOU SALE One 1917 model Ford, i excellent condition, en easy tern.a. Also two 1015 Fords under f 250. 10t cash will hand'-j. Eastern Orejon Motor Co. " ' . - - -. Wanted V ANTED Good clean rags at i' East Oregonlan office. ' . The WANTED Job In harvest by prastl J cal tractor driver. R. Jfl. Bamuel son, Qen. Del., Pendleton.- WANTED Second hand flat v lop WANTED Dressmaking. ' Also plain sewing. Inqulie 107 Garfield. WANTED C-lrl to help with house 1 work, (11; Lewis. Phone 684M. WANTED Woman for general t housework on ranch. . Phone 10F2, II AN D Y BUSINESS .DIRECTORY : op' phndi.i:ton and vjcimty h,I!l Wir.v i,,i-J'i p.iw. iaillv LinJv tut the ouWiMoaa reader who naajr want tho. name and addrata of re- .sponsible biwuMa men who represent tne following nnnia nnca, au an nuau v-"'w1"""w : ocraa who stand ready to gloe you prompt and efficient service. srvimr i '' ' ' '.-'f. Auto Tops IF TOU NEED a Kew Top or Cur tains for your car, See.Gadwa. 201 FOR SALE Some very fine registered Red pigs, male and female. ' J. Troxel, Wild Horse. Creek. ' Phone 2F11. FOR SALE 6 room furnished house. Price 62100. Enquire 224 Thompson STVTZ FOR SALE, a bargain. Frent- , sel Motor Co. " Phone 46. : 722 Cot tonwood street. FOR 8A LB Small . , printing, press, . 6x10. Type, furniture, everything complete, cheap for cash. Will trade. P. care East Oregonlan. FOR SALE Seven room house'wrth one "and one-half lot. North Side. Snap tf taken at once. - P. O. Box 177, city. - FOR SALE OR TRADE -Big Stuoe. baker 4. "Just the thing for stage' or rornire car miring Round-up. Be Eremmer at at Miller ft Bement Oa rage. -Four "new tires," all In J 7i . Cottonwood St. BUICK ModeP 21, 'for1 sale or trade for Ford Or JlaxwelL BOICK hat aood tires and In fair tnMhuilnl oondltlon. ''. Inquire at 1104 E. Court street after 6 p. m. any evening. CASK Bl'Q No. limit to speed, i'ottonwonil St.. Phne 46. 722 ' Pilot Itbck-Prn4leun Auto Stage. Leaves Pilot Rock tt I. a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:39 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1. p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. .' FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. Overlicard on a Car "And yet these two women" always greet each other with the most effus ive cordial lay."- "yea. each takes pride' In showing the other how artistically she can con ceal her real feelings." Lost LOST White rtt terrlcV dog with black and brown spots on bead and black spot on hip. Finder will re ceive reward by i.otifying R. J, Camp bell. Phone 13F22. ' LOST Discnarg papers In - a large envelope, between Sayres store and FOR QUICK SALE) AT BACRIFJCK-r 120 acres south of La Crosse; 186 acres, fall wheat; 86 acres summer fallow; ( head horses;. Improvements fair. - 'Price S18.875. Half ' caah term balance. Crop ? will ; make i large payment on the land. J. E. Moore, Care Seourity State Bank. La crosse, wash. -' FOR SALE 10 head percheron mares from 6 to 9 years old, most of them with foal, known as the fork horses. Also one Percheron ' stallion seven years old. : For particulars, address Ida M. York, Box 7. Route 1, River side, Pendleton, Oregon. FOR SALE Splendid home on north atd. Ten rooms, dining ,' room. kitchen and fuel storage rooms In the basement, two lotife garage.' small barn and chicken TTuutfe trees, beau tiful lawn and ahrubbery. Inquire 714 Jackson St. , ,. ' FOR SALE Good garage, good lo cation in business part of town. Well equipped with' machinery and tools, good stock of extraa and Urea, Must quit on account of health. J. D. Royer. City Garage, Pilot Rock,. Ore, FOR SALE 1470 acres) of fine wheat (01 Bush