V TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREflONlAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, JtTf.YSl J PAGE NINE EAST OREGON1AN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO: Wells and Streams l)ry Up in Ukiah Region 1 (East OreKonlun cctat.) UKIAH, July 81. The dry hot weather Btlll continues, and water In vetttnff very low, some wells huvlnic gone dry and streams uto dr.vltiK up, but tho nlKhts are very cool, Karni-H , ars busy outtins their full grain, and grass hay, which Is IlKht, 1 A reception was Klven Buriduy night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, II,' Mettle In honor of tholr son Foyetto, and brldo, who returned homo Satur day. . .. . , r ,( Mrs .Charley Morris aiid two sons, '' Walla Walla ara visiting; at.' th Mo-slo ranch with Mr. and Mrs. Jit men Mosslo. Mrs. Morris Is a sister of Mr. MoHsle. lid Thrasher had an exciting ex parlance last Saturday at his ranch on Undue crock when a big brown bir came up over the rlmyncks ami slan ted across the field, Ki gave chuse on horno back with nothing but a re- l) WrTTr I Rift See How We Make I 1 1 111 These Famous Snow Flakes If ill Jmpr I Visit, our big modern bakeries where millions' of I "wiLj .. II Buow Flakes are made every day. See the splc and I j 4 . span Interior. Note the wonderful mixing machines I r II and the huge brick ovens. After you've seen them ! II baked you'll know why they're so good. Your grocer E) l can supply you. II rJl) Don't ask for Crackers Issi r. volvor to defend hltnsclf with. After ebanlng hint some distance ho succeed ed in bring htm to a halt, after firing tho fourth shut. Now he Is feasllng on beur steak, Mr. and Airs, J. J. Nethery anr t vo children, and Miss Anni Olson of CVI leiie I'lacc vlNllnd Sunday with Mr. a. id Mrs. rt. a." Chirk at t'Kiah, return vk ti-nie Kumlu evening. The body vl Mrs. Mary J. J'i " , '.vbr. ,uHtc(l :il. hi Pendleton tr'.'liV night wan brought to Uklah M"iniv nd buried in Lhe Cklali cemct-ii v ie side hrr son, wtio was buried . hi e about twelve ;.ar ago. The re.nn'.ns re uci'i-uipt.liit.d hero by her liiifc- band, two mix, Kund "ord and .iai-cn mil Mr. and Mrs. Maniold and ell I- drun of Pcnd.i tcn, It. T. Hrow.i mU two other jinUpmen. Kev. Sinclair officiated at tho grave. Minn Viwui Kirk and Miss Idi Ju- ran: cnn:e ter Hatur.'ay rroni , .nana; click tr fittcxd tho dance given nei i Saturday nii;ht. A ltirgo iruwd attended thi h. given fat ii day night at the Mo.vircli Hall by V B. JVterson. Oscar Mllbert of liridce creak was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chainberlir, left for Pendleton ' Monday , evening on liuhlnefcs. ', Mrs. M. K. Bibbs Is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J: YV. Slurai- vant on the farm. . The fire on Uig Creek Is now. thought to be under control according to telephone messages from there. r LET'S GO" To Binoiiam I Son , WHERE THE CROWD GOES! Dancing, Swimming, Fishing and Hunting at this big popular summer resort. Beautiful Camp Grounds and nice Cottages. JAZZ DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 2. and ' SUNDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 3. Fletcher's Jazz Orchestra Automobile stage meets all trains. . Arrivals at Gibbon inquire at depot. Dining room service during the week, but only lunches will be served on Sundays. W. W. HOCH - - - - Manager , ' Gibbon, (Post Office), Oregon m 8 i Three Join Birthday Celebration at Adams (ICiurt Oreonlan Special.) ADAMS. July 80. Miss Alice Ktoll and Miss Hattle Lewis were guests a. the home of Mr W. J. TUurman in Adams Kunday evening. A delightful birthday was celebrat ed In honor of Mrs. w. J. Tnurman. Mrs. A- E. Marlow and the little son of Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery. A prettily anointed dinner was serv- ed at a tablo arranged ror 73. i" guests were Mr. and Mrs. Will Don aldson. