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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1919)
u fAnfe eight DAILY EAST ORECONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON? ' FRIDAY,' AtJGUST S, 191.0. TEN PAGES . 1 JZAST OREGONSPECIAL : V NEWS OF 'VMATILLA. CO. 26 0EN0MAK TAKE WORLO CENSUS - Helix Boy Has Landed 'In States From Oversea et h . I reserved ' 4 ir,at oregonlan Hpeclnl) f m.l.lX. Auk. k. Lewis receiv ed word that his son John had arrived lnX'ew Vnrk. jLlfa. Joe Kerley f Pendleton a a otln a-urwt over Monday night win nor Bis ters Mliwoa Iron, and Krna Kulher. Le Coffee a Pendleton Visitor ovr Hun day. aid idence upon which he based , , , hi. c. "rB . 'hat bi tuianciai inter- Interchmch M ov eats ha 'rri.k5d ""oad, would be I nnvK TW:i. urea jsvtauci of Religious Situation. FiiifcnC Colonel to Study. ' rAiVKitsiTY Of-onBuii.v, Aim. 8. Colonel V. A. Caldwell, command until "It could be properly prepared """Knitted to a jury of congress a V ,ulo opinion." Plumb la orittlnatoi V h plan of railroad control which niloyea are demand- nor attorney In the, campaign. 1 Thro Asp. Violated In ju-a. BOSTON. Au U: S. Astihvxinteri Earl Onnrmley and Joe Keney were wnle they slept h . iraa escaping from in town frotn fendlcton- Tuesday. w.n ftnM nviti ' their rwi M. and Mrs. Harold Stake of Cirady Beggj, McAakllt, -SO year old, and her "N!e "Baiiliatloa of Protestnnt evan- language colony work among Isolated Vina., are visiting at the twoar staitne cnimren Helen. t aI"s old. and Rns- heme. . sell, j were found A "d today In their Mm. George PiMr and children and .,'' ln ,ne south .end. . The woman i".' m,mbr seventy-six. j HnptiMt loader, exerclnea general su-'time when you courted me, dear. iK-rvlalon of all t ho' work. Mr. llauon: How bo? I The United State hua Hern divided ' Mrs, Bacon:- Why. I thought you Intu ton districts, with regional head- never would come to the point. ' . uartora fur each. Each atale la as-I iff tied to one of these districts. The state hua Ha own aurvoy council con sisting fa clergyman and a layman 'fro niAi.h rlMtioOilmii luti ppnrnumil. ement !' from the state agricultural and 1 l"K tmcer tf too i inversus ui ...c- inniems, tne state nia-; --- - - una professor or military science mm tactics, has received tho appointment to attend the army oenernl ataft school at Fort Leavenworth,. Kansas, left for his new post of duty Inst week. The course of study requires a year for completion, the work train ing men In the army fdr higher poal-j tlona ln the army, j Colonel n. CT. Ilalrd, who was com- ! maiVdins officer before thi arrival i of Colonel Caldwell, luraln will he- j come oommandlnic officer of the R. j O. T. C . Henry lilasett. 'ia been , ordered here aa a non-commissioned officer of 'instruction. " ' Soarrtioo n..l.:iJ educational depa " - "uolau ' torlnn or archive keeper and similar forces.. The basic unit of the survey is the I"RV YORK Au S The first country council, cohsistlnK of from World census, or survev of nie. 'wo four members which oversees economic conditions, schools, chui-ches ieol'ec'"" of data in the field. Wher- nospitais, orphanaees. and the whole levor P"ssioi local men win do usea in moral, social, religious and sanitary I Investigations, situation of mankind has begun. Special InvmtlgMora. This announcement was made today The urban surveys together with by the Interchurch World Movement 'those of special problems, such as of North America, the new co-oiera- those of th in.imnm th foreign sreittial churches. Tho denominations people such as ttiose In the Southern me united Mates and Canailn n. immmiuinB wnlb i,nir iwvrnM will be handled hv snecial lnvestlira- Mles Ulta Shelly are spending the week jeft a no8 Jn' mhich she said because j. " 1,n ,llcn support, the movement ting bodies, au Htngham Bprlnioi. neighbors had threnD fnBd to take the, j, carr'nK out the largest prOKrain of j -- The rural surveys are' under the u Oarretts received word that children away frorn l"er, she had Do ,,"ves,ifiM'n ever undertnken