.1 TWELVE PAC.ES DATLY EAST ORECONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1919, rAGE TWO ' ' . .' . .1 . it. 11... .11.. t.1 -'l..Ji-l.. I !..!.. . J -..,1. . BALKAN CHILDREN 250 MILES TO GO What you see in our Windows reflects what you find in our Store. Neither wilfully or by accident do we in tend that our window displays shall create the wrong impression or act as a false stimulant to wlu-t the appetite and then disappoint the intending pur chaser after the feast is spread. We mean that our windows shall a lways be a true index of values not only in prices but in the character of the merchandise displayed as well. And there shall always be plenty of it inside the store we promise you that, and always the best for the price, no matter what the price. The Most Popular Waist Styles of the Hour COUCHES Uur Piivcnporta uml KU'i'l (.'out'lH'S AU, JUHt us cuinl urtublu ua tliuy . limit. Tliuy ' l" uhuU fur fluier (lay, r l.itliUt wrvU-f. ' KHP'-cly humiy art they Miurinu. ihm .rtwcMit htJii si.Bll n 9. J ... . v mm, pun busily iorn. n ? 5 DAVENPORTS AND STEEL 0 ; At - - , -.1 5 JU t -J.A I yrf " c i , . , . f n a m mm - c y 1 - r : 1 " i j , We Imvc a nice llneU j of Muttreasc to fit' -B, , , !. t' ' "' grmJLi - M ih) inriTisit at Tl,Ej I t ... New and charming creations which take their inspiration from the ex quisite master models of the foremost designers on this and the other side of the water. They are rare pictures of beauty of fashioning and designing not one, but all of them.' And many a woman and miss who lets her eyes feast upon them will find herself longing to place one or more of them in her ward robe. ... Numbers are made of filmy nets, dainty Georgette crepes and rich char meuse silks numerous others of subtle satins of clinging textures and luxuri ous crepe de chines; trimmed with filet and Venetian laces, embroidery, color ful beadings. etc. A few instances of t he prices they are listing aie printed below $5.75, $22.50. . A CONTINUANCE OF OUR " July Clearance Sale v of Summer Wash Goods All novelties in printed and woven effects on sale at the following prices : 25c Wash Goods, on sale 19c 35c Wash Goods, on sale 27c 39c Wash Goods on sale 29c 40c Wash Goods on sale 31c 30c Wash Goods on sale 37c 80c Wash Goods on sale 43c 65c Wash Goods on sale 45c 75c Wash Goods on sale 49c 85c Wash Goods on sale 59c $1.00 Wash Goods on sale ..... 69c $1.25 Wash Goods on sale 89c $1.50 Wrash Goods on sale 98c MERCERIZED POPLIN in all solid colors. A special 50c quality, on sale this week at 39c CHILDREN'S TAN STOCKINGS to match their summer shoes, mer cerized lisle in a fine quality at 50c to 65c. Take with you on your vacation ART NEEDLE WORK This section of our store m display ing the most interesting exhibit of pretty stamped articles ready for em broidery. . Women who want to fill in their spare moments .with embroidering, knitting or crocheting, will find us fully prepared to lend useful and practical aid in furnishing the ma terials at very moderate prices, such as the following: Infants' Stamped Dresses. Women's Stamped Gowns and Lin gerie. , Pillow Tops, ' Scarfs, Luncheon Sets and many others. T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Model, Sanitary Basement Cleanliness Economy Service 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Dcpts, call 22. Just a Few of Our Many Money Savers to You. Extra Good Bulk Coffee, lb 40c Del Monte Table Catsup, bottle 25c Libby's Tomato Soup, 2 cans. . . . 25c Goblin Toilet Soap, 5 bars 25c Rose Bath Toilet Soap, 3 bars.. 25c Extra Good Ripe Olives, 3 cans 40c Sliced Dill Pickles, 3 cans . . 