East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 31, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    -4 i---''H'-r "
u. Lusaka mr tx -V
A number f notes appearing in the Miss Klllot, Miss Husel Farr, Miss
Oregon City Knterprtse contain Inter- Helen Hartke and Mix Leota Fishcf.
sting news of Pendleton and former . -
I'endlelon folk: j Mi'mbors of a motor party coming
Mr. and Mr. Hal uishop, who to Pendleton yesterday from L
lmv been residing In Juneau. Alaska, ttrunde were Mist Harriet Young and
for the paxt two years, were lit Orewon her sister, Mrs, Nell Thaeker. Mian
City Kundav. where thev were guest Young waa en route to Seattle wheie
of Lloyd Riches. Mr. and Mrs. lilshop she will take Ji . month's work under
were former residents of Portland, but - Leopold Godowsky, renowned pianist
win maKi ineir miure nume i w no visnea Pendleton early in the
land three weeks aiero, Mlsa Idleniun
having gone down a fortnight earlier.
They have visited also lu lllllsboro.
Monmouth and T'e Dalles, .
Boat Will be the Only One
on Duty of Type of Trans
Atlantic Flyers. .
spring and with whom Miss Youu
studied tn Portland last-summer.
Miss Young departed last evening
lor ine Uulles and Mrs. Thocker re
turned to La. Grande.
verton, where the former will enptane
In the ireneral merchandise business,
having purchased a store at that place.
Miss Leota Fisher of Pendleton,'
and formerly of Oregon City, is a re-
..... t n KI. ...I Dl,.l thM
Buesi 01 neien mnt. air. and Mrs. Qeorn A. Hrl...n
Miss 8adye Evelyn Ford, prominent j will leave this evening for Walla Wal
plano Instructor of this city, has gone la where they will be joined by Mr.
to Olympia, Wash., where she will : and Mrs. Phil X. Wlnans for a motor
spend some time taking a special i trip to Seattle and Vancouver and
course In music. Miss Ford will re- j Victoria. B. C. They plan to attend
turn to Oregon City in the early full the Washington state bankers' con
to resume her Instruction work. I ventlon at Ranier park and will-' then
go to Seaside to pass the remainder
1 of their outing-. I Mr. and Mrs. Hart-
Ing the past week from this city were j man and Mr. and Mrs. Winans Ulan
Among those to attend the perform- I go to Seaside to pass
ance of "Chin Chin'i in Portland dur- ' of their outing-. I Mr.
Mrs. L. C. Uvermorc, of Pendleton,
Bring' Your
Car to Us
We can furnish prompt
ly any size
Wind Shield
We have an experienced
man who will set the
glass while you wait-
B. L Burroughs, Inc.
Corner Webb and Col-
lege !
to be away through the greater part
of August. Mra Wlnans formerly
made her homo In Pendleton and she
and her husband have often visited
here. -
NEW YOKK, July 81. The NC-2,
one of the four big flying bouts de
signed originally to be flown from
Mrs., H. H. Hond (Mary Shea) and America to Kui-ope to do their part
her two little sons, left today fur their) In the war and the only one of the
home In Portland after a fortnight's 1 four which did not share In the trans-
visit In Pendleton as guests at the'atluntic flight Inst May, Is being re
home of Mr. and Mra. Frank Hayes 'fitted at the Rockaway .Naval Air .Sta
tion and will be put Into active sor
vice again during August. Hhe will
be the only plane of the type on duty.
The NC-8 differs from her sisters
which started on the cross-ocean
flight In having her four Liberty mo-
Mr .and Mrs. George Ferguson and.: tors arranged tandem In two pairs,
little son James have departed for ajwltli two tractor and two pusher pro
trip to Seattle and Sound points. They pollers. Tryouts at Rockaway re
are making the Journuy by aulomo-, veuled superior efficiency In- a svs-
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Peters left to
day for an extensive motor trip which
will take them to Seattle and cities of
British Columbia.
Mrs. Joseph Cunha, Jr.. left today
for Echo after being a guest of Pen
dleton friends for the paat two days.
Mrs. Winn Johnson and little
Bra nd ran it liter. Janet La Fontaine.
left today for Boy Orean. They ei'
pect to be gone for three weeks.
Mrs. Guy Wyrlck, Dr. and Mrs. R.
K. Farnsworth Rnd Mack Foster re
turned last night from a motor trip
to Portland.
Mrs. I. r. Idlcman and Miss Helen
Idleman arrived home last night from
a visit In the Willamette valley. Mrs.
Idleman Joined her daughter in Port-
tem of three tractors and one pusher,
and the Two was discarded for the
flight.- . . ,
When, on the eve of the take-off at
Rockaway, fire badly dumaged the
wings of the NC-1. the wings of the
Two were put on the other boa). Me
chanics have recently made the Two
ready for service again, new. wings
are nearly completed and she will
very soon be In use as a training plane
Ixible 'Lewis, Portland horse buyur.