St., belonging to Marcus W. I land, one. and one-half mile from May. 68 reward for recovery. Phonej station. Good bouse and barn, 800 I87M. acres In aummerfallow, land. ' Price - $26.00 per" acre. " part cash, b'al. crop payments. per cent Int. W. 8. Smith, lone, Oregon. All. plow LOST One bay gelding branded D. L on left shoulder. Scar on left hip,, roached mane, white spot In forehead,: weight about-900 lbs. 4 years old. ONLY $800 for 10 acres, all under One bay gelding (turning brown) government ditch, one mile from Parer, branded D I left shoulder, Hermiston, Ore., Is renced, not weight about 900 lbs, 6 years old. building, la best alfalfa land. Joining Suitable reward for Information, land haa cut as high aa S tons alfalfa leading to recovery of above described ' per acre.1 No rocks or gravel, soil Is animals. Jim Kanle, Cayuee, "Ore. I aandy silt. Address Ed Maher, Te lor or David Ingram. City. - -:' nlno. Ween.'-- ."" -S 4 r. FOR BALK Ford touring; . car in ..good, condition. . All new' tires. J. Lang,' 719 College St. FOR SALE Set dining chairs, rock er, rugs,' three-quarter bed, spring mattress, l double bed, dresser? stand taoie coyer, inquire 223 Lincoln. WANTED Position .y ... competent t ady stenographer and, bookkeeper AL-areaa f. u. j;ox. aiz. ... . , WANTED To rent, by responsible party, furnished house or apart ment by September: Int. Phone 791W. M.ANTiD qiirl for general, : hoajie ,wrk. Phone Mrs. Jas. Svirgi. f For Rent AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing, 121 West Alta street. - Auto Tire Service WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service Car. we go 'anywhere, any time. Simpson Tire Service Co.,' Phone 661. Blacksmi thing THE BOWMAN SHOP," Llacksmith- ing, Horseshoeing our Specialty, Re pair auto springs, wheels, all sizes. FIRST CLASS Blacksmithing of every description. You can do better here. A. P. Burgin, 607-9 Clay St. Milt Batteries Autb Tires Cow for Bala. '" A -few first class cow to' sett, alf of these are good milch cows.- Geo. Wachtel, 'Riverside. Phone 297W. FOrI SALE--8U room' house in good location.'-. Price . 61100. 1 T.-m 6600 cash, balance at tl6 per month Inquire W.t B. Ringold, fire chief, j GLENN CANNON'S HOME) for 'sale. furnished or unfurnished. Call at 600 W. Webb "cr ' Koeppen s ' Drag' Store. Illness !n the family compels. us to make a change. AFTS. AND i ROOMS ALTA APTS. FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 601 Clay." I''6r RENT 2 room furnished apt. Ill Stonewall Jackson St. FOR' ISNT-Well furnished, sleeping room.' 415 Garfield.- Phone 24KM. FOR RENT i , Three unfurnbihed rooma Suitable', for housekeeping. Phone 2J4W.- vi. - i PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cup,' 611- ' vertown Cords'. Wallace Bros, i Architect ' RAYMOND W HATCH Architect. Phone 762, Rooms i and 6. De- spain Bid ; H;: .. , .: .. . GEORGE R. WRIGHT. ARCHITECT - Telephone 604; fit Main St-, Pen dleton. fr ernn. ' ' . ' . . '. BATTERIES repaired or recharged, new arid rental batteries. iClectric Sen ice Station. Cor Garden and Court Legal Blanks LEGAL BLANKS of every description. , Blank. Deeds, Lease. Writs, Bill of sales. Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits; Complaints, Summons, etc., for sal at East Oregonlan Office. ... .. Monuments ' i Guaranteed for 18 -waixtxa months. - W. B.. Chase r?ki 320 E- court, Teie phone 269, Pendleton. Chiropractor L. MONTERASTELLL Marble auid Granit works; write or arrange for interview for prices, styles, eta. Piano Tuning Mcdonald music studio, cia W. -Webb St. , Fall term, opens Sept, ( 15, 1919. Latest approved method at Ipiano,. violin -and harmony Author, ized teacher of Godowsky Progressive Series of Piano Lessons. Phone (4SW.. DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, office over Cash Market, 809 E. Court; pnone 164. FOR' SALE: Packard "Twin Six.' good, aa new, but much cheaaeru vvlll consider a roadster or amill car as part payment.