x"1" ' "- -v.. 'i'. '-- i , , . 4 ,'. . i - 'x- ; . 1 c. PAGE EIGHT TWELVE PAttES DAILY EAST OHEGONIAN, rENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST?, 1910 .a, u. :'-.:. rt:.i' :i, nii :s: u iLiiiiUutiti. till. itMDiii'HiriiiHiMiiiii.ihiii!- .ii; -.u-.i, . , .. . iillilllllilllllliiiiiiliiiiiilllliiy llllllliMi;ilHllllilhll!ili:liihllll!ll iiituiuiitiitiiuiuiuiyyiiiiibiUiw lilllliliillllilllllliilllillllllliillilllliilllihl ;.5 niiii!iMiiiiuimiiwumMin mmmfnirtiinflfflmnminnffliiinmnnu IX TIME LY H I NTS AND SUGGESTION SAB O UT - -k iV I s-s 'ill DUII.UI INU. SIPlPjK JU,"",II!llllll,"""nl"" Mil as m 'I i MM ' -mt'i f 1 lllllliu,.-i1lllli.,.M,iillliM.MMiilllhi(.,.,,,1nllHnu i IS I Fl ! !f tir .:L'!t,a. , r mm I r W . w M fc- 'aw mm' mm r-m mm - - miimmmrwTMlWnnimiuinBim -1 'l " wiMiiii'wimiiiiiiiwii.rmi'iiinviiil! 'Mian WILD NOW . .... -j r9 J 1 3 Raymond W. Hatch Architect Phone 768 Pendleton, Oregon Designer and Planner of Houses, Apartments, Churches, School Biuldings, Public Buildings, Garages, Farm Buildings, Etc. Phelps Plumbing Adds Prestige to Your New Home. We employ skill ed workmen, and use the best plumbing material on the market. Both material and workmanship are backed by the PHELPS GUARANTEE. Call at our display rooms and make yourselection. Yoursf or better plumbing, :, D. D. PHELPS- 317 East Court Street Telephone 443 Kt ns lint .yoor home at least let as figure wltX you before you let the Job. PHOENIX i PURE PAINT Cant bo beat. Faer .'Hanging, Kalcomuiing and In. tcrior Decorating that Rives satisfaction. Get our estimates. MURPHY BROS. 1S1 Court St. "OWN VOIII OWX HOME" 'Telephone 818 Nit lit - -n-rrr- . . - 2 t5l Tim. "'Jl. We are in a position to give you service that H wont tie up your job. .-. i LET US FIGURE YOUR NEXT JOB. . "OWX YOUR OWX HOME j " VAN PETTEN LUMBER CO.' 700 West Alta St. Telephone 92 We Are Independent Contractors We are not affiliated with any lumber concern but 'buy where we can do the best. ' . m ' ) When we figure w!lh yea, you will profit by our independency from any lumber dealer. Dunham, Brownlow & Payne Contractors and Builders Construction Superintendents 'HESIDESCKS fil srXEKK HITLKlXiH JOB WOHK PIjAVS AXD 8PECIHCATIOXS Ft'nXISHETJ. Golden llule Hotel Ilawmeut. Corner V- Court and Jolinsou turn. Telephone 383 Ml 1 m in nphft ti I bUILUtno II ATTFNTIONS 10 REPAIRING OF OLD DWELLINGS AT THIS TIME The Btatus in the building situation JeiKht roonia and a complete busenien. Is turning, with summer well hIoiih, A sleepinjf porch is included in the from new eonslruction to repairs. Of 'plans. . late a growimr tendency has been seen toward' re'modeilng of old dwellings for modern home and many such permits have been issued by the city recorder. At prices asked for property, ma terials, labor and all other fnctors, persons are finding it more economical to purchase an old place and repair it than to buy a lot and attempt to build on it. There are ways of .getting j around the housing problem and re pairs seem to have been discovered as one. of these. Ituilitinjr Is S-'Oinowhat Slack. . Building in reniretoi). Is somewhat slack at present because of the' con tinued High proce of lumber, say local architects. Slany Pendleton people are planning 'to build but the plans are tentative at present because of the hope -that 'prices tnay lower. Xew Jlomo on North Side Will Jmprovc JleciikiKii The residence at 413 Jackson street recently purchased by C. F. Cults worthy, will be improved to the extent of $400. The contractors are Dunham Brownlow and Payne. The residence is next door to the new 'residence being built for Guy Wyrick. This house which is nearing completion and was planned by G. It. "WriKht, local archi tect. ; Farm Hume in lrorros.s An eight room two story modern farm home is now being built for J. N. Burgess at his place near Pilot Rock. The building was designed with all modern conveniences and plans . were drawn oy G. It. Wright. The Week's Permits D. B. Hill I0,fl00 lLoren Hoover ..: An addition to the residence on the jLoren Hoover north side will be the J10.00I) residence ; J. T. Lieuallen ... i Mrs. A. A. Kimball . , 2no S.T0 , " J00 at the corner of Martin and Jefferson jMrs. A. A. Kimball ia streets," being built by Dr. David B. C. F. Colesworthy 400 Hill of this city. The house will be of I Total ....$11,600 the Swiss chalet type and will have j Previously reported $518,325 BUILD NOW "OWN YOUR OWN HOME' t ; 1 To the prospective builder 'we offer a complete line of Builders Hardware in latest designs, and our prices are right. Let us give you our estimate. , 4 . "OWX YOCK OWX llO.ME" Geo. C. Baer & Co. 613 Main St. "SEltVIOE" , rhone 81 ouso y inn "OWX VOVIl OWX HOME" ' Careful Attention Given . yoor will give you the best service and prevent many a fire. We use care in all our work. ELECTRIC FIXTURES The largCNt and finest stock In eastern Oregon to select from. We would be pleased to figure with you. pendleton'K lilif Klectrical Store j. L. VAUGHAN 2d K. Court Street Telephone 139 ON THE FINE LOTS THAT I HAVE FOR SALE. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. INSURE IT WITH ME. "I Sell, Rent or Insure Anything' J. H. ESTES Phone G01 C14MainSt. LHIeatirBg Flanks Piumbing Contract work my specialty, but no plumb ing job but what re ceives my prompt and careful attention. "owx vorit owx home" Let me give you estimates lor your new home. C. Ptaber ULLEI Comer W. Court and Garden Btrecta. Telephone 202 When painting your home, why not get the best. y U 123 1LV HIGH STANDARD PAINTS Get my figures on painting, papering and calco mining before yon let the job. .Taints, oils, .varnishes, calcomine, . , brushes, picture framing, glass, etc. ' L. J. McATEE x-isr 515 Main Street Telephone 158 You ie the Landlord and Pay Rent to Yourself If You Want to Build Your Own Home and . . Pay it Out Like Rent, See Me. I Loan Money on City Property. JOE KERLEY Insurance, Loans, Real Estate. 721 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon. Mill Work Designer, rffflijflBiyiYrtisra Mil .fsnV1 RVJ A "OWX YOCR OWX HOME" BUILD NOW and see me for the whole job. I furnish the plans, mill work, estimates, and act as contrac tor and builder all complete. G. I. LciDOW aVdBuHde 70.V707 West Alta Street im.nnv.H.nwmmni-mwnMill'1 n.,i.,lln rt.,,., ,,.,,,,, l,","MMIIlMMIt'lt1ll,M,pSIlttlliMIIV!llinl!tltl(ljllMiriHim?flIjj rf!rH?nHrfrmmT!Tn!iTrn??nTHHrrT;nffirHnrT?rTFrnfTTHiriTT7!Tn!fiHTT!i ml ml i-v ml m - .1 6- I IS