TEN PAGES : AAIL7 EAST OKEGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 4, IQlflL PAGE FIVE iinuifitfiiffiiiiiiifiiiifinniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiinfUiHiiit(al,llllllllllil's MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theatera Have to Tell You. PAS TIME I CASH GROCERY Tay Cash this month for your Groceries ' and the saving will surprise you. Mfll Feed, sack . . J Best Cane Sugar, sack . ..... . W-f Cocoa t Vt lb- 20c 1 lb- 40c Chocolate.'. V.". V.'. ... 1 lb. 35c, 3 lbs. $1.00 lest Red Salmon, large can. &oc Van Camps Pork and Beans, large can, 5 for . .... . 1JH) Karo Syrup,' Blue.'. Vi 55c 1 aL $1'?5 Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb. box. ... . 5oc Grape Juice, quarts "0c Puff Wheat and Rice, each loc warn AUTHORIZED FACTORY REPAIRS, PARTS AND SERVICE. Arciido Today. -IIW5 KII.YRR Kl.VCi" THUMIINO I'LAY NOW IS I'ICTUItKS After hnldin gthe stage In England and this conlry for more than thlrtv year. "The Silver King," the fumoua melodrama of English life, written by Henry Arthur June and Henry Her man, ha bean picturized with William Faversham In the stellar role, and thin great I'arainount-Artcratt special pic lure will be shown at the Ariel, th,... tre Bunday and Monday. 'The Bllvor King" deals with the ad venture of Wilfred Denver, an En Bliah country squire, who la ruined by a aupposed friend In revenge for cut ting him out In affection of a beau tiful girl whom Denver marries. Teara later. Ware Induce Denver to bet all he owned unun a Derby race. the result being that he is impoverish. d. When Denver heara Ware ulimt- tug over the success of hla scheme, he goes to the latter' house at night wilt) the Intention to kill him, but Ware In- J atead I slain by the leader of a bond j-5 of robber. s ' Denver Is suspected of the crime, S but he evade arrest by fleeing to this ,5 country and he amasses a fortune In i a Western mining camp. : HI wife and Is friends, as well as the police, believe IS him to have been killed in a railway is accident and when he reappear In i2 England under an assumed name, ex- in citing events ensue. Denver's Inno- oenae of murder I established and he 4 reunited with his family. ' 'A Mr. Faversham la supported by Bar- B : bara CRStletnn whn dIbvi him: Wat-burton Gamble. John -Sun- rieiiund and other "well known players f ft j JL- 2 ui i r?K. ARCADE THEATRE TODAY Children 10c " Adults 25c "The Siiver King" Children 10c tinillllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlg Do You Know TODAY J Adults 20c JACK PICKFORD I ''. in ''! I SEVENTEEN I ; A real comedy drama. In Addition E BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUE :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!nii what It Is to motor without tire trouble? I'nlversal Tire 1'lllcr, bq knows. - IT Ask the man nbo use Universal Tire Filler AL TA TO day! 7a SI Sire, This is the service that your FORD in service. keeps I PBHUma Toda. POPtXArt ST A ItH APPKAR JOIXTI.Y IN "SKVEXTEEN" ' r. .'' , " iO is a resilient cushion having D It ll 1 B !5 ?f au cne naing qualities oi a pneumatic tire. It is not a 1 liquid nor a solid. It will not freeze nor melt. Guar anteed to last for 100,000 miles. i o P o s I Simpson nuxo o. s Water & Johnson Stsv. Phone 408 Safest Cheapest Best All the latest Ford factory machinery to do (your work right and prompt. . . SIX I. .'Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim I.love he long since Pianos 'M Players . We have a new shipment of pi anos and players, all prices and makes. Our ; pi anos are all stan dard make and such instruments as Andrew Koh ler, Kohler & Chase, Howard, Baldwin, Hamilton, Ellington and many others. Victor, Edison and Columbia ta'king machines. riano'tuning'and repafcirigX I "i t i f Warren's Music House m ir .i ru ' ,i t jrcnaieion, uregon. Jack Pickford and lxmlxc Huff Well Com In Paramount PhotoplAy Next lo dlcussions on the war and politic the chief question today is "Have you read '.Seventeen' ? The question refers, of course, to the popu lar novel by Booth Tarlington. The story ha been picturized by Para mount with Louise Huff and Jack Pickford in the leading rolea, and if you Ko to the Pastime Sunday or Mon day you will be able to enjoy "Seven teen" with, your friende. William Sylvanus Baxter, the role played by Jack Pick'ford, is a youth who suffers the overwhelming burden of self-imposed dignity which la com mon to his sex at the advanced affe of ewmeen. i ne oDjeci oi nis catt-nice K adoration Is Lola Pratt, whose chief W claim to fame lie In her unlimited m supply of baby talk and her pet dog A Fioppit. aiid luumiiv. utviuf. a j ' 1 1 1 1 . 