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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1919)
S :, i. ciaa ... , ) W h a t Sh e Re a lly Wan t ed By Elsie Endicott et lute IT so happened that the very spring mornlnf that Tom Har land Invented aa excuse, to take aim Into the main office of the concern tor which he worked, to ee pretty DohBk Daley, that MIm Daw ton, the private kecretary, cama In calmly wearing a beautiful diamond solitaire, which aha waa not tha leaat backward III thawing all tha Other girla. tf thlk had not happened at Juat exactly the proper moment, Tom would probably nerr 1 have known Donnal treat desire for Just kuch ft ring. For Tom and Donah had been en gaged khly k week, and tha young man had M keeked to Marvel at tha wonder of th (kt kuffletehtiy to eon alder rtck Secondary things aa kn gagemaht ring. To be kttre, he' had long ago picked ant little ring With a modekt Wak ktonk 'thk color ot Don na's eye, kk thought), Which waa atill displayed In the show window of the local Jewelry afore, and h had fond visions of placing It on Donna's hand! But since that heavenly night 'a week ago when, to file stammering words of kovk and longing, DOnn had concerned that aha loved him, too, nothing like rlngk hkd any place yet In hla blissful mind. ' So thkt tnornthg when Tom atood outside tha ofea ol the lumber com pany, his blissful heart received a Jolt ka hk hekrd Donna'a beloved vole ex claiming In delighted accents, and he lot there Just In time to catch the loot t utter longing with which she wea ragardiug tha diamond Hng on Mlsk 'Dawson's hand. Also, he Was Jttst la time to hear the latter'a condescend Iff: V "Hope you'll soon hav one Ilka it, dearie." Tom changed hi! mind kbout going lit. Instead, ha turned and left thk of fice before, the girls noticed htk pres ence. He crossed the yard and kkt down on k pile of lumber behind k shed to think over this disturbing gueettoa of diamond engagement rings which had been so suddenly forced on his at tention. For komk time ha had seen plainly. In his mind's eye, thk pretty Uttlk bungalow which he wkk going to build for Donna: Hlk employer, who wanted to help the yOUdg foreman, had promised to givk hun the lumber td buna it, if Tom would kecutkvthe building lot ' At his employer's suggestion, Veto had already paid down half thi ANM Ot thk lot, and by careful Sating Wkk now ready to make the flnal payment anil secure the land; and It aeemed to htm that his cherished, dream of a home was about to ba realized at last. But now came this dismaying fact of Donna's desire Tor a diamond ring.. Of course, khk ought to hevk one, kk Well ks Mlsk Dawson, Tom told himself. But It would taake k bkd hole la th bungalow fund. Btill he loved Donna dearly and If she really wanted k dia mond he would get her' on, knd tie would have to wait for thk bungalow. The little ring with thk hlUk ttohk didn't seem to appeal to him khy long er , . tk the bffle Donna sat down kt her desk after Misk Dawson had left, and klowly began to open thk morning mail with a troubled look la her blue eye ghe told herself thkt Mlkk Dkw kolt'k fiancee, who was k broker, could well kfrord to give her k diamond en tkgement ring, while it would tie tool led extravagance for Tom to buy one, Bo khk resolutely banished the thought ot thkt glittering blue-whltk ktonk ' from her mind and turned her men tion to the day work. " . Tom was not So tortuAkt and after debating thk thing ta kik mind kll morning, hk hurried through hlk din ner and spent the rest 6f thk noon hour at the Jeweler's, Inquiring the prices bf dtauiond engagement rings. To hlk diernny ke found that the prick 4t thk one hk wknted as exactly thk hmount reaulred before the building lot eoaid kk his. But he hkd made hlk mind 1 knd that evening .he present ed thk mrprtsed end delighted girt with a beautiful diamond engagement ring. jMet kk big ks Belle Daw eon's!" to Donn kitclalmed proudly. Bubbling