Is in the city today. He Is at Hotel
Ralf Harper, of Portland, Is in I'en
dlelon' today.
, H. K. Kilos, from the Garden City.
Is registered in Pendleton.
Willard Lance is In Pendleton from
Joseph, Wallowa county.
U. N. Adams Is up from Stanfleld and for experimental work,
and Is staying at the St. George. , The NC-3. badly beaten by 25-foot
Ix-e Johnson is In the city from ! seas after being forced to Uescend on
Athena. ' ' j be Trepassey-Axores flight, has been
P. I. O. Donnell, from Toronto. On- I sent to the storehouse. The NC-1 lies
tarlo, Canada, stopepd in Pendleton 'at the bottom of the Atlantic, and the
today to catch his breath before go- Four is destined to a quiet life at the
ing to the antipodes. The antlpodos, Smithsonian Institution as the first
be It said, means New South Wales. airplane to fly the Atlantic. -
Australia, for Mr. Donnei and he hus
most of the summer ahead of him on
the Pacific.
Lee Johnson of Athena, returned
to hils home yesterday. Hie has been
I caves Hospital.
., Marion Caldwell, who has been
convalescing at St. Anthony's hospital
Sheep Mini Is lloru.
John Kilkt'iiney. Heppner sheep
man .was in the city today on his way
to Meacham to look after sheep In
terests. He hus about SJ.OUU sheep
near Meacham.
JU-ttim from Lehman fciiwtiurt.
If. V. tlieknrs. olork of the school
board, Tom Tweedy, postmnster, antfi
8. F. Rowmuii returned last night
from Lehman Springs where they
spent the past week.
Don't Object to Hates. '
The locul telephone office reports
that the raising of the telephone rates
has not caused Pendleton people to
discontinue their phones. So far
there have been no complaints re
garding the lncreaso.
U-t-tat liai-k from .Mountains.
K. E. Gelst.-nianuger of the North
ern Grain & Warehouse Uo, locul
office, returned last evening from
H Ida way where he spoilt several days
visiting his family. Harold Cochran,
returned sailor, came buck with Mr.
GelBt. ' .
Will I.oave fur Idaho.
Elmer Thomas expects to leave Fri
day or Saturday for Kuuskia, luho.
where he has taken a position- with
the Sloan Sheep Co. for the rest of
tbe season. Mrs. Thomas will re
main' in Pendleton.
.Mail from 1-Xho In Jail.
E. D. Stanford, charged with as
sault with a dangerous weapon at
Echo yesterday, was brought to the
county Jail today by E. M. Lltsey.
constable at Echo. He will be held
for the grand Jury. W, H. Crary. Jus
tice of the peace at Echo, bound
Stanford over and ordered his com
In Pendleton because of the illness arteP an operation for tonsils, has re
of Mrs. Johnson, who is convalesclngi coverei and has returned to his home.
at St. Anthony's hospital. - , - ; .
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McDaniels werej ;
In the city today on. their way to Is Convalescing'.
Touchet. Washington, after a, visit to
Card of Thanks.
We desire to extend to the many
kind friend our heartfelt thanks and
appreciation for the beautiful floral, ed today from Meacham, where they
Portland. Mr. McDaniels is in ths
sheep business..
George Janes, of the. Liverpool,
London and Globe t Insurance Com
pany, Is In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Slusher return-
offerings and kindness during our
sad bereavement in the death' of Wil
liam Taylor. Mra H. M. Sloan, Mm
J. Nelson. Mrs. Maria Ketler. David
Taylor, ,T. D. Taylor, John Taylor. .
have been enjoying an outing.
Mrs. William Tow Is a patient at
St. Anthony's hospital. She is con
valescing after 4 major operation per
formed today.
Mrs. Ortls Kuper is convalescing In
St. Anthony's hospital after an oper
ation performed this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brock returned
last night from a motor trip to va
rious parts of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Greulich, who with Mr. and
Mrs. Brock formed the motor party,
remained in Portland but are expect
ed home soon.
TrapiMW IltMrunut to Duty.
p. 11 Nottingham, U. 8. Biological
Survey trapper, was In Pendleton to
day on his way from a trip to Wash,
ington to Fangolkino, Oregon, where
will resume his duties. He is ac
companied by Mra Nottingham and
their two small daughters.
Why the Sixteen -Year Old Economy
Facts of the Franklin Mean More Today
Throughout the country, industries and individuals are "speeding
up". The nation is on an efficiency basis, and both the individual and
the motor car must either conform, or fall out of the picture.
"Anti-Idling' laws apply to motor cars as well as to men. These are
days when the car that can't earn its keep faces the possibility of being
put under lock and key. None of us can be wasters and neither can
our cars. '.",..,.-' ' . . -:
The Franklin .Car meets this condition; with flat statements of just
what it will do and just what it will cost to do it.- : . " .