55c 10c Golden Age Macaroni, Spagretti, vermicelli and Noodles, pKg. "PENDtTTONS G2EATEST DEPARTMENT STORE jne peoples ware V":-?jiawHrBF IT AV TO TRA DC h ous All thronith tho Balkans Uttle groups of rofuRees may still be seen making tholr way on foot to far-away homes. Thssa chil dren, footsore anrt clod In rags, had still 60 milea to, go when the Red Cross Balkan mission met them. I THE LEAGUE COVENANT THE AUTHORS OF THESE ARTICLES: William IL Taf t, ex-President of the United States. George W. Wickersham, formerly U. S. Atty. General. A. Lawrence Lowell, President Harvard University. Henry W. Taft, of the New York Bar. , East Webb Street. j s si ilTUE PURPOSE: To discuss and make clear the various articles of the Paris Covenant for a League of Nations, now awaiting ratification by the United States Senate. Today's Letter Takes Up 8l,AUOIt. St'ks W lilo 11wers ; - Whether or not this general decla- ' 0 The Loi.ni.Knon on lnlernutional ralion ,, bo ndpled 1V. tn0 ow. j (lUibor LeBisIation b.-sliles preparing j er3 iBnntory to the peace treaty. Its fTand submitting to the I-eace Confer- formulation and recommendation by ajence the convention or treaty described !, international Commission Indi S In the preceding letter also recoin- i cntps tho extellt of tho programme 5j;meniled for tho consideration of the ; .i,inl, ,uQ i..ii1,JJi ...M . ,i,n j...v.....oi oi wiB iiiKuu in "iiuiiii. n are Invited to adopt W treaty of peact f inn or iciKhts" A This program consists in the follow ins declaration of principles which has (Kjbeen charautedizcu as the Labor 14111 of Rights, viz.: m I. "In riRht and in fact the ttibnr of human beins1 should not bo treated Sfi&s merchandise or an article of com- fA merce. 51 2. "Xo child should be permitted to 2 ce pa rate from the convention: and apart I The CommiH- sion also adopted a resolution ex- presRlnff the hope that as oon as poasfhte an agreement should be ar- flvnrl of linttvaan tho hinh nun rs i it tr partios with a view to ondowin? the i "International labor Confereiice, under the auspices of the Leaffue. of Xatlons, with piwer to take, under conditions to be deter mined, resolutions possessing tho force Of international law." This proposal embodies the rcom- tnniif1:iiinn nf tiif 1 n torn 1 1 It-il Tjihtir oe emvioeu in maumry or commerce ;nnd yot-t conferences held in before the aSe of fourteen years. In London in August, 1S17. and Febru order that every child may be Insured inryi m, n ,g flt vartance wlth the iaaonablo opportunities for mental genora pllin of the covenant of the ana pnysicai eauraiion uviwmi mo years of fourteen ond eighteen, young persons of either sex may only be em ployed on work which is not harmful HAVE YOU ANY WAY OF KEEPING COOL THESE DAYS? ' You can use a 12-inch Pullman G. E. 7 i for about t cent an hour. Why not use one " nights to keep your bed room cool? The cost of such a fan is only $15.00, the same price as last year. A K Paciflrj Power & Light Co. "Always At Your Service" Ieajfue of Nations, which carefully avoids any effort to erect a super isoverlsnity oyr the nations, and i ; confines itself to international agree-; menls ami their enforcement as prin cipal basis for the preservation of In- ' lernutlonal peace. I fail Ijilior C'oiiditloiis Jlo , Stamlarlizecl'. t ! ' Manv of these recommendations I for the Improvement of labor will np- peal at once to the favorable Judx- I ! ment of the worlii. How far the pre- ' sent unequal condition of develop-' i ment of the different countries com- i nnplnc the Leneue of Nations will j ! warrant the standardization of a Jnbor J. "'Limitation of the hnura-of worK i conaitions proposea ny inis conven- j in industrv