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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1919)
r-y f v ' M ! -11 T TACT, TEN DAILY EASY OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1919. TEN PAGES j! i i I I Fresh Fruits and Vegetables We have a large supply of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, quality the very highest and prices right. ,' . Green Stringlcss Beans, 2 pounds : . .'. . ; 23c Green Corn, dozen 40c Ripe Tomatoes, home grown, 2 lbs.. . . ; . 25c Free Stone Peaches, box . $1.50 Apricots, box $1.50 Water Melons, pound . 4c Minced Clams, 10 cans $1.00 Crisco. . . small 00c, med. $1.20, large $2.40 GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Two Phones 28 "QUALITY" 823 Main Si. 8 5 2 i 4 5 OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE 5 9 Earn Save Have '' Tlirifl, Snma and Happiness go liaml in IuiihI. ' 'o red flag will ever wave over Uie duor of any umu who OWXS bis OWN HOME. Open a eatius account at tits strong bank, it . lakes only one dollar or more, and earn four percent computed twice a jear.K' ' TliK SAVINGS UKF.UiT.MKM S -. . ' .( ' " - . ' ... THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON - "Tho Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon MINUTE MAN SIX LEXINGTON TOURABOUT This ia a low. graceful, distinctive-looking car. It ia made for five passengers, the rear seat being almost as wide as the rear seat of the Touring Car. The front seat is solid, without an aisleway. - " ' ' ' It Is really a sporting model. . That is, it Is lower and narrower and rangier than the average touring car. In a street full of automobiles, this car will stand nut. There is satisfaction to a great many people in owning an auto- " mobile that seems full of dash. This one does. " All Lex ington cars do, but this one does particularly. ' It is slightly unconventional, without going to extremes. This Tourabout will be found remarkably comfortable because of its wide seats, its extra good upholstering, its fine balance, its 122-inch wheelbase, and its 56-inch semi elliptic rear springs. ( to MM MOTOR CC , - . . w m-rnrm a. J, ' - -ixxington ana wnue ueaiers oi Umatilla County. Telephone) 4 722 Cottonwood SC tlllllUltllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIII, Do You Want a Home I Phone 1072 I Ton can take possession within ten days. 1 room bungalow, X UyA, IIuhIi street $3500.00 S romn, full laaenent, Mrictly modern . . . , . Sioo.oo 4 room modem bungalow, West Alia 3400.00 ft room cottage, newly papered 2100.00 8 room modern bungalow, rurnace heat, lu- , csiled two blocks from Has Mam Street. . J'tra uios 5000.00' . We nave oilier. Snow S Dayton "We Sell Land" I IT East Court 1LKAL ESTATE! FARM LOANS Phone M INSURANCE I 1 OH, IT'S riCRCC TM tvV TM:Y PCSTtrim'D up rvr ItAct. kjiTM LOAN MST".S !! Mtt, t DON'T KW tuHCTN mr HCN tMCt. 6V6R tjfi AOCCf TO SfiT THSj5por a., ore I'. J "Don't T?e Pendleton Market News The following prices are the prices being paid to producers by Pendleton business . houses. u Wherever retail prices are given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. . . .. Eggs and Poultry -Eggs, 45c , , Hens, 20c. Bpring chickens 25c a pound. . ' Country Ham, iEtc Ham, best quality, 28c , Bacon, best quality, 40c c , Batter Ft and Butter. Butter fat, 69c t. o. b. Pendleton Butter, $1.10 a roll. Potatoes. New potatoes, 3 l-2c a pound. Old potatoes, $2.25 to $2.50 for 100 pounds. ..""" Country Butter Now $1.10 to the Producer. The producer Is now receiving xi.ju a roll for country butter. " This is an increase of 10c on the roll. . ' 1 Producers Get S',ie , '. For new Potatoes. Producers are. receiving S4c a pound for new potatoes now. They sell, retail price, for 6e a pound. The new potatoes are plentiful now, but Fifty Against Two. It is not rea sonable to expect two weeks of outing to overcome the effects of fifty weeks of confinement. Take ' Hood's Sar saparilla