TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON TUESDAY. JULY 29, 1919. PAGE TEN Don't "Follow the Leader' The "leader" is an ancient artifice em ployed by the so-called "economy stores" to create the impression that their prices are low. . " They sell an article of standard brand several cents cheaper than it can be bought ' elsewhere oftentimes cheaper than the dealer himself can buv it. ; Now, if these stores carried out this policy on all their goods they would be doing b'usi- ness at an actual loss. Why then, do they m make this sacrifice on some standard article? Because they expect to, get it back with good interest on other and unidentified goods which the unitiated think they are getting cheap because the "leader" was cheap! ! Real economy is in dealing Where you have absolute confidence in the grocer. We are in a position to serve you intelli gently. We make it our business to test everything we recommend. When RYZON was introduced we know that it was the product of the General Chemical Company, a great Chemical Orga nization, and must be worth trying. We did, and now we know why they call it "The Perfect Baking Powder." V We consider the RYZON Baking Book of untold value." It was the first baking powder manual to introduce level measurements. That's one reason why we never have any complaints from RYZON" women can't help but use it accurately and they have uniformly better baking. Ask about these 200 recipes when you come In the store you can get them for 0c. CRAY BROS. CROC! Two Phones 28 "QUALITY" 823 Main SI Earn Save Have Thrift, Success and Happiness go hand In hand. Xu red flag will ever 'wave over the door of any man who OWNS his OWX HOME. , Open a savings account at this strong bank, it takes only one dollar or more, and earn four percent computed twice, a year. THE SAVINGS DKPAISTMENT THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON . . "The Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon" , SAC3 AGE FOR SALE Good location. All tools, machinery, stock and equipment goes. Done $12,000 business in last six months. , , .'S 1 Bargain if taken before August 1, 1919., : Address Post Office Box 837, City., Some Features That Are Selling the REPUBLIC Invincible 2 2-Ton j. f TRUCK Continental I!cd Seal Motor of twenty-eight and eighty-eight hundredths horse power at 1.000 K. P. M. late Type lTuat t'eed Carburetor, which insures greatest pull economy. . OutiKtant hiw-cd Oil ;overnor, which holds the truck to rated rpeed and delivers full power tinder all conditions. lur-fpe! Transmission, permitting a wider range of Inter mediate speed and applying a greater amount of power to the wheels when in lower gear. Hear Spring Suspension; constructed according to Government design, which prevents slipping of springs under any cbndition of road or load. ( Improved ltadiutor with capacity ample to cool motor properly in any climate. . This truck is furnished with long Wheel Base 16 Inches Without extra charge. Pendleton Auto Co. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE 1 V$ 'fir Pendleton Met News V J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. The. following prices are the prices r Fair to good steers ... .. 9.0010.50 being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail prices are given the fact will be sue- cifically mentioned. ...,. Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 40c. .; ' Hens, Svc. Spring chickens, 25c a Pound. t on in ry Hiun, Etc. Ham, best quality, 28c. Bacon, best quality, 40c. Butter Vut and Butter. Butter fat, 68c f. o. b.' Pendleton. Butter. SI. 00 a roll. - otatoes. New potatoes, 6c a pound. Old potatoes, $2.25 to 32.50 for 100 pounds.' Watermelons are Cheaper : Local Markets. Watermelons are selling at 4c a pound retail price in local markets to day. This fruit was 6c a few days ago and when the season first opened sold for IOC a pound. fireeit Corn Is - Down to 40c-15c Green corn is selling In local mar kets at from 40c to 45c. The corn sold for 80c when the season opened and the drop in price has been steady. Hogs Rule Weaker '...'