1110 fickleness of Lola drives William to , the verge of ulclde, but he is saved by A yield of 45 bushels per acre to re the devotion of Mary Parcher, whose ported to the Leader to have been scorned. Among icroppea iroin a i'"" " 5 those who appear in support of Mis- ' adjoining weston on me eosi. 5 Huff and Mr. Pickford are Winifred Work or preparing lor ine oik Call at our service station aud examine our filler, you will convince yourself. ' Universal Tire Filler Station 803 Cottonwood St. Pendleton, Oregon o n o TiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniHiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiit: 11 Children 10c " . ' Adults 30c VAUDEVILLE WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS Harmony a la carte. - LAMOTTE BROS. f ! High Art in Gymnastics. ' ( Metro Presents FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN IN "The Poor Rich Man" KINOGRAM WEEKLY TOPICS e D D o a few lot' brought a litle more than this. Most of thi hay will be consum ed on the ground where it is stacked, having been purchased by sheepmen and cattle' feeders. Many cattle are moving toward the markets from- the south end of th county owing to the parched condition of the ranges and the high price of al falfa, the Pilot Hock' Ilecord say. The cattle entrained here so far have been in excellent condition and have been shipped to Kansas City. Portland, Seat tle, and some to Pendleton, with the market In favor of Kansas City. under control and with favorable weather condition may be subdued altogether. Allen, Helen Lindroth. Madge iHvans, Walter Filers and Anthony Merlo. CUPPINGS FROM COUNTY PAPERS Irrigon will produce about $15,000 worth of fruit this season, the Her miston Herald was told last. week by Merrill E. Boble. He expects J5000 net from his 20 acres of apples.. Stanfield will hold an election on August 25 to decide whether that city shall have a municipal water system. The cost of such a system, the Stand ard says, will be 70 per cent borne by outside taxpayers. The Preston-Shaffer Milling Com pany of Athena will reconstruct the 0E30I I0E30I IOE30I IOBXOZ n o IOE n r nik.ni. -i. iii -,i . , ' 'ahead, of its nearest competitor, the B. B. Richards chop mill will be closed ,v,h. ., Mora than 1100,000 worth of alf- slalfa has been m id already this seas-, Rock Record from the big forest fire a on In the Butter Creek district alone in tne aig Teea aisinci iiiuici 5 according to the Echo News., Prac-la total ot 1 sections, or 12.000 acres ilea II v all of this was sold at a price of forest nave Deen visueu oy me u.- 5 of tlt'a ton In the stack, although j astrous than that now in use will be Dut In. I Teel tunnel Job is progressing rapidly me transformer capacity will be I says the Kcho News. Four houses are i enlarged. L ntll the change la made. ( nirenriv constructed at the upper camp and a crew of m?n has been taken in' down for want of power. from Pilot Rock to start work on the tunnel approach. It will be two or three weeks before the tunnel machin ery can be installed. The celebration at the tunnel site Is expected to take place In about three weeks. Late and reliable reports to the Pilot country. It has been lithographed on heavy Silurian gray paper, formerly vscd for the printing of bread tick Vts. Lettkind. . Mthuanla's neighbor, printed first stamhps on the backs ot German ordnance maps' but these, proved a little unwleldly and now Its stamps are printed on the flimsiest of cigarette papers. Czecho-SIovakia stamps recently received here ore simply the united arms of Bohemia. Moravia and Siles- '; ia with the inscription. "Szecho-Slo The Wallowa national forest again; venska statni" printed on the Magyar led the whole northwest in receipts for; stamps. Thev were issued when the. the fiscal year ended June 30. 