East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 07, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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JUturn from llllclrwajr Mm'llrur.
Judge ,C H. Marsh and O. U Dun
ntng, county commissioner, returned
this morning from Portland. They
attended a meeting of the state high
way commission.
Cptaln Cook In CobkMia.
Jim Cook, who left Pendleton aa
lieutenant with Troop D, In now
Coblona and haa been promoted to
tho rank of captain. He waa with
Headquarters troop but waa trans
ferred to the depot brigade.
Hay 1'lmn'lt- IN-lunin.
Ray Flnnell, who has been In the
United States navy aa a first class
carpenter'a man, returned from aer.
vice thla morning. He haa ' been
aboard the U. 8. 8. Vestal. Flnnell
received hla discharge at Bremerton.
1-Jflio Man I and from Overseas.
Walter H. Htranhoener of li li i .
landed yesterday In New York after
overseas eervlce. He waa with Head
quarters detachment, 2d Amunltlon
train. Company D. He hua been sent
to Camp Mills, Long laland. Stan,
hoener crossed I he oceaa aboard the
U. .a B. Finland.
and In particular' cases tho motor rew telephone rates Wua served up-
transport cordis upon recommenda
tion from the chiefs uf those depart"
taenia. "
Lumberman lluo from Portland.
A. If. Cox of the Oregon Lumber
Yard, returned this morning from a
business trip to Portland. He suid
yoaterduy was exceptionally warm In
Portland. .
Rlft'tiirns from Vnrtluml.
Harvey McPherson returned this
morning from Portland, where he haa
been during Buyer's Week. He at
tended tho meetings of tho State He.
tall Association which were held in
Portland during the week.
on tho Pendleton Commercial Asso.
elation today by the Publlo Service
Commission of Oregon. The com
mission Is lnstllutlng tho Investigation
on Its own initiative. '
tji H-ruuil Upon. '
Mrs. John Itoberts Is a Patient In
HI. Anthony's hospital after an opera
tion performed this morning.
llcliirim IY oenConvcnlhm.
A. C. Kooppen of Koeppeu's Irug
Store, returned this morning from
Portland where he attended the
meeting of the Btate Pharmaceutical
Association. The convention was held
Itelunu from Portland.
Southern Oregon Advert Ism. -
An attractive 30 page booklet set
ting forth the advantages of' Hose-
burg, Oouglus county and the UtnP'
j. I tiua valley was received today by the
Colored Mon May Knlls. . Pendleton C'ommerclul Association.
Colored men with previous mill- The booklet Is Issued by the Rose-
tary service may enlist In the Infun- burg chamber nnd is a bid fur new
try. Applications will rIko be an- settlers in Southern Oregon.
copied from colored men for the :
quartermaster corps, the medical de- Xotlfliil of Phono JnvtMtljrarion.
partment, the rdnanee department Notice of an Investigation Into the
1G1 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101-
Palm Olive
3 bars for
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
Fine Groceries and Meats
Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both
Sick Bailor Itwovcrs.
, Lynn C. Wilson, of Salt Lake, who
wus taken ill with an ftttack of rheu
matism while working here, as a har.
vest, hand, returned lust night to hla
home. Wilson, who was recently dis
charged from the United States navy,
haa been convalescing at tit. An
thony's hospital.
EnllMU-d Hero During Itoimd-t p.
' John Robertson, of Caldwell, Ida
ho, was in Pendleton today on h.
way to Bremerton for discharge aft
er service In the navy. He enlisted
here while a visitor at the Itound-Up
and su.vs he intends to visit the big
show thla .year as an anniversary
celebration of his entrance Into the
Will N-tTve Meal at 1 1 id" way.
I-T f Pnllor- Kl.luuu ir Rrirlniru 1
... ... , .....
ih In the city today and announce1
that three meals a day will be served A
at the springs tor the remainder ot A
tlm ttonHrin Ma rorwirr. thnr I ha nnn.'l
ululrty of the resort continues and
says that all cottages and tents are
full. Quite a thowor fell In the
mountains on Sunday, he states;
Will VWi liauelitcr.
