r" TWECVE FACES DAILY EAST ORECONIAN, TENDLETON, OHECON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 191?). TAGE NINE U. S. CHEMISTS WILL PROCLAIMFREEDDM Tremendous Advance in In dustry is Made in Califor nia in Last Year, PHIIIA.DEl.rHrA, Aug. 1'. The complete freedom of the chemical In diiHlry of the United Hi ales rrom for flKn domination In expected to tie ' discussed by Secretary of War Bnker In hid address o be delivered before the annual meettotf of the Amerlcun 'hemicnl eoclety to be held at the Hellcvue-Hlrotford here, from Sep tember 2d to 6th. This' is expected to be the largest aKHemhlaKe of chemists ever held In the United Hinted, the membership of the eoclety hnvliiR increased from 770 In 1914 to 1S.00 In 1919 More than 6000 chemists are now at work within two hundred miles of thin city and thousands more are In Illlnola, Ohio and other suites only a few hmira Journey from here, One of the large delegation, It la believed, will . he from California where there has been a tremendous advance In the chemical Industry within the hint year. . The strides "made by the chemical lpdustry of the nation, na shown In etatiatlca Issued by tfio American Chemical. Society In advance of the convention, were directly atlmulated by President W'leon'a recommend, lion to congress that the Industry be safeiruerded and. by the disposition of legislators to furnish adequate protection. This effect Is especially felt by the newly organised dye section of the so. clety. The Introduction of a license system would regulate for a limited number of years the Importation of dyes, colois and medicinal sulmtancea. It was pointed out that Germany's war atrenglh was largely due to the fact that, almost overnight, she could! convert her great chemical plants in to munition factories. Previous to the war her favorite weapon for attacking the chemical Industries of other nations the "dumping" of the products of these huge plants at less than cost prices, when any rival to her trade appeared, The protection from thin "dumping" process will, it H ifuld, make chemis try a rnlRhty factor In the era of re construction upon which the country hns entered, ThrtuiKh the research and Ingenuity of American chemists new sources of potash upon which farming and many manufacturing Industries do pend, have been found In the lukes anil rocka of the United States ami In the kelp fields nf the Pacific const. Heforo the war Germany wus able, virtually, to control the polash trude of the world because under much of her territory are soluble ores from which potash la extracted at allst expense. American chemists have been spending millions nf dollars In re search work for the development ol a group of dyes known as vat dyes.; One large manufacturer. In order to Place its vat dye department on an efficient basis, hns expended $1,800, 000 in experiments. The first ses sion of the dye jectlon will be of Im portance, not only to chemists, but to manufacturers of leather, textile and many other fubrics in the prep aration of which colors are required. might have been mistaken for an ov erseas marine officer. Jaunty cap and all, except for his equipment A .45 caliber 'automatic pistol hung from his Ham f!rown belt and on the other Hide a bayonet and acalibard, A 10-gauge riot gun, nlung ut a se cure point, . rec-illed Oerman protests at the "Inhumane shotgun used by Americans for puurd purposes. The service will continue the duties of patrolmen, militia and detectives. Hpecinl equipment for sleuthing Is provided In the . gumshoes worn by the police horses. Mayor Walton will not havo his policemen's movements disclosed lo desperate criminals by nolay trolling, hit says. eh'rtc, wll ltnka breakfast at Wichi ta and according to his schedule will dine at Hotel Astor, New York, to. luorrow night. Ie proposes to leave Wichita at half-past six o'clock tomorrow morn- i As the crw Tiles, the distance from i Wichita to Now York Is 1350 miles. ' mwh xo f.aiuv ikop. IXNLHJN, July 31. "No one can Imagine prices dropping much in the next year or two," declared Premier IJoyd-fleorgo before the agricultural committee of the house of commons today. Intends to Fly 1,150 Miles in a Day to Dine in New York Picked Overseas Men Form Mounted Police For Oklahoma City OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklo., Aug. 1, Suggestion of Kt. Mlhlei, Gibraltar and Pancho Vllia ranged Oklahoma City today as the new mounted police trotted picturesquely to their first day's duty. The department was composed of picked