East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Section Two, Image 7

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    IS .
Section Two
Pages 7 to 10 ;
Section Two'
Pages 7 to M)
HAS $80,000 LOSS
Portion of Business Section
Wiped Out by Strange
t maze occurring Sunday.
- FORRHT GROVE, July 21. Fir
of unknown orlfiln completely wiped
out Stf,0uO worth, of biiHlnexi) prop.
uriy nere mm artornoon, and the
whole bualnoM aoctlon would hava
leon diiHtroyed but for tho hurolo
; "Kniing of the ro departments of
Forest Orove, Hlllsboro and Cornelius.
The greatext Ioshck wore auffered
'toy the destruction of tho Odd Fel
lows hall, valued at $20,000. the Firiit
Congregational church. 116,000; M. S.
Allen"ii hardware stock. In Odd Fel
lows building, $15,000; Koger s" City
library, $500U; V I,, Lan- brick
building, occupied by Taylor Ilroth
erg" garage, $5000, and the O. M.j
Htanford Hecond hand store, $3000.
Seattle Not Planning
On Six Cent Car Fare
HKATTLB. July 21 flutn. i.
plunitlng to raise streetcar fares from
6 cents on tho muhlclnal rallwava n.
cording to Muuerlntendmit Th,
Jlurphlne. He so replied to a telegram
from a citizen's committee at Atlarta,
Fla., which wired that it had been In
formed Boattle would increase faros
to 6 cents and charge 2 cents for
Seattle expects to retain the S
cent fare with tho untvcrxal transfer
prlvllogo," wired Murphlne.
Admiral Who Leaped Into
Hudson and Saved Seaman
i Spreads Wit It Wind.
, The fire Is supposed to have started
imck of the rJunforcl second-hand
store. Mrs. Krnest Brown Raid she
noticed a small fire burning there on
HA.MVKUIK8 lOIt CliriJIUi!f.
Simple candtfiohes are best.
Vary them from day .to day for the
Olve sweet sandwiches ono day and
other sandwiches the next.
Borne children like best bread and
butter (or oleomargarine) with a
good coaling of BUgar.
Fresh dates, choppod fins and pre
served ginger on sandwiches aro very
Chopped nuts and sardines (with
Dones and skir. icnioved, maehed and
sprinkled with lemon Juice) are fine
on sandwiches. - -,
Chopped hard boiled egua. r.Ucv, to
mato, cheese and combinations of
these are among tho tasty nutritious
sandwiches for school childten and
Election Thursday Will Per
. mit Progressive Moves to
be more Easily Taken.
Helix is to hold an election Thurs
day, July 24, to vote on the proposed
new charter which has been drafted
for tho neurby wheat city. Indica
tions are that the charter will be ad
opted with no material opposition, ac
cording to the Advocate.
Tho charter now in force has be
come obsolete as far as Helix Is con
cerned, it is pointed out. and the pro
Posed charter Is modeled so that pro
pressive moves may more easily be ta
ken. The new charter calls for a gov
ernment by a mayor and six council
men with a recorder, treasurer and
marshal the other officers. Klectinns
ure wt for the first Tuesday after the
first Monday In November biennially
on the even years.
her return Join- chuch about 12:30jfor picnics, too,' for the picnic days
o'clock. Shotly afeer that the' fire I have come.
bell sounded and the whole building .Chopped celery or finely cut olives
was ablaze. Flames, driven by a highjmlxcd with dressing make nice sand
northwest wind, spread rapidly. wiches for school children.-
Homeless Mongrel 'Turns
Enemy Attack, Dies Like
Soldier on Battlefield
... When you get hungry for a good, ice
cold melon just remember that the Pendle
ton TradingjCo. has one in its big refriger
ator room ice-cold for you.
- Everything in clean and wholesome Gro
ceries and Meats. '
Pendleton Trading Co.
"If it's on the market, we have it."
I ; Do You Know I
2- what It Is li motor wtllioiit tiro trouble?
