Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1919)
US' Mr MiHWiit.9 .'.hi t . nt. TENPAGks;vV '.. V fivi. . '"f ; J - pail? mmioKfafl, tTOPiiirro oftfeodN Friday; august l, luift . ... I i . . frAOE NTNT1 T) Nptices; Business Opportunities, CLocals, Lost, Found, I For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference j ; wmsmm Emm - - . : raw. tod at. . - Back sew advertisement will pa. run voder "Mew Teds? for tsi rs Insertion only.. During' sabeequeot. Insertions ot the ad It will appear ander Ha proses elsaslfleatioa, 1 FOR SALE , Beauty Shop BE BEAUTIFIED at MlM Robb t hop. Judd Blue Phone 1060. FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy. Call J510 Balry.. .. , , ,..,.!. -.i, FOR HALM Five room .modern noue. Close In.. Phono 261W. NEW TODAY FOR 8ALB--maJl; . printing I pre, ' 010. Typo, furniture, everything complrte, cheap tor cash. ,W)1I trade. P.. rare : East . Oregonlan, ,. WANTED Vomaa tor generaljFOR SAKE ALL kind of Insurance, housework bn ranch. I'hone 10F2. J. H. Estes, S14 Main St., Phone 604. FOR SALE Dort touring car. In plendld condition: aljio two ford touring car. Inauire Independent Oarage. FOR SAI.K Some very tine registered Red pigs, male and female. J. B. Troxel, Wlid Horse, Creek, , Phone HAVE YOtt ANY KND OF A BUSINESS -Ayf, PLAN? . Are you ''waldng' for a chance'' to push that business Venture or plan or to find BACKING tor that idea or invention of yours? Tour caa, Ulnanca" a series o little ads under ttie "Business Oppor tunities" classification, in which to seek for a partner or m. backer. And . If your plan is a good one, YOU CAN FIND HIM. Is It's a plan worth thlnlslug about at all it's worth ' want ad campaign " Isn't It? .. For Sale Continued is Wanted Continued DKM3NDABLB MAN wanted , for FOR SALE j floojr work- Wallace Bros. - . ' Price fllOO. CAR - WASH KB WANTED Steady Job to right nian. ApiHyat once at .Oregon Motor Garage.. -S room furnished house. Enquire ZI4 Thompson' us eALia one B-roora house and I WANTED A position aa assistant one 7-roora house, close In on North! bookkeeper snd stenographer. Rf. side. Inquire 1S Johnson Bt. ... lerenca. Behnke-Walker Buslneu l(nllAiTA to1As " Ti r FOB SALE .OR RENT-Small room-1 i iiur house, furnished. "P" this office. ..; Easy terms. I TO TftADE For Ford) or light car. HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY , . OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY Tliuj IWtory is ekpcciallly bandy for tlio out-it-um reader who snay want (ha nana and addreea ot rw- ponalbla baslnem men who rcpreeent the following Tarions lines. Ail are reuamo. mvuuuuMi oeras who slaad ready to ! you prompt and efficient service. saaMaw ; ' Auto Tops I U YOU NEED a New Top or Cur tains for your car. See Cadwa. 301 B. Court. , r.i AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing, 121 west Alta street. ' Auto Tire Service Blacksmithing: THE BOWMAN SHOP, lacksmith ing. Horseshoeing our Specialty, Re pair auto springs, wheels, all sues. FIRST CLASS Blacksmithing of every description. You can dd better here. A. p. Burgin, 807-t Clay tit. SBCtJND HAND cash register Pay H qashu Phoin Harriet -. Pendleton FOR $ALE-Several lota la east end . ot jlty.. Phone 58R. . " BOARD AND 1IOOH. 417 .Lee Bt.;- .... Phone 471. Ri; If. JJ KAVANAl'OK is now lo I cutr In the Judd BlUg., Hooui 1,5, FOR SALK Light ' In. Bala wagon. ' Inquire 1104. W. Webb pr Phone 11611, r, FOR ftALB Three ' unfurnished , roorna Suitable for housekeeping. Phone 214 W. FOR SALE Ford touring. 