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery and sous, Leonard and Lor- rain, Mr. and Mrs. Otho Btou ana daughter DelorK Mrs. ban Kansier and son Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thurman and daughter Margaret. Mrs. Julia Marlow. Frank Marlow, Hoy Marlow, Mr. Warren and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Marlow and cnuuren. Mabel, Clara and Kdward. Mr. and Mrs. Rice and son uanas of Milton visited at the home 01 mr. and Mrs. I L. Lleuallen for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Woodfleia ana son of Yakima pained through Adams Mondiiv on tho r way to Idaho. In Yakima It Is very hot and dry and the crooa are iiot very good, they said. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parr and chil ir..n t'lurlH. HhjicI and Theda. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dames and daugh ter Lorena motored to Pendleton Sunday. Laurence John and Wallace Parr rode over to the river on horses to see the rsres. . Mi Pesrl Dames and Fred Parr were Pendelton visitors Monday. Mrs. J. liannon and children of Pendleton visited Adams Friday. Mr. siid Mrs. Wyrlck and son Ver- nbn left Saturday for Walla Walla 'o vlxit relatives and friends for a few days. Clint Holcomh. wheat farmer, was !n Adams Friday from his ranch. Miss Nellie Ncagle atid Miss Mar Jorlo McMonles of I'endleton. were Kuests of Miss Geraldine Morrison 01. Thursday. John Adams ran a nail In his foot while he was fixing some hay racks He had his foot dressed by the doc tor and Is Improving rapidly. Mlii Gwendolyn Mclntyre left last week for Heppner where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Chester Gemmell, un til school starts. '' ' " ' 9 .. -a-J - - - Jy'-jLii. - -i Y&rfeci is tot WIG&W I SALAD j s Cookie ressinqs 0T only better but Mazola goes twice as far as lard and sl.crte2i1.5s in deep fat frying. And remember, too, Mazola is tbe equal of butter in cooking. Make tMs test today with tlazola for PIE CRUST. Follow this recipe and be convinced : 2 cup Floor cp Mazola Finch of Salt Ic Cold Water Work Mazola well into tie flour and salt, add enough ice water to bold together, about one-fourth of a cup; roll crust out at once. PHK loot: of 68 pagei titat pre yoa Inc best recipes of lh country's lead in cooks. Easy to follow. Tbe Corn Products Cook Book Is handsomely illustrated write as today for it CORN PRODUCTS REFIIYING CO. r.O.Boxl.l New fork parents of a nine pound baby ghrl, born on Monday, July 28. F. W. Camp. A. J. Hill, B. F. Baker. and Henry Maay, all of Portland are registered at the Hotel Kcho. These men are in the city oi business con nected with the Teel Irrigation Pro ject Mrs. R. B. Stanfleld and daughter Maxine. left Tuesday to spend their vacation at Bingham Springs. Miss Esther Scholl returned Sunday from Hidaway SprinKs. U. D. Holmes and W, C. Bacon re turned Sunday from Hidaway Springs, where they had been spending their summer vacation. Otis McOarty. of Butter creek, was on Each visitor Wednesday. Wm. Flnley of Sand Hallow, was a business transactor in Echo Tuesday. Win. Dennis spent the day in Echo Tuesday. O. W. Garrison and son Dorr, were business visitors to Echo on Wednes day. Leo Savely was a business visitor in Echo Wednesday. . ' W. H. Clark of Wolf Creek, is work ing In the barber shop of Carl Gilbert. Vlda McKcrn of Milton was In Echo on the first of the week demonstrating a set of Bible study books. C. P. Lonergan is in Kcho on busi ness. "I don't see anything so wonderful about it," growled the Man with the Bed Xose. Read the Want Ads. It Pays (Continued from Pane 7.) I'. K. KIXO ItESHiXS. Of the Great Pacific Northwest Are MadeEspeciaDy Attractive This Summer by tho