1 9 1 9. Czecho-Slovak troops invaded Hun. says the Enterprise Record Chieftain, i gary. . , . electric -wire eystem In the down-town '"rT " .JZ!' T.'ZI . T" --Pted port of Flume ha .. ,111c. ii mii Venn v. ,u.lwen nrovided ir.-;th A. strlkini. wHm in Oregon. Alaska and Washington. , uictorlai stamoa. ahoarenrw in n. ports. About 50.000 lambs win be sold and they will bring probably t9 a head, or a total of 450,0. The Weekly Republican has recent ly had some correspondence with a man In the State of Washington who is looking for a location for a vinegar factory, and thinks very favorably of Union. It Is just possible that he ma; locate there, though at present the matter is indefinite. uisinct, oeginning the work at onec the Pre says. Heavier service wire recipts in the from grazing fees. with total was much of $96,477.70. It lead with recipts running $10,000 blaze. The fire is now well Heppner's council has decided in fa vor of purchasing the city water sup ply, the Gazette Times reports. It is now owned by the Heppner Liight Sc. Power Co. and no definite price has been fixed by its owners. A tentative offer of $40,000 was recently made. however. I ' -Phone 524. 820 Main St. YOU LAUGH WHEN THE UMPIRE IS HIT; .finiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiri Chevrolet l.o Velie Peerless Are the lines we handle and bclieye in. ; Our goods of merit and conception of service has, wade, the fastest growing automobile con cern in Eastern Oregon. You'll like to do business with us. Eastern Oregon Motor Co., lire, Chevrolet, Velie and Peerless. m Garden St ' Phone 1027 a- mm 5- - ; - - - - S rV 4 2 h: - -r " ' J I III ''WHsajiTiiiiaAHjr, ?, B if - , t , j " iy ' if t .1 i , "4; r j ' ' ' ' " '' , , "Jf Nothing creates more merriment on the diamond, than when1 Iho umpire stop a foul tip win bis chest protector. Tha ball hits the pad and sounds lias the boom of a bass drum. But would tha fane laugh If they knew the umpire had been badly hurt? The Indiana aud Browns were playing In St. Louis July 6 Tobln was at bat. He nu ked a fast oue. The ball missed the catcher and caught Ollie Chill on the right aide oC the chest protecttor. The impact almost Moored the little uuips, but he continued the game. Tha ball had landed in one ot tha "seams" but ke didn't know hia ribs were cracked a mil after the game. Tha doctor told him as he bandaged up the Injured member. For two weeks the pains waa Intense but Chill continued. No one knew ot his Injury but the doctor and Dineen. his partner. Four years ago one of Chill's ribs mi the left, side was cracked In tbe camo 'manner but It didn't put lira o t th fMV " J..".. The first of the 1919 lambs from Wallowa county's flocks wll go to market In the east within a few davs the Enterprise Record Chieftain r- New Nations Furnish Curious Specimens for Collectors of. Stamps LONtON. Aug. 4. Stamp collec tors of which London has its full share, are enthusiastic over the cu- ticipation of an Italian mandate for they all bear the words "Flume pro. claima I' annesslone all Italia," and; the date 30-10-131S. The four de. signs include the statue of Romulus and Remus fed by the she-wolf, the piazza of St. Mark, and ancient Ve netian galleon and the portrait of Or. Frofflch. HIS ARGUMENT wotcher doing? stealing a "Hey, ride V. "Ain't the railroads being run by the Government?' HaminHI K. iiuub Biamisv nnibii w-i o wcrsm u'lig iu tramp. . reach them from the smaller Euro-I "Yea," "ean tates. "Then stealing a ride Is merely One example from Lithuania is of; political crime ind i..ii.i .i the first permanent issue of that don't eo in thin b.ntrv When)(Su Feel Dumpy AncLOut of SorisijeneraHy lokraixnind a littlG and see if the trouble is perhaps with the food. A lot of people.need bet ter nourishment. Contains marvrelotis nutriment all the goodness of wheat and bar ley, including their rich mineral elements, nave Grape -Nuts t as a daily ration with others food and see if life doesn't take on a brighter look. A delicious, economical food! "You'll like.it, "T7iere's; a ' Reason? iti