James 11. G'wlnn. of the Pendleton id
Abstract Co., will leave tonight tor', A
Portland and Heattle. where Jie will &
Join Mrs. Gwlnn on a visit to their. s
daughterMiss olive Gwlnn. He will fj
be gone aRuut 10 days. Mrs. Gwlnn FJ
went over to the sound about a weekiK
Man Modest A.Imii Itut.f. A
M. J. Ulackman of the A. Schilling! J
Co.. Kan Frnclsco, wua the author of
a letter received by the commercial
association today. All he wanted to
know was the names of auto truck
distributors op-jratlng in a 25 mile
radius of Pendleton, what towns are
within that radius and the names of
all taxpayers in that circle. He will
receive all hut the tax list from C. K.
Cranston, secretary.
Is the Best Policy
I am buying grain this year for Kerr
Gilford & Co., Inc., and would be glad
to have the farmers give me a chance
to submit a price on their grain before
Successor to Chaa. E. Heard, Ino.
"Sec Me Before the Fire"
Insurance Loans Real Estate
III Mala Pendleton, Oreton
SitiaJI llm l&f-rortod.
A small fire in the Monument dis
trict, Umatilla national forest, was
reported today to V. W. Cryder, for
est supervisor. Fire fighters are in
complete control of the situation and
the fire is practically extinguished.
Mr. Cryder says that tho worst dan
Kcr 'of forest fires will be practically
over by the latter part vt this month,
as the nlglitH boufn to be edd at that
time and
the fires are more easily
Would I 'li (r Ijm hI Held.
1-ptters from three concerns winn
ing to introduce their products into
this territory were received by the
I'endlrton Commercial Association to
day. The West Coast Granite Co.. of
Kverett asks Information reg:ar;ing
distributors, the Hart Parr Co., trac
tor manufacture!, likewise wants to
bo put In touch with dealers and the
J. 8. Pinkuxsohn Tobacco Co., of
outh Carolina wants the name of
jobbers. The desired information will
be furnished by the association.
I Bargain Sale
I;:1 of -V:.
IjmhDi from Ovct-spas.
Kour ITmatllli county men who
have been in France hs members of
the 2d Division, landed Monday In
New York. They are Grover C. Hod
Rren of Freowaler, 5th R-Klment, U.
H Marines; I.timm o. Hopkins of
Milton, Company, O; Walter C. Gar
rett, of Hollx, . Company M: and
Thomas C. W Walker of l-ot Rock.j
Mh Machine Oun Battalion. Walker j
Ik now at Camp Merritt hut the other;
three are at Camp Mills. The ?dj
Kpgiment has sturs for five major
actions and offensives.
irrgp WliiNlilp Herts
George Wlnship, Athena man wlio
left here ns a memlter of Tntop D,
.iw in cim leiuii tins iiiuriuiiir uii i I
his way to Salt Ijike. He was cussed I
durliur the Chrteau Thierry fiffht and i
U'UM ,.l.,nn.l Ih 1. ; . I rnKUn.
He has been visitlngr with his par-S
enis in Athenn, and after arriving at5
Bait Lake will be sent to Ijetterman , J
General Hospital- in .San Francisco. I j
wlmre he will remain until entirely K
recovered from his Injuries. .Wlnship P
waa a student at the I'niverslty nfi
iMWKun Riiine time or nts eniim
ment. and will resume his studies
when his health permits.
Motor Cars and Trucks
If you are looking for a good used motor car,
from a Ford on up to an Eight Cylinder Touring
Car, it .will pay you to investigate our offering
this week in our USED CAR DEPARTMENT.
One used Denby One Ton Truck just overhauled
and put in first class mechanical condition which
we will sell cheap.
Ralo of IjuhIh August 18.
Advertisements are issued by the
Umalllla Indian asrency Inviting bids
for the sale of 12 Indian allotments on
August 18. Ten of the tracts lid on
the South side of the river. The area
of the land offered for sale aggre
gates S0 acres, and is appraised for
a total valuation of $56,170. Kins
allotments are of forty acres, two of
R0 acres and one of 180 acres. The
land offered for sale la good wheat
land except one forty acre tract, which
lies about 3 miles above lVndleton on
the north side of the river. The lat
tor tract Is good alfalfa land and
sultublo for a home.
