nAnTEAgr OftEGONYAN, NOjgCON, TnUTAYAtTGUST 7, 1919 TWELVE PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. r. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. : ! s ibust Th Front or- Vour nn STORe I want to More New Coats, Suits and f SHOW) .TH.AT TAGE TWETArE jr i " - m r" i i JU HiilMll FIRST GRADE FREE STONE PEACHES BOX $1.15. Water Melons, Guaranteed, pound Green Beans, shinglcss, 2 pounds New Crop Brazil Nuts, pound... Minced Clams, 10 cans Light House Cleanser, 2 cans .... Egg Plant, pound New California Grapes, pound . . New Crop Celery, large bunch 3 IJc . 25c . 40c $1.00 . 15c . 20c . 20c . 20c f Si Sweet Cider,, pint 30c, quart 50c, gal. $1.65 GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO.; "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 823 Main St. A Leave Worry Behind Yixir actinn trip will Ik much more pleasant If jou can leave "worry behind." 1H wo by converting jour Cash Into Traveler's tlteeks wlHch are for sale nt Oils hank and pluee. ; your valuable iwiers. silverware and jewelry 111 a Safely lx-j-o-Jl liox In this bank's vaults. lr Particulars Inquire at window X umber One. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON Thc Strongest Bank In Eastern Oregon' t DONT DO TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY. Take a ride in a -S-3 MINUTE MAN SIX MINUTE MAN SIX 7 VX then place your order. One more left in stock. .... a jakti FRENTZEL MOTOR CO. Lexington and White Dealers of Umatilla County. Telephone 46 722 Cottonwood St. THE BEST WAY IN WHICH TO Help Your Wife on Washing Day is to telephone 179 and liave our car call for it. Our modern machinery, up-to-date methods, care and consideration for your satisfaction will remove the objectionable wash-day frorn your home and give you in return laundry sure to please. Just Try It! , Troy Laundry TELEPHONE 179 5 2 a TOO v0 TO Df?Op AN U to U U M VHV .AWNING. OVGK THC n trill W U VW Pendleton Market News The following prices are the prices beinK paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever ; retail prices are given the fact will bo spe cifically mentioned. J-:s;s and lNMiltry Ekks. 45c. . : Hens, 20o ' Spring chickens, 25c a pound. Country Hum. Etc. -Ham, best quality. 28c. Bacon, best quality, 40c. Itutler and Butter. Butter fat, 59c f. o .b. Pendleton. Butter, L10 a roll. lotatoes. . New potatoes, 3'c a pound -Old potatoes, J2.25 to 2.50 for 100 pounds. ''. Coarse Grains . State Como 15a-k. All grades of barley recovered $1 from their recent slump, reports n ohi.ur twirlov went for $58 to $59, standard feed barley from! 62 to $63 and No. 3 blue barley from! $63 to $64. Mill feed showed nO change, remaining at $.18. Hay Is quoted at $27 f. o. b. cars. j Ijihor Scare Hi's Priv of Labor trouble seems to have more hearing at this time upon the price of hogs throughout the country than the agitation for lower prices to con sumers. During the day Chicago: packing house workers took a strike vote, and this, added to the recent troubles there, affected not only tne "hicugo hog yrice, . but likewise the Heal Skin Diseases It is unnecessary for you to suffer witheczema,blotches,ringworm,rashcs and similar skin troubles. Zcmo, ob tained at any drug store for 35c, or $1.00 for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and save all further distress. The E. W. Rose Co., Clcvtland, O. . rest of ihe nation. At Chcago ths hug market started lower, with $22.25 the extreme top. General hog range: Prime mixed $20. 50r 21.00 Medium' mixed 19.5020.00 Hough heavies 18.50 19.00 Pigs 18.50W19.00 Pigs 18.50 20.60 bulk 21.00 Only a very nominal run put in ap pearance in the cattle alleys at North Portland over night. Trend of the trade was considered steady, al though no price changes were indi cated. " t General cattle range: Good to choice steers .. $11.00 11.50 Fair to good steers 9 00W10.50 Common to fair steers.. 7.00iS( 7.50 Common steers 6.00 7.00 Good to choice cows and heifers 8.00 ig 8.50 Medium to .fair cows and CHiiners, 3.B0W 5.00 Eulls 3.001? 7.50 Calves 9.00 15.00 - Some pressure was agan forced against lambs with, values generally about 25c lower than last week. General sheep and lamb range: Prime lambs .$.00 11.50 Fair to medium lambs . 