, .... , .r '"- ':'' ( f' - 4t ' HXTLY EAST OrTCGoKL mmtCTOK OTTEflON Tinm'SPAT. AUGUST 7, 1913 r TWELVE PAGES ' mo .iU'l" t.l..,Vi.UJ. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For. Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference ! TODlt, Bach saw advertleament will tee run under 'New Tealr" (or tha ftrat laaertlon only. During : subsequent Inaartiona of the 'a 1 It will appear aoder Ita proper ) alaaslf ication. NEW TODAY (On SALE One 1917 model Ford. excellent condition, on easy ternA Also two 1915 Fords under 1350. 8100 rash' will hand'i. Eastern Oreron Motor Co. FOR SALE One modul 76 B Over. land, so low In price It wout'i he unfair to .quote-,lt. One Bulck road- ater. 8100 cash will handle. Eastern Oroaon Motor Co. FOR -SALE Ford touring car In good condition. - All new tires. - J. l atng. 71 Course St. - FOR RENT 2 t oom furnished apt. '114 Stonewall Jackson St. AVANTED Girl for general ' house work. Phone -Mrs. Jas. SVirgls, 1IU1. -I, j . ir. j j. i 1 FOR SALE Olt TRADK Big Stude liaker t. Oust the thing for ataga or for hire car during 'Round-Up. Sea -Bremmer t at Miller & -Bement Ga rage. .'" ' ' ty iwm 'TJie following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the Cltv of Pendleton, to-wit: rne mule 2 years old. black, weight; Mout 1000 lba. Branded triangle un ;BU1Cic Model 21, for aale r trade left stifle. for Ford or Maxwell. Bulek ha If said animal I not claimed by l(001 llre, ,nd , falr mechanical he owners or those entitled to lie, inquire at 1104 B. Court I oimesalon. coats end expensi-s paid !,treet after ( p m. Bny evening. mm tuKen away wunin wn uya uw, the dale hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. in. of the 19th day of August. I f . tht, -n,d animal will be sold to the hlRhest bidder, at public auction, Mr ash, at the Cltv Pound. Jn said City of. 1-endlitoh, the proceeds of such in ti. ha' am,! to the payment nf such orta-and expenses of maKing rale. " Dated this 7th day of Aug., 191. AL ROBERTH, City Ma-ha:. The dreamer would be all right If his appetite didn't get busy and wake him up. Pilot Rork-Ico4leton Auto Stafie. Leaves Pilot Rock at 8. a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:20 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1. p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. . FaNCUO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. Lost LOST Discharge papers in a Uirg envelope, between SajYes store and B01 Bush St., belonging to Marcus W. May. 15 reward for recovery. Phone I87M. LOST White rat terrier dog with fclack and bron spots on bead and black spot on hip. Finder will re ceive) reward by i.otifylng R. J. Camp bell. Phone 13F22. - - . LOST One bay gelding Branded D. I. on left etioulder. Sear on left hip. roached mane, white spot In forehead, weight about -900 lbs. 4 years old. "One bay gelding (timing brown) parer, branded D I left shoulder. Weight about 000 lbs. 5 years old. Suitable reward for inrormauon leading to recovery ot aoove uescnuixj, animals. Jim Kenie,,.,- -L-ayuee, - vre gor or Pavld Ingram, City. i DOINGS OF THE DUFFS : Yfflit cot SAN.OliVlA.VNvVrs TUE IDEAfX VVlN The LACE CORTArrtS ? 1 II U f II "josy A irrTte safe- r" T w . ' i UneesON&oFiue 4sTUi$ one . ' . FOR SALE FOR BALE Wicker baby buggy. Call (10 Haley. FOR- BALK Good farlor organ. 621 Culvln St., Phone 4JCW. FOR BALE Several lota la caat end of city. Phone 853K. FOR SAL Wicker baby' cab. 212 . 1-1 Thompson. Phone 'SOU. ' TOR ALE Piuno at -a barbaln. 114 Orange street, or phone 264W. rOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room. 418 aarfteld. f.phono-248M. FOR -SALTS 1017 Chevrolet In good condition. "Best bargain In town. Apply Apt 1. Alta House. FOR KALE Some Very fine registered Tied pigs, 'male and female. J. E Troxel, Wild Horse Creek, thone F11. . ' FOR SALE ALL kinds of Insurance. J. H. Estea. (14 Main St., Phone ewa. FOR BALE 0 room furnlahed house. Price 02100. Enquire 124 Thompson 8TUT7! FOR BALE, a bargain. Front. ael Motor Co.