on the basl-wof eti-'ht hours . lion Is a matter cainn? ror careful 'a dav or fortv-eiaht hours a week. ! examination. The project involves a subject to an exception for countries j novel effort of ftir-reachln-f conse im which climatic conditions, the inl- j unence. In view of that novelty, it Is nerfert development of industrial or- : to he regretted that the proposed ganlzatlon or other special circum- j convention should he marie so extra, 'stance render the Industrial efficiency I ordinarily difficult of amendment ns inf the workers substantially different, j is proposed. Ity its terms, any ameml- Tho Tnternniinnal Ijibnr Conference : ment must first be adopted by the 'will iwinmioiirt haste opiiroxlmatoly conference by two-thirds of the votes eoulvnlent to the above for adoption j cast by tne ociegates present, tnen in such countries. ratified by the states whose represen- "In all maters concerning their tatlves compose the Executive Coun atatus ns workers and social Insurance1 ell of the league of Nations and foreism workmen lawfully admitted to J finally by three-fourths of the states anv countrv. and their families, should "hose representatives compose the be' Insured the same treatment as the! Body of releKates of the l-eaBne nationals of that country. (The plan as a whole undoubtedly will a "Ml slates should Institute ajoppeal to a large number of people, system" of Inspection, in which worn- It will have the endorsement nfor en should take part, In order to in- Ranii-ed labor In the United States .... .... ,,.,,! f ihe laws and I and cannot fail to exercise a great regulations for the protection of the J influence upon the ratification of the workers. I to their hT-icnl development and on i condition that the continuation of ! their technical ur general education is I insured. 4. "Every worker has a right to a wage adeamite to maintain a reason- Si! able standard of life, having regard to 2 the civilization of his time and coun- 8rtry. 3 ! 6. "Rqual pay should be given to J women and to men for work of equal K lvalue In quantity and quality, pi 6. "A weekly rest. Including Sun !dav. or its equivalent, for all workers. M 1. "Limitation of the houiB. of work I w. i ",.. t peace covenant itself. S; K'kiiiioii c;iven JudKnu-nt for Stoo. r! K. K. .Sutton was given a Judgment P;fop llutf against. John L. Barker 'circuit court today. FOR SALE . Good Jocation. All tools, inacninery, stock and equipment goes. Done $12,000 business in last six months, i ; Bargain if taken before August 1, 1919. .. .- Address Post Office Box 837, City. Sclimil iJtm Icivel. Several copies of the 191 S Oregon 1 school laws, were received today by i County Superintendent W. VT. Green land will be. sent to various district R J school officials. IJsts of new text- r raoiro Grain 0. Jloicn. I books adopted on June 2 by the text- T. The Pacific Grain Co. and the Pa- book commission, have also been re 'ciflc Coast Elevator Co. Uouser grain! ceived and will likewise be supplied 4 concerns today moved Into their j to the districts. Mr. Green pro Si new quarters on Main street north ! nounocs w hat texts he has examined 5 i of the Infand Kmpire Bank. John j as very satisfactory. 