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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1919)
-I" FK PAGE TEN DAtLY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY. AUGUST 8, 1910. TEN PAGES OUTBURSTS OF ' EVERETT jTRUE kwwkwwm.wwkw.WkWkwm.wwkWkw.-lkW-j j. i Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. I I 3 3 Ik R M flu rai hoi thi i 5 E xs 5 I 3 s i Exclusive Selling Agents in Pendleton FOR ii none Olive I Chase & Sanboins Tea and Coffee. Cold Medal Butter. - Marcella Nut Oil. Swann's Angel Food Cakes. Gillnetters Columbia River Salmon. Imperial Tea, Coffee, Extracts and Spices GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO.' "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 t 823 Main Si. Your Business Trips May prove more pleasant If you are not worried over Hie probability of losing valuable papers. PIjmV ibem In one of our strong boxes which are for rent at small cost. SAFETY DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK . PENDLETON, OREGON "The Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon' J3 . White Trucks The truck that will save you money in the LONG RUN. If it would run 300,000 miles would you be convinced? .Well they do it and it can be proven. , . FREHTZEL MOTOR CO. Lexington and White Dealers of Umatilla County. Telephone 722 Cottonwood St. EiitiiiliitiBiitiiitiiiiiltiiitii.MiiiiiaitliiiiiiiisiliJiiiifiiiiitiiiiiuiiiigiiiiiiiiiiifiiiii.-' Lease lor Sale- We have a very fine lease of MOO acres, with 40O tun aunxmer-fallow, voniltete equiwneut of stock ami niacMnerv. It to 40 bushel land, and no failures, bee us NOW about this, fur It is a good tiling and will go soon. , Wo alto hate li.t acres alfalfa and truck garden laud c4ose to Walla Walla, well improved, at a price ' war below ordinary values. 8 tat dose to rVeewatef1, a fulfil and fruit land, with water for irrigation, well Improved, for 10.. ihmMHJ. I Tii It orchards iu litis district are now auU tug for $l2VO.UQ an acre. Snow s Dayton "We Sell Land" III Kaa CXHurt REAL ESTATK FARM LOAN! Pbone SS INSURANCE .intnttnitinijiHftiiiHUiiiiiitittiMiniHi'irnHniiMiMiitKfa'i'MlMH'tittii'niti'ii:1 7eT -NRS. T ftufe, I JUST kAO SUPPER COOS e, A U)OKAM YOU Wilt WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING. IVC NAt. WELL, TO BEGIN wir we COMS OUT IN TTHe KITCH&M Ttcv. T. a is mo (t oTH -rao rverCDKi'i- IaMA-T YOU HAD ' i 3 "r..-o -T wviv vest of evoevnwe. y&j hap:! r Pendleton Market News 1 Vegetable Prices Cheaper Here Tlian In Portland. Vegetables are cheaper in Pendleton than in Portland, according to Harvey McPherson, of the Pendleton Cash Market, who has returned after attend ing Buyer's Week. He noticed that in the markets of that city, green corn, which sells here at 40c a dozen, sells in Portland at 50c a dozen. Tomatoes which are two pounds for a quarter in Pendleton, are 35c for two pounds in Portland. Mr. McPherson says that Buyers Week was extremely interest ing. Talks of future prices were given as part of the program for Buyers' Week. Bradsltaw Plums , In Local Markets. 1 Bradshaw plums have arrived In the local markets. They are popular for table use at 60c a basket. This is the retail price. Short aire of Sacks IDuMs Vp M11M. Local flour mills are unable to op erate to full capacity-at this time due to a shortage of jute sacks, of the 140 pound government size, accord ing to N. J. Blydensteln. manager of the Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. The sacks are very hard to get and were be in full operation now it they de sired. All the local mills have wheat enough to run on, he says. The following prices are the prices It not for the delay, local mills could