over with happiness, Don kk tMpped down to Work thk hekt morning, proudly eoneoiouk of her Aik Bioed ring, but ktopped in dismay ottl kid thk Brivktk office, as through the pkrwopea goor khe heard thesd wordkt "How kbout your bungalow, Tomt Maveou bought that lot from Curllk yetr And Tom's disappointed tele replied klowly r"No; not yet" '- I '' - : Buiigalowt Bulld'ing-lot! ' Donnk tiptoed kway and leahed tfeihhllng against the wkil. Dear Tom! A little home, kit their own! She knew now why he had said "No, not yet I" Blie looked steadily doa at her ring a momeht, and then, leaving a inekeagk thkt khk would kk back koon, khk Jeft the btflek ktld haktelted to the Jewelry ktore. Blik keked the proprietor, whom khe knew, It khe might kek him "on Im portant buktaees," tor a tew minutes. Boon khk came nut tfniltng, with a folded slip 61 paper held tightly la one hand. Donhk hurried back to the office knd Immediately telephoned Curtis, 'the redi estate dealer. Bhe mankged to evade Torn whene'er he came hear the ornce.kll day.' But that evening khe met him With outstretched fchOdk knd eyea full of lovk knd longing. Tom stared hard at her left hand, on which aparkled no diamond ring, knd fcl 4he question n hla eye khk but both arms around hlk Heck and whispered, aa he arew ner ronniy to him: ' 'Oh. Jom, dfinr! You Billy boy! Did yoii thirik I'd Hither liti a diamond ring thkn a bungalow Why, t would n't lake It for the world I Yoa spent thk WOhey you had saved to bliy the bulldlng-lot. Tom. dearest! Think of having h home, all pur wnlH Before thk kurprlsed young man could say k Word, khk thrust kn offl-eial-looking enveiopk Into fete hands, containing the deed to hik cherished Ibt. And When he began, "but. Don na, darling," khk wouldn't listen to him, but pulled him down beside her In the hammock, wherehe kissed her end held her eloae. - ' , . The hett evening Tom brought her a Uttlk ting .With a modest blue atone (the colpf ot Donna'a eyes, he thought), ' J A Is It Not a Mistake? x By Phil -Moore NOTHING waa left to bk dose now and It teemed to Christy ' ThauC aa ah stood back and surveyed her Work, that It really al ready held thk bride ft whom It wag Intended. The adjustable form which aupporkd It bad Something of. Delina Ray'a kllght, young contour. It waa quit ay to Imagine how the dreak waa gotag to took Oik that Wonderful morning an only one day distant Th dreaaWka her maaterpleea. Nothing remained but to fold It ta a hoz and wait for It to bo taken away. Outside tha open window which let In th J use air, there waa a ate aad rustle and a girl leaned la over the allL She was a aretty girl. In a flimsy, fancy way, Ilka aom gay little wayside Sower. 1 "Oh!" ah oxclalmed. "80 It' doak huhr , -How do yoa Ilk It Doris r Chris ty asked, amUing. , "It'a Joat sweet t ertek were mine." -Why, do m need a wedding dreest" Christy looked ap la kurprise. Th girl bid. her face on her folded artta and laughed shyly, n might Toa can never tell. ' Seems to me It Deltna Ray oka get a maa I Ought to b able to. Tou going to take It home, Chrtstyr -No. Delina'a going to aend after It soma time this evening. I'm going to ant It In a hot knd leave' It here for Whoever comes. Mrs. Peel said she'd kek to It1 -I've got to go out" Doris turned kway. "Well. I've got to go home or Aunt Han wilt be Jay Ing aa. I ks getting Just about alk ot Aunt Han. shk Wont let hik hare a single beau. Just because she's an Old maid khk keemk to think that's the propef lot for all ot Us. 