In this general direction of Kdinund de S. heir son had landed in the United further desire to live ' i'l'ouo,I"y outside the United States cen- ; Brunner,' of the Moravian church', a 8Vtrs. j 1L i,sus Educators, social workers-, econ- j writer on rural matters, and Merman Many of the farmers have completed ... If "'sta and other scientists are watch-In. Morse, of the Presbyterian Board REALTY TRlNSr bSniMtintf. y ' Mrs. Harlo Richmond and children o Walla Walla and Mrs. Art C.raver .nl,llrfMn rtt lj-vhilnn Irluh.x r rhrlttniT at the D. Kendall home. W. H. McLain manager of the Stand- ' ' IF,E1)S. sd Oil was In Athena Mondny on; Millie Deck to Horace O. Kewirt baldness. 1 $19. Lot 14. block S. Hmta,nn.' "Miss Oraee Oarrett and Miss Alice Janle H. Qentzer to NeUI H. Je- C(ark spent Sunday evening with MH"es Pophie and Anna Rlnif.. 'Mrs. F. O. Bryan Is horr.l rrojn Walla Walla where she was called on (count of her fathers illness. ing it closely. . - of Home Missions. The United States will be studied In- I As each survey reveals to each tensively and from many points of 'country the actual facts about religion view never touched on in a census, conditions within its own confines, it The object of the American, or home. !t believed' that the c. unties them- survey is the tabulation of every kind wives win work nut HrnirnmB of inter- of information about every commu- 'denominational cooperation in the lo nity and institution in the country cal field. which Mill be of value in a united hu- I Out of such local nroarams: state 1-4 ,ana!'"'Hn oetierment program of all Chris- programs will be formulated. Region- township t "an iorces. Tne foreign survey will ;ni plans will grow from these and na- HeYo Says Police ' ; , Hound Him, Flees ST. LOUIS, A og. . Joseps "Xnvy" Tost, ex-oonvict, w ho was gassed and wounded in the Ari onne. and who has complained that the police will not give him a chancn to straighten tp, last night escaped from the United Stares Public Service Hospital, 5800 Arsenal street, by breaking up a cbair apd using the legs tt pry the bars away from his wondow. A search is being made for him by the police ,who sent hint there to stay until he should be in good physical condition. v Trost recently said he needed "a big brother,9 and the police say they have tried to perform the big brotherly of fice for him. He 'as taken to- the holdover iast week to be held until the Red Cross could do something for him. lie tried to hang himself to the bars of bis cell, and was sent to the city hospital. From thero the Red Cross moved him to the Co mment Hospi tal.: Ha was to be given a cours eof j rum. $800(1. NW 1-4 SB I KW 11 X't.- 1a imrfiin 'sot? ('determine how Christian forces abroad -tionul enterprises from the regional I Walter B. Urooke to Alex .WJir. can be marshalled "to the best ad-(plans; Finally It is expected that from I $R0 tract in block 6, Evans AiU vantage. ; a national viewpoint It will be possible I Bllton. . 'i . Rural Home Sunevs i'" t,nawe' B,lrh nuestions as the re- I O. F. Hellman to Lydla McKeemB. Tho countrT th. rt,..1v In PonsIbilit.v of the whole church in In- tl". 10 acres in XE t-4 SB J-4 se l, ,., h,. rv. ., : K rf '. dustrtal matters, and towards sucn so- 'of every American rural county, show- i tion 1. townshiu s north, range 3 mns Hlimr, to jesee re. n.ioe. . lng lne locatlon of every churcn. II. SW 1-4 W 1-4 section 20: N achoot, railroad, road, grange, club 1- KW 1-4 and NW 1-4 NB 1-4 ae t- house and social center, with- the tion 29, township c S. R. S. range of influence of each church Jacob Demaris to Leslie Iemarf s. caref Uny charted so it will be possible 000. 74 acres in NW 1-4 sectktm to see at a glance where thero is over lapping of effort or entire lack of at- 21. township 5 north, range S6. P. Hart to Tames M. Hart. $U10. NW 1-4 N"W 1-4 section 33. N 1-8 NB 1-4 section 32 and SW 1-4 SB -1-4 section 29, township S south, raingo S2. Jerry Swart to Samuel Darr, $1000. Mete and bound tract ln 14 tSB 1-4 section 4. Township 3, X. R. 34. W. S. Katon to J. I. Goller,, J150W. Lots 11 and 12 In block 1. Ireland's Add. Milton. , I T. R. Gould to D. F. "WalllngforB, $3800. Three tvacts in section. 