- Phone 46. 721 Cot tonwood street. FOR SALE Small printing press. '6x10.- -Type, furniture, everything comnlcto. '-cheap for cash. Will trade. P. care East Oregonlan. - FOR BALE Seven room house with one and one-half lot. North Bide. Snap If taken at once. P. O. Box 177. City. . . FOR QUICK SALE AT 8ACRIFICE 220 acres eouth of La Crosse; 18t acres fall wheat; 85 acrea eummer- fallow; t head horses; improvements far. Price T18.876. Half cash; terms balance. Crop will make a larae payment on the land J. E. Moore, Care Security State Bank. La crosse, Wash. FOR SALE 10 head percheron mares . from s to years old, moat of them with foaL known as the York horses. ii.. i.r.h.rin faliion seven yeare old. For particulars, addresal Ida M. York. Box 7. Route 1, River-jFOR alde. Pendleton. Oregon. FOR SALE Splendid home on north side. Ten rooms, dining room, kitchen and fuel storage rooms In the basement, two lots, a garage, small barn and chicken -house -trees,- 4eau, thul lawn and' shrubbery. Inquire 714 Jackson St. ' FOR SALE Oood garage, good lo cation An business part 'of Wen. Well -equipped with -machinery -and tools, good stock of extras and tires. Must quit on account of health. J. D. Royer, City Oarage, Pilot Rock, Ore. FOR SALE 14.10 acrea of fine wheat land, one and one-half miles from ate t Ion. : Oood House and barn. 000 acres 'In summer-fallow. k An plow land.- Price $36.00 per acre. Part cash, bat. crop payments, 6 per cent Int. W. S. Smith, lone. Oregon. ' ' ONLY 3600 or 10 acre, all under government ditch, one Tmlle from Hermlston. Ore.. Is fenced, not a building, hi best alfalfa land. Joining land has cut as high aa tons alfalfa ier , whuj - ' nlno, wean , ; , . , a to Be on me rorce 10 cei away VJCLa.,BEUEVE ME. 3PEMD A WkJHr M VJHAT PoSfcV MEAJ,SP10 Micirr tii TU& TMe LoaOf- For Sale Continued FOR SALE Light I In. Ilaln wagon. Inquire 102 W. Webb or Phona 1108R. i i FOR BALE White angora . rabbit. Inquire 415 Garfield or phone 24a M. . . FOR BALE Bet dining chairs, rock er, rugs, three-quarter bed, spring mattress, 1 double bed. dresser, stand table cover. Inquire 223 Lincoln. Cow for Sato. ' ' A few first olass cows to sell, all of these are good milch cows. Jeo. TVohtl. Itlvaralde. Phone 207W. . , , , , , , FOR HALE Six room house In good location. ;-"Prlce 1100. : Te.nni tCOO cash, balaf.ee at IIS per month Inquire W. Ev-R'ngold, fire chief. FOR - SALE 410 : acres '1 mile i of Walla Wulla, tractor land, summer fallowed ready for crop. Fine land. No buildings, flood terms. 629 Balm afreet, Walla 'Walla. Wash. OLENN CANNON'S HOME or sale, furnished or unfurnished. - Call at 100 W. Webb or Koeppen'e - Drug Store. Illness !n the family compels us to make a ilianse. FOR SALE Packard "Tw.ln Six." good u new, but much cheaper. Vt 111 consider a roadhter or small "car as part payment. See R. D. ayrtft al "Sayrea" Store. FOR 8AI.E Modern Inw with furnaPA 6 room hunga- full baaement. walks and garage, on north eide, blocks from Lincoln school. A oar. gain. Inquire iX John T. Ogle, 80S Lincoln. Phone 457. ' I TYPEWRITER--All makes, Rebuilt and fully guaranteed. We sell on . terms If desired. Write for new price list. Whsleeale Typewriter CoM 821 Washington St., Portland, Ore- lon." : A FINE STOCK and sheep farm, con sisting or 2000 acres bunch grass land, 80 acres Improved alfalfa land. 100 acrea unimproved, with water system, located in southeastern kiick. itat comity. -Washington, la ' offered for sale at a very low price and easy terms for a short time only by own- sr. Address Western Investment Co., Alderdale, Wash. SALEA 45 Holt Combine en- , fllBt olaM condition. Inquire jjame. Hill, 110 