Use the
- -mr' r II I. aV
Tyt ueparimcnu)
ITm tha
ooi wpeniiiii
; - .' , , . .. - '
September 2nd, 1919
Now is the time to begin thinking of school. Perhaps there are some things to be made up or per
haps you would like to choose them now. Alexanders is ready to show you and prove to you that this h
the store to buy your school needs.. You'll get the best of quality, most varied assortments, priced at
about what you want to pay, and too our excellent service is at your command. V
Yes, we have boys' school caps in lots of new pat
terns. Boys' come in when you're ready and get one.
Bring the boy here
and let us fit him in one
of our special school
suits. Many good pat
terns and all sizes. Have
a look at them, well be
GIRLS' SCHOOL DRESSES V- KH if T gad to show you. triced
In our Readv-to-Wear department. A big show- V H JJ rignt.
ing of made up school dresses in gingham and wool
ens. We'll be glad to show you. Come in and have
a look.
We sure have the most beautiful assortment of
fine percales we have ever sown, in light and dark
colors, neat designs. Our percales are 36 in. wide
and of best quality and finish, specially at the price
the yard. Come in and have a look at them.
Why not buy your school shoes now, by so doing,
you will save from 75c to $2.50 the pair. Does it pay
to buy good shoes? Let us prove fo you that it does.
Many a mother is troubled with bunions, corns,
weak arches, etc, this has been caused by ill fitting
shoes. You know how you have suffered and you
don't want your children to have the same trouble.
They wont have the same trouble, if you will buy
the better shoe, and have them well fitted. We carry
Devonshire needs no introduction, perhaps you
have used it, if you haven't be sure to get some this
season for boys' waists, girls' dresses, etc., for oniv the better shoe and if we cannot fit them right,
school. Devonshire is of fast color and comes in we wjii tell Vou. We rav special attention to your
mose desirable patterns; New stock just in ready for
your inspection.
Most any pattern of plaids, checks, stripes and
plain shades. You will do well to select your ging
hams now for SCHOOL WEAR. Our new stock is
in now and we're ready to show you. N
No doubt the little girl will need a woolen dress for
this fall or for school wear. A big showing of new
weaves and colors. Let us help you plan the dress.
We'll be glad to show you thru.
PLAID WOOLENS 50c (o $3.50
Select your dress now off one of these plaid wool
una T?oollv rViovo len'r. nnvtfifnrr innrp. nractical S'ti?'
child's foot.
It will pay you in the long run to buy the better
shoe. They look well until worn out.
They wear very much longer. - '
They fit you and give comfort from the very first,
and they always look well, making your other cloth
ing look much better.
Note some of the different kinds we have.
For the. high schoolgirl and boys' we have the
English shoe in dark brown, tan and black. We have
priced these from the pair $5.50 to $11.00
In children's shoes we have them from the English
walking shoe to the Broadwalk in black, gray, brown
and tan. Ask to see our "Tess and Ted" shoes for
than plaid woolens for school wear. Have a look at
them. You can make them up all plaid or in combi
nation with .other goods.
It reouires the best hose vou can cet for school
We carry the C-Saw line of welt Broadwalk shoes
in black and tan: ; . ,
We have too many styles and kinds to quote prices
here, but can always fit your child from $2.50 to $6
tne pair up to size 2.
see our window display for styles and Kinds, we
. . .a 1 1 1 ITT 1 a a. i i . 1 1 tl I
wear. Uur stock is brand new and iresn. we nave have children s dress shoes that are not displayed m
the light weight, medium weight and heavy ribbed, window, ask to see them.
in all sizes tor boy or girl, liuy scnooi nosiery now.
Every girl needs two or more pretty hair ribbons.
She can select several here because the ribbons we
have are of excellent quality and of beautiful pat
terns and colorings. Buy several now.