along with you. It re freshes the blood, improves the ' ap petite, makes sleep easy and restful. Con Dung Low Louies Place Fine home-made FISH NOODLES Chili Con Carne, Span ish style. . Chop Suey, Chinese -style. . All kinds of Soup. Short Order Meals.; Good Steaks. Lunches, Coffee, etc China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE ' HOTEL - f Cor, Webb and Cottonwood Bts. Pbone $17. Pandleton, Ora, old potatoes are almost off tho mar ket. - " - " ' 1 " ' " Green Corn Is ., . i i iOo a Dowjn. Green corn Is still 40o a dozen. The corn has been at this price for several days. Killers Koroo lKwn Hogs and Lambs. Hogs were showing slipping prices at North Portland during the day. even though the east was sharply higher., Cattle were steady, while sheep and lambs lost about 60o. General hog range: Prime mixed $22.00 22.60 Medium mixed 21.6022.00 Medium mixed 21.6022.0O Hough heavies 20.0020.60 Pl 20.00 20.7S Bulk Onlv n scant supply entered the sheen and lamb alleys at North Port land for the day. Early sales were maria in a verv small way at a re duction of about 60o all around. General sheco and lamb range Prime lambs $11.0012.00 Fair to medium lambs.. .0010.00 Y.nrllnen . . . .1 7.00 .60 Wethers - .00 7.60 iv.. $.000 7.60 Common steers ...... i. . $ 00 7.00 r.nmi tn f.hnioA cows and heifers ............. 8.00 9.00 ufAriium rt falr cows and heifers ! S Canners 6.00 Calves i .00 15.60 Mill Feed Scarce. ' ' . . ; Graiua Iluthcr. ' ' " The three grades of barley now on the market are quoted today at b6. 2S Ids and $69.60 respectively, ell sli'irhtlv above yesterday's offerings. Mill feed.- although bid $39 50, Is not to be had at any price, local dealers rennrfc-Alfalfa hay Is bid $27 a ton : baled and In cars, but little Is mov. ing. the farmers holding out for $26 1 a ton in the stack: Grains are still i on the upward trend and are looked ! for to hit still higher marks. Oats : hit a new top of $09 yesterday. KH.,I.IVri OP RHEIMS' I.IiADH TO ENGAGEMENT ' NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Announce ment yesterday' of the engagement ot Mile. Antoinette de Roche, previous ly nf rihelms. Belaliiml and now of Rieamea France, to Mr. George 1 Genthon. son 'of Mr. and Mrs:' J. P. , Oi-nthon of Clifton.. N. J., revealed a romance started by the sneuing 01 Rhejms by the Germans. Mr. Genthon' -was a master engineer, senior grade, with the Flfty-slxtb United Ftates--' Engineers In France. Ourfng one of' te bombardments ot Kheims he was off duty and walked through a suburb of the city. There J. r. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. .We Have a Big Line of Snappy, Suitable Footwear for Mid-Summer Oxfords, Pumps, Slippers, high or low heel. We have a reputation for selling good, shoes and our prices always attract the eye of the . careful buyer. Ladies White Emma Lou Slippers . . . . . . . . . $U9 . Ladies White Parade Slipper $1.08 ADVICE TO MOTHERS . li you wish to have your children fitted carefully, comfortably and .scientifically, bring them here. v!-'.uT; :' We have a very complete line of childrens slippers including all leathers and white canvas. Proper shoe fitting means foot comfort all thru life, let us fit their little feet, we will start them right. BAREFOOT SANDALS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY, sizes 2 to 5 89c; sizes 5 1-2 to 8, $1.39; sizes 8 1-2 to 11, $1.59; sizes 11 1-2 to 2, $1.89; size 2 1-2 to 7, $2.49, . . . . Ladies white footwear of quality at prices most reasonable. You will congratulate yourself at the end of a year on the money you have saved by buying your footwear here. We h ave a full line of white footwear and comfort slippers to keep you cool. Just Ask to Be Fitted DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT COMFORT SERVICE FREE AT ALL TIMES. JTCTPenney Co., ANationwTde Institution. LEMON JUICE TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled ittiueeza the luice of