'And It Isn't I'm going to be married, It I have to run away. Toull see," - .The girl waa gone. Christy fcaw her running across the open yards 4oward home, a flying, Buttering little shape full ot youth'k buoyaaey knd folly. , "I kuppoa hk referred to Harry. Crane," Christy thought "t doot think khk'd do ko bed It khk Were to merry him, but khk ought not to die-' obey her kuttt Yet, It t had disobeyed my mother that one time about Rusk McKnlght I'd have been with, him in Alberta new instead of making beauti ful dresses for happy brides to wear. And It Wouldn't have mads khy differ ence to mother- hot for long anyway. Well, I try to think everything's tor thk beBt" Shk Sighed kk khe boked the dress tenderly end closed the win dow and went out to supper. , Christy had her dressmaking kbop in the two front ' rooms of Mrs. Peel's . house knd ehk boarded with Mrs. Peek After kupper Christy ld lira, Peel that ahe Would find the drekk ready to ' hand to Delink' messenger When she Sent after It; then khe made ready knd Went to Mary Lake's. , "Did you know thkt DoHs Is carry ing on perfectly kwful over Harry Crane f Mary keked. Being kn in valid, she cherished every hit of gossip khe heard seriously. ' "Her Aunt Han waa up here today complaining about her. Bhe Wk she " don't know what khe will do with .the girl." x "I'd let her marry him," said Chris ty promptly. "Well, t guess It would be thk Besl thing. But Han Atwell'k kwful set la her way, I didn't say much to her, for I knew It wouldn't do any good. By the way, Christy v Carrie Colemaa phoned over here yesterday and aald she'd had a letter from her cousin. Rush McRhlght" Christy turned palk Clekf to the edges ot her . brown hair, where a gray thread or two was beginning td run" like silver. But khe kept the usual grip upon her emotions that she al ways did when that name Was men tioned, ) "He's Just : cleared up US.OOk In whekt It doesn't Seem possible, does ltt He eftpects to do as well next year If prices hold Up. Then ha says he's coming back to civilization. Car-" rie thinks there's somebody In Mlnne kpolls he'k Interested in. Probably hell kettle down there" "Mary"' Christy' voice was sharp kk khk Interrupted "do you want your' dresses made loose or tight around the walstf" f She walked back horn la th soft dusk. She smelted lilacs all the way,, and shk walked on her heart her poor, starved heart that Rush Mc Knlght had left behind him desolate when he went to thk wheat country, "That's all over," sha thought "all Over forever.", A she Beared her owa ed. "Why, what's thk matter T" Fot door khk met a girl hurrying toward Christy waa turning a haggard white, her from the opposite direction, ihe "It's gone." wak a housemaid ot the Bays Whom Mrs. Peel laid a hand on her khoul Chrlaty already knew klightly beeauak ar, "Toil go home," she said to thk of several errands which had brought na teu Delink It wasn't quite her to the house. . - ready, That'll give us time to invek "Oh, good evening. Miss. Thfcla," khk 1 1 gale this." When the girl had gone said, "I've come after Miss Deltas' khk turned to Christy, "Now, brace drees.-" , , "Alt right Christy answered, "ft'k ready. Come in." she led thk way into thk kewing room knd kwitohed aa aa and lefa talk this over. Ain't you got kfi IdeafChrlsty." But Christy had none. After they looked thk house over without avail tha eleetria tight A khe east a quick they went to bed to bleep if they . glance around she saw thkt thk hot could, Upon thk myatery. was gone. "Why, somebody's been It was near dawn before Christy tell here before you and got It" khk elf Mleek. She was kwakened by Mrs. claimed. tj gundlng Over her. "Oh, no," replied ,the gtrt Hulekly. ttaa Atwell'k been her. Bhe saya "Miss Delina sent me herself, and ttk tJortk fan away last Bight with Harry come straight from there aere," ' Crane. They were married by the Jue- "I'll ask Mrs. Peel," OBrlkty kald. tlce before they went Doris aald ao Her heart Wak going fast She ran to In a note she left her aunt. Shk left th back of th bouse and found-Mrs. one for you, too. Han Just gave it to Peel Calmly beating up bread sponge me. Read It quick. I've a suspicion ta the klteheh. ''Who did you give De- We're going to And out something link's dresl tot" she demanded. . about that dresa." , ' "I didn't give it to anybody. No- v Christy sat up in bed and opened body'a been here," Mrs. Peel answer- the