Reduced Excursion Fares Offered by the United States Railroad Administration mm Wsi CHOI SU BREEZES I LOW Cbtsop Beaches. North Beach ' Nar iha mnolti mt tk ColainMa ltir Tillamook Bearhen OrSoa Coaat Newport 1 iri roBiiif nti ! lanla i all arrtaaary julmni to maka a aaca llu oat Ins llhiful. .. MMMtlNMP1t Km ! CNt la Crater Laka Tti rtl natitro of rl. A fc I I y I iPOtinllit MeMr ) the lltrit! f k n. . etn RMrlf Mil rt4 half high. full I Mr Stmt 4. , Or- tlttnta outo Oregon Cavei WM mm WMlerfal-fH raec-Tkeart Aa ML Rainier rch, tim Mr tat mini M Mr mm Aarstaii Plan your vacation to visit one or more of them, where the days are cheerful and the nights bring refreshing sleep. fA OrAAtl 18 summer-time delight Its S1U wwCHUl invigorating salt-laden air and the snlash of its surf temper your nerves, redden -your blood, whet your appetite, restore your wasted energy, bring new vim and health. Up in the Mountains Yon r? a quIlr fctntffeUI phaM at rtcraattM. Yoa Uav kthlft4 Ibt pIi-Melt and trdid Uitfif of dilf butnU lift. Th cnrr a nbtln ni lMpirnt. Ntor'i rnmX plan tot round! and ehanu and ranewt you. Yoa can "hika," eaiaa out, tlimm lofty paakat fit a nunbfrieu trautr Miwana and lakaa, nd kor bmk. totinc in ynr hunmock, rcit, lp and fartat all roar nrva. Heanwhila irou art arihUif tk poraat air, dnnktng aparkltnc cryttal ratra, MtiD koUtB food and aainff mada all arar aaw. Can You Resist Such a Challenge! ' Ask th focal tkktt iifnt u hlp plan jour trip. H will toll r Juat what th far it. and givt you othr hcipfaj hinu. It ft tha nm of Um Unitd SUt Railroad AdminMlration to atnd vtry poaaihla aid in makirts vacation travel : .-.. nt and aattafyint U tha pubhe, Tha National Itri. aava all han sreatlr Improved and war avr ta appaaltnr u "7 ar now. Beautifully illuatrald book)ta clvln minuta information of Ihitr dllht and wonck-r hav bean taaurd ' by th Adtainiatralion and ar for fre diittitniUoa. Aak jrowr local arent for nnv of tbrrn. mrssmmssra Industrial Club Agent Checks up Work in Echo (Kast Oregunlan Special.) KCHO. July 31. County School Superintendent. W. W. Green and Mr. Allen, who Is ronnected with the In dUHtriiit Club Work of O. A. C, were in Kcho tho first part of the week. They were in this end of the county to check up on the club work. Mr. Pick of Coulee ?ity. has started a new Jewelry store In Echo. Mr. and Mrs. Allen MudKO are the For Itching Torture There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and health. Any druggist can supply you with Zemo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, blackheads in most cases Rive way to Zemo. Frequently, minor blem ishes disappear over night. Itching us ually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an ex tra large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. ' The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, O. nvm s Ask tha ao-ent for beautifully illustrated folder giving com plete) information of Beach and Mountain Resort of the Pacific Northwest. ....... .... Pure and Delicious lei tiellvcretl In packnRes to any part of Uic city. Sold in Bulk or in Ice Cream Cones Drop In, or telephone 80 HAWS BAKERY Kas Court Street. Try our Fine Ilonie-M ade Candles. for one vehicle overtaking: another, In the same direction, at any street Intersection, was presented by City Attorney James A. Fee and passea. It g-oes on the records as an amend ment to section 21 of ordinance 1066. The matter of sewer connections for the rapidly growing residence dis trict west of Lincoln school was brought up by the mayor and the sewer committee osked to inako an Investigation and- report at tbe next meeting:. This suggestion prompted further discussion on sewers, -emanating from Councilman Kstes. lie pro posed that all streets to be paved j first be equipped with