118 mod. ' el. -with $150 extras. $800. O. W. Oberg, Hotel Pendleton, before 10 a. m. Friday. FOR SALES Seven room house with one and one-half lot. North Bide. Snap If taken at once. P, O. Box 177, ty" ;-;'. ' ' WANTED--Olr to help with house. work, ill Lswla. Phone tSiU. BUICK Model SI, for sale or trade I for Ford or Maxwell, .Balck has good tires .and In fair . mechanical oondltion. Inquire at 1104 E. Court street after p. m. any evening..,., fows for Sale ' A few that class cowa. to sell, all off. these are good ' milch cows. Oeo. Wachtel, Riverside. Phone 2S7W. 2 room house with frutt,' 1 iblock!' vur " l,ra from paved street and car linei, Ad.l61"""00 Tlf 8erYlc Co pho" dress "D care East Oregonlan. WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service Car- We go anywhere, any time. 1. Miscellaneous TYPEWRITERS All makes,. Rebuilt -OREfcSMAiaNa Mrs. fteed. 204 8. and fully guaranteed. We sell on Main . tar mm If riulru) Writ a mM , prioe, list. Wholesale Typewriter 'Co.. ??MT,TFIUNO at tho B'nr "! tit Washington St.," Portland, bre. - r - . - . e . Mall orders promptly attended to. gon." DRESSMAKING Mrs. Petty. A FINE STOCK ana sheen farm. eon. J0 - Phone sisting of 1090 acres bunch ffM,m Phone Auto Tires PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cup, -vertowtt Cords. Wallace Bros.' 811- Architect' BAYMQNQ . W HATCH Architect Phone 71$, Rooms I and . De- spain Bldg. - . system, located In southeastern Klick-ltjEPECirDEIfT . wuuvr,. n iwiiimuu, im uiierevi , Call 6(3 vV. iur mio at, a very low pru.ana eaayi CITY.. Scavenger. GEORGE XL WRlOHT. ARCHITECT Telephone tut; 614 Main St Pen dleton. Oregon. ' i Batteries (WiUard) BATTERIES repaired or recharged, tew and rental batteries. 'Ktectric Service Station, Main and Water. Monuments L. MONTBRASTELLL Marble and Gnuilt works; writ or arrange for Interview for prices, styles, eto. ' Guaranteed for It rJSAOD months. W. E. Chase zo S-OVLn- ie- tihone 2. Pendleton. Chiropractor DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, office over Cash Market, $0 E. Court; phone 154. k - , Piano Tuning: Mcdonald music studio, u, W. Webb St. Fall term opens SepV IS, 101$. Latest approved methods a ipiano, violin and harmony author lzed teacher of Qodowsky Progressiva Series of Piano Lessons. Phone (4SW. Painting & Paper Hanging: PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. J. McAtee, .the Practical Paint Man. Low Bros., Paints. DR. LORETTA H. 6TARBA VlO Feebler Bldg. I to 11 a. m.; 1:20 to 5 D. m.: other hours by an- pointment; phones Of. $82, Res. 11(9. New Train Semen. . Takes effect Sunday, August Srd, .'No, 1 departs :10 a. m. No. .18 nilees 4m9 p.m.; depart 6 00 p. m.,r- No. t arrives 4;ig p. ra departs 6 10 pi m. . No. $ d-por'Jj T:5 a. m. 'No. $ dfBr' 10:03 a. m. No. 4l dep t, a.2, a. m. . 'No.' $2 departs 10:1$. t ' f No.' .41 deparu :20. '' ', . r -a.iv.- FOR QUICK SALE) AT SACRIFICE 820 acres south of La Crosse; 18$ acres fall wheat; (S acres summer fallow: 8 head horses; improvements fair, - Price $18,876. Half cash; terms balance. Crop, will make - a large, payment, on .the landi . .J... E. Moore, Care Security State Bank. La crosse, Wash, ; terms for a short tint only by own-l FOUND Aluminum auto hub cap. ar, ..Address Westara Investment CO,h Owner can have same by paying for Aiaeroaie, wasn. - itnui ad. . veteran by FOR SALE Fsrd touring car it a ' 7"?1J-I? bargain, tbo.'iughly overhauled and ., 1 .,..' ...""j ' Hopkins. Weston, Ore. cnargea Mayor Baker of I'ortland ha been asked oy Prof. Knowlton of Reed col lege to, determine whether recent In creases' In the cost of living are just. . -V TIME CARD - '' ' Wextrm-Pwulkton Auto' Btage. Leaves Westoa for Pendleton at ) T:4$ a. m. and It 4$ p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a .m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at j- 1:20 a, rn.'rnd 1:20 pern. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight .Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. , , r: O. H. WICKLTNB, Prop. FOR SALE 10 head psreheron mare from S to years old, most of them with foal, known as the York horses. Abo one Percheron stallion seven years old. - For particulars,- address Ida M. York. Box 1. Route 1, River side. Pendleton. Oregon. " , POR SALE Splendid home on north slde.. Ten room, dining room. Kitcnen ana fuel storage room in tns basement, two lots, a garage, small bara and chicken house trees, beau tlful lawn and shrubbery. Inquire 714 Jackson St. ' FARMER? AND MBRCHAHTS, At tention 2 1-2 ton , Packard, second hand truck, chain ' drive, equipped with dump body. Bargain. Call 246. j. j. canni. . NOTICES Auto Washing: - I CARS WASHED I call for and de liver. Especially equipped to han dle work rights Automoble Laundry Phone 2$. opposite court house. Auto Repairing: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. IBgh School Blinding at Pilot Rook; . Ilmaiill frt . nnmn. ' FOR BALE A 45 Holt Combine an- ? Sealed DroDosale will be reoelved glue In first class condition. Inauire I br ....... in. uiu ut vnuue, Aueust 16th. for the fumlnh. rnn ii.r.m no t-v, a t-c. '. TTu. I ,n ot materials and the erection i. ..a m.ji,i. it a high school building to be built mounted on truckTwlth cker d Sl,, ,C?,otI froud" i Pllot FOR SALE Good garage, egood lo cation In bualnasa part of town. Well equipped with machinery and tools, good stock ot extras and tires. Must quit on account ot hearth. J. D. Royer. City Oarage, Pilot Rock, Ore. elevator. Address Weston, Oregon. Elmer Ferguson, For Rent I Umatilla County, Oregon, according to plans and specifications prepared I by c. B. Trout man and C. A. Haynes. I Architects, of Aberdeen, Washington. nans and specifications may be APTa . AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. j een Bt th office of the county super. 'uiduubul Mb renaieiun, WTesoa, or at the office of the clerk of the Union Hleh school ntfttrlft Tn ' 4 Vtlnt Muuocni.i.ri.u nuuMa, sui ciay. rtock, Oregon. Contractore desiring plans will be MILLER ft BEMENT All kinds of automobile repairing..- Chevrolet and Velio service station. Out- work absolutely guaranteed. (20 Cotton wood. Phone 202. Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your ar, condition no object Auto Clearing House. Garden Be Alta. Phone 765. - Auto Painting BY MEN! WITH YEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros., 812 Johnson. Ward A Hoagland. Prop. FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court Auctioneer FOR room KENTNlMlv f ..i. iu.a pinna will ue 407 W Tlta? Phoni TJW eqUired to deP. dwk. . 407 W. Alta. Phone H77W.tha sura of (0.oo) Ten Dollars, for Lost LOST White nt terrier dog with black and brown spots on head and blatk spot on hip. Finder will re ceive reward by i.otirytng R. J. Camp, belt. Phone 12F22. LOST One bay gelding branded D. I. on left shoulder. Scar on left hip, roached mane, white apot In forehead, weight about' $00 lbs, 4 years old. ' One bay: gelding' (turning brown) parer, branded D I left shoulder, weight about $00 lbs, 6 years old. Suitable reward for Information leading to recovery of above described animals. ' Jim Kanle, Cayuse, Orst or or David, Ingram, city. FOR 8ALBr 1470 acres of fine wheat land, one and one-half miles from station. Good house and bam, (00 acres In summerfallow. All plow land. Price $26.00 per acre. Part eaah, bal. crop payments. ( per cent Int.. W. 8. Smith. lone, Oregon. t)NLY $600 for 14 acres, all tinder government ditch, on mil from Hermiston, Ore., la fenced, not a building, la best alfalfa land. Joining land has cut aa high aa 8 ton alfalfa per acre. No rocks or gravel, soil la sanoy sue aoaras ma ssaner, ! nlno. Wash. Pilot Kock-PcwUetaai Auto Stage. Leaves Pilot Rock at 8. a. m. , Leaves Pendleton at 10:18 a, ra. ' Leaves' Pilot Rock at 1. p. m. , Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, -Prop. . Tovr ad. sbonld serva yotl quickly whea th cook, learaa... n FOR RENT Large front sleeping l"1" privilege or retaining lans (6) room with bath. street, evenings. Inquire 71 Ann WantedT WANTED AUtO 388M. trailer. , Phona V ANTED Good clean rags at Tns jsaot vregoniaa office. ....... WANTED Second hand flat desk. Inquire this office. top WANTED Job In harvest by practt- . ti usnor ariver. R. E. Samuel. on, uen. lel.. Pendleton. 