1, township 5. X. R SS B. W. M. - Joftn J. M'errifleld to Chaa. ' E. Demaris. $1. K 1-2 XB 1-4 and SW 1-4 X Bl-4 and NW 1-4 SB 1-4 see. 26. township 6 X. R.-37. R. E. Frazier to Edna Best $2500. cia! problems as Bolshevlsk and other causes of world unrest. Once' this re sponsibility Is determined. It will take Its fixed place In the general program for the Christianization of the entire world. . . Are Tcu testing V Ths Great Crisis? If So, Do Noi Allow th Tim to . With Nature Unaided. treatment to cure him of the effects j Lets 7. 8 and in block 4, Milton, dr thell shock, and to cure him of the , and lot 8, block 1, Hilside Add. Mil- drug habit, the police said. a $515 Cosens avenue. U RAILWAY UNIONS SUMMON CONFERENCE WASHINQTOX. Aug. 7. Charging syBt6mifce4 plundering of American railroads," Glenn Plumb 1 told the houte Interstate commerce committee that 14 railway union had summoned a national conference on rail rod d con trol to meet in Washington. Plumb ton. Stella Gould Morris to T. E. Gould (1.00 Fractional tract in Sec. 1, Tp. 5 N. R. S5. . '.'Alice Kirkpatrlck to-Tho. J. Bald win, 9300.. Lots 6 and 7 and 13 feet off the south side of Lot 5, block. 18, McArthur's Add Weston. John P. Wurster to Geo. A. Creasy $10. Lot 13 in Mock 5. Newport Add Hermiston... - Eva O. and John A. Bannister to Fred K. Xoordhoff, $1. Lots 25 and 26, Wright's Add. Milton. tention. The city surveys will be even more detailed. ' A work of such magnitude! could not be undertaken by any single den o ml nation and the Interchurch ! World Movement is the first affency adequate for the task. Thn hni vn! n f onrl mii:inn hnnrHs have lent their leading' experts for the ! undertaking. In addition experienc- i cd census directors, socialists, college j professors and others active in non- religious enterprises nave oeen enrol led. The opportunity to make origin al researches in many matters no! touched by any governmental studies has proved especially attractive to sucn men. j The practicability or cooperative work has already been demonstrated in mans foreign mission fields. Prac tically the whole of China, as an illus tration, has been divided up into spheres of influence apportioned to the various denominations. " -To Ascertain Farts The principal purpose of the Inter church cenusu is to ascertain the exact facts about the present religious situa tion of every part of the world so that an Intelligent cooperative program can be made. The foreign survey . Is in charge of Ralph ,A. Ward, authority on China; the home survey is under R. E. Diffendorfer; while Fred P. Haggard, " tSusiHfiiled Animation. Mr.', Bacoo;, ;IIow did. you like my speech. at the. dinner last night? Mrs. Bacon, it reminded me of the Wnmen whn vlve nature a helDlnr hand during the pariud of expectancy linJ that when the time arrives for b.iijy s cumlni It Is appruacUd nnd passed wlla lallnltcly leu pain and danger. . . . . 1 Thousaads of women for over hnlf a cen tury have learned that In the time-honored preparation. Mothers ? rlond. Uiey have a gratcrul. relaxing, penetrutlno; rerae'iy. tho use of which mnlics it possible for them t go throuKh childbirth without the mual nauoea. nervousness, " bearininlowa aad elretthing pains, and that tliruugh . Its use the hours at the crisis are fewer sad of juuch less pain and rinneer. Mother's Friend pcerate the musrles. rendering them pliant and easily (toverned by tho demands of nuture. They relax gently and. bring happy diy and calm, rest ful nights. As the result the crisis Is passed with ureater case and l.l le time, the breasts are kept In good condition and tho skin is made and kupt soft and free frou blemishes. ' Write to ths Brmineld Reglilntnr Coojesny, I)opt. P. Laiaar BuiUinr. AUBta,.Oeonda. for their Motherlieoil Bix.k, and obtain a bottle ef Mother's Prtend from your dnur- 1 glSt TLUUy anil liKJtuufti mv..j 4vwn- J1" C'ti'ne evtnt, . Ii!r tirT!3f!t:;-? f.i.