N. Main or phone 673. FOR SALE OR TRADE Chop mill in good condit'on, 12x13 chopper, mounted on trucks with sacker 'and elevator. Address Elmer Ferguson Weston, Oregon. ' ' FOR SALE -Ford touring ear at a -bargain, thoriughly overhauled and all new gearinj. Price $276. I. C Hopkins, Weston, Ore. OVERLAND 83 FOR RATjE Bar- gain, for quick sale. trc.,..i tlr Co. Phone 46, Street. Beauty Shop BE BEAUTIFIED at Miss Rood's shop. Judd Bldg. Phone 1060. Wanted V ANTED Good clean rags 'Bant Oregonlah Office. at The WANTED -Job In harvest hy practl ... cal tractor- driver. ..R. i EX -Samuel-eon, tien, Del, Pendleton. - BY ALU1AN wnn iu. - V4HM HAVWI'T Voi N(fflCEO ? f TUfV UaVaUMEal POUCd AiNBODf V1HO IS NOt VVVtn tXKCEAI.Ct7 M A WTHHO sorr Wanted Continued WANTED Second hand flut desk. Inquire this office. top WANTED Dressmaking. Also plain sowing. Inqulte 107 Garfield. WANTED Girl to help with house work, 61f. LeWla. Phone 684M. WANTED Woman for general housework' on ranch. Phone 10FJ. WANTED Position y competent lady stenographer and bookkeeper At dress P. O. Itox 212. WANTED To rent, by responsible party, furnished house or apart ment by September 1st. Phone 701W. For Rent APT3. AND ROOMS ALT A APTS FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 601 Clay. FOR RENT 6 room furnished house, Inquire 201 Aura St. 'FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooma. suitable for housekeeping. Phone 214W. . . .' ' ". FOR RENT Large front sleeping room with bath. Inquire 711 Ann 'street, evenings. Miscellaneous BOARD AND 117 Lee St. ROOM. Phone 473. DR. H. J. KAVANAUGH cated In the Judd Bldg., is now lo- Room IS. HEMSTITCHING at the Singer -shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. biDRESSMAKINO Mrs. Petty. Phone 716. 702 E. Alto. DRESSMAKING 617 Willow. Phone 421. INDEPENDENT CITY Scavenger. Call 563 W. SELL TREES FOR US First class stock, complete line, liberal term. Write for contract today. Salem Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. Now Train Service. ' Takes effect Sunday, August 3rd. No. 1 departs 0:10 a. m. No. 18 arrive 4.40 p. m.; departs S.oo d. m No. 2 arrives 4:15 p. m., departs 5 10 p. m. ' No. 8 dvpar'-a 7:45 a. m. No. 6 diart 10:05 a. m. "( No. 41 dep 'In 9.20 n. m. No. 62 depart 10:15. No. 41 -depart 9:20. Adv. NOT I CES NOTICE! Having closed out my entire "busi ness to the -Umatilla Flour and Oram Co. I would be pleased to have all per sons knowing themselves to be endebt ed to me, to call at the old stand and make settlement, for after a reason- lime an unpaid awoanui win handed to my attorney -with mstrnc- 722 Cottonwood,'?" .cot: S.,'p,!S?e ?m-Pi ana ounge. xaa uiiimuia iwu, Grain Co. will in the future carry a full line of poultry and stock tonics and aooeesorles and to them I 'would refer mv former trade. C. F. COLESWOWTHr, ' 120 East Alta Street Nations' Editors Dined. MINNEAPOLIS, July 29. Two hundred editors representing 27 states) of the union, were guests of this city Monday. The editors, members of the National Editorial association, are starting out nn :a 30 days' "victory- tour of the northwest, Canada and the Pacific northwest. The national convention is to be held In four dif ferent cities Seattle and Portland In the United State, and "Victoria and Vancouver In Canada. The party -left for Winnipeg last night on a, special train. Among the editors was Congressman Guy H. Hardy Of Colorado, president of the National Editorial assooiaton. , Slu4ncrsw Attention, All -mjmBrs--bf the 'Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine are called to moot at the Masonic Hall Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock, to nieet a rep resentative from the Imperial snnne to make arrangements for the Impe rial Bhrlne meeting in Portland In 1920. A full attendance la desired. SHRINE COMMITTEE. TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage. Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:45 a. m. and 12 45 p. m. Leaves Athena lor Pendleton at 8:00 a .m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. nd 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Wtlston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. , O. H. WICKLINB, Prop. CHILD LED ORCHESTRA WHEN 4 YEARS OLD ROME. Aug. 5. Willy Ferrera. age 13, who leads 100 piece orches tras In selections of WagneY, Beetho ven, Rossini, Grieg and others, is an American and was born In Portland. Me. The child has attracted the at tention of Europe since he was 4 years old, but tl was only recently that his American birth was revealed by his parents, who are Italian. The father told the press corres Am- pondent that Willy carried an erican passport but that hla name thereon was William Ferrero, a name he had choaen for him while he had worked In Mnine when the child was born. ' The father said that at the age of 2 the lad was brought to ItalyWhith er his parents were returning to take up their residence in their old home in Turin. When Willy was 4 h be gan his musical career, leading an or chestra in the Folles Berstere in Per is. A year later he appeared tn tne jcoslanta Theater, Rome, where for 1.., r HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VKJIINI I i ccrn who atand ready to ! jou prompt and efcien service at. Auto Tops IF YOU NEED a New Top or Cur tains for your cat, See Gadwa, 201 E. Court. ' AUTO TOPS and ahoa repairing, 121 West A lta street. ' Auto Tire Service WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service Car. We go anywhere, any time. Simpson Tire Service Co., Phone 661. Auto Tires PENNSYLVANIA vent own Cords. Vacuum Cap, Wallace Bros. 611- Architect' ' RAYMOND W HATCH Architect. Phone 766, Booms 6 and f. uo- Ispain Bids. GEORGE R. WRIGHT. ARCtiiJ i Telephone 604; 614 Main bl, rw dleton, Oreg-on. - ' Auto Washing CARS WASHED I call for and de liver. Especially equippea to imii- dle work right. Automoble l-aunury Phone 28, -(opposite oourt house. Auto Repairing: MILLER & BEMENT All klnda of automobile repairing. -Chevrolet and Velle service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed. 680 -t-ouon-wood. -Phone 203. , Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your car. eonaiuon no uujw.,. Auto Clearing House, Garden & Alta. Phone 765. , Auto Painting BY bUSS WITH YEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Johnson. Ward A. Hoagiana. Auctioneer cOU W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer, ma.kes a specialty oi and machinery sales. "The man that vnn the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan Office. Auto Electric Work AUTO Electric Work of all kinds: Maimeto, starter. Ignition, etc, El- lectrlo Servic- Station. Main A water. WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile, w. m. .n Attorneys GEORGB'W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Room 17, aonmiui vim. CARTER & SMYTHS, Attorneys Law. .Office in rear oi NaUonal Bank Blulding. FEE FEE, Attorheys at Law. Of- fices in Despaln Buuaing. . R. I. KEATOll, Awornej v Room 24, Smith-urawioru cm""" g, Lowell, attorney anu lor at law. OKtce in xjep" )S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Smith-crawrora. diuiu..b. PETERSON, BISHOP tt CLARK, at torneys at Law. Rooms 2 and 4. Smith-Crawford building. ' ; JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Tayior nai"H pany. RALEY RALEY. Awornej. Law. Office in imenom "" Bank Building. FRED E. SCHMIDl'. vl""-"-' " Law. Room 24, orauu-u.,- Bldg. " Bicycle Repairing . . . y, AZ:::tC:T I. Pendleton Cycle Co., 228 E. Court the first time he led anorchestra of 100 -pieces. The program was com posed of Wagnerian. Beethoven and other heavy selections. The child took his orchestra