5 I'nlversal Tiro Illler, lie knows.
Ask tlic man who omc-s S
Universal Tire Filler I
is a resilient cushion having
all the riding qualities of a
pneumatic tire. It is not a
liquid nor a solid. It will
not freeze nor melt. Guar
anteed to last for 100,000
Unnumbered dojes have now given
proof uf their loyalty to man in time
of war as well as- peace. A few have
been cited and decorated for ocrviee
on he battlefields that wair nothing
short of heroic. There Is tho record
of Fend X'Air, a setter; who went Into
the trenches with a French ouave
and when an exploding shell had
buried his soldier-master under a
KTeat maH of earth and stones, dug
f-u nl inalli' until Iia i,.U
ljand air for his beloved hero. And
0, there is Verdun Belle, another trench
broken setter, vbo adopted a young
rA Marine; following liim Into the
Wl IcliflSMi thft rt renting troops with glee.
Unfortunately he caught up with one
of the enemy officers and net his teeth
in the fleeing one's legr, whereupon
tho officer shot him.
"The heartbroken French soldier
carried the dog's body back to their
trench, and there dug a grave for IjOU-
lou as if he had been one of them.
Then the quartel master, with a voice
full of emotion, said, "Good-by, dear
little comrnde. "You were only a plain
soldier in the dogs regiment, but we
have nil taken an oath that your name
shall live as long as that of our dis-
j tinaru lathed regiment. We shall never
jforet you, faithful and tender little
friend, who has gone to the Great Un
known without waiting for us. Deeply
we shall miss our gambols end joy
ous barkinj?that brought sunshine to
our darkest days. Good-by, Loulou;
we salute you!" ,
"This was the end of the simple
ceremony, but a vow was made, by
the company, and was agreed to by
the colonel, that at each roll "call,
thereafter, the dog's name should be
called after the men's. And, since
that time, when the sergeant-major
shots the name, l.oulon,' in his power
ful voice, one of the soldiers, as a
proof that Ixmlou's heroism has not
been forgotten .answers simply,, 'Died
like a soldier!"
of the fray at Chateau-Thierry; lost
jhfrn as well as her own puppies and
yet was awaiting at a field hospital the
j shocked comrade, to welcome, en-
hei:-shocked cimrad, to welcome, en
; courage and sustain him.
j 1 Jjoulou was another dog of heroic
mould, only a mongrel, homeless and
starving, when found, but intelligent,
j courageous and with a heart of gold.
Seenting a surprise attack by the
enemy, he was given the lace of hon
or tut the head of the advance. What
happened thereafter is related as fol
lows by G. C. Harvey in
Four-footed Friends:"
"On account of Dou Ion's alertness,
tit eattack was a failure, and Doulou,
burking fit, the top .pT his -Voice,
-: . " w , v- .-'r
- ,.,'. ,
i-v: tfy i ;
Ik 1 I J
Four Year Old Portland Boy j
Set House Afire Starting j
Fire in Stove. j
I'OUTIjAND. Or.. July 21. James
Robertson. 414 Stark street, rescued
4-year-old Joe Hutkowskl from an up
stairs flume-filled room of the lat
ter's home, at IS Cook street, late
Sunday afternoon.
The flames had started when the
child. In the absence of his mother,!