It offers you the satisfying service only a fine car can give; the ut
most in riding-comfort, ease and safety of handling; freedom from, com
plication and consequent repair-annoyance, plus the economical cost of
upkeep arising from its steady delivery of t
20 miles to the gallon of gasoline instead of 10
10,000 miles to the set of tires instead of 5,000
Economy such as this is rare enough in the fine car field to be worth
your immediate investigation especially under present conditions.
- Established 1907. ,- j
WtH-al Cnm In l,a Cross.
C. F. Schoonemaker. who returned
today from La Cross, Washington, re
ports that the spring grain in that
section Is going IS to 18 bushels to
the acre, while the full wheat Is go
ing 25 to 43 bushels. He says that
the crop is better than expected by
Dainty and cool are these smart new Blouses
of voile, organdy, Georgette, crepe tie chine and
Different Better Cheaper
v $2.50 to $15.00 . .
Crowtlcr Tlmuks Draft Boards.
Autographed letters to all membors
and associate members of legal ' ad
visory boards serving for the selec
tive service have been received from
Enoch H. CrowJer, provost marshal
general. The letters are sent out to
thank all who assisted on draft boards
and come In a tube which preserves
them suitably for framing.
Ilou eSuiuuk-rs Return.
Don Saunders, Pendleton man who
enlisted two years ago In the United
States navy, returned today. During
h's service he has made 12 trips across
the ocean and was for a time on the
V. S. s. Leviathan and later on the
Wickes, convoy. This ship convoyed
President Wilson on his trips to
lMc at St. Anthony's Hospital.
Joseph Lourln. aged 63, died yes
terday at St. Anthony's hospital aft
er a long Illness. Word from a sis
ter of the- deceased Is expected soon
The body is at Folsom's undertaking
parlors awaitin burial.
Former I toad muster Jlc-e.
Peter Grant, formerly road master
for the O-W. R. & N. Co. and well
known here, Is in the city today on
his way to Walla Walla from Enter
prise, where he Is now employed by
the Eastern Oregon Lumber Company.
He has charge of ths construction
work for the company.
Just Received Another Big. Shipment of
In our stock of books you will always find the
best books by the best writers. Come in while the
selection is large and make your selection. In this
shipment are such books as:
v and dozens of other good titles for only
Wheat Farmers Attention
We have a 1918 3V-. ton Indiana truck for which
we have no further use and which is an ideal truck
for hauling wheat and other heavy loads. Would
like to submit you our proposition.
North Portland, Oregon.
Will Be Delegate at Seaberik.
Paul Mortimers left yesterduy for
Seabeck, Washington, where he will
act as delegate to the Bealieck con
vention, representing the Christian
Endeavor society of the Chrlstiun
church of this city. He will attend
the lectures and conferences of the
Seabeck conven;lon. which Is attend
ed by delegates from all over ths
Northwest and which is recognize
as one of the largest church conven
tions In the United mates..
1104.0101 From Convention.
Emil Keibert of this city, and Stan
ford Anderson, of Portland, returned
today from Washington, D. C, where
they attended convention- of Kappa
Higma fraternity. Heibert represented
the O. A. C. chapter and Anderson the
University of Oregon chapter. All
ot the U. of O. student body for the
derson was recently elected president
coming year. He will remain here for
a few days as a guest at the tielburt
Murines Offered chance.
Men in the United Htutes marine
corps on inactive duty may now trans.
for to the regular marine corps for
active service for the unexpired por
tlon.of their em otlment, accoding to
word from heaJriiarters. Men so
transferred will receive the same pay.
privileges and allowances In all re
spects as marine regularly discharg
ed from four-year enlistments and re.
enlisted within three months after
Newport Wants Teams.
The Newport Construction Co., of
Hermiston, which Is engaged in high
way work In the west end of the
county, is advertising for heavy
teams for wagon work. Col. New
port, manager, said today that he will
either, rent or buy suitable teams if
right terms are made.
Power Awarded Judgments.
K. Lb Power was awarded Judg
ments in circuit court today against
Frank Johnson and I. Wilkes, neither
party having appeared. Against
Johnson the Judgments are for
$34.76 and flO, with 25 attorney's
fees and the Warren Construction Co.
Is ordered to turn over to the plain
tiff 27.50 In wages under guarnlsh-
ment. The Judgments against Wilkes
Turtles s
' . ..... .
There ii only one argument against a Scaly. It is so com
fortable that it is likely tp make you ignore the warnini of the
alarm clock in the morning.
The selected long-fibre air-woven cotton used in the Sealy
never becomo lumpy, never loses its cool, comforting softness,
and never forms ridges or hollows.
After twenty years' ue yonr Sealy TuftleM IvUttten will be full
and as soft and imooth over iu oval turface u when it wj new.
The fimt cort of a Srsly ii the last fmt, becsuM i require! no re
miking or re no rating. There are no tuft-holes or hollowt to gather
durt and dirt.
Crawford & Hedges
Phone 496
Corner Court and Main Sts.
are for 1138. 5 and 142.70.