-""4 mMtf.-.v "i , ; KiaWsIt r i. , 3 rV y v& . . i ii, . ii K I SK2 H f! xif5SSS n?w s- ' III i ' ' iJn k''", vV W.wte ' f 1 rt-V Uf l-5itt5W.u fki : Dr. David Behnett HUI I ..sfri iw '53 I' ; m TV" ' mwm-AL: -I fflmKi ,BanK Service Whili Traveling. iCHFRE you'ra known, your checkbook' IS the 'sign of vl yotlf credit at the bank.' Where you're unknoifn, '1 AMERICAN ' EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES v establish for you a similar 'credi?.. . , Wherever -you ' go at1 home' rr abroad--they ere' ci good as gold. You sign therri ot our bank when ycu" buy them; you countersign them when you epen.l them. The signatures identify you. ..-. S , , The valiisf lost or ntolcn'uncouritersiRnedl Cheque! h refunded to you, upon filling cmt certain protective formts. THE FIRST 1ENDLET0N Capital and Surplus $650,000.00 ' - Con Dung Low Louies Place Tine Jiome-made FISH NOODLES Chili Con Carne,! Span-' ish style. Chop Suey, Chinese ' style .All kinds of Soup.' . Short Order Meals. ' Good Steaks. . . ; ! ' . Lunches, Coffee, etc. " - China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE HOTEL Cor. "Webb and Cottonwood Bts.' Fhone S67. Pendleton. Qr. iliiiillllliiinliiluiillllililliiiilllllilllilU CAMERAS and '. r ' . ? ; ; Speedex 'Filriii ; 3 Do t let another summer bo S by without an Ansco. It will s add more to the pleasure of s your outlngj than anything else j'i winter and long; afterwards-" 3 yoi'can live iter - again'' with 5 o r pi ares those goottum 5: mer days. Let us show -you ths Ansco line. SS I Tallman & Co. 1 t SS Sj Lcadliiir Druuulsts. ' S rtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OSBORNE TAX1M SERVICE fvJim Oslionic, Prop. WAY AX1 MbllT. ... to any part of tho city.' Island at Cosy Ttlliard larloi TCT.FPHONK 403 . Never before in the history of this coiintry has the building outlook been so bi'ightl Recent government investigations show that over 1,000,000 homes are needed at once to simply alloiY building to Catch up with our ever increasing population. Within the next twelve months we must make up for the halting of all but essential construction during the war and at the same time provide for tho normal de velopment of building during the coming year. ' ' . , of the building material depends upon the cost of the raw material, production and transportation. The cost of production is the. largest item and it in .turn de pends largely upon the cost of labor. Wages are not going down, and yet, even at present pnees, building material, in terms of wages, wheat or profits is not high. Prices Will Not Decline Abruptly To demonstrate' that we have confidence in what we say and will make good on it, we say to our customerswho want to build a house, barn, granary ' or any other extensive improvement that we will guarantee to protect them against any decline in Lumber up to July first, 1920. That if the lumber market declines, we will rebate our customers the difference between the present market and the price based ypcm the market 6n July. first, 1920. Lumber List number six how in ef fect, issued by the West Coast Manufacturers Association, and the official list in effect on July first, 1920, will be used, which officially determines the market now and on July first next. . : , . ' . v , . ' " - Everything to Gain and J Our customers who build will have the use arid benefit of their house,' barn or other building, and if the price declines, will be refunded to conform to market July first, 1920. If material goes up, they will have use and benefit of their.building and not have to wait for it and without paying extra for it. If the market remains as it is, our -customer will not lose by hesitating. We mean business! We will give you the guarantee in writing! Now let's go ! Come and see me if you want to re pair, or build. We can be of assistance to you. If you want any assistance in plan Nothing to Lose U' ' ' -, - . . I . t : , f. i 'J 'ii r 1 f . ning your building, see us. V"' ' r ' ' -- V-'' i Vri'v . ;V, 4,.'.v w ,t.,, u.- ? a ' " '" ' '' '