note. "Don't tell Aunt Han." she read aloud klowly, "hut I had to hav tnai areas 10 oe marrie in. hi got 'In through the wlridow after you went kwa ajpd look It I only hkd It on kit hour, but t loohad dandy In It Tou ought to have keeft old .Tustlok Par sons bug his eyeet ' f nut It back in the bok Just kk earkful, and tomorrow morning Davy coaiek I going to take It to Delink. Maybe you think I'm aw . ful, but t did ao want k real wedding drekk. Maybe It the last chance I'll ever hkve to wekr one." " ' An hour later Delink Ray 'phoned her tbankk td Christy. "I'm sending you a cheei in the morning mail." elie ended. , The mall brought something else be sides the check to ChMsfV letter from Rush - McKnlght "Could you muuu 11 nerv in me wneai -cuauiry. with me for a couple of yearer hk knked. "You see I'm staking all on tha chance that maybe now your mother la gone you'll have me, after ail. ir you wilt I'll , come and get you in aldo of a monthA '. x The next dress Christy made waa an other wedding gown. And shs wor it herself. . " . -Tli a irk S 1 0;;a -;!! tl O der I2a : - ":BAbncf Anthony , 1 y AS shk quickly slipped IhM her owa room. Mra. Flower dash ed her mask aside, reveal ing thkt she really waa not a Wat tau aheperdkaa, but the charming hostesk of thk gay gathering. -SyMI!" ahk exclaimed to the figure before the mirror. "I amk hack to toll yoa I thought you Ought to know Bruo Button ta her. Th girl, who waa putting thk flnleh lag toaehek to a eualnt medieval eos rttm started Violently and theft kwhag . klowly kreund with gushing face. "Why, Loulsel Surely f . "No. t didn't Invite him. Of eours not OOoktol But tA knot him Jutt bade ffoea California, kk aaid; aad yon know Jim. He Whisked him out here and haa him la hla room now, arrang ing a eoatume. Then, when It waa too lata, a thought of you." "Louisa. I'm ant going down. I'm going home no, I cant get home. Well, 111 go to bed; and dont you dare mention my name." "Toa ekn't ' Everybody knows you are tere. Except Hutton, Mrs. Flow er laughed Childishly. "Oh. forgive ma. dear, I know If kerloUa tor you. Why, you two haven't Spoken fof k year, have you? imagine you two, of all th people, teeing thk Old Tear out together!" Sybil faced her olassld Image des perately. "I won't go down in this gown. Its' not enough of a disguise, and komk one may know what I'm wearing, tt would leak but Louise, yoa must change coktttmek with me. That wl those panniers h, nobody Would ever suspect me of being k Wat' teak khepherdeaa. And Wheft time comes to ttnmksk, I'll be suddenly 111 or disappear like Cinderella." Mrs. Flower, always good natured and obliging, was out of her brocade by thlk time and assisting her young gueet to dress. About thk kame time a tall masked flgdrs In k monk's cloak was reproaching a rotund image of royalty. "Jim, you blunderer!1" Brno Hut ton' smooth Voice was Vibrant with feeling. "1 just heard Mies Ware Is here." "oh, yes. Oh. yes. lust like me," muttered the remorseful king. ''But--" "No buts! U wouldn't addreks her tor worlds. HoW would khe know It wkk hot all prearranged? HOW can 1 avoid her? That's what I want to khow." Hk east a puzzled glance 'over the gay Scene, lively with moving figures. King Flower had one of his brilliant Inspirations. "I'll tt that See that pink and sil ver lady hear the door, with her hat 00 her ear and a stick to keep Mary's Uttlk lamb in order? That's my, wife. There's your cue stick to Louise and you'll be all right. She'll under stand." - Hutton followed his friend's advice and stack to Louise. It seemed strange to him to find the vivacious Mrs. Flower 10 a silent mood; and she oertainly had improved ta dancing dur ing the past yeaf. Shk daneed like fairy now. Then khk wkk shyi but et course thkt wak part of her play, Bet eral times the Wkttekn shepherdess slipped away ahd Huttoft hkd to kearek for her. During the meff? hour Hutton looked tor some one figure that might be the girl he had