jy -amEVE PAGES" DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1913 ojaoi IOESOI El? n I 3 5 , CONROY P CASH 0 GROCERY Pay. Cash'thia month' for , your Groceries : and the saving will surprise you. Mai Feed, sack $1.85 Best Cane Sugar, sack $10.25 Cocoa Vi lb. 20c, 1 lb. 40c Chocolate 1 lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00 lest Red Salmon, large can 35c Van Camps Pork and Beans, large can, 5 for $1.00 Karo Syrup, Blue. . Vz gal. 55c, 1 gal. $1.05 Macaroni and Sparfietli, 5 lb. box. .... 55c Crape Juice, quarts ..... '. .... '. i0c Tuff Wheat and Rice, 'each.;.,. . . f . t . . 5c - ALTA today Children 10c " '', Adults.25c H 1 . 1 AUTHORIZED FACTORY REPAIRS, PARTS AND SERVICE. This is the service that keeps your FORD in service. , . Safest Cheapest Best i All th4 latest Ford factory machinery to do ? your work right and prompt, Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson Sts. Phone 403 I n J V" ' What the Picture TheateM Have to Tell You. y.' I-IH- '; "TheCode of the. Yukon" A STIRRING FASCINATING AND MIGHTY DRAMA OF THE NORTHWOODS f- ' See big Mitch Lewis of ( "The Barrier" fame in a ' fighting, loving, daring role in a drama of power and romance. In Addition PATHE NEWS AT THE TIIKATJtKH TpIAV Alto Mitchel Lewis In ''The Coda of the Yukon." Arcade The Warrior and Desert Hero. - t 1'astime Just 8iuaw and Keystone Comedy. At the Theater Tomorrow Alia Shlrly Mason . In "The Win ning Olrl." Mack Sennet Comedy and Vaudeville, - Arcade The Warrior and Fatty Arbuckle. , '- Pastime Just Rquaw and Keystone Comedy. AUCADK TODAY From Theatre Magazine, December ! Issug. . - - Do you remember "Cablrla?" , Do' you remember I he giant In "tMra,"j Well, he la with ua again thin time! In "The Warrior," a picture production j far 'out of the ordinary. Marvelous! Maclete, a he was named In a picture released lost year, use tus wonaerrui atiAni7th thla tlm. In A wnrthV Ctttll.- The settings for the picture have been I furnlahed by the great war that por- ' tUm of It showing a bit of the conflict along the frontiers, of Italy and Aus tria. . Maclete and a. company of mo tion picture actors are arrented by an Austrian Cavalry Troop as suspicious characters. They and several hundred otiher suspected persons are. herded like sheep and Imprisoned in a barn. Maclste eontrives their escape and from then on the picture la a riot or action. Particularly good are soldiers of Italy scaling cliffs and . crossing chasms in full war regalia. AU of these scenes provide Maciste with op portunities of displaying bin superna tural strength. . The photography and direction are both good. Although. "The Warrior"? Is a delightful and un usual evening's entertainment- Closing Out Sale of MM. KB We are closing out our entire big line of Trunks and are offering them to you at a great sacrif ice.; - J PASTIME TODAY West of IMmn Novel Days . Provides Scttiiur for Acw Beatrix MJchelena Play IOESOI IOE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiitinHiiHiiiiimiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- 1 The Music Lover EXPLORERS HALTED BY WAR HAVEJET OUT Smithsonian Ex pedition Largest ? Since Stanley's Search Throtigh Africa." The West of the lan4 of adventure. The thrill of the exciting exploits of our dime-novel reading dar. ia what we all long for but seldom experience. "Just Squaw." Beatrix MAc Helena's new picture, is one of tnose. puise- quickening melodramas that carry us out to the country where men lived their Uvea aa they pleased, where a law unto themselves, and settled difficul ties in a sudden and arbitrary manner. . Fawn.- the beautifn 1 girl ., whom everybody thought "Just ; Squaw;" , The Breed, her. half-caste brother; Snake Le Gal, the ."bad man", of Rogue's Roost, and The Stranger in "Just Squaw," ore characters who lived, fought, and died, some of them, and did it in their .own- unconven tional and prima tive way. will .have "the power to gratify his taste with one of cur Victrolas, Victors, Edisons and C o 1 u m bia machines from $25 and up.New shipment of Pianos, Guitars, Mandolins, Sheet Music and Records. Piano tuning and repairing. ; . Warren's Music House ij -fa PptirlletonJ Oregon. . Hl-ren Music ?st- Ijiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimi iiiiiiiHiimiiiiiiiinmiiinuiiHiit5 Sensational Changes in 1920 VELiE LOOK FOR. ANNOUNCEMENT. AND DE TAILED