two lemons in to a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beau tif ler, at very, very small cost. , , Tour grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup ply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how (reckles and blemishes disappear and now clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes. Tes! It is harmless and never Irritates. ' he met Mile de Roche and hsr moth er, who had left their house to es cape the bombardment. Mr. Genthon returned from France several months atro with -the promise from Mile de llrahn that she would follow hlro. She will arrive next month, accom nun led by hen mother, when 'plans will be completed for the wedding, The young woman's father1, a weal thy manufacturer, joined the Kreh forces early in the war and was killed In action. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH idaSDE 4 V AT Lehman Spring's f, All 2, 1919 Satrti 5 Sporting Goods Man ; SHOOT Western Shells SELL FOR $1.25 A BOX, ALL SIZE SHOT, , . IN 12 GA. ' ' When you buy from me you pay no middle profit, sell direct from the factory. SOL BUM Hotel Bowman Bldg. Count Ix"Rue Standings Vernon 6 I.os Angeles 65 Salt Lake 68 San Francisco 5$ Sacramento, ''61 Oakland . ; , 60 Portland 4 7 Scuttle 87 .Yesterday's Scores. . Ixis Angeles 6. Portland . Vernon- 6, Oakland 6, Salt Lake 2, Seattle 1. Sacramento 6, San Francisco I Nutloiutl League Ktndlng 46 i 46 , 63' 64 CI 69 67 .691 .686 .668 .623 .486 GOOD MUSIC AND A GOOD TIME. Two Cash Prizes Given for Best Characters, ' Gentleman and Lady. , ' TICKETS $1.00. LADIES FREE I Light Lunch' at Midnight iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim o. I HIIllMtllllllllllllllltnillllHIIIIItllllllHIIIIllllllllllMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIlltllltlllllllMIIMIIlf: 866 1 Note How Everyone - f It Has Become a Familiar Car . 2 On Nearly Every Highway New York; Cincinnati Chicago . , Brooklyn . Pittsburg . . Boston . . . St. Louis . Philadelphia 6 68 46 41 43 81 30 2 26 28 : 31 42 46 6J -.63 61 YcHMrday'f Score'. . , New York 5, l'lttsburg- t. ; t'incinnatl 5-X,' Boston! 0-0. ' " Philadelphia 11. St; Louis 4. Brookli n-Chioago. postponed, American league 8tandiii(n, Chicago k .'...;...... . 67 Detroit .'.. ' " New York St. Tallin ; . . . . . Poston ....."..; Washington 88 Philadelphia ......... 24 Yct:rrtny s Score. BoHton i, Detroit 1. Chicago 7, New York 2. ; 8t. luls . Washington 2.' PhilitfelphJa-Cleveland, postponed. rain. ... (48 ...'47 .683 - .678 ,'.654 .494 .477 .372 .366 .362 X rain .633 .662 .562 .640 .441 33 39 3D 40 ' 48 63 -.418 62' .271 find ' Easy First Farmer: How do you your new hired man. Esry? Hails the Essex i Essex owners report the satlxfuction they experience at the' way people speak of tholr cars. It Increases their pride of ownership. Motorists and even boys on the street hall the Essex with some such greeting as "There is an Essex." . Curiosity In the car that possesses quality and performance at moderate cost and without the expense and weight of such cars as formerly were the only ones that possessed those ad vantages, has given way to openly voiced admiration. KSSKJI 0'i;iW AIIR ITS 8il,lMEN -.. At first It was what people who had seen the, Essex said about It that led to its popularity. v Now owners and there are thousands of them are en dorsing It on every hand. People stop Essex owners to In quire about their cur. The answer la unanimous. When asked as to Its performance they make no reservations. Ad miration of Its riding qualities Is never lacking. iBvery wanted quality In an automobile seems to have been met In the Essex. Ask the first Essex owner you meet, t s Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON. CADILLAC Distributors . Pendleton, Oregon 1 1 , 121 West Court SL j Second Farmer: i iook in tne snaue rmwiiHiwtiHiiHfflmjiiMm of the tree nearest his work. jrillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlin