'"tlx? (' ir "fTf"fii"vn'"'' o'l" -( n ?' TEN P'AQES ;; DAILY BAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3fl, 191!). -I . -i ...j i a J J) - - - -?T - - TACX FIVE GASH GROCERY TAYS TO PAY CASH AT CONROYS C010Y 'S Old Spuds, extra good, 100 lbs.: ..... $3.00 Van Camps Pork and Deans, No. 2 tins, 5 for . $1.00 Guittaids Ground Chocolate, 1 lb. .... . 35c Guitfarda Ground Chocolate, 3 lbs.. . . $1.00 SHASTA T, 1 LB 50c Titted Prunes, 1 lb. package 25c Lemons, extra large, dozen ? 40? Best Cane Sugar, sack ...... ... . , ," $10.25 , HUGRO BROOMS, Special ........... 65c Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb. box 55c Blanchard Milk, 7 cans $1.00 PICTUSE NEWS What the Picture Theater 1 Have to Tell You. PAST1MIS todav 11B LUSTED 1WK iOI,L AND A GIKL i HERE'S GREATER SERVICE FOR THE GREATEST CAR EVER, BUILT For Fords GlVtf MORE MILEAGE WITH LESS TIRE - - TROUBLE. , Come in and let us tell f " 1i yi? wore ajboutpy Simpson Auto Water & Johnson 33. Secret tunnels, hlddon Ingots of gold and a mysterious hermit are lome vl the factors in "Perils of Thunder Mountu'n," latest serial . mat- lorplece to reach, the icrwn. In the fifth episode of this serial, which will be shown at the t'astlme theatre to day Interest engendered in tlie story of John Davis honest miner, and his foes who seek to wrest control of a mine from hlmr each.es the . high point- Due to (he intervention of a strange and unknown personage and the kind ly watchfulness of the girl he. loves. John Davis is enabled to escape the various, traps designed by his enemies to bring; about his death. Both Uawke Morgan, his cousin, an archfiend foe, nor John Davis, who Jointly Inherited the mine after their uncle, one frosty .morning, had disap peared over an Icy precipice and was given up for dead, accredit to this strange interloper certain happenings In their lives, be they good or evil, which they cannot explain. Too, Morgan often finds in this ever elusive hermit of the mountains a con venient shield and alibi for Jiis mis Id ends. Morgan's motive, of course. Is to secure full possession of the hiine and to nullify a clause In the will I which makes It a condition that the bulk of the proceeds be set aside for 'charity. To this provision Davis 'staunchly clings, wherefore resulted the original schism In the relationship iof the twoand Morgan's many and devilishly ingenious attempts to put Davis out of the way. Antonio Moreno and Carol Holloway Intrepid team of thrill maker are stars of "Perils of Thunder Mountain." In their support Is a cast especially 'qualified to meet any unusual demands made upon physical resources aside of possessing proven histrionic adeptness. I "Perils of Thunder Mountain" was devised by those master craftsmen of chapter-plays, Messrs. Albert - E. Smith and Cyrus Townsend Brady. PASTIME TODAY 't. MYSTIC POWER OF RADIUM Science enters Into the making of Innnh vmi- nnd soon we will have all j of the latest inventions utilized In 3 some manner or another on our 2 screens. Radium and the X-ray are Jj (mill utilised in t)to second episode of BTlio Tiger's Trail," the now Pathe J Serial, starring Ruth Roland, which K will be shown at the Tastlmo theatre B on Tuesday and Wednesday of each 'week'. Alias Rpland, as Belle Boyd, 8 'the heroine of the Serial and George V. Co. Phone 403 "Picnics I Larkln as Jack Randall, a young min ing engineer, are in search of a cer tain Tiger Idol which has a very -- ' ' " iwonderful power in that Its eyes glow llllinililtllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlltlllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllirs'when the little image comes near 2 9 TYnAliim 'TVia. ' a r n frtrH'liiCfil I Hut 5i"jrim" Cordon, Belle's guardian, has secured the Idol In some hidden 3. niche in the walls of the house. Bo they secure a phial of Radium and by 'passing this along the walls of each room finally locate the Idol as the j Radium causes Its eyes to glow and ' shine right through the walls of the gS room. The dangerous properties of Hi Radium are recognized by all sclen Hjtists and physicians who handle this valuable mineral. A great many phy- 'jslciana have lost their lives through i Ttadium bums and the substance is always kept in special' lead containers. Si In another episode of "The Tirger's 