attempted to start a fire by stuffing
paper into the kitchen stove, and ap
plying a match. A large piece of
burning; paper fell to- the floor and
frightened him. "He ran upstairs. The
flames quickly apread over the house
and. when Robertson, a neighbor, dls--
covered the child at an upstairs win-j
dow, he found all the doors of he i
house locked. Mrs. Rutkowskl stated
later that she had left the house only J
a few minutes and remembers dis
tinctly she left both out-side doors '
open. Xi) explanation of the affair
has been found. j
Robertson quickly placed a ladder)
to the upstairs window and attempted
to rescue the c hild. Flames were I
rapidly eating through . the roof and j
ceiling of the room and the child drew j
back from the window as Rotiertson ,
reached in to grasp him. lsing his '1
balance. Robertson fell Into the
room almost Into the seething
flames. Catching up the child, he
climbed out on the ladder just as the
roof and a large part of the frame
work crashed Into the room and Jar
red the ladder so that It fell, throw
ing tbo two to the ground. Robert
son suffered several severe burns,
bruises and cut about the face, but
no permanent injuries. The child
burned slightly about the head and
face and bruised. - .:
' J! . . , i i v
Running Wat
mo is,uie nrsx improvement for anv dUca It hrMv'
the value of .the property at once and bongs conveniences
- that everybody wants. No house need tw withmtt n,nn.n
Rear-Admiral Ifurry Met. P. Huse
ref uwes to he called a hero because
he leaped into th Hudson river and
rescued a seaman. "Any officer In
the navy would have done the same
thing for one jf his men," modestly
says the commander of the Train
Pnrf A tin ntf i" IPlont Tha nilmiral
was waiting with Mrs. Huse to go has gone to $1.50
ashore from his flagship, the Colum-I -
b:a, when the barge bowman as tossed
'Famous j overboard In tho rough water. Wait
ing only to toss his coat to his wife,
he dived and kept the sailor afloat
until both vere taken aboard a, life
boat-'" - . --- - -'' - ..---
PARIS In recognition of the hero- j
ism displayed by the resident during
the war, the British Distinguished
Service Cross has been bestowed on
the town of Dunkirk. !
Western Electric
Water System
. ffd hauling warn. Ii
, t aJl timet. The jrem
op ifttmao at all m tpamk oL
Yea will be dewif yvaneU m oo4 turn
Wetttrn Elwne trysuaOsaptfiiMa Lt
control sun and stop the umpmi xthM um Mach of a
ftngcr. The pump runa ha a atlf rnkkUag mmtcu raajwrwaj
oethaic but to he oaed. Cook m and mw m wh. r
a lllUlllil ' A.T M 1111
Pendleton, OrePHONE 1037 J j
No need to inqr.ire what has become t
of the old-fashioned dime novel, It;
Five Hundred Kennels
of Quarantined Doe's
Await Sight of Khaki
Call nt our st't'tlec Halion mill rxiuiiine
' Jourst'lf.
our filler, .vim will convliiw
: Universal Tire Filler Station 1
803 Cottonwood St. Pendleton, Oregon
iPhotoffraph Given to New
1 1 by Sweetheart He Kiled
If you want a
your search is ended
when you see the
Vmw of conlrol III the tii-w Case Six makes It a Joy u iIiImi
this t ar. Its. Iiiimc, i-omloilolilv IixhIimI levers iimi Hi,- Hiiislilte,
eimlly iiiienileil (iuleli make this a car any iiH'iiilx-r of tin rum
llv run liilvo. Hie Hit uml, built into the traniii!,iou mid
iK'rtel fnnit tlic wilt, is an iidcbxl feature.
H. F. Kimble Motor Car Co.
649 MAIN ST.
r,rr .oy
'lira PIZ wiwipi
y ! I
N; : t
mraarnri rm mm ramnnl BMiwMckl
L.O X DON. J u ly 2 1 , A ben e
ficent organization belonging to
the season of 1918-19 Is the Royal
S. P. C. A. Soldier's, Dog Fund.
During the war many homeless
dogs found their way from mined
homes and depopulated villages
into the British lines, and were
adopted by the soldiers,, sharing
with them the dangers and hard
ships of warfare. , Naturally,
therefore, these men desired to
bring home thtir pets." but by a
recent government order1 (owing
to rabies), all dogs imported
must be quarantined for $ month). .
