PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1919V - -.1 l '-- ,i-. .-' - . .- -.- l .--!' ; j .j a. .! :l. . ... .i.'i i" rr. - .... .... g . t EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA, CO. Mrs. M. E. Wilson and small son wore,.n n the cltv of Pe.ndla. Highway Builders' Camp n nini icau mail 11 ill t FtijHy. i Minn Geraldine Hanlcn of Kamela ! visited rrtiemU here this week. ' Mrs. Helen Booth left Saturday to visit her daughter In Milton. John Crow and lan Shaw shipped (t:nl Oregonian Kpcclnl) MF.ACHAM, July S2. The contrnct. urn for the erudine; rif the state high way are camped near Meiidnmns hill. -..r f,w iiimt Kir. four oftm i.t ,.t tll, ... .1.. 11 r-amp from her. with government Commission Co., North Portland ;.. . . , 'Paiurday.- .rH A " M!"rt ! 1" nartholon.ew shipped one car visited Mrs. Gibson in KaOrundn Toes-:f lle,.p to ch!cuKO ,.' ,st o( th6 rn .r.iiirn was a iiasseniter to 11 , j j. urtn i uesauy. Dudley Muckburn of Pendleton spent a couple of days here this week. jii'ivm iwnstm spent a j,.w days !rs, jjj Welch. ""'k wrf-i in ttjniHin isiunir Airs. Robert Pagan. While In Glhhon Miss Helen made the trip t.e PliiKham Marshall made a business ; trip to Pendleton Saturday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Steel of Pendle 'ton visited over Sunday with Mr. and Bprfhgs rmd evening. returned home Sunday WAR IS BEING WAGED Hood's for the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys that has the approval of Ihroe fenerations. ! If a laxative is needed take Hood's Skills, they are equally good. 1 Tom Vetos of Vincent, spent Sun ; day here visiting old friends, i Hen Mirlln and little Gilbert Mar ; lln of Wallowa spent Saturday In ; Pendleton. Mlaa Josie Hlnderman. Mrs.' John : Gerger and daughter Kelda of Pen 'dleton and Mrs. Jenlveve McQuade of iPnPtlonit kfrh Kam I .... .1 .. .. . I ALL THE T!ME1W"1 camp for a whil.-i on the K. It. Bel ween (he disease perms in the air i Mo,re Mace. you breathe, the wafer von drink, the Mr- nd Mre- K- r" Moore motored food mil t. il,'-.lM Pendleton and back Sunday. your blood that are the forces of rood health. f .1. r , .,1 rs. at. J. . , xmxu iur lurces siromr. aon r . . . , .. , . t . j v. allow yourself to run down. Take jter Mrs. Home. Sarsapanlla. the medicine Mr. and Mrs. Steve Laa-lor and three children were. In La Grande this week visiting. Georpe Leeper of Pendleton was here this week looking- up wire trouble. J. D. Casey made a business trip to ? " . - --. . .Ta Grande Saturday. t'llllllinillinilllllllHIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt i Mr- J- A- Matters visited Mr. .R. X Fagan In Gibbon Thursday. I ANSCO 1l.c . Scharpf in Party That Climbed Mt. Hood It (Rast Oreaonian Special.) : rrLOT kocic. July is. u c. : Scharpf and Miss Veda Bracher re- Sj turned home from Portland Wednes : ; day evening. While away they ;! climbed Mt. Hood. !. Mrs. lxu Knotts and children. : Clayton. Helen and Lonnie left last :jv.eek for Homedale. Idaho to visit SiMrs. Knotts brother, i I. M. Schanncp has purchased a ; new Ituick car. G. T. Fannin; returned to Portland S . Wednesday. Mrs. Bert Shock has accepted a po- ' sition in the local telephone office. Mrs. Helen Belts spent several days . visiting- in Pilot Rock last week. 2 ' B. It. Rankin was host at a five course dinner served at Toms restaor- ant Wednesday evening In honor of 1 Archie Bond who has just recently S! returned from France. Those present E! were: M. D. Orang-e. A. M. Bond, C. J. fimiiiiiiiiniiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiti?iMUler' Archie Bond and E- Rankln CAMERAS I Sp and eedex Films Do t let another summer go by without an Ansco. It will dd mortt t3 the pleasure of your outing. than anything else winter and long afterwards yo oan live over again with r p! j res those good sum mer days. Let us show you the Ansco line. i Taliman & Co. I Lcadins Druggists. lr. If. A. Schneider returned Wed r.eadny from a visit to 4ort Intnl. lr. Harvey Hunovnn amdiinle of the North Pacific Dental College substitut ed tor him durina his absence. Mrs. Mary Campbell left Thursday for IJnd, Wash-, to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell. She will be ac cx mpalned home by her daughter Miss Kidth who has been there visiting ror some tkne. Mrs. I'ercy F-ulsom and children are spending a few days at Bingham Springs. The switch board for the clectrle litiht plant arrived last week. Uruce GlllH'rt arrived In Pilot Rock Friday evening. He has Just recently received his discharge from