guktreled With long ago years ago, it keemed. Hk hd dressed k few masked guests I but took care that they Were of pfopoHloti that could not pokelbl? belong 16 Sybil Ware. There was a ehUbfiy Yaina Tama girl and a tall gaunt Joan ot Arc. For the rest, he remembered the advice of his host "stick to Louise." Beside, there wa a strange delight in dancing with this wing-footed shep herdess, knd in pursuing her When she eluded him, Bruee Hutton' mood Wkk softening. It waa in this hontk hk had passed gorns pleasant hours wttn Sybil, Hk recalled k curtained nook On thk flrat landing, aa embraur with k window Woking OA a kldk balcony. A fascinat ing Idea came to htm toward the eve ning's el. It Obsessed him and Would Bt bk thrust kklde. "Let's be Btinett" ke whispered to the Wattoad mfcf. "You've kept It lip splendidly, Mr, Flower t but I what a word with you la private. Please" aa tha pink and silver lady keemed to bk bOUtfil fbr Instant flight "I'm going away again tomorrow or next day, bud If you'tk my friend And a good Uttlk tnort, kk I know yoa ark you'll do something tar ma" Huttoaa smooth fotck wkk rich with an appeal that won hlk Cause. A moment later they were keated la k Curtained alcove in the upper hall, with the sound of revelry shut out and a silvery moon shining In through the low window. "You See Jim told me to stick to you and f'd bk sate," explained Hutton. "But t find there are some things I can hot forget Tou are Sybil Ware' good friend, knd t guess you're mine, too. Will you tell me it there' any truth la thk rumor of-her engage ment to well, to anybody?" A brief hesitation and the head with ltk pOftdered wig knd klantlng hat Wk Shaken Violently. "I'm trusting you, Mrs. Flowor," went on the man's voice, growing in Intensity of feeling. "I'm telling you whkt 1 Couldn't say to Sybil herself. Tonight in your bouse hak Opened all thk old wound, it came to me that perhaps khk, too, hak hot forgotten, Wilt you can you find out for ma knd let me know before t leetet Be cause" 1 , A distracting nolee kuddeuly assail ed themi the loud rfethert!efis of k great gong, raised voices, hurrying feet, crashing music and laughter. The signal bad been given for the mid flight unmasking. Hutton had scarce ly time to realize that thlk Signal could not have been given without the pres ence ot the hostesk when - "Masks off!" cried the Wattean kbepherdess sitting beside him In tha Curtained alcove, and turned her fao 10 the (hOohltgbt "Happy New- Tear. Mr. Hutton." "" - . . "Sybil!" Hutton caught her hands fa uncontrolled fervor. Then hk drew back. "But Jim told me you were his wife." "Louise kttd t changed costumes." sybil'k tones were demure but kneoor kglng. "1 wished to avoid' a Certain party-'" , - "On, you did. Well, H did t" Then . Hutton laughed happily, -welt you've heard my confession, but not ' kll, Rybll. Good Wd, girl, how I've nllssed youl" . A moment liter Huttos Opened the window and tossed a pair 'of masks Into the dusky garden. "Masks off forever with us. And now shall w go down and say Happy New Tear to our frienda?" Then, as they descendedthe stairway together, he kpokn ak if to himself, "Bless dekf blundering Jim!" Her Method of Keeping Him By Joella Johnson TftR& probably was nothing that annoyed her husband any mere than the Sound of k sneeze, and for abouj the tenth time ahe quickly applied her handkerchief to her nose in time to prevent the out burst. Ak It wkk, hk ftefat calmly on etrapptng blk mtisle bag His back, allm and straight la evening dree, Was toward her. Hk wa Very handsome and healthy, Ahd khe had k cold. No womaa eaa bk even passably good looking under stirh conditions. And If abe ta very plain to begin with The door Opened tentatively and Perctval turned. His face lit up. No wonder. The thing he saw was enough to brighten any man 'a face a. girt young, vivid, gay in the freshest of frocks. She looked like a red rose or any Othef glowing, brlght-bued flower. Moreover, tt