H comes hard upon the men, and
few soldiers will be able to pay
the quarantine fees for food and
lodging. The difficulty-has, how
ever, speedily .been, overcome by
'the offer of the Royal S. P. C. A.
to be responsible for the quaran
tine, expenses, and .at once, ar
rangements were' made . to erect,
some 500 kennels on the grounds
of the Dogs Home at Hackbridgo
in Surrey. The soldier's dogs aro
being repatriated by the Royal
Army Veterinary Corps and sent
to the Haekbridge, where tho 4
Royal S. P. C. A, Is paying ten
shillings a head, for onch animal.
- "It la a pathetic, little colony
of dogs in solitary confinement,"
wrote a newspaper man, who
visited the spot curly , in July
"but is is better than being left
behind, and the soldiers are very
grateful to the grand old society
for its timely; help. Kvery time
that some one passes the dogs
lea p a sa i nst t hei r prison ba rs.
hoping that it' may he their own
master, and one soldier who ar
rived wearing the ;. Mons Ribbon
was greeted by a perfect furore,
for each dog knew and loved the
Bight of khaki."
NoWmder! Compare
mm th Im and f JT
you realize
"the difference
at once.
ReadL th e Wa n t Ads It Pays
1L 1
Bring' Your
Car to Us
We can furnish prompt
ly any size
Wind Shield
Wc have an experienced
man who will set the
glass while you wait-
B. I. Burroughs, Inc.-
Corner Webb and Col
lege Sts.
for the first of the month hut
day. Your credit is good.
call ' us up Tues-
The New Oregon Market
- Will serve you a little better.
813 MAIN ST.
Time Brines Joy
. And Happiness
At Uie Hour Pans the Coming of
Bxby Draws Nearer Aro
' You Prepared?
This photoerr'jph of Miss Ilicda J.
Lesser whs given lo Harry S. New
only a few days before he killed her
in & lonely cnvon near 1qh Angeles.
On the face of the picture whs writ
ten: "With all my love Krieda."
who has ei.nfessed he murdered
tho fjtrl and whose defense will he
that he was temporarily Insane aflet
her refusal to marry him, says he is
a son of Hurry s. New, I'nlted States
senator from Indiana.
No voman nrrtitipy tue jov of romln-r ZS
mnthrhond sb-mld aiiow the dav? to .p,i.i
without usinic the wcniierful penetrating i.
prcatinn. Mothers Fricnrl. ZS
By its mrular use thmuehout period
the system ia prep.ir?d for the coming event
and strain and tensien ia relieved. It ren-
deis the broad, fl.it ohdon;in.il nuisflc? pliant
nnd they readily yield to nature's demand E
for rxDansion. As a rstiit the nerves arc
not drawn upon wfh that peculiar w.ench-
lnf stram, and nausea, nerrousress, bearinc- 1;
dow a and stretching patns ore cointer?tctcu. Z2
The nbdorrfen expands easily when bby nr-
rivca nnd tlie Itours nt the crisis nre nnt-
urally leas. Vnin and danger u a conse-
quence is avoided. S
Mother's Friend nnt nnTw ttaH t :
advance, but assures a apeedy recovery fnr
the mother. Tte kln is kept soft ai.d
smooth and natural and free from disllcuro
Write to tl BmdtWd Remila tor Company.
Dept. J. Lamar Puflrtin. Atlanta, Cetirgia.
for their MnthcThood Book, and prtnniie a
hottie of lUoUwr's Krlend from tho drunisL
UJtijt as atandard as anythinf you, t&p
and I
Spetdex Films
tor t let another scunner k
by without ftn nsro. 1 wili
add more t the pleasure nf
your outings tlmit Hnytliin; ole.
. winter and bom afterwurdn
y o x oa n live a k a i 11 with
" 1 1 pi ires those R.md sum
mer days. I-et ns show you th '
Ansco line.
1 Taliman & Co. 1
g.iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir :
An im
rr- irtir
least de-
;:;tinent that will show the
i in motor 1 rucks.
Let us go into your field and show you what the
Sterling will do. t .
Blue Mountain Motors Co., Inc.
OistribiUors Elgin Six, Westcott, Harroun,