BOYS' SCHOOL WAISTS 75c to $4.00
Boys' school waists and shirts. New patterns,
new colorings and air sizes. We can truthfully say
it's a splendid display of boys' waists and shirts for
school wear. ,
Logan Berries, per box . 20c
Black Berries, per box 20c
Black Berries, per crate ...... $3.75
Raspberries, 2 boxes for' 45c
Large Free Stone Peaches, per crate $1.25
Fresh Tomatoes, per crate $2.00
Fresh Corn, per dozen 40c
Watermelons on ice, per pound 3'c
At Western Auto Co.
Cottonwood & Water St,
Thone 530
(innw Wanton Issho Warning.
Cnrl D. Bhnemaker, state game
warden, asks that unusual caution
be taken this year during the der
hunting season because of. the pre
dominance of army uniforms, which
hp pays are remarkably similar in
color to a deer. The season opens in
Oregon September 1, with the ex
ception of Wallowa and Union coun
ties where the et-ason is 10 days lat
er. 1-a.st year the hunting of deer
was thrown open west of the Cascade
mountulns on August 15. and east
of the mountains, September 1. The
dates -were changed through action
of the lat session of legislature. The
bag limit will be two deer with horns
in a season. This Is the same limit
as last year, (
-i.m MIUct 111 Ttmn. ' ltoads In Hough Condition.
Joe Hodtton of Weston, vaR a Pen- Kuds to the west end of tho coun
h,,.i v.sitor 5esterdv afternoon. I ty aro getUnn ronh, Sol Baum, sport-
... vi...!. lu ryunc-r of the Weston i In Roods dealer, said today.
Holler Mills. .
Enlist In Cavalry.
Charles Gorman und Wtlllum Gor
pian, of Pendleton, have enlisted in
the IT. S. army. Both have enlisted
in the. cavalry end entered tke serv
ice In Portlnnd.
aaid today. Sol
made a trip to etanfiolil and Hermls-
tm yesterday nnd dewtires that
ehlickhnles are plentiful all along
the line. Tterwefn Kcho and Pendle
ton the Stase tiulch road is prefer
red by liatiin.
Weston man and directed the band
'n that city. He came to Pendleton
recently to be associated with Joe
Kerley in the real estate business.
special ventilation systems, rest iwiui
nd other featuies are Included In
the plans.
ITro Truck Coming Hero.
Representatives of the White M
tor Co., srin rislt Pendleton Patur-I
day with a lira truck to demonstrate ;
Councilman Claude EL Penland saict
today. Mr. Peniand. aa chairman of'
the street committee, was advised
that the demonstrators wouMt be here.
No word of the city's automobile
IVU-rwm KxiKiol llmito woon.
The opening of the hunting season
will find Will M. Peterson, attorney,
hack from the beach, h's partner.
Kilward J. Clu: k. said today. Mr.
Peterson has written saying he will
he cumin? sometime between Tues.
.1 T'l. ........... j f n.i.t ub Ma
has been at Wlde for the Past pre'nt, ' f t.T
month with his family. I "5 ?J ay '"" Bond Broth-
era. The plans were drawn by Ras-
i mussen and Grace of Portland, archi
i tecta for the I.ll'erty theater In Port.
land. The capacity of the theater as
President Wilson Is now Ihiukiim
Xow Taxi Aildtil. seriously of making the world safe
The Osborne Taxi Service, which lor consumers.
has Its headquarters at the Cosy Bil
l.ard Parlor, has added another car
to the taxis In service. They expect
to add two more cars, and a feature
of the service will be a tuxi for the
exclusive ue of hunters nd fishermen.
Tviitntlve 1 Mans for TlicaU-K.
Tentative plans for Gretllteh and
Matlock's theater, to be erected on
llrc-et Tonight's Concert.
W. I.undell will direct the band
street sprinkler haa been received as I concert at Pioneer Park tonight at , indicated by
I jet, ha says.
, , .7 p. m- Mr, Lundell la a lormec eluding the
tho plan is 1225. in
boxes. Sloping- floors.
Used for 70 Year
Thru its use Grandmother's
youthful sDocsrance
remained until youth has ,
The soft, refined, pearly
whit appearance it
renders leaves the joy
I D k. .. .1- .
oi nouiy 3 L
lor many
Jv s
' If V 1
s .-