r ' r a-- -- -- ? h 'j TWELVE PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1919. PAGE NINTI EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. Howard Family on Visit to Relatives at Ilcppner (East Oregoniart Hpocial.) MUTTON, July 23. Prof. W. C. Howard, on (Jlliicrt and ilniiKhter, VVIIina left Suturuuy morning hy aulo moblls fyr Heppner where they ore ponding the week Venning relatives. Mr. Howard spoke Humluy morning and evening in the 1'rcnliyterluii church of Heppner In tho Interests of Columbia college. Miss Beula Henderson who hus been employed In the Mlllnn Kagle office for the past 20 month resigned her plaee Saturday and loft this morning for Spokane where she ha accepted a position In a business college. Minn Ida Bhellon ha taken Mine Hendenion'a plate with the KukIb. Miss Bffle Torgeson who la employ ed In the offices of tho O. W. H. & X. company at Portland npent Hunriny visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Torgeson In South Milton. City Kecorder and Mrs. C. n. Sam uel left Friday morning hy automobile for Wallowa Lake where they will spend a ten days vacation. They were accompalned by Mr .and Mrs. M. B. Huinuel who are returning to their home In Twin Fulls, Idaho, after a visit of several weeks with relatives in Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence I. Rpenre and Mr. and Mrs. J H. Humfurd of Day. ton Vanhlni;ton spent Sunday In Mil ton. I xe Johnson, welt known Milton young man who Is new enmmed with the I'endleton Cash Market spent Hun dny visiting his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. i. W. Johnson of Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plnkerton of Athena visited Sunday with Mrs. IMnkorton's mother Mis. M. L. flray. HupiirlnteiHlont I. H. Bevy today pur chased the rCHldcnce of Councilman F. E. Cockburn on Mill street together with the corner lot Just across the streot from Mr. Cockburn. Mr. Bevy will move tho Cockburn residence onto his newly purchased lot, remodel It r.nd make a modern home for himself and family. Mr. Cochburn expects to erect a handsome modern residence on Ms property adjoining. Miss Mary Mallny of Boise, Idaho, who has been residing in Milton for the past few years, left this morning for Tendleton. Dr. H. li. McQuary returned this morning from his summer camp at Cold Springs where Mrs. McQuary and their two children are escaping the severe heat of the valley. M. C. HlKgenbothom who recently came to Milton from Troy, Idaho hasi purchased the Sunset Theatre from J. V. Smith. Tho new owner plans to make some changes In the programs and bulldln with thevlew of making tho local play house one of the most popukir In the valley. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. F.lam and Miss Bertie Klum expect to leave tomorrow I morning for Lehman Springs, south of I'endleton where they will remain during the next six weeks of summer. Everybody has a consuming interest In methods, to keep food prices down to a reusonablo bauls. DO YOU KNOW that indigestion can be cured, permanently cured, so that you can eat any kind of food that you crave? It has been done not only once, but in almost every case when Cham berlain's Tablete are used. An instance : Mr. J. Pominville, Stillwater, Minn., who had spent over 42.ooo.oo for medicine and treatment was perma- nently cured by these tablets.' The Children Will Want It Elite's Bos A PRESENT FREE TO EACH GIRL OR BOY Who brings or sends to the East Oregonian office one new Daily subscriber by carrier for 1 month or longer; or one new Daily subscriber by Mail for 3 months or longer; or one new Semi-Weekly subscrib er by mail for 1 year; or any subscriber renewing their Daily subscription for three months or longer or Semi-Weekly for one year. roil YOlTll CONVENIENCE ITS 13 THIS COUPON East Orcgonlan Pub. Co. Gentlemen: Please send me "Uncle Billy's" Circus and end the Dally) or (Semi-Weekly) East Oregonlan by (carrier) or (mail), for which find enclosed t to the following address. Send the paper for months year. Name t Town . . . .. Street and No My Name Is My Address la SUUSCllIPTIOV RATES Dally by carrier 6o per month, yimiu.at Dally by Mall JS.00 per year. Dally-by Mall 1.60 six months. .... Daily by Mall 11. tt three months. Semi-Weekly tl.60 per year. if enncus is to be sent by mail seito o for postage New Machinery on Way For Highway at Adams (East Oregonlan Special.) , ADA MH, July 23. Owing to the fire the new hlghwuy will be put back about two weeks. There is ordered soma new machinery from Portland to resume tho work. Miss Dorothy Htoll wus a visitor In Walla Walla Tuesday. Frank Martin of I'endleton was In Adams Monduy to oversee his grain. Dr. and Mrs. Lleuallcn and children were Pendleton visitors Monday. Mrs. Herman Kirk and children are the guests at Bingham Springs for two or three weeks, on an outing. Mrs. Dean Dudley and son motored to Bingham. Springs Monday to spend a few days. All the farmers have started In threshing and are beglning to have their grain hauled to the warehouses. Mr. and Mrs. Italph Wallen motored to Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lleuallcn wer in I'endleton this week. Mr. Coffman is in Adams' working on the state hikhway. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McConnell and children mqtored to Weston Sunday. Ivan Blake was a visitor in Athena Sun Jay. Miss Pearl Dames and Linn Deal were visitors in Weston Sunday. Miss Dames was in Pendleton Saturday. O. A. Simpson of Pendleton visited in Adams Friday. L, L. Mann was in Adams Saturday from his ranch near Pendleton. Mr .and Mrs. Elmer Hales and Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Spencer and Jack Hales motored to Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Narclse La Course and family of Spokane passed through Adams Monday on their way home, It. E. Reaves and Peter Jeannot of Bolsle, Idaho were In Adams Monday. cisely," "Then, Dr. Blank, as it's the luncheon hour and the little restau- ant on this boat is celebrated, I wish you'd treat mine." Dr. Blank's veins run rich with generous sporting blood, and he treated the stranger a western millionaire, as It turned out to a good and costly luncheon. But he got his revenge. I-ulor on In the afternoon a roll of bills In his hand, he accosted a group of men playing shufflebonrd. "Hus anybody here," ho asked, "got a twenty?" The western Joker prompt ly produced a twenty dollar bill and handed It to Blank. Blank thanked him, thrust the note In his pocket and turned away. "Iook here," said the westerner." "What did you want that bill for?" "What did I want It for?" said Blank blandly. "Why, for treat ing your stomach, of course. It's my usual fee," REALTY TRANSFERS Telephone Needed Every Day, Ukiah Has Decided (Rant Oregonlan Special.) UKJAli, July 23. Mrs. Frank Gi! Illand and children of Gurdane, arriv ed in town Friday and will visit here until Wednesday when she will go on to the sheep ranch near fltarkey I'rairie. There the will join her hus band who Is herding and will remain until Mr. Gilliland leaves tho moiin tains with tho sheep this fall. A. 8. Quant, the Alba merchant was in town a few hours Saturday on bust ness. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Martin and daughter lOdna, of Bridge creek, visit ed over Sunday at the Sturdlvant Bros, farm, with the Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair, parents of Mrs. Martin. Herbert Meengs who has been In the service for more than a year, and land ed in New York June 28, from over seas where he was in active service, arrived in Ukiah Saturday evening. He was met here by his parents, going on to his home on Bridge creek Saturday night. The cloH'.ng of the telephone office on Sundays not being satisfactory, the office has been o ened again and Miss Grace Gibbs has charge of the office on Sunday. J. D. Kirk and Cordon Mettie re turned from the big creek fire after ten diiys hard fiKhting. Gordon re turned Sunday with provisions, and Mr. Kirk will remain to harvest his hay crop. Bond Bros, of Pendleton were in Ukiah Sunday for a few hours on bust ness. A large Studebaker six, automobile, with seven passengers, said to be from iPend'eton, was badly wrecked, one 'half mile from Ukiah Sunday evening. when it struck a rock and skidding struck a stump. One spring, was ' broken, a wheel smashed, an axel sprung and other damage done. No one was hurt. Mrs. Vest i I Jones was In town Mon day chopping. Levi Kldrige of Pilot Rock arrived In town Monday evening with 24 men, and at Ukiah he loaded a ton of provi sions and taking two trucks from here, went as near the fire, as he could. He returned to Pendleton for another load of men Tuesday. Later another truck bringing 12 men came, making 34 to leave for the scene of the fire. Mrs. William Anderson and daugh ter Xellie, were In town Monday trad ing. Mrs. Blackburn of Lebanon, Oregon is visiting at the home of her son Wal ter Blackburn, near Ukiah for an In definite time. Phaen Mettie who has been over seas for more than a year has landed In New York and will be home soon. Strictly Business A famous New York stomach spe cialist was taking a constitutional on the promenade deck of an ocean liner j when a Jovial-looking stranger held htm up. "Dr. Blank,. I believe? j "Well, er I well, frou see, I have been called by that name." "The Dr. ; lilunk who treats stomachs?" "Pre- PIMPLKON FACE And Arms. Burning Ter rible. Cuticura Heals. "I was troubled with pimples