... At Week's Opening. Hogs dragged at the opening of the week's North Portland trade with a lpwering of eastern values during the morning. Killers were not very anx ious bidders and for the bulk of the good stuff were not inclined to offer above $22.50. ; General hog range: ' Prime mixed t22.5023.00 Medium mixed .... 22.0022.50 Rough heavies ; 22.5022.76 Pigs 20.00 20.75 Bulk 22.50 With a more liberal run of cattle than had been generally expected by the trade, sales on the early market at North Portland were slow but In general the situation was about steady at former prices.' - General cattle range: ' Good to choice steers . . $1 1.00 fti 12.00 Diseased Skin Freed on at e from thsftconr of Mndiaeaae. Tb tooth ia wub of olto. t -Try D. D. D- Wm different. Uc and $1 M. W ruarantec tb flnt betUo. m. Iottohibr Skin Disease TALLMAV & CO. Common to fair steers.. , 7.000 7.60 Common steers 6.00 7.00 Good to choice cows and heifers ...v vg.00 9.t)0 Medium to fair cows and heifers ......... 6.000 6.00 Canners , 3.60 6.00 Calves .0015.50 borne small trading In lambs was shown at the opening around $12.50 for' tops with poor quality down to $9. .Similar figures ruled last week. General sheep and lamb range: Prime lambs $12.00018.60 Fair to medium lambs . . 9.0011.50 Yearlings 7.00(g 8.00 Wethers , 6.000 7.50 Ewes ....... 1. (.000 7.50 Coarse (.ruins Uun Wild.- - The two standard grades of bar. ley took: the most phenomenal Jumps upward .the season has known today when feed barley was ''quoted $5 a ton higher and standard A barley $10 a ton above yesterday's figures. The first grade jumped from $64 to $69 and the latter from $66 to $76. Hay also went up. the offer of $27 a ton beijig $1 higher than, the previous quotation. Mill feed ' went to an even $40, an Increase of 50c. Sacks Are Tip 3 Cents to 18. Sacks, which have -been available at 15 cents here for some time and only recently went to 16 cents, are now- costing 18 cents in' the - local market-, it was reported today. National League Standings. ' Won. Lost. Pet- New York .. 63 24 Cincinnati,... 55 27 Chicago ...... . .'.".1 . . . 46 36 Brooklyn 40 43 Pittsburg .- 40 43 Boston....'.....,..... 30 48 Philadelphia .. nu. i 31 51 St. Louis . . . ':'-. . 30 60 Yesterday's Score. ' Boston 5, Philadelphia 3. New York 7, Brooklyn 4. ' Cincinnati 8, Pittsburg 7. Chicago-Bt. Lou la postponed. American League btandingn. Chicago-..- 55 81 Cleveland ............ 49 37 Detroit i . ; 48 37 New York ....... . ..t ... 46 C 37 Me. Louis 45 39 Boston S 37 46 Washington 37 47 Philadelphia .' 33 61 Yesterday's Score. Boston 6, New York l.'- No other - games, r ' - .688 .671 .561 .488 .482 .385 .378 .376 MEN'S WARES . Our cash system of merchandising enables us to sell cheaper. Buying for 197 stores en ables us to buy cheaper. . - :: ,, .- ' ', - ' The place is here. The time is anytime to get standard quality underpriced. ; We prefer small profits and large sales to kvrgc profits and small sales. . ; Wear j.C. Penney Clothes of genuine good quality, for young, middle aged or elderly men. If you are looking for a good suit we have it $24.75 to $37-50 Senator Double Grip Garters, per pair v. . . . . . 23c Paris Double Grip Silk Garters, per pair 39c Paris Single Grip Garters, per pair J 19c Flexo Arm Bands, "A Good One", per pair 19c Good Suspenders, per pair 39c and 49c Triangle Soft Collars, not 25c but 2 for 33c Excellent Values in Wash Ties 25c and 45c Kady Suspenders, per pair 69c tjMk' Men's Cool Athletic , Unions for such' good quality the price on this gar ment is exceptionally low. ... MDc uj(S) Good Leather Belts for'Men and Boys. The best belt for the money you ever saw. Only .V. . . . . . . . ........ 25c Dress Hose for Men, the best wearing hose m the market for the money, come in lisle; "black, white and colors," per pair . 