being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever ' retail prices are given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. Eggs and Poultry , .Eggs, 450. L. Hens, 20c Spring chickens, 25c a pound.' Country Bacon, Etc Ham, best quality, 28c. Bacon, best qauilty, 40c Butter Fat and Butter. Butter fat, B9e f. o. b. Pendleton. Butter, J1.10 a roll. Potatoes. ' New potatoes, 3c a pound. Old potatoes, 2.25 to 32-50 for 100 pounds. Alfalfa Offered 30 ore Cars. 4 . Alfalfa hay is being bid at 30 a ton, f. o. b. cars, with lots of buyers and no sellers, it Is reported today. The growers are holding their stocks for higher prices, in splto of the fact that the offer tbday Is S3 a ton above what it was yesterday. A shortage of hay is responsible for prices which, before winter, nre expected to hit the highest point ever known. Coarse Grains , ISecover from Slump, Barley is . recovering slowly from the slump in the market caused by the food investigations started last week. No. 2 went from $58 to S61, standard feed from $63 to $64 and Ko. 3 blue from $64 to $64.50. Mill feed also took a brace and returned to $40 after selling for $38 for sev eral days. Permanent Muscular Strength can not exist where there is not blood strength. Toung men giving atten tion to muscular development should bear this in mind. Hood's Sarsapar illa gives blood strength and builds up the whole system. Take home a Delta fancy brick of fee Cream. They are put up In card board cartons and will keep for on hour Hoes Still (Joins; Down at Portland. Hog market prices here have shown very severe declines of late but there is no noticeable lowering of the price of the finished product, such as hams, bacon and lard. While Chicago was 15c to 60 higher for the day, Portland was quoted 50c lower. General hog range. Prime mixed '. .$20.25 20.50 Medium mixed 1 9.25 1 9.50 Rough heavies 18.25018.50 Piss 18.00020.00 Bulk. 20.00020.60 Very liberal run was shown In the sheep and lamb alleys. Stockyards reported a good stock of Mt. Adams superior quality which holders were asking $12.50 for. - General sheep and lamb range? Prime lambs $11.00 11.60 Fair to medium lambs.. 9.00 010.00 YearllliKs 7.00 9.60 Wethers 6.00 7.60 Ewes. 6.00 7.26 While a steady tone was shown gen erally for cattle, trade was extremely quiet with only s. scant run of late. General cattle range: Good to choice !teers ..$ 1 1.00 1 1.50 Fair to good steers .... . 00 10.60 Common to fair steers .. 7.00 7.50 Common steers' 6.00 7.00 Good to choice cows and heifers .00 8.60 Fancy Brazil Nuts NEW 1919 CROP. . ' WITII.TIIE FLAVOR OF COCOANUT. , SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW. 35c per lb. Standard Grocery Co. C. L. Bonney, Pres. 230 E. Court St. Phone 96 Fall Footwear . Our shoes have been tried, tested and found true. Our fitting is done scientifically. '- .." .. . . The styles and colors are fashions latest creations the prices here are lower. What more can you ask? . Style 6M The New Beaver colored kid! lace shoe, ' carries a plain toe, light. flex ible sole, with leather ..." v Louie heel. This boot is easy fitting and very . attractive. All sizes 1 and widths, price ......... $9.90 -. Style 7R All black Duray Kid Button Shoe. Long vamp, turn sole and Cuban heel. The latest in . shoe fashion. Your size is here. "Just ask to be fitted." Price the pair ., $9.90 Quality shoes for children, have them fitted with a pair of our "Good year Welt" shoes. They will satisfy. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii No. 1 Bluek Sal in Oiiera , Pump, recede toe, turn sole, with covered Louie heel. Tor daintiness you will find (Ills one supreme. Price Hie ..... $1.98 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll No. .1 llcuutlful rich lla. vaniia- Brown Kid Pump, lurrow toe, turn sole, anil high covered heel. You will lie iiliaml. by wearing a iwlr of tliese easy fitting pumps. Price S6.50 Pu- : No. 3 Same as above ex cept In AVIUte Satin. Price the pair .98 ORIGINALITY . . No. .4 White Washable Kid Pump, plain toe, turn Harnessed into the channels - j Of gOOd taste, aCCOUntS for py n a pair of thie dainty the Dopularity of these ,,u""" M liiiiiiiiiHiiuiiiii nun in pumps. A word regarding Satin Footwear Satin footwear is becoming very popular for fall, for either street or evening wear, We therefore advise you to make an early selection, as these shoes are limited- in quantity. ? Just ask to be fitted." A good many cases of rheumatism are traced to impingement of the nerves in the feet. Do you tire easily? Does your feet twich and burn? Do you have pains in the ball of the foot at the base of the toes? Do you have callousses on the ball of the foot ? If you have any of these symptoms, better learn what is the cause. Here you- get it straight from one who knows. iMtCSSIin!3 . - . , ' DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT. COMFORT SERVICE ABSOLUTELY FREE VY Incorporated J. C. Penney Co., A NationwiolnstituUbn. Medium to fair cows and Canners Bulls i Calves 3.50(9 6.00 3.00 7.50 J(.0U4 15.00 .593 ,.677 .573 .630 .468 .458 .364 Coast League Standings. I .os Angeles . . . . , 70 48 Salt Lake 64 47 Vernon 67 60 San Francisco 62 55 Sacramento 62 . 59 Oakland 64 64 Seattle 40 70 Yesterday's Scores. Los Angeles 3, Oakland 1. Salt Lake 4, .Sacramento 0. . Vernon 5, San Francisco 0, . Seattle 2, Portland 0. National League Standing. Cincinnati 63 30 .667 New York ,6 '30.. .663 Chicago ... 49 43 .638 Brooklyn '. 45 46 .495 Pittsburg 44 48 .478 Philadelphia 34 53 .319 Boston 34 53 .3S6 St. Louis 33 66 .371 Yesterday's Scores. -Philadelphia 5, Pittsburgh. Cincinnati 13, Brooklyn 0. Chicago 6, Boston 2. New York 6, St. .Louis 4. American League Standing. f 5 'He'll get 'em, he uses Western Shells sold by BAUM SOL Sporting Goods Man. Hotel Bowman Bldg. Chicago Detroit ...... New York : Cleveland . . St Louis .... Boston Washington , Philadelphia ....J... 59 54 6f 62 , 50 43 . 39 28 .621 ' .568 .554 .558 .643 .467 .402 .286 Yesterdays Score. St. Louis 6-2, New York 3-8. Chicago 2-2. Philadelphia 1-3. Boston 8, Cleveland. 7. ... . Detroit 4, Washington 3. illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllHi: ONE BRAND NEW 5 MILLION FRANCS FOR VERDUN ADVOCATED LUXEMBURG, Ang. 6. The min ister of state proDOsed today in the Chamber of Deputies that one million francs be appropriated for Verdun and tw hundred thousand francs for the reconstruction of a devastated town In Belgium. He said France and Belgium deserve the eternal gratitude of the Grand Duchy for aid and pro tection during the war.- . PROPELLOR OF PLANE IS BROKEN ON FENCE FOR SALE. V ' Run about 50 miles. Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC 5 HUDSON Distributors 19, 121 West Court St. . Pendleton, Oregon ROKKHURU. ug. 7. Lieutenants Heed and Pangborn, flying the prr-i vately owned t'urtiss JN-4, arrived . from Mather field at 116 Tuesday s afternoon. After taking oil and gas. while attempting to turn the plane! around the propeller struck a fence; 5 snd was broken. The fliers are on I 5S their way to St. Maries, Iaaho. . 71 II M II 1 1 1 1 ! I IlillJ I If 1 1 1 3 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 1 II II ! 1 1 1 If 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 ! 11 1 1 13 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f II 111 1 I 1 1 111 1 1 Ulll 1 1 1 II 1 l.-t 3 I I I