on roy face and arms for about two months. The skin was sore and I could not sleep or rest but scratchea all the time. The burning was terrible. I could not put a pin head between the eruptions and I could not go out. I was a fright. "I saw an advertisement for Cuti cura Soap and Ointment and I sent for a sample. I felt the effects at once so 1 bought more and I am healed.' (Signed) Mrs. J. W. De Berny, Iron dale, Wash.. July 22, 1918. Culicura For Toilet Uses Having cleared your skin keep H healthy and clear by using Cuticura Soapforevery-day toilet uses assisted by touches of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal any tendency to irri tation or roughness of the akin. Cuticura Soap is ideal for the com plexion because so mild, so delicate and so creamy. Soap, Ointment and Talcum 25c each everywhere. Iccd. V IT. Rogers to Charles ' Martin. tin. north 4a acres of H 1-2 NH 1.4 township 6 north, mngro 36. T. Frailer, referee, to H. o. thiKhes. IaiIx I, 2. 3 and 4 In block Nichols Add. to Milton. TV r Frazler. referee, to Wm. P. Whitney $1000. Blocks 7 and S and lot 6 In Mock 9, and lot & In block 0, Nichols Add. to Milton. URoy Penland to Ietc-her P. Nor- vell, $1. It 5 in block 3, Helix. Pauline Kitzwater to J. Y. Gross, $10. NW 1-4 section 8 and NB 1-4 section 7, township 4 north, range 14. Frank Moan to J. F. Connelly, 1. Lot 4, section . township 4 north, range 31. Virt Vuiionil Ttank. Pendleton, to Chan. H. Belt, $1878. Lots 7 and 8. In block 4 Ites. Add Pendleton. Jim White to John W. Crow. 88000 N 1-2 SB 1 4 section 0. township 1 north, ranae 33. F. n. Bwayze to CeorRla U McKen zle, $1. Lots 3 and 4, block 4, Her miston. Addle C. Ksteb to W. II. Crary 1125 Lot 4, block 4. F,cllo. Laura D. Nash to W. R. Potter, $1. North 12.86 acres, lot 1, section t, township 4 north. rang 28. ' Andrew P. Hurgln to Fred K. Ma son, $3.10. Lot 7, block 3 Hyers Park Add. Pendleton. Joseph Baltore to Lillle J. Clark $100. B 1-2 SB 1-4 SB 1-4 NW 1-4 section 16, township 1 north, range 34. Narcisse LaCorse to Lowell L. Rog ers $4000. 8 12 8V 1-4 section 2, township 3 north, range 34. , Mar Kern to J. C. Baddley. $18, 000. NB 1-4 SB 1-4 and 8 1-2 SB 1-4 and SE 1-4 8W 1-4 section 28, NEE 1-4 NW 1-4 SB 1-4 section 32. town ship 4 north, range 36 and descrip tive tract In SW 1-4 SW 1-4, section 28 township 4 north, range 36. Mark A. Slurtcvant to Fay Stur tevant Lowell. $1. L U 11 and 12 In block 4, Pilot nock and mote and bound tract in Uectlon 17, township 1 south range 32. Charles 8. Power to Ora Allen, $1. NB 1-4 section 36, township 1 north, range 31. Edgar It Jackson to J. M. Akers. $11,500. N 1-2 SE 1-4 section 20. township 4 north, range 28, and E 1-2 SW 1-4 NE U4 section 20, town ship 4. north range 28. . W. J. Wattenburger to John Jor dan, $2000. Lots 6 and 6, block 4, Halstead's Add. Echo. City Realty Co. to City of Stanfield $1. Lots 14. IS and 16, block 18, Goes Add. Stanfield. NURSES. MORE NURSES ARE BUSY IN BREST Girl From Behind the Battle Lines Meets Worker From Huge Port Hospital. By GRACE GOULDER (With the American T. W. C. A. In France.) BREST, July 23. Here In Brest people walk in the middle of the street. Of course this Is the custom everywhere in France, but in Brest it is more than custom. It is necessity. Brest is entertaining today twice, and maybe three times, as many people as it was ever meant to hold. So there isn't room for them all on the sidewalks. It seems as If every third person were an American. No om knows th1 Amci'ic-'iii population for 1 chanKeft with each boat that goes out just as It changed a few months fn with every bait that came in. nil some way it.i.iears that every otftei An.cr. lean is a nurse. You wonder If all ttw nurses In the world are not living Ui I. test' There ire two bis hospitals outride tho city proper, and two In tho city. But there Is cne spot In Breit where the fo'jr hospitals meet da:'v. he sign on tne door is a Dig wnue ana blue triangle and it says: "T. W. C. A. Nurses Club." You climb up dark. truly French stairs to get to it. And Queen Victoria opens the door to your ring! Queen Victoria Is a rein- caranatlon of the English ruler. She wears the little white cap of Brittany, a nlacld smile and the adequate avoir- ( dupois of the late Unpen. There are two big rooms the most cheerful t-nd quiet rooms in France, they seem, as you come out of the urmoll ond mud of Brest. And every chair and corner and cushion is oc cunied with a nurse. And out of somewhere comes Marlon Morrow to shake hands with you and ask wheth er you lake lemon or cream in your tea. Lemon or cream in France! you almost forget to shake hands with her Miss Morrow 1b in the uniform of the Y. Vv C. A. the one person in the room besides