before Emperor Nicholas In 1913, and con ducted two concerts for the monarch. In the same year his orchestra was filling an engagement In London, and he was commanded to appear before Queen Alexandra of England, at Marl borough House. He appeared before Pope Benedict XV in 191. LABOR SHORTAGE IS CAUSED BY HEAD TAX LAREDO Tex.. Aug. 6. (United Press.) Inability to secure is keeping many Mexican laborers from Jobs that literally are before their eves and Incidentally causing a farm labor shortage on the ranches of the Rio Granae auey, ima " worst in years. Since passage of the draft laws, when thousands of Mexican laborers left the United States for Mexico to avoid military service, cheap labor has been at a premium throunhout the Texas cotton belt and in truck farms and construction camp With the war over, employers Im mediately took steps to secure return of the Mexicans, but the United Ftntc Immigration Service refused to mi it I ban. An f head tax )s the first and Blacksmithing THE BOWMAN BHOP, Llackamlth- lng. Horseshoeing our Bpeciaity, ite palr auto springs, wheels, all aires. FIRST CLASS Blaeksmithlng of every description. You can do better here. A. P. Burgln. 07- Clay St. Batteries IbATTERIES repaired or recharged. new and rental batteries, jjccwk: Service Station. Cor Garden and Court Guaranteed for 18 P""Lw1ra months. W. E. Chase CO.. 3ZU J-" uuifc . nhone 269. Pendleton. Chiropractor DR. LENA A. BOONE, cmropracior. office over Cas Market, u Court; pnone 164. DR. LORETTA H. STARBA 1-10 Feebler Bldg. t to 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m.; other hours by ap pointment; phones Of. 583. Kea. lies. Contractors & Builders 'PARKER A BANFIELD, Designing, I Engineerlns, Constructing; 10 years : ,n ,n.nt. nn brick COR exjieucuKo struction; Col'imfcia bldg. Portland. Or E. M. ACKERMAN, CONTRAtnOM. Excavating. 1209 East court rnone 286M. Dentist DR. THOMAS OUMAKl, iJ'ui Hardwarde Bldg., reoaieura, vr., Phone 607. Draymen CALL PEN LAND Bros. Transfer van to move yonr household gooos. w e also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 3. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept., any size, etyie or shape glass while you wait u. J. Reber. M. D., 9, 10, 11, ttoits mas. Engraved Cards VISITING CARDS, Wedding An- - fnvifntTnna. many de signs and styles to select from. FojT sale at East ore go man on Florist POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns: funeral wreatns, oesiKiui. Geo. Hooker, Florist, 623 Main St. ' Farm Loans SNOW & DAYTON, 117 East Court St Real Estate, Fire insurance, Loans. See us -bout a loan. ' Gates Half-Soles HAVE the old tires half-soled; $500 .nnrinisMl: have proven worth. G. W. Bradley. 639 CottonWd. Jeweler and Optician AVHXIA5I E. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians ; Pendleton, Oregon. Job Printing LETTER -HEADS, ' Envelopes, uiu Heads, loose Leal ems, cial Forms, Dodgers, flacaros, pre printed to your order. East Oregon lan Office. . J Laundry EVERY article Laundered perfectly. There's an agent In your town. Troy Laundry, 608 uaroen w. Lubricating Oils MONOGRAM Oils and Grease, all j F.otArn Oree-on Warehouse i Matlock and Alta Sts. F. G. Sullivan Eastern Oregon Representative. Legal Blanks i t. TiT-annTS of every description. m.nk Tteeds. I.eases. Writs, Bill of ..... PnnlnrU. SUbDOenas. nuiunviu,. t. Sum etc.. tor sale at East Oregonlan Office. most serious problem confronting the Aipvlran who wants to come dsck to his old lob In 'America. Eight dollars to the average Mexican laborer In Mexico, is as much as eight thousand. He hasn't that much and there is no way to get It. She Waa Some Sport She was a four-flusher, particu larly to her abilities in various sports. "Do you play golf," . he asked. "Oh, I love golf." she answered. "I play at least 36 holes twice a -week." "And how about tennis?" "I won the woman's championship In our state." "And do you swim?" "The best I ever did was a half mile a'ratghtawoy," she replied. Somewhat fatigued he changed to literature, "And how do you like Kipling?" he asked.