- See R. D. SsyrW at "Say res' Slure." FOR RENT Large front sleeping room .with bath. Inquire 719 Ann street, evenings. '. Auto Washing i. Beauty Shop FOR SALE Modern low,' -wrf 11 TurnntW, ' 6 room bunga--fuir : basement. walks aud garage, on' north tide. blocks from Lincoln '.school. A bar gain;: 'Inquire '6f John.'.T.' Ogle, '-809 Lincoln. .. Phone 467. v , . TYPEWRITERS-rAH makes, RebuUt and fully guaranteed. We eel on terms If desired. .Write for new price list.'' Wholesale Typewriter Co., 21 Washington St., Portland, Ore gon." ., ' - : ' A FINE STOCK and sheep farm, con sisting of 2000 acres bunch grass land. 20 acres improved, alfalfa, land, 100 acres unimproved, with water system, located in southeastern Klick itat county,. .Washington,. 1. off area for sale at a very low price and easy term for a short time only by own er. Address Western Investment Co.. Alderdaje. Wash. OVERLAND II FOR SALE Bar- gain for quick sale. Frentzel Mo tor Co.' Phone. 46. 722 Cottonwood Street " BE BEAUTIFIED .at Miss Robb's shop. - Judd Bldg. i. Phone 1060. a Miscellaneous DR.. ILtJ. KAVANAUGH Is flow lo cated in the Judd Bldg.',, Room 15. HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mail order promptly attended to. ' CARS WASHED 1 ..call for and de liver. Especially equipped to nan die work right. Automoble Laundry Phone 28, opposite court house. Auto Repairing ; MILLER ft BEMENT All kinds of automobile repairing. cnevroiet and Veil. service station. .Our work absolutely guaranteed. 630 Cotton. wood.: Phone 202. ' r Auto Wrecking r;: DRESSMAKING Mrs. Petty. 746. 702 JD. Alta. ' ' Phone DRESSMAKING 617 Willow. 42L v ,., .. . Phone INDEPENDENT . Call 6t3W. . . CITY Scavenger. SELL TREES FOR US First class stock, complete line, liberal terms. Write for contract today. Salem Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE A '46 Holt Combine en gine In first class condition. Inautre James Hill, 110 N. Main or phone 672. FOR SALE OR "TRADE Chop . mill in good 'tondlt'on, 12x18" chopper. ounted on" trucks' with tacker and elevator, j Address Elmer Ferguson. Weston, ' Oregon. . . FOR SALE Fprd touring car at a bargain, tho.-'ughly overhauled and II new-1 gearing. Price' 8276. " L C. Hopkins. -Weston," Ore. ' New Train Service ., Takes, effect Sunday,. August 3rd, No. 1 departs 9:10 a. m. No. lg arrives 4.p p, m.: departs 8 09 p. m. . ...... No. 2 arrives 4:is p. m., ' departs 6. 10 p. m.,, , ..,,. .;..,.' No. 8 depar'j ,if:S a. m.' Nd. 6 HipaW 10:03. a;" m. ! Kq. 4l. dep rt"! 3.2.'a. in. -:-;No. 52 depart 10:16.- :'.-. No. 41 departs 9:20. ' .;:! Adv. USED PARTS every description. 1 We buy' your car, condition no object Auto Clearing House, Garden ft Alta. Phone 75S. , Auto Paintiflg l BY MEN1 WITH YEARS of expert. enoe. ' Shop at Wallace Bros., ' 812 Johnson; Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Auctioneer NOTICES FOR KALEi-480 acres' 1 mile of Wulla Walla, tractor land . mmihli fallowed ready for crop; Fine land buildings. Good terms. 62S Balm street, WaHtl- Walla. 'Wash. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS , ..Danny puts orte'oter.' BY. ALLMAN L I . , I Thatow is SOME pEABCAT' tdori'"AT HIM NoW I CUCSS H6LL TAKJL A PASSBJGEB OP WITH I jr I af 1 ynCw T0 vow aumc THAT KID I3r -II " SaWUS-aJWAlua 1 " " 1 1 't: 1 . l . . mmr, j J " -V. . . COL. W. F. ' YOHNKA," AncUoneer. makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that get you the money. 