SPECIFICATIONS IN SATURDAY EVENING POST OF AUG; 9. ' -V Eastern Oregon Motor Co., Inc, C1G Garden St. Phone 1027 NEW YORK. Aug. 7. African ex ploration, halted during five years of war. Is to be resumed, w The first expedition since 1914 has Si Just set out from New York. A party ; of nine, including scientists. ' motion S-' picture camera men and one newspa S ner correspondent sailed for Capetown Sj on tho fcorton Line steamer City of H'.'iinres. It's the Smithsonian African Expe. ditlon the largest In scientific scope since the famous Stnntley expedition that went In search of Livingston half a century bko; larger than that headed t.y the late Cnl. Theodore Roosevelt after he retired from the presidency In Officially It ia known aa the Smith aonian Afriear- Expedition under the direction of liamtmd Heller, In con junction with the Universal Film Manufacturing company. Six 'Moniria . s . The Hp. which will last at least six months and penetrate Into unexplored tarts of darken Africa, was arranged v Pr. Charles Walcott. secretary of tne Smlthronlna Institution of Waah-!nKtnn,-ud Carl I-oemtnle," president of the t'nlversnl Film Mnnuacturlng crmoanyi which will be in full -charge of taking motion plcturen. .. . . . . Kdmund Heller, director of the ex pedition. Is a, famous naturalist . piloted Colonel Rosevelt, and was with rul Balney In Africa, ana has oeen. on ficlentiflo expeditions in Central ( America. Peru,. China, Tibet, Burma., Alaska and Siberia. , , ' Two other noted sclent lots in the ex pedition are Henry C. Raven. Smith sonian naturalist. Just returned from lonir exploring- trips In "Romeo ana Colches Island, nnd Dr. Homer LeRoy Snntx, botanist for the United States department of agriculture. The scientists will collect skuiis, skins and bones of animals, specimens of Insect life, skulls .and bones of hu man races, live animals ana plants ana seeds. The special mission or ir. Shantz will he inveatixstlona leading to the Introduction of useful plants, trees and gram into mis country. M'Hlon nctures Pinj ran For the first time In the history of science the motion picture camera will nlay Its part In African exploration. Movies will be brought hack to Amer-I !ca of known ana nitnen forms of animal. Insect nnd reptile lire and of races and tribes, many never seen by white men. nirectlnir all motion pictures ror tne exnoditlon will be William Stowell of Los Angeles, whose chief photographer ia George Scott,' of Ixw Angeles, noted : tor photographic feats In the South' !ea Islands and tne rar rem. nther camera men In the expedition ire Henry Kohter of Chicago, and Pllriy Horne of ' Ixw Amjelee. Iiri Joseph It. Arinstronw or i.os Angeira wss-chosen by tho Universal as phy sician nnd buMneps manager. i To Cost KMM( It Is estimated the expedition will oot ''00,flO. It will cover upwarns ot 8000 mlloa from ene en a oi Airica to the other. . " ' Much ot the distance win no over land travel. The nine members or tne party will head a huge caravan, known m Africa as "earnrv ett at varied races, marsnwiea unoer , ALTA TODAY ONLY Select Pictures presents Mitchell Lewis, Its new star In "Code of the Yu kon," at the Alta theatre today. "Code of the Yukon" Is a story of a French Canadian prospector, Jean Du bois, whose aim In life Is to find the man who wronged his sister. A gang of crooks try to steal his mrne and they persuade his wife that she Is not hap py with ntnr. Bhe runs away with one of the hand. The leader of the band is Cregan, for whom a woman, who has fallen In love with Jean works. She tells him that Cregan Is the man who wronged his sister. Jean attempts to kill Crcgan hut a Higher Power savea him the trouble. to him and things take a briehter turn. III... ( . - . till vMMa.' Ill IMM ,l .MmrSTOKTO . III . ; .:,. ,' . i Pendleton, Oregon yv 7126 E. :Courtt, i ,s DO YOU INTEND TRAVELING? If you do, do not miss this sale. We have, in stock just the trunk you have long been wanting and now the price is within your reach. Do not take a chance on cheap material. It . is, im portant that you get a good, sturdy trunk for , traveling purposes- and you need never fear for your belong ings if you put them in one of our trunks. You will be pleasedjtp have your initials, appear on one of our smart, up-to-the-minute, trunks f ' They yvoni last kmg, so We ' would suggest that you come early tomorrow morning. t i