39c We are showing a big assortment of A 1 values in mens dress shirts both military and flat colors, each 98c J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution. Asks Y. W. C. A. to Find 1 uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiv Him American Wild s HOT!- BUT WE ARE PUTTING SUMMER COM F ORT WITHIN YOUR REACH. . Let us take wash' day away from your home. Let us send soft comfy laundry to your ' By GRACE GOCLDBB (With the American Y. W. C. A. in , France.) Even the best of us are misunder stood at times. Miss Nettle Anderson who comes from Nashville, but who has been in Prance for a good, while with the Y. W. C. A. got a letter the other day from a French man. This gentleman had been reading in the French press a great deal about tne cooperative plans on foot between the American Y. W. C. A. ana jrencn women for permanent future work in France. ' The plans are in the hands of the Provisional Council of the Y. W. C. A. which is made up of the 80 prominent French women and 20 60 American women connected with the .670. y. ; W. O. A.' The council has been .565 having meetings and the happenings .664 have been recorded In the papers. The .636 man begins his letter by referring to .44jWhat he has read of those doings.. , He 4o'iroes on to say that he has long been 265 (interested in woman's quotations and because of what he knows about wo men, he realizes that such a union of French and American women can have only one purpose.. That purpose is the contracting of marriages, he announc es. Thereupon he sets forth his-quali fications. He has lost his father and mother during the war and ,is entirely alone. He Is "moral and properly be haved." He suggest that as the' nurses and all other war workers are- brlnn released from service, that one might be found who would be willing to con sider his proporition. He adds that If the Y. M. C. A. can obtain a life com panion for him, he would be- most K fateful. , - . , . His only requirement is that she be entirely respectable. He Is not parti cular whether she is French or Amer ican. . . ' " ' , . Miss Anderson has sent a carefully written letter, explaining that while the Provisional Council in on way; Is opposed to the custom Of matrimony, the contracting of marriages s not its purpose. - - ,i . j house to wear. LET THE TELEPHONE 179 THE TROY DO IT f IXIHTKIl TO TIOXIH'KAS MWtrtlKK IV TKtil'CIC M.PA I : , TKOCCIt-PA,' Honduras. July 28. Mr. Thomas Sambola Jones. American iMtslster to Honduras, and Mlns Julia j'Durony Duron were married here. IThe ceremony which was performed at jthe American legation was attended by .President Bertrar.d. I Mr. Thonjas Sambola Jones was ap pointed Minister to Honduras on June 26, 1818. His home is at Baton Rouge La., He was born in Jacksonville, La. He is a lawyer, educator and public speaker and has been prominent in ANSCO CAH ; ; and 5 Speedex Films 5 :Don t lot another summer go S 3 hy without an Ansco. It will s. 3 add mora to the pleasure of 3 3 your outlngj than anything else 3 All winter and long afterwards 3 3 yoi can live over again with 3 . o ir pi '.urea those good sum- 3 3 mer days. Let us show you the 3 Ansco line. ' i . . S Tallman & Co. 3. t Leading Druggists. 3. SililiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII." i L Bring Your Car to Us We can furnish prompt ly any size 1 V Wind Shield i Glass We have an experienced man who, will set the glass while you wait- B. L Borrouslis, Inc. Corner Webb and Col lege Sts. - f 3iiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiu2 1 ' THERE'SAN ( Stand a r (1 i z e d la tt he iGVeat I V Hogjlsland xhipyardx FOR EVERY BUSINESS J ; . , s- '('-. ' - . ''..' -i " ; Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON .' CADILLAC Distributors Pendleton, QrcgonllV, 121 West Court St. m 91 TP 3 3 n V5 o. S Red f"rr)M and other wrm nrffunim. jtions. y gUuiiii.ilDiliiiiii.iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiimFiimiiiiiiiHiiiiiii iiuinmimtMKl