wak patent that sbe knew how she looked and how great was the effect she wis producing- ; "Oh,' you poor dear!" khk kaid to Anne. "Ton feel horribly 111, dont your j "Colds krk ko disagreeable," Anne murmured, unfolding another hand kerchief from the pile she bad brought downstairs. -And to have one on this evening of kll evenings," Pearl Heath went oft. It must be a great disappointment to you not 'to be able to hear Mr. Law rence aing." Bhe glanced at him. "She bears me practicing," he said, "and, anyway, ahe doesn't know one bote from another." He slipped on his ulster and took up his bat "Draw your opera cloak np about your throat more, Pearl. Tou don't want tj take cold," he added. "Oh, -t hevCr do," the glcl cried. "Welt, t Suppose we must go. Mother ie waiting oritstdk In thk limousine. Good-bye, dear Mh. Lawrence. I'm awfully korry' Mdlhef to, too. We'll bring him safe home. And I'll play bis accompaniments the best t cap." "Good night, Anne," hC skid, with scarcely a backward glance at her. Ahd they west OUt together, leaving Anne 'alone upon the divan. It was k wonderful night a recur rence'o mellow October In the midst of January. She thought of the Heaths' yellow limousine slipping through the calm street toward the house Where the musicals wak to bk given. She thought of Pearl Heath git ting ihere beside her large, placid, ktiiptd mother knd opposite Perctvkt. ShC thought bt how the three would enter the house together, knd BOW presently Pearl would be kitting at th -piano, playing for him While he kkftg. ' 8h had had hef hekrt broked dur ing thk first sit month at hef Jhar- riage. Another wemafl hkd intruded, she had not conceived that khe could be so Jealous, and yet she fancied ahe had kept It kll kwa? from him. "I will Walt" shk had bidden herself. Aft er kll, ahe was bis wire, and this wom an was no better than a score of oth ers he had rejected because of hef. She did not understand him, but she wanted to keep him. Some oh a says that -trhen' the pine tree loved the palm there was more than distance to bake one fc mystery to the other. He was still very much of a mystery to her, but shk 4s determined to solve him. And, thkt li-st fcffalr ot hlk with Agkthk Richland helped heMtjilneaaur biy to do thlk. ' rot hk tired of Agatha Richland In kit weeks, and came back to her just k he had gone ky. - Now for thk first time to year khk waa not altogether sure that be would Come 5acR. Pearl Heath was untlftk any one she bad ever seen him care for. lng to his vanity, which in such men requires a large yard stick. "I'm not ady more sensible than 1 . waa when I first married him," shk; thought "All the lessons I've leefhed dd hot seem td kppiy here. It tittu having an'edUcktltm 1ft Sanscrit JkHd finding Suddenly that you need some everyday French. At least 1 11 keep on being patient knd trust lit thk Lord." . . . Being k religious woman sbe prayed ft Uttlk hod then tell asleep. tt keemed to her that she hkd bare ly Closed her tys when Ink encued them Haiti; instinctively khk kne that Perclval was In the room. "I thought you were asleep," She sat, up against the cushions and ho came and sat down beside her, dropping his head into his hands. x ' "How Is your cold?" he asked. . ' "Better. Aren't you home early?" He ran hia finger through his thick hair. "Yes, I'm homo early," ke said. ''I only kadg once." 1 "Why, Perclval!". y , " "Once only!" Hlk tone was cyclonl "Do you know what shs did. the Heath girl? She played k dlffcOrd ia kiekd ot k dissonance (knd threw me Oft the key. So much tot letting an amateur accompany you." - "Ah! Tou were angryt" "Of course, f Wak kngrys Who wouldn't have been? with that idiot1 or an Andrews, who fancies he's tqy rival, grinning at met Shk trted to. apologize, and her mother-"-" To avoid k scene I escaped., I came back to you." N . , "You always come ' back to ma." Aline thought happily. Aloud ah satd1 very softly and tenderly! "Poor boy-l"