HAMIiEiT & COMPANY s ?PhdftCl21 v iday. Rev. W. A. Smick. the first, home and to give us the best that pastor of the church and the Presbyterian minister - In-the -,-etate, eat on tho platform with Kev j. Miao- BertiMte' peiirM- menthe A I In Bordcau in cnarge m ino ob TownsVnd o, Portland .a former pas- Crp .girls and the last three months tor. Mr. TowV-send spoke - In, f thej irecfln.; 1heY.. Y. A-ureir rhornlngr. giving a history " of the I 1 111 II fiiai " ' ' . riod art American- officer. Miss' Scrlbner Is a graduate of Wellesley College and was secretary at the Uni-; verslty of Washington at the time of her .overseas appointment. j church from the" beginning- to-tne present time. The first services held in this city were conducted in the old county courthouse August 2, 1873. Assisting the choir were memners of the choir of many years ago. Mrs. J. C. Fullerton, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mrs. J. O. Aiken, Mrs. W. A. Smlck and B S Nichols Mr. Smlck was succeeded as pastor by Rev J. R. Jean-s wife returns N. Bell, who presided for many years. Mr. BmicK is tne - iamer oi m vt-. Son synod. , - for service between the two porta hy the .war department. ri The ..ship .has been--engaged ;in--roTorttmr-troops from Prance tothiscountry. ' 4 Release Is'also expected sooh"of the MataoMa and Maul, arnich were com mandeered m-rlh tho Wilhelraina. a "headman," will number between 160 and 200. The explorers will enter the dark continent at Capetown and come out at Mombasa, in British East Africa, after scientific research and motion piotura work in the jungles and des erts, the headwaters of the Nile, and tho famous . ., "waterhole country." where there are more wild animals to Sails Home With Bride ' And Over 2000 Men, " p Calls Trip Delightful 'Mew YORK. Aug. 7. A French war bride, a Y. W. C. A. secretary and !20 men made up the passenger list on the South Bend transport which Big Liner Relieves , ; Traffic Congestion SAN RAXCI9CO. Cat.. Aug. 7. Re lief from the traffic, Jam between this city and Honolulu was felt today when the big liner' Wiibelmina. -waa released the square mile than anywhere i else on arr)w, ,n New york ,!Bt Tuesdny. earth. CHURCH CELEBRATES i 46TH ANNIVERSARY ROSEBURC, Auk. 7 The Presby- Misa Ethel Scrlber. the Y. W. C. A. secretary, says that being one of two women on a transport with 2200 men isr at delightful way to travel. We had part of the captain's suite and-we dined with the commanding officer who was in charge of the re terian church cf this city held Its turning troops. Everyone on ooarai forty-sixth anniversary " service Sun- seemed anxious to make us feel at ALL RUN DOWN ' - AND WORN OUT Because --y on have not thoroughly purified your blood, but have allowed to remain in it the accumulation of waste matter that cause weakness, loss of appetite, dull headache, broken sleep, backache, eruptions and humors and other troubles. Taka Hood's Sarsaparilla, the medicine' that renovates, strength ens, tones it will build you up, make you feel better all over. Hood's Pills help aa a,, stomach toning, digestive cathartic - - ' ' Bring Your Car to Us We can furnish prompt ly any size Wind Shield ' Glass We have an experienced man who will set the glass while you wait- B. L Braife Inc.v Corner Webb and Col lege Sts. IIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir . iiimiiiiimniiiiiiiiitimimiiiiiiimuii PEEK F . -- t. iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .lllllillllllillllillllllllllllllllMllllllllllli Cars are ajl the name implies and we will soon have some of these' cars on display.' The 1920 model of I the four passenger model is a beauty. As to performance the Peerless has already proven to be one of f the greatest performing stock cars in America. . ,.. ; . 4 . i ' place your order now. Ill i i Eastern JOregon Motor Co., Inc. Chevrolet, Velie and Peerless. HllllllflII1llllllllllllllllIIIIII1lllfllIllllllMllltllllllll1llllllMllllltlIIIIIIIItllllllllllttllllllllttll1lltl1lll llllllllllIIIIMIIIflllltllllllfllllllllttlllllllllltlllllMIIMlMlMMIMIII r IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllllllllllHMiniMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII S SlItHHItttlttMltllllHIIItllltUtUIIHtllllltillMlinillMfUlllllUtll.inuiiiniiHilttilti.titaUMItUl.tUlit Ulllli'liltUillliltUlllllllliilUKItHUtll.Jllliittit.UMtt tilUiltlMU ... .