Queen Victoria, who is not a nurse. Krom Every State) The nurses are from every state an.l every town in the union. Some of them linvo ti-en over here long enough to wear thr-e gold service stripes, and others celebrated arn.istice day in Kansas i.nv. On the green chaise lounge, a big fair-haired girl who has been behind practically every battle line of France cn a hospital train, next to hex site a girl who landed at Brest a year ago and has not been outside it since. And there are always the nur ses from Pontanexen, a couple of miles ouulda of Brest. I'ont&nesea U CAMEL Cigarettes meet your taste in many new and unusual ways. You quickly become fond of them they are so refreshing and cool and fragrant. You see, Camels are an expert blend of choice Turk ish and choice Domestic tobaccos which guarantees the most delightful cigarette qualities that have ever been put into a cigarette. Your test will prove that you prefer the expert Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight. Camels blend not only frees the cigarettes from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleas ant cigaretty odor but it assures that remarkable mellow-mild-body I And, you'll be interested to know that no matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will not tire your taste Camels are a cigarette revelation! Prove that yourself I We suggest right here that you compare Camels with any cigarettes in the world at any price for quality and for satisfaction! CmmH r MNMttan M mctmnii0elly mmtimd pmeka4 mf 30 ctimrwttmm mr fen peck ( 200 cfar.rraa) im m Wm wtwongly ncmmmtmtd thtm MrfMI for ttf homr t aMrm mmp0ljr mt whmn ymm trmrmk L X MTMOLM fOMCC COL J8jcenU a package P tho largest camp In the world and there Is a hospital In connection with it that has cared for as many as S0O0 patients at one time. The French re member Pontanexen because Napo leon first made a camp of it. But the Americana remember it for its mud. There are all kinds of tales about the mud of the place, and after you have been there you believe all of them. There is, for example, the story of the soldier who sank in mud over his rub ber boots and loft one, never to find it again. In Napoleon's Barracks Barracks of low, long sheds have been built for the nurses' quarters. There Is a thin partition ten feet or so. with an open space above it to the ceil ing between each room. A word can be heard from one end to the other of the shed, but the partitions give some privacy. Board walks lead over the mud from door to door and to each of the wards, which also are sepaiate barracks, long shed-like structures, like the nurses' quarters-There-are the old wall and the low moss-greened stone buildings of. Na poleon's army, covered with vines in some places and shaded with trees. Today this camp that has been so long tho cradle of history, is overrun with a khaki horde of noisy, busy, lively men, waiting impatiently but happily, for their "ship to come In" Brest. the harbor ot Army Questions Billy Sunday, delights to tell of the subtile criticism' administered him by a Philadelphia girl for his informal me thod of preaching. The revivalist halted at the end of an Impassioned harangue, rolled down his sleeves, put on his coat and said: "And now dear friends, doea any one want to. ask any questions?" All of the congregation were silent except the pretty girl in the front row( She said: , . "May I smoke?" - . . Were you ever disappointed with your Home-made Preserves? Even the best recipe can't make allowances for the way sugar will harden into candy or for the failure of a jelly to "jell". Thousands of women are finding the ideal preserving syrup is a blend of y. Karo Red Label) with j sugar instead of all sugar. Preserving done this way is always uniform jelly that really "jells" jam that is neither too syrupy nor too thick. It gives you preserves with the natural fresh fruit flavor: This fine, clear Karo Syrup has a natural affinity for the juices of the fruit. It blends the fruit with the sugar makes your syrup rich and heavy, and holds jams and jellies firm and mellow, with not the slightest tendency to "candy in the glass. For Cooking, Baking and Candy Making Karo (Red Label) is used in millions of homes. In all cooking and' baking recipes use Karo instead of sugar. It is sweet, of delicate flavor, and brings out the natural flavor of theTood. FREE A book of ty-cht pages that gives you tha best recipes for sure results in preserving. Easy to follow. The Corn Products Cook Book is hand somely illustrated and it's free. Write us today far tt. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO. . O. Am IC1, Afa,, Ymrh Citp Uae 4 Karo (red label ) andVi sugar Make perPetb jarns jellies and preserves. t