the navy. K. T. Fanning enjoyed a few days outing at Lehman springs last week. Marlon Milton ha moved his family to the Will Matthews cottage. Mr. Milton la working at the warehouse. M." D. Orange has sold his soda fountain to Geortce Vichas. proprietor of the Reith Hotel. Merwin Gilbert Is busy preparing it for shipment to that place . Lawrence Manning has employ ment at the Pil.n Rock meat market. Mrs. I c. Scharpf and children and Mrs. E. T. Fanning and children left Saturday evening for Lehnisn Springe! to remain fjr sometime. Mrs. Scharpf J mother. Mr O. T. Fanning, went up t&st week and will Join them there. A party consisting of C rt. Hrncher and family. I. M. Scbannep and family C. J. Miller, and family, and Misa L.U J. D. Casey attended a dance In i linn Ooncr . motored to Bingham Hlllcard Saturdav e.euing. I Si r'.nrn Sunday. Mrs. M. J. Hvde of Cmatilla Is vis- Both I ehman and Hidaway Springs were overcrowded saturaay ana oun- day. At Lehman they were unable to feed the crowds and many were de nied a plunge into the pool on account of being overcrowded. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Royer and chil dren. Velma end Gail, and Alfred Knetts and fanidy are planning an automobile trip into Southern Oregon and northern California In the very near future. They are looking for a location. B. R. Rankin has purchased the Lou Knotts property and Mr. Knotts will move his family to the fncle Perr Knotts home on Bluff street which he has recently aerilred. Jay Whlttaker ia now owner of the Rankin property and will move his family here forme. opening of school this fall. Harrr New-man has acepted a posl-j tion at the Talare of. Sweets. - I M. T. Oranje spent the wecK end at Lehman Springs. Mrs. Frank Done and children re-! turned home from the Fred WHsoni ranch Friday evening. I Miss Verna Fullenwlder will leave. August 4th for her home In Michigan, i She will be accompanied by her sister i Mrs. G. X. Johnston who goes ior a two months visit. Misg Alia Boylea was a visitor ncre Saturday. - Miss Alta Spalding spent last weea visiting friends in Pilot Rock. . , Miss Klma Boylen Is taking a leit days rest at the Boylen ranch. Rert Shock who has tieen empioyeu In the Echo barber shop for some time past is to return to the local naroer shop here, a third cnair navins ucc, added. . , .... Velma Smith has accepted ai posi tion at the Pilot Rock pharmacy, her duties to begin August 1. M i, i I t ' rjT3'.KJZ 3CERl'Cfc P1-J' LiWJ PiilMascla to mmjm ,: ' mm The Children Will Want It f r Ri't'w v--i': ip-r .... m mi ui iiii" ' i"asiiwsMlwssaMssws iu.j''ar'x' I. - E i ,i j 1 ,.ii F f w - - -i - 1 t r- - ' --LgsjBaaajiifaiaiiwi mtlwiii ii'iimimhimt mi mi im wbmb i , ; fyliW "i 1 j "- . ' I EC Tjrt this Asfonishtng Test Yoorscli Fry ikh or onions in Mazok Strain--to use it h your recipe far the most delicate cake , " ' ' ; Ikzcli carries na oioh or flavors Irasi bad food to another. Vl'is tc623jy feature of Mazola is rcnarkabk. . , . FTPF fcnJewife can moti 10 wttu0&t hfe CS-priC CorO Product foA Rootf- Pecipes for WouAirM Jialte nJ ta7 14 Bilie. Kand aome iOuttrattuii. TLe took i free. Write today for hi ' - CORN FEaDUCTS KElXlJitSi ' T 5 ' . 1 1 n New York JK5MW 1 1 J 4 Mm. Flnley, of Sand Hallow, was in Lemuel Ksteh left Sunday to work Echo on business Sunday. on the Tcel Irrigation i-rojeci near. C Harris was an lcho visitor on Saturday. . . Air, aud Mrs. Fpk Ely and chil? dren of Pendleton are visiting with relatives In Efchr... Hei-mlston and But ter creek. Albe. ' 1 Mr.' and Mrs. Harvey Bean return ed the latter part of last week from Portland. Mr. and M.-s. A. B. .Wattenberger si'ent Saturday id Echo. TAXICABffi PHONE f U - Books Si Rides for S.M FARKER TAXI CO. Why Fay Mora - ceciL ccJsipfek rORIJO ACOOnTajr-. JCOMB rxx-t&vKiQi?;.' Bmltn-Crawford Idg. Opposite Pendleton Hotel ' Phone ItIt , Wheat Farmers Attention We have a 1918 ton Indiana truck for which we have no further use and which is an ideal truck for hauling wheat and other heavy loads. Would like to submit you our proposition. NORTH PORTLAND BOX COMPANY - North Portland, Oregon. notice! to the public I wish to announce that I am now located in my. new office dver the Inland Empire Bank, corner, Court and Main streets. " ! ," J I . Old andjiew patrons will find me ready to careior-H their dentistry work in a modern manner.