water mains' and a trunk server, havinii wyes at 50 foot intervals and connections to, the curbing on either side of the: street. By suh arrangement, hj. pointed out. property owners could, build and connect with the two serv-t Ices without tearing up the paving in front of their property and thoj added cost of such Improvements might be included in the street im-l provement. There was no action ta- ken on the suggestion but it Is proli- able thHt at tin next meeting some such ordinance will be introduced. Councilman Joe Kll of the fire committee, was Riven power to act on the Installation of a fire alarm box at Bluine and Washington streets. The box has been on hnntf for six months but there has not been suf ficient wire until nmv, he said. Tho box will be installed at once. The house committee recommended that the contract for furnishing- the city . hall with ion! bo awarded to Ben Uiu-roughs, his bid "having been $10.20 a ton. Two carloads will be pill-chased at that price. The fire committee recommended the grunting of h building permit tot John Setbert to make repairs to aj building within the fire limits. The1 saktry list for July and several claim, were ordered allowed. I Among all products there is invariably one that towers above the general mass. Among cereal beverages the pinnacle product, we feel, is RAINIER SPECIAL. You may or may not agree that this is so. The clamorous appeal for your patronage made in behalf of the numerous meritorious rival cereal beverages may have caused you to lose sight of the nota- bly superior qualities of RAINIER SPECIAL. So we urge comparisons that the relative merits of each brand of cereal beverage might impar tially be determined. We urge that the offer ing of any other manufacturer of cereal bever age be purchased and tested side by side with RAINIER SPECIAL. Such a test should ban ish all uncertainty of superiority and mark for once and all which product is best In advocat ing a test of this nature it would be manifestly unfair to point out a single one of the favorable qualities of our own product. Our contention is that it should be accorded no advantage whatsoever. Our plea is to let each' cereal beverage make its own uninfluenced appeal for your favor. Such a test is fair. If the result of such a test indicates that RAINIER SPE CIAL is the superior of all other cereal bever ages, we feel that in fairness to yourself you should always call for it. If the result of the test is unfavorable to RAINIER SPECIAL you will know it is a cereal beverage to avoid. For the sake of being informed you should make . the comparisons we advocate. Today is a - good day to do it. ' Practically every grocery, drug store, fountain and soft ctrink parlor car ries RAINIER SPECIAL and several other brands of cereal beverage. 1 ' - Rninier Products Company. Seattle. U. S. A Maawfart-nr af Ratadar Special. Rainier Bock, Malt Raiaier, Rainier C area I. Sjrra and Pnaa " tured AlcoboU c c c X c c r ' c r r c r c c IXSTITrTIONS lll..IS iux.av wokk Tor.Kriii.it (Continued from Thro 7.) In Polk county, Oreffon, nnl Klicki tat county, Washington. The ehiri MeXary van ala i a pioneer frrtRliter. shippinir from tniatilla to Hoise in the days when Indians made the car rying panie one tr two-Knn men. The doctor is a graduate of Vander bilt. university, and the state hospital at Pendleton ta one of the prise In st i tut Ions of in-egon. Evening Telegram. Not lltUMVstiHl, "The art of photot aohinjf in colors has been perfected." said the Girl with the Rosy Cheeks, t "Isn't that wonder "V. . 7 X.jfc' -rw THE RAINIER PRODUCTS COMPANY RELIEVES RETAILERS AM) CON SUMERS OF THE NECESSITY OF PAYING REVENUE TAXES ON RAINIER BEVERAGES BY PAYING ALL TAXES THEREON DIRECT TO THE GOVERN MENT. Lang 6 Co.,, Distributors, Portland, Ore