5 Trail" Gordon, who experiments con- slderably with Radium, is shown in speciallv . constructed laboratory Siwhose walls and furniture ace all of stone. In projecting Radium Rays 3 3 and camping trips are notcom p 1 e t e without some kind of mu sic. We suggest you try one of our $25.00 Victor machines, weighs only 22 lbs., easy to pack. Ukuleles, Mandolins, Gui- Simple Operations Fitted Together The business of Swift & Com pany is the fitting together of many simple operations. No one thing in a packing business is particularly difficult for men trained to do it; but no one thing is enough. Thousands of other operations, : properly performed,arc necessary for the completed processes. And someone must fit together all these thousands of simple oper ations. ' ' y 1 i The success with which a packing business performs its function of sup ' plying the best possible meat products to the consumer with the greatest possible benefit to both him and the producer depends upon the energy, brains, experience, and faithful effort of the men trained in the business.' Swift & Company turns the pro ducer's live stock into meat for the consumer at a profit of only a fraction of a cent a pound, because it fits these operations together with the least waste, overlapping, and friction. Do you believe government direc tion could d better? J Let ui send yii Swift "Dollar". It will interest you. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, ' Chicago, 111. Swift & Company, U. S. A. ir - -i - E -l 'i r ' ' f THE AVERAGE DOLLAB " fc I I KtiK"i Art RECEIVED BY .,' J L JVirssi xi swift & C0MPANY J'M IS !53l0 """ O 1 n rsoiUHE SALE Of MEAT I t, l .1 KjtEJ -gH , . j .. - is I I I ANB ST PRODUCTS 1 - I F. : S 12.961 "If t CENTS IS PAID FOB TH( .' W vmtm y all ft UVE ANIMAL 1 ' lw, f f CiA D.;.lZ M VL It. BS CENTS roB LA BBS B 9 U3(9atKuirl t tpecs no freioht ,. CsPj&r s W 9't CHTS "EA'S jf astime Today Children 10c Adults 20c o 8 ' On A New Serial Today g jj Ruth Roland j in S 'The Tigers Trail' Children 10c Adults 30c VAUDEVILLE BILLY niCKS Songs and Talk. GALLETTI'S MON KEYS . Monkey Day at the Ilaces. Thrills and Suspense Perils of Thunder 1 Mountain' With ANTON JO MORENO Paramount Presents DOROTHY GISH IN DAAKI fl 2 u ; ii Senations and Perils oj LKO COMEDY "A PAIR OF DOGS" S Just shoes, but what a world of love, fun and thrills they told. IOE30I locaoc International News Late Events. ; 5 3 HnnsBKu. tars, Banjos, Banjo Ukulele are just the music .for your coming trips. New sheet music and rolls, Baldwin Pianos, Edison, Victor and Columbia talking machines. Piano tuning aiid repairing. , ' . - 1 I Warren's Music House d wJJi . : Pendleton, Oregon.. . . .......... 820 Main St. eot out of the cage, and ran right at that insisted on gelling right under jj-ou ! Well, now, just what would her feet every time it had the oppor- ;you do? - . tunity. - . I That Is the situation that confronted I There 'were tables and chairs and Dorothy Gish when "Boots" her new- other things In the room and Dorothy Hi TnMamlimt nlntlir.. whtnh will Ka ... muul tlcA nf t ll O 111 ThA mife. I) V any infiammaoie suDsiance sucn bs show at the .,, tna(re. todav wa. tha way. have a )ot to do with the S would would burst into flame If lhe,beins ma(Je at tne Hollywo)d CaIif , atory and when tho Bcene was finlsh , rays touched it so the stone furniture studios And t0 make n,atteri, mucn ed s,lss Gish consented to go through ;cnables Gordon to conduct his ex- worse Miss Glsh knew tnat the hor. a tt!e more of the ordeal in order to iperiments with no element of danger ib, ,.,, .- hem- Pnod v.rv h.v. th whole thina in the picture. second and that all tha attempts shelMiRs Gish is splendidly supported in jmight make to get away from that this photoplay. mouse would be indelibly registered on the film. That had not been arranged for in the story, and It wasn't quite fair. Of course, she didn't think that all out (during" the. momenta when she was H by fire. Morsu AlTA TODAY AT FICICT! WAS ionoTiiv M'Aiucn? m:k MISS GISH IV "1MXTS" If you were a slavey in a I.ondon S boarding house, and your jj to take orders from every Job one was jthreatened by this tiny rodent running n hO (i r.ll n ii InnKA ftn (hn stniro. horaita. tih. 5 had lodging there, and If one of the jwaa trying to listen to Elmer