- "I kipped an hour "only yesterday," was the unblushing reply. . The only way you van have fun with some people Is tn make them angry. ; CHICHESTER S PILLS WjC-w . THE DIAMOND BDAXD. yV aUe41r-I AftK yoejp VnifilM for fi s.l-rk-t-- iM.gaiood BrnuVW l-tll la Rr4 We14 ftillkVy t"a, Mgrirj vHb F!ua Rfbbotk. Vx Tnkm 6faM-. ItWT " , rngya. A !. 111-4? Iit.-TEH 9 LlASloNIC It II AM riLilkiW ti. rcao itisawatd Beat. Safes. Always SeKi'.jf Monuments L. MONTERASTELLI. Marble anol Granlt works; -write or arrange for Interview for prices, styles, eta Piano Tuning Mcdonald music studio, tit W. Webb St. Fall term opens Sept. 15, ll. Latest approved methods Iplano. violin and harmony author ised teaeher of Oodowsky Progreaslv Series of Piano Lessons. Phone 646W. Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. J. McAtee, .the Pra'cUcal Paint Man. Low3 Bros., Paints. J. W. JACKSON, Ceneral Contractor, Painting, papering and kalsomlnlng done quick, neat and cheap. 616 Cal- tvin. Phone 1034. THE HOUSE PAINTER WT2NDT TUitinc, Paper Hanfilng ERtlmatc i"urnisnra Phone 1144 Shop 72S Cottonwooa Poultry Supplies CHICK 'FOOD, Scratch food, tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, ronra barley. C F. Colesworthy. 129 E. Alta. Plumbing and Heating HEATING plants., sheet metal work, pipe fitting, general plumbing sup plies I. I. Phelps. 317 E. Court. Radiator Repairing ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 'East Alta street. All manes or radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop. HAVE your Radiator repaired by our expert. Thorough satisfaction guar anteed. D. D. Pliclps. 317 E. Court. Real Estate UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa lands. Pendleton property, stoca ranches, grazing lands. W. H. Morrison FOR SALE Double walled lent house and lot. For particulars eaii 311 Marie St Restaurant THE QUELLE. A good place to eat. Rugs NEW and attractive rugs made from your old ingrain and Brussei car pet by the Walla Walla Fluff Rug Co., 1332 Walla Walla Ave, Walla Walla, Wash. Phone 1677. Suits to Measure , EMIL BECK, the tailor. Hotel Pen dleton, Bldg, Phone 1103 Second Hand Dealers' V. STROBLE, dealer In new and seo- ond band goods. casn. paia lor second hand goods. Cheapest place ' to buy household goods. 110 E. Court. Phone 271W. Sheet Metal Works PENDLETOX SHEET METAL works. chimney tops, . gutters, inymnu, troughs, auto bodies, 728 Cottonwood. Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring oar. , call ' uoeaecKe. " a. v - where, anytime; all new taxis; pnone 464; atand 611 Main St Tailors L1NDGREN & FRANSEEN, Tailors alterations; 735 Main si. Used Cars USED CARS at genuine bargain price at the Pendleton Motor Sales Co., Cottonwood & Water Sts.. Phone 63. Oil Is all rleht In Its place, but be ware ot the man "who has an oild ton- sue. ITES--STINGS Wash tbe affected surface with house hold ammonia or warm salt water; then apply vrrK's vapokUJ 'YOUR BODYGUAD'-3O.60.L2a WAKT AD t!OI.tJIJ AD CLASSIFIED DIRBOTORT Gountlng alx ordleaxy words to tha line and charged by the Una. Want ada and locals. Rates Far K.lae. Flrat tneertlon. per Una lie Each add. laaertlon. per llna ae One week taix Inaartiona), each Insertion, par Una - 6e 1 mo. each Inaartlon. par lioa. 4e 6 month contract, each Inaar tlon. per una 11-month contract. aertion. par Una . No ada taken for 1 lines. each la- lesi Minimum charge -lae Ada taken over tha telephone only from Kaat uresontae aoo ecribare and thoaa Uatad la tba Talepbona Directory. Copy muat ba In our office not latar taaa 1:80 o'clock day of publication W4