1VANTKD BV Sent. In. fco .. does not Intend irninir tn .iin.i , . a - " mi u nun a wneei. Model Cleaners, w o XI 18 PI, ' r WANTED Ekoerlenraul iri . ... fountain and candy 6emrfm. nw im,. ess Aiain, , . DOINGS OF THE DUFFS . . .. ' Danny Was There With' the KickV r'-Bkl: Y ALLMAN rfa so mice, amo' 4 CALM TOPAV, DADDV IS Coi4C To ThACH Voo To 5WIM- MCAUFIN. WITH HM, -' Tom I 1 . li "-rr J - If .1 l , . ( rto-i Give A rtau V; II r , i vw kicK ari' , i i ! iiTTi" ' V"' sisannes f ilr"nrtr . 1i"iT fTm mm ieii.iii i a i.u .. i i;t. yJt'; 17? 'umtSai daj-a. This deposit wUl be forfeited should parties fail to return plans and specifications before that time. All Plans shall be returned to Clerk of school Board before bide ar opened. All proposals shall be addressed to the ''Clerk of Union High School Dis trlct No. 2, Pilot Rock, Oregon," ana shall be plainly marked "Proposal for accompanied by a certified check in an amount equni to five per cent (5 per cent) of the bid and the same made payable to the Clerk' of Union High School District No. 2, pilot Rock, Oregon. Said check shall be forfeited to the district by way ot liquidated damages, should the suc cessful bidder fail or refuse' -to enter into contract, or furnish surety bond. as set, forth in th specifications, within fiv (5) days from the date or award. , , The school board reserves tha right to accept any or reject all bids. By order of the school board ot Union High School District No. 2. Pip lot Rock, Umatilla County, Oregon. . . C. W. PAULUS. Clerk of Union High School .District 140. 2. Pilot Rock, Oregon. C. E. Troutman and C A. Haynes. Architects, Aberdeen.. Wash. COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money." . Leave orders at East Oregonlan Office. Contractors & Builders PARKER A BAN-FIELD. Designing, Engineering, Constructing; 10 years experience in concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg. Portland. Or E. ' M. ACKERMAN, CONTRACTOR. Excavating. 1208 East Court. Phone 288M. J. W. JACKSON, General Contractor, Painting, paperin and kalsominlng done quick, neat and cheap. $1$ Cal vin. Phone 1084. THE HOUSE PAINTER WENDT Tinting, - Paper Hanging Estimates Faralaocd Phone 1144 Shop 72S Cottonwood Poultry Supplies Dentist DR THOMAS OHM ART, Taylor Hardwarde Bldg., Pendleton, Ore., Phone 507. Draymen . CALL PEN LAND Broa Transfer van to move your household roods. We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 239. CHICK FOOD, Scratch food, tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley. C. F. Coleswortliy, 12 S. Alta. ' Plumbing and Heating HEATING plants,, sheet metal work, pipe fitting, general plumbing sup. plies I. I. Phelps, 217 E. Court. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept. any size, style or Reber, M. D., t, 10, 11, Bcltz Bldg. Engraved Cards VISITING CARDS, Wedding An nouncements, Invitations, many de signs and styles to select from. For sale at East Oregonlan Office. Auto Electric Work IN POUND. The following described - animals have been taken up by the marshal ot the City ot Pendleton, to-wit: On black mare, right hind foot white, branded G D left shoulder. about five years old, weight 1000 lbs. Black horse, branded O right shoul der, white spot in face, wt. 1000 lbs. Black mare. 1000 to 1100. white spot In foreheaj, blotch . brand left shoulder. If said animals' are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to their possession, costs and expenses paid and, taken away within ten daj-s from the. date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 8th day of August. '1818. the said animal? will be sold to the h Ik host bidder, at public auction, for cash, at th City Pound, in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses ot making sale. - .... Dated this 2Sth day of July. 