5 n Montgomery - now local agent tor : CihA two concerns and both businesses) 15 will be handled from the one of flee. Ill I II Itll I I in III II lllltll III II I IIIKl 111 1 1111 iSeoU Hm $llfl Jndpiiio?ti. A judgment In the Rum of tlt!)fi.33. and copts wm awarded Char lea Scott from O. H- Iteeder In circuit court to-J day. An order was also made order-! ing the sheriff to Hell the limine on which Scott had a lien to satisfy tho' judgment.' Tho !en w:u oroered foro c lowed. o-i;i s uxajUK HO TINTS OK 1KMZ.K TcmMin(urfi is 101 Today. The tcmperuture In 101 today, but tho humldfty is noticeable. Yester day tho mercury, which stood at iy at 2:S0 p. m. reuched lot. THo tem perature nuH 63 Jat niisht. l'iimy 'uiiii1nm(mht I Jure. U. I Imimjiitf. county eoinKjirslouer, Is a 'endloto!! visitor from his home In .Stunfiold today. lUiMiiifHS lutuKS Mr. ininnliiK t" 'he city. . KIMtJNU, Okla., July 23. When Wiss Ada Iudluy of Jlainsvllle. Tc ar, arrived her to attend a summer chonl and received a trunk she had checked t Ka iwio C:ty o found it .vua iiccompanlet! by a revenue offi cer. The trunk was opened and in It wus found SO pints of whiskey, MiM IiidU-y dciiiel ovncrshlji-and explain ed that a porter in Kansas City, -whom Mio had check her trunk ''must have r.iuUo a mutluke. Her trunk, she said, wus u tiuiniQr (runkf whit th one ttt-nt here was a Tar so green one. Her fu.th.er wa appealed to to solve the mytry. Carpenters more days ml painters have worii to complete. For Biliousness Biliousness is a common form of indigestion. It is brought on by food-waste which the stomach, intes tines and bowels fail to expeL If you will take a few dosec of Beecham's Pills, when bilious, you will soon rid yourself of the impurities, relieve skit headache, stimulate the liver and hile and tone the stomach. Healthy conditions are quickly re-established by using BEECHAM'S PELS Dhsitis f Bursal Vala .to Wa r with Ever? Bos. la bam. 10c, 25c il-Trtio l-'annrr In Oly. Ioren J. Keward. a wall known far mer nar Echo, is in I'ondleton today on luainers Sum fur High SelHtol site. ' t nion High f-Vbool District No. 2. 2 of Pilot Hock, today brouKlit suit .iBiilnat Mark A. Sturtevant, us execu tor of the turtevant estate, to con- dt-mn property within the turevant s able value on the property and de- jiroio5ed new Union hiph Bchool there. ' 2 ;arotittr IMmnr (;rantrtL iA court is asked to place a reason-: Roy Garoult? was KTanted a. di-;Ahie aiue nn tne oroieru and de- vorce from Lottie tiarotitte in circuit' clare it pchool land. The site waft court today, the i.e goin by de-'choFen from a fiehl of three in a S fault. 1 school election i.t l'ilot JUck two 3 months aso. 3 j JiifUre Sc-l up Marriage. j. '3 ; With a record of so xeconds to tie Clwk'ii ltcort. Itciiut A--nillL i3 live knot. 41ty Recorder Thomas Its W. . lirecn is niakiag up the list 3 i-iTimiumi ti- .((iiuii. inm ' i iiiaiina iuuiii iviiu(.i cinrtvf re- . ; morning which united James Nurse, .ports to be sent to ta!e Superintend- 3 n I'ine. lori'urnta. Idaho, and Mra. Annaleut J. A. Churchill in about a week. ' n9CO jtieorjre Faskelt. of Kreewaler. Missi.So far all districts except S2. 42, ii, '5 , Evelyn Somiuertille and N. Berkeley, i. IS. 1 and lli have turned in re- ANSCO CAMERAS and Speedex Films Do" t let another summer go by without an Ansco. It will add inoro t3 the pleasure of your outing.! thaa anything elm winter and long afterwarriv yox can live over aqaln with nir pi urea those good sum- Lt us show you the jho acted as witnesses, held a- watch j ports. Any school which is not rep- ion the judge, Mr. Xurs is a 1 farmer rsentei on the report lime its ap- and is S3 years of a the oldest man portion ment of the county fund and to take out a marrlaiee licen in this; Mr. Green is urRtnj, the lardy districts 1 Tallman O Co. I fxwdina; Krntglsts. county this year. jto wtiil in rcrons ot orco. uiiiiiiiiiumiiiiimiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiii D. A N GE ipnight; There will be a dance tonight, July 23, at the EsgSo-laodman Hall Given by the TOLLY AND 1II2R PALS CLUB JAZZ ORCHESTRA