9.00jl 10.00 Yearlings ..i 7.00 9.50 Wethers 6.004 7.50 Kwes ., 6.00 7.25 ., . . . , ARMY NURSES ENJOY THE BRIGHT LIGHTS - NEW. YORK. .Aug. 7. "How do we get to Chinatown ?' . . "Which shop has the prettiest even ing dresses?" I "Where is the Bowery?" j These are only a few of the ques tions that returning army nurses are asking Mrs. Joseph Ktearns, who is in charge of the Y. W. C. A. Infor. matlon Booth at Hotel Albert, where hundreds of nurses come In every week from the ships. ' - "They want fo see everything and do everything that New York af. fords,' Mrs. Stearns said yesterday. "After months or years of sacrifice and overseas 'service, they begin to realize when they get here that they are due some good times." , Five hundred nurses who arrived last week on the Imperator, crowded few : 5N WEST A Name to Look for on Butter A LEADER IN QUALITY. Dresses Skirts and Waists Big express shipment just arrived direct from New York. A big showing of advance fall styles. Your highest ex pectations M ill be realized when you see our , " Fall Suits, Coats and Dresses THRIFT IS POWER SAVE AND SUCCEED. YOU NEED EVERYDAY PRICED AT A SAVING. THINGS THAT J Com or t.alutea Cloth, lier yunl "Ilk-, Kidilio elotli, per yard ;mc au-hu-li cumrort Cliullim. n-t yard .' 2.1o 1 leant I mi art Ueklng. per ard . . lOc and Me Omiiiiiou xtrliied tlekiugs, k jartl I Ac and 2.-o AptiMi ehifk gliuilianiH. mt yard, ISO and lo Cheviot stilrtlntfs, er jard , 2ia Khaki t'lnlli, M-r )iml :llh-, :i mill I lie lllea'hed col ion riuiinct, yard .... 21c uml 2o Flue blattk satttHMt, HT yard . . . , , 4u (Adored table duoiuxk, kt ard ., , mihi 11-iiM'li Indiun IiimiiI. er yard ,. uuo Uii-lncMi Indian lieal. x r yard , , a;tc. Kvcrytuiy rlc- We hold no hhhII miIcn. Now is your opportunity! Don t Wait to possess one of the smart est style Coats or Suits that will be shown this sea son and you can get it here for less money. The J. C. Penney system of producing good valued in merchandise is strictly original and no other concern can maintain such uniform low "prices on everything all the time, as we do unless they buy for cash, buy in as large quantities as we do, and sell for strictly cash. j Incorporated J . s iS. a. , . J. 0. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. the lobby of the Albert to get Infor mation about the way to make the must of their stay in New York. Miss Marlon Porter, Y. W. C. A. secre tary, who has charge of entertaining returning nurses had a full program for them. Th-;y were taken on a Hudson river boat trip, given a dance. at the Pershing club, escorted In a party through Chinatown, pilovlded ; with theater tickets and taken to the j various museum, r Y. W. C. A. literature l given toj the girls at the booth, dlrecing them! to the various association privileges! that are open tQ.lheiii at tho differ ent New York City' branches. Thry' include .swimming pools, libraries,! reading and rest rooms, use of th laundries, sewing machines, etc. i :lllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllli BUCK 1 Eighty-three Killed, 33 : Captured When Villistas j Loose Fight in Mexico jj GALVESTON, Tex., Aug. 6. Eighty;: three Vllllsta bandits were killed, 33 t: captured and 116 rifles and 50: wounded horses were taken 1 na bitt-i: tiebetween Currunzlstas and Villistas' : near Balleza, Chihuahua, Aug 2, ac- : cording to an official Mexican govern- : ment telegram today. j : A stutement from General Inriqucs ; this nfternoon declared that hundreds.: of Villa's followers are surrendering: to tho federal garrison throughout : northern Mexico. Hafety oroperatlon ! : for mining companies Is now assured, the statement said. 1920 Model K-45 Buick Five-Passenger Touring Car The Buick Model K-Six-45 is a very capable open car for five persons, designed to cover the multitude of uses to which such a car is put. It differs from the big seven-passenger model only in tonneau and chassis length, possessing the same degree of ruggedness, easy-flowing power and mechanical excel lence. . The tonneau. Is even more liberally proportioned. Tho seat Is full three-passenger capacity, set at a comfortable angle. The sides' are upholstered clear to the doors with the same French pleated leather used on the cushions and seat backs. Kuch of the four doors is equipped with a side pocket for storing small parcels. The Instrument board Is illuminat ed by a dash lamp. Top and side curtains are made of high grade fabric, the curtains swinging open with the doors. Be hind the front seat is a very conveniont pocket for storing tho side curtains when not In use. C'.; ... FLEET MAKES READY , I RAN DIKGO, Cal., Aug. . The! Pacific fleet of 35 vessels, arrived early today -off the Coronado Islands They drew up In a huge semi circle : and started to clean the ships for the ' big event tomorrow when Secretary j Daniels will review the fleet. I .OS A.VGKLK8. Aug. 6. Secretary's Daniels and his party today left I,os j , Angeles for Kan Diego, there ending al5 trip across the country to greet the ; Paclflo fleet. . r, I. Oregon Motor Garage Hopeful Feiiow. BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC "WVint l a blcamlst. Pa?" ' SS . "An opxlmidi.' who Is willing to iwke two . Chances. 1 Washington star. : j'niiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiMini imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiifi Distributors 19, 121 West Court St. Pendleton, Oregon