'Leave orders at East Oregonlan Office; ; Auto Electric Work" AUTO EJectrio Work of " all kinds: Magneto, starter; ignition, etc.. El ectric Servic Station, Main ft Water. Wfl REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Chase Co. Attorneys GEORGE "W. COTITT3, ""'Attorney Law, Room 17, Schmidt Tilock. at '.DRi LORETTA H. 8TARBA 9-10 Peebler Bldg. 9 to 11 a. m.: 1:30 to 6 p. m.; other hours by ap pointment; phones Of. 683, Res. 11(9. Contractors & Builders PARKER ft BANFIELD, . Designing, Engineerins, Constructing; 10 years experience tn concrete and brick con struction; cbliunbia bldg; Portland.. Or J, W. JACKSON. General Contractor, Painting, paperins and kalsomlning done quick, neat and cheap. 616 Cal vin. Phone 1014. E. M. ACKERMAN, CONTRACTOR. Excavating. 1209 East Court. Phone 286M. ' Dentist DR. x THOMAS O TIM ART, Taylor Hardwarde Bldg., Pendleton, Ore., Phone 607. - J)raymen CALL PEN LAND Bros. Transfer van to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 339. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat D. N. RBBER, M. D., Specialist. Beltz Bldg.. Room 9, 10. 11. Phone 338. . Optical '"department;7 Repair work. . You make your own selection of any style of mounting, or, frame. shape, sise and curve of lens. THE HOUSE . PAINTER ' WENDT Tinting-,. . , Jpe Hanging Estimates Fnmhbed,, .. . Phone 1144 Shop 738 Cottonwood Poultry Supplies CHICK FOOD. Scratch food, tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley, C. F. Colesworthy, 129 EL Alta. Plumbing and Heating HEATING .plants;, sheet metal work. pipe fitting, general plumbing sup plies I. 1). Phelps, 317 K- Court. . i. : . Radiator. Repairing ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta, street. All make of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop. HAVE your Radiator repaired by our expert. Thorough satisfaction guar anteed. D. S. Phelps. 317 E. Court Real Estate Engraved Cards VISITINQ CARDS, Wedding An. nouncementa. Invitations, many de signs and style to seleol from. For sale1 at East Oregonlan Office. Florist POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooke, Florist, 623 Main St. , .,..,. -, NOTICE! Having closed, out. tny entire busi ness to the Umatilla Flour and Grain, uo. I would be pleased to have all per sons knowing themselves to be endebt- FBH & FEE, Attorneys at Law. J me-,t" " f Mta"d j fices in Despain Building. ... Farm Loans CARTER ft SMYTHS, . Attorneys at Law. Office in rear of American National Bank Eiulding. Ot- able time njl unpaid account will be Jr. i. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. handed to my attorney with ihstruc tiona to collect. So please be prompt and oblige. ' The Umatilla Flour and Grain Col will in the future carry a full Ine of poultry' and stock tonics and accessories and to them t would refer my former trade.''" " " ''' " i C F. COLES WORTHY,"- I 1S East Alta, Street; Room ?4, Smith-Crawford Biulding, . .i. NaUons Editors Dined.: . MINNEAPOLIS, '-.' July 29. Two hundred editors representing 27 state of the union, were guests of. this city Monday. : The. editors, members of the National T Editorial association. are starting out, on a 80 days' "victory" tour of the northwest, Canada and the Pacifie northwest. ; The national convention is to be held in four dif ferent cities Seattle and, Portland In the-United States,, and Victoria and Vancouver in Canada. , The party - left -fort Winnipeg last night on a special train. Among the editors was. Congressman Guy' H. Hardy of Colorado, president of the National Editorial associaton. S. A. Lowell, attorney and counsel ' lor at (aw. Office in Despain Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at. Law. Smith-Crawford. Biulding. j ..., PETERSON,. BISHOP ft CLARK, at i torney at Law.. Rooms 2 and 1. !smlth-Crav.-ford building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany, .. ' .'. . .. RAlJEY" ft 1 RALEY. Attorneys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. " : " FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. . Room 24, Smith-Crawrora Bldg. Ptrru.-r tr" I MArl;T& TAK Me Fee A fetoe. Art j M vwej?tt Abb- , 1 M 7K MATCH THIS FfrlLOW JL 3 'CL ' iihirf MAkre his j-AMoirie - .r-HT MytikM I Vxffr . '" ' 1 see if Soo cajJ rocAYp Hi. g-sJ if Jfiv' t0' ' jn-llwl 0ANMW AMD' BKi,' hiM W ft pfk ' fivf X f V -" r LMf - thim g JJ V;J" ( ..,: . IN POUND. .The following described .animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of . Pendleton, to-wlt: ", ..: Xne mule 2 rears Old, black, weight about 1000 ,lbs. Branded triangle on left stifle. r . It said animal la not claimed by the ownerf or those entitled to its' possession, costs and expense paid and taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 3 o'clock p. m.,'of the 10th day of August, li.M, tho snld animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at publio auction, tor iash, at'the CIty Pound, in aaid City (it 1-endltton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of euch oets and expenses of making t-alo. ' Dated thM 1th dav of Aug., 1919. - AT, ROBERTS, City Marsha! R. M. TURNER, Attorney at Law. Rooms 7, 8. 9, Despain building. Bicycle Repairing SNOW ft UAYTON..111 East Court St. Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. . See us .bout &.loan- 'w if - UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa, lands, Pendleton property, stock ranches, grazing lands. W. H. Morrison FOR SALES Double walled tent house and lot. For particular call 311 Marie St. Restaurant . THE QUELLE. A good'place to eat. Rugs v NEW and attractive rugs made from" your old ingrain and Brussel car pets by the Walla Walla Fluff Rug Co., 1332 Walla Walla Ave-, Walls Walla. Wash., Phone f677. ; i 5 Suits to Measure : Gates Half -Soles HAVE the old tires half -soled; 8500 mile guaranteed; have proven worth.. G. W. Bradley, 639 Cottonw'd. Jeweler and Optician WILLIAM 2. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians . Pendleton, Oregon. , . ' ! Job Printing LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Bill Heads. loose Leaf Bills, Commer. cial Forms, Dodgers, Placards, - etc printed to your order. East Oregon lan Ofnoa. i - Laundry I EVERY article Laundered perfectly. There's an asent in your town- Troy Laundry, 608 Garden St. Lubricating Oils MONOGRAM Oils and Greases. , all AUTO Tires Vulcanized, bicycles and dealers, Eastern Oregon Warehouse supplies. Savage tires, key fitting. Matlock and Alta Sts. F. G Sullivan Pendleton Cycle Co., 228 E. Court. . - Eastern Oregon Representative. EMIL BECK, the tailor. Hotel Pen- ' dleton, Bldg,.Fhonall0g- . -t,. cond Hand Dealers V. STROBLB, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for . second hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods. 210 C Court. Phone 271W. Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON SHEET METAL works. chimney tops, gutters, skylights. troughs, auto bodies, 728 Cottonwood. Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring car, call Goedecke. We go any-, where, anytime: all new taxis; phone 464; stand 611 Main St. Tailors UNDGREN A FRANSEEN, alterations; 73S .Main, St. - Tailors Used Cars USED CARS at genuine bargain price at the Pendleton Motor Sale Co.. Cottonwood ft Water Sts., Phone 636. The Dalles Doctor ' . Enrolls as Seaman To Cross Atlantic Chinese government has organized punitive expedition. ' TIME CARD Wcston-PonUeton Auto Stage. Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:45 a. m and 12 46 p. m. Leaves Athena for. Pendleton at 8:00 a .m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at ' 8:20 a. m. snd 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Alhsn-Knight ! Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 , a. m. and p. m: , - O. H. WICKLINE, Prop. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. "Seaman J. E. Anderson. ,The Dalles, Oregon." At a first glance this would not ap pear to be a. title in keeping with the dignity of a respected physician, but Dr. ,J, E. Anderson,, the physician in question. Will say that, dignity or no dignity, he will .always remxmber this tifie with the fondest of thoughts. He has returend to America after a year's service with the Y. M- C. A. overseas, but In order to return he had to enlist as a member of the crew on the good freighter, "West Gumbo." ClUnesc Bandit Raiding. TOKIO, Aug. 8,-r-Advices . from Antung,. Manchuria, on the border of northern Corea, tell of continued out rages by Chinese mounted bandits on the upper reaches of the Yalu river. A band, of several hundred raided the police station at Changbu and carried away arms and ammunition, n the following day the residences of the wealthy people were attacked and sacked of their contents. Subsequently about 30 persons, in Cook to' Fly in Eugene. SALEM, 'Ore., Aug. 8. Lieutenant Cook, in charge of a local airplane operating on a commercial basis, left In his craft early today for Eugene, where he Will remain until late in the week. - On his last visit ' to the Lane county city, Lieutenant Cook was kept busy all day and evening, taking peo ple of that, vicinity on tours of the clouds. , - Constipation upseta the entire sys tem causing serious illnesses to the human family. Don't worry Hollis- ter'a Rocky Mountain Tee, will drive out constipation, regulate the bowels. trne the stomach, purify, cleanse. WltMttt fail givo it a thoro trial. 85c. Tallin A tjo."; . (Take home a Delta fancy brick of toe ;Cream. They are put up lr card board cartons and will keep for on hour. - i ..:--- k a JTESr-STINGS 'Wash the affected surface with, bouse hold, ammonia or warm salt water; then apply VICRS VAPORI "YOUR BODYGUARD"-30-.6Q.l3 ... ' i-l JtJ. eluding officials of a lumber mill were - The thicker the latter a woman carried off by the bandits as hostaxes writes the less there is in It, - (probably for purpose of ransom. The I J NOTICE ' 4-J am now located In jthe Peobter Building,! h over the' Working, j men's Clothing Store. ! DALE ROTHWELL I Optometrist and Optician. I'lioini oa -JPendJeton, .Ore, WAST AD COLUM . ADO ' , CLASSIFIED DIHBCTORY Counting six ordinary words te the line and char gad by the Una. Want ads and local, Rates te Mae. First Insertion, per line 19 Eac4adL insertion, per ilae ae Oaa week (ais. Insertions). each insertion, par Una . 6e t mo. each lnaertloo. par Una-, 6e 6 ssontsj eootraot, each laear- uon, par line . se U-monta eoauraot. each ia sartioa. Dr line .- 9e No ada taken for 1 lines. Inlmum charge -96 Ads taken over the telaphoee eaiy iron saai unroBiu i erribare and those Uetad la Telephone Directory., , Cooy anuat . J d la our orrlce not later tbaa . 1:8 o'clock day of publication. ' Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram? big. L. J. SIcAtee, .the Practical Paint Man. Lows Bros., Paint. ,1 - e' ) f - 1 f t - .