- -. , i)P.,J. E. SHARP. I PRESENT FREE TO EACH GIRL OR BOY Who brings or sends to the East Oregonian office one new Daily subscriber by carrier for 1 month or longer; or one new Daily subscriber by Mail for 3 months or longer; or one new Semi-Weekly subscrib et by mail for 1 year; or any subscriber renewing their Daily subscription for three months or longer or Semi-Weekly for one year. FOH l'OCIl CONYEXIEJiCE USB THIS COt'POJT East Oregonian Pub. Co. Gentlemen: Please send me "Uncle Billy's" Circus and end the .Daily) or (Semt-tVeekly) East Oregonian by (camert or (mail), for whx-h find enclosed I to the following addrete bend ih- paper for months. . . year. Name Town Street and No My Name la My Address Is scBscmpnox rates Daily by carrier tec per month Dally by Mail 15.00 per year. Daily by Mail $2.60 six months. Daily by Mail 11.25 three niontna. Beml-Weekly $l i per year. ir oners is to be sent bt mail srvd to for postage. Roy Montgomery Drivinir Stage into uuraane East Oregonian Special.) ni-RDAXBJ. July 22. Koy MonL gomery has be :n driving stage for Vern Cates, while Mr. caies nas oeeu cutting his hay. . , , Mrs. George Bonn maae i i v ! Pilot Rock Wednesday returning 'Thursday evening. Mrs. Bolln espects I to move to Pilot Rock before schopl stcrts and was looking for a house. Mrs. Charles Piquet made a, busi ness trio to Pilot P.ock Saturday re- i . - . i i. ..... t It 1 1 afiininr i Mr. and Mrs. Arha Harrington and 'son Elbert left, for Pilot Rock last j Saturday where Mr. Harrington went I. . . .t.A i. ........ u . r H a Mm. Har- i rington had some dental work done at ! Pilot Rock, returning home Monoay. I Mrs. Frank Gfllllland and children ' made atrip to i' trn last week return ing home Tuesday. , ' Mr. and Sirs. Nickolson and family who formerly worked for Pat Daugh ! try; hat left early in the summer for California, returned last-week for a ' short visit wllJi frlenda Being on to Pendleton where they will look for work. Frank Jones left Wednesday for his home ranch after finishing haying here. Mr. Jones expects to move his cattle from the porter place or other pastures owing to shortage of water. , Chan. Ely made a trip to Pilot Rock Pat Monaghan loft last week for the harvest flftlds ner Pendleton. Echo 3Ian in Charge - of Work at Stanf ield fat OrMfonian Special.) ECHO. July :2- Gordon Shotwell, who has been in charge of the gravel, in of the highway at Echo, waa in town Saturday. He now has charge nt ih. rrvellnc at Btanfieldj , - Echo Auto Company sales thl week include at Velie ear, purchased by Jim mirtian of Kanl Hollow, a seven-paa- r.r ci purchased by Elmer Hpike, and a Ford, jrarchased by U. D, Tl Mr. and Mra William at Pendleton ajr i tinr at the borne of tneir riiKFhr.r Mrs. Mrr Jewett. MIM Ixis Lnrth, ut Canada. Is 1 upending a If" " at b home of tier sinter, Mre, At Hunt- " Mrs Wltr l a4 hr djtugh ter Janette. Ul H'twmr to K-nd ths summer with V ilmt-Uc a hm neaa ifuartera near K'A. Karl Kwl' rn Mro4 Friday after spending ' I'endU- tem and Walla Wil. , Mr. and Mrs. " W"" Esther tr.n ttt XHlnrl&r wtrnMf t srend theld t M'.'n. JJryan l:rn- rrm4 T day after l.ting s ai Heattle. 1 M. Hills nA txt;'r. Mmrttrti drove from Hldy tortHi M Wd- n'-sday and return" Thr- The Hills family have ) Ml t"rC for the pat month. Hazel Moan i enjoying a t) With telatives in Portland, Mr. and Mr. J. o. tnri and oim, Vernon and Donald, left H-mflsy U. spend a few da at Hidaway WHri J. R. Jordon wa a bn)n visitor j r " " 'L ';,n Why -the; Sixteen - Year Old Economy Facts of the Franklin Mean More Today ." . , . , t . Throughout the country, industries and individuals are "speeding lip". The nation is on an efficiency basis, and both thp individual and the motor car must either conform, or fall out of the picture." "Anti-Idling1.' laws'apply to motor cars as well as to men. These are days when the car that can't earn its keep faces the possibility of being put under lock and key. None of us can be wasters arid fri6ithef cdti our cars. ' - .' ' ' . . - ' ' ; The. Ftanklin Car meets this condition with flat statertifehts bf just what it will do and just what it will cost to do it. It offers you the satisfying service only a fine car can give; the ut-" mpst in riding-comfort, ease arid safety of handling; freedom from com plication and consequent repair-annoyance, plus the economical cost of upkeep arising from its steady delivery of 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline instead 0 '10 . ; 10,000 miles to the set of tires instead of 5,000. Economy such as this is rare enough in the fine car field to be worth your immediate investigation especially under present conditions. PENDLETON AUTO CO. 'Estabished 1907 1!U Eeho on Batutday.