Clifton, boarders ordered you to feed her petjher direetor, and at the same time 5 .lllllllllllllHIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIllIIIIIIIHIIIIII)IHIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHmr.m " U a"a K8 hersclf ,rom the feroclous beast Phone 524. Creel Can Find Nobody To Take $200,000 Fund: No Provision is Made Mil T 1920 Models Ready for you rapproval. i The easiest riding, snappiest and best ap pearing low priced car on the market. Eastern Oregon 61G GARDEN ST. Motor Co., Inc. PHONE 1027 WASHINGTON. July 30. George Creel is in tho embarrassing situation of betnar unable to get rid of !00 cno in cash and quick assets. There is no longer a bureau of public infor mation, but when that organization passed Into history no provision was made for handling its possessions. The board spent about 1 7,000,000 In two years. It, however, earned $3. 000,000. which was turned back to the government. There remains in the custody of the non-existent lnstitu tlon tSO.SOO in A bank In Paris, bills for J50.000 due from, various cities, office furniture, all over the world. marketable moving pioture films, and a small balance of the government money due from the agents who cams back to this country after the bureau had ceased to be. Creel divorced himself from the pay roll last March. He has been In Washington a number of times since trying to find somebody to whom lie can turn over these re sponsibilities, ami so far without suc cess. The archives and account oa the bureau are Etill in charge of Au ditor Hobbs, who remains in the old headquarters. He has no right to dip into the bureau's funds to pay the rent. He can draw no salary. Neither Hoggs nor Creel can col- lect the money that is due, check up the expense accounts of the agents and receive their balances. It Is any thing but a Joke to them, for though they cannot pet rid of the money or the archives they are responsible un. der their bonds for both. have a well deserved repu tation as a safe and effective remedy for stomach ail ments. They are Quickly helpful in bilious attacks, sick headache, dyspepsia, heartburn and constipation. They act. gently and surely on the organs of elimina tion, purify the blood, tone the system and very quickly Strengthen Digestion Uwrt o Aar Mr.rii im thm WH Sold mrjwiMrt. In boi . 10c 25c ARCADE Today Children 10c Adult3 25c MONROE i SALISBURY i IN "THE SLEEPING . LION" A red blooded hear; interest play. LIYOD COMEDY "FUN AND PEP" Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronio and Nervous Diseases ao8 Diseases of Women. X-Iimy lee tro Therapeutics. Temple III tig.. Boons 19, Pbone 411 National New York . . Cincinnati ... Chicago Brooklyn ' Pittsburg . . . Boston Philadelphia St. Louis . . 54 66 40 41 . ... 31 31 ...30 50 .684 .667 .561 .488 .482 .392 .3T8 .375 LW-terdav's Scores. New York S-6. Pittsburg 0-7. Cincinnati 3-4. Boston 2-6. No other games. American Ix-ague Standina Chicago 55 sl 8jD Detroit 49 37 .670 Cleveland 50 38 .568 New York 47 37 .660 St. Louis 46 39 .640 Boston 37 47 .440 Washington . . . ; 37 ' 48 .41S Philadelphia 23 63 .271 Yesterday's Scores. Cleveland 8-7, Philadelphia 2-11. Detroit 10, Boston 8. New York 10, Chicago 1. St. Louis 6, Washington' 3. Coast lAWguo Standings. .693 .578 .549 .535 .476 .4 53 .450 .363 Vernon 64 44 I.os Angeles 63 48 Salt Lake 56 46 San Francisco .......... 68 61 Sucramento 49 64 Portland 47.67 Oakland 4 9 60 Seattle 37 65 Yesterday's Score. Tort land 11. I.os Angeles S. Oakland 6, Vernon 1. Salt Lake , Seattle 3. There is only one place for that delicious CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM KOEPPEN'S the Drug Store That Berres B Pure and Delicious Delivered In packages part of the city. to any Sold in Bulk or in Ice Cream Cones Drop In, or telephone 80 HOWS BAKERY Last Court Street. ' Try our Kino Honie-Mad Candies. lillIIIIIIIIiinlllll!tlllllll!lliilUIIIIII!l2 ANSCO CAMERAS and Speedex Films Dor t let another summer go ty without an Ansco. It will add uore fc the pleasure of your outing than anything else A't winter and long afterwards yoi can live over again with o ir pi urea those good sum mer days. Let us show you ths Ansco line. Tou Beat. 1 Tallman & Co. 1 3 " Leading Drusglxta, S UltlllllUlllllllllllllUlUIllllllllllllllllUuS D o a D o n