overseas men, uniformed ' liks brigadier generals and armed like superdreadnaughts. Each man at first WICHITA. Kus., Aug. 1. ('. A. Kettering, president of the ltttyton Engineering Laboratory v Company, who flew In an airplane from Day ton to Wichita' yCHlorduy, will seek new honors tomorrow In t cross coun try flight. Mr. Kettering, piloting his own inr- vnts jw:itfNAi Tits i:xixu tivi:.. WASHINGTON", July. 11. i Creation of an executive' department of aero- nauiics, miaoM - . , VIII ... V. 1 .. k. ..... ' is proposea in a .,,iw. New Introduced today. ItclHiiiHi I uviim notification. mvnnj: Auz. 2. The foreign committee of the Helgian chamber of deputies recommended the ratiflca tlon of the peace treaty by the chain- : her, said a News Agency iijspaiiTn from mussels. TEN YEARS AGO HE WAS ONE OF THE BIGu MEN IN BASEBALL :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini!i Used Truck Bargains ; 1 2-ton Denby,' engine completely overhaul- tvi. iivrr into an aiuuiiu in gwu tuiiuiiiuu. $1750.00 1 3-4-ton Republic, with bed and side bars, in I 1 good condition $1000.00 I - Umatilla Auto Co. 809-11 Garden Street. , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? I I'm -f-v h l .lA 'A Iff h i If , V Outing Days are Here Before starting on your trip to the hills or across country be sure your car is in the best running or der. 1 ''II Ten veara ago he won a world's series pennant. He was one of; the greatest managers In major league baseball history. He has been out of the game but a few years and yet who would look at the picture and connect him ith baseball? Fred Clarke has -ken up tne less strenuous pas time trap shooting. He is presi dent of the Kansas State Sports men's Association. Fred doesn't boast of being as good a trap shooter as he was baseball gen eral but he does fairly well. He broke 24$ birds In the state titu lar meet. m The long hot hours over all kinds of roads is a severe work-out for every part of your machine. THE MOTOR, THE CLUTCH, THE WHEELS, THE BRAKES all should be thoroughly gone over before you start.- ' BRING IT HERE AND YOU'LL GET A GOOD JOB. All work guaranteed and turned out by mechanics with experience. (Billy) W. L. GUMMING LEUER AUTO CO. GI4-16 Garden St., Between Alta and Webb Sts. John IXie First Victim. If The first speeding victim of the! new month Is John Doe, who thlsj morning forfeited 5 bail for failure! to appear in oolice court. 3UILD YOURSELF UP SO AS TO FEEL BETTER Eat and sleep better, as well as look better, by taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It is an alt-the-year-round medicine, good in all seasons. It purifies, enriches and revitalizes the blood, creates an appetite, aids digestion, assists assimilation of the food yon cat, and wonderfully builds tip the whole system. In many cases it succeeds where other medicines fail to do any g-ood. ( If you need a mild effective cathar tic, get Hood's Pills. , STOCKMEN Take notice of the growth and development of the Spokane Union Stock Yard. Make a trial shipment and come with it ; see for yourself. You will be finan cially benefitted without doubt If you have only a few head, club with your neighbor and make Com- : munity Shipments. Write us for our booklet on this subject. Spokane Union Stockyard Co. WHS 222 East Court Street, Pendleton wow FOR. : BUSINESS Carrying a complete line of tires and tubes and making their own adjustments BLACKSTONE FABRIC TIRES Carlisle Cord Facts The breaking point of a single strand of Carlisle rope is 235 pounds. , A pull of 100 pounds is required to separate the two layers of cord.' In the ordinary tire a pull of 18 to 30 pounds will separate the layers. .They save gasoline. In tests the saving has run from 20 to 30 percent. They are less susceptible to puncture than other tires. Blow-outs are almost unknown. The break ing resistance of a Carlisle Tire is more than a ton per square inch. . CANTON CORD TIRES Guaranteed 8000 miles The forked lightening tread. 8000 mile guarantee Carlisle Tubes are. guaranteed for 1 year. The Carlisle Guarantee When you buy a Carlisle Tire you can smile with the thought that you are getting much more for your investment but paying no niore. : ' Let us tell you about them. Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction are CAR LISLE CORD TIRES; not 100 percent perfect, but so nearly so that any time we will correct any mis take made in their manufacture at our expense and without dispute or delay. . care iii the Tire business d$i velv. Come n and see the Tires that serve.