1S18. , ' AL ROBERTS, City Marshal. AUTO- Electria Work of all kinds Magneto, starter, ignition, etc.. El. ectrie Service Station. Main A Water. WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E Chase Co. Attorneys GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney . vLaw, Room IT, Schmidt block. CARTER SMYTHS, - Attorneys at Law. Office In rear of American National Bank Eiulding. FEE & FEE, Attorneys tWJAw. fices in Despain Building. Of- R L KEATOR, . ' Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Biulding. S. A. Lowelli attorney and counsel lor at law. Office In ueepain mag. 8. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Smith-Crawford. Biulding. i PETERSON, BISHOP & CLARK, at torneys at Law. Rooms 2 and 4. Smith-Crawford building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. : . f RALBY & RALEY. Attorneys at Law. -Office In American National Bank Building. FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room If, Bnmu-v.Tawioru Bldg. Bicycle Repairing v Florist . POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker', Florist, C22 Main St. Farm Loans Radiator Repairing ". ALT A AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. Edw. A Porter, Prop. HAVE your Radiator repaired by our expert Thorough satisfaction guar. anteed. T. O. Phelps, 817 E. Court. Real Estate UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa lands, Pendleton property, stock ranches, grazing lands. W. H. Morrison FOR SALE Double walled tent house and lot. For particulars call 811 Marie St. - , Restaurant THE QUELLE. A good place to eat. Rugs SNOW A 1M.YTON, 117 East Court St. I Real Estate. Fire Insurance, Farm s- - mttnntt ra m Loans. See us .bout a loan. . i ,H .., ,.. -i4- -jrir ol 'pets by the Walla Walla Fluff Rug UaieS XiaUpOieS . ,ce. 111! Walla Walla Ave-. , Walla HAVE the old tires half-soled; 85991 miles guaranteed; have proven! worth. O. W. Bradley, CS Cotton Wd-1 ' Suits to Measure Jeweler and Optician WILLIAM E. HANSCOM ? " Jewelers-Opticians ' ' Pendleton, Oregon. IEMIL BECK, the tailor. Hotel Pen. dleton, Bldg, Phone 110$ Job Printing LETTER HEADS. Envelopes, Bill Heads, loose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forms, Dodgers, Placards, etc printed to your order. East Oregon lan office- Laundry EVERY article Laundered perfectly. There's an arent in your , town. Troy Laundry, 608 Garden St. Lubricating Oils MONOGRAM Oils and Greases, all dealers. Eastern Oregon Warehouse Matlock and Alta Sts. F. O. Sullivan Eastern Oregon Representative- Legal Blanks LEGAL BLANKS of every description. Blank Deeds. Leases, Writs, Bill ot AUTO Tires Vulcanised, bicycles and sales. Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits, ' supplies, Savage tires, key fitting. Complaints, summons, etc, tor buib Pendleton Cycle Co., 228 E. Court. East Oregonlan Office. Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLB, dealer in new and sec-, ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household goodsv 210. E. Court. Phone 271W. Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON SHEET METAL works. chimney - tops, gutters, skylights, troughs, auto bodies, 728 Cottonwood. Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring oar, . call Goedecke. We go any where, anytime; all new taxis; phone 464; stand 611 Main St. ' Tailors LINDOREN tt FRANSEBN, alterations; 726 Main St. Tailors Used Cars USED CARS at genuine bargain price at the Pendleton Motor Sales Co., Cottonwood A Water Sts., Phone 636. Vancouver In Canada. The party left for Winnipeg last night on a special train. Among the editors was Congressman Guy H. Hardy ot Colorado, president of the National Editorial associaton. NOTICK! Having closed out my entire busi ness to th Umatilla Flour and Grain Co. I would be pleased to have all per sons knowing themselves to be endebt ed to me. to call at th old stand and make settlement, for after a reason able time all unpaid accounts will be handed to my attorney with Instruc tions to collect. So please be prompt and oblige. The Umatilla Flour and Grain Co. will in the future carry a full line, of poultry and stook tonics and accessories and to them I would refer my former trade. i C. F. COLESWORTHY, . 128 East Alta Street. Nations Kdttora Dined. -MINNEAI'OLIS, July 29. Two hundred editors representing J7 states of the union.' were guests of this city Monday. Th editors, members of the National Editorial association, are starting out on a 20 days' "victory" tour ot the northwest, Canada and th Pacific northwest. The national convention is to be held In four dif ferent cities Seattle and Portland In the United States, and Victoria and Packing Charges I'nlflcd. MOOD RIVER, Or. July 80. Val ley operators of apple-packing houses have decided to standardize charges made for harvesting and packing tups uf nPRh'K.i s. Where i furnished by the packing-house op erator and where ' his supervision Is necessary it has been agreed by the representative packers that actual cost with an added 15 per cent should be charged. This rate will apply to picking, grading and packing apples. A charge is contemplated to cover the depreciation on warehouses and V Pensive .grading machinery. The matter of Insuring apples stored In packing plants will be left to individ ual grower-owners. ' ., was to the effect J. F- O'Brien, a jitney driver, bought a quart ot whis key from Benner for Judge Carroll, a special officer sent here by Gover nor Olcott to Jetect the sale of li quor. O'Brien turned state's evidence. llotelnutn Is lined S:lOO. , EUGENE, July SO. William Ben ner, whose hotel, the Central, waa raided by Sheriff Fred stickles and his force Friday, was fined $300 In the Eugene justice court after a trlM .Sound to Have Air Taxi.' . . TACOMA. Wash., July SO. In the near future Tacomans when they in quire for a taxi nvo have to designate whether they want an aerial taxi or one of the common land variety. !a Seattle firm will establish an aerial taxi service between Tacoma and other sound cities, according to the an nouncement of a representative of' the company who applied today to tne park board for permission to establish a landing at Point Defiance park. ' The park board voted to extend very encouragement to the new ser vice and to allow the connection of a landing to one of the park floats In ease It does not Interfere with gen- I eful uses ot the park by the public. Take horde a Delta fancy brick ot lee Cream. ; They are put up In card, board cartons and will keep for one hour. m RUBE-CUTS - I fff Cleanse thoroughly JfJJ It SJ reduce inflammation V J 4Weafir DT cold wet cempres- '..TJsi see apply lightly, without JSJy fiiction irjfjS VICE'S VAPORUB -YOUR BO0YSUARO"-i0'.60.2O Constipation upsets the entire" sys tem causing serious Illnesses to the numan ramilv. Don't worrv Ho iis- on the charge of the sale of whiskey. 1 tor's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive Mis ettorney. Howard M. Brownett, out constipation, regulate the bowels,1 save notice that ho would appeal the tt ne the stomach. purify, cleanse.1 case to the circuit court. Without fall give it a thoro trial. $:.-. I EViaerKe lyen. before Judge .Weli TJlfna.n ft Cp, "I WANT An) COtCS) ABO CLASSIFIED DIBSJCTORT CXrantlng six ordinary word te the line and charged by the link. Want ads and locals, Kate Per 1.1s. first Insertion, per line.. 18 Bach add. Insertion, per Ilea ts Oe week (six insertions). each Insertion, par llne. M 1 me. each InaortloB. per lias. 4 8 month con tract, each Inser tion, par lim 13-month contract. sertion. per Hue . No ads takoa for I. 8 lines. Minimum charge eaea la- lle Ad takes over th telephone ealr from ISset Orsgonlsa b eerisar aad thee listed la tee Telephone Directory. Copy must be In our office sot later tbsS) 1:3 o'clock day of publication.