!".' a '. , V oi I....... - -'I PAGE EIGHT TWELVE PAGES r att v a en ATrrAMt a vt TT7xmT ttaxt rTvnrr T?tm a V TTTT V 18 1010 28 YEARS ACQ AN tNIEfRNDItNT rubllsh4 Daily and a -nil-Weakly at Peadleton. Oraaoo. by tha OKICaoNlAW PtIUL.lllHlNl CO. Kntt-rra at lh pnatorrica at P.nitta- a. Oraaoo. mm dlui mall aattar. , Tal.pboria .. , J BALK IN OTIL1CK CITIKS. lmirtaiHuil NrKii tuad ' t'oriiaaa VkiwrtiM K-wa Co.. t't.rtland. OrAff'.n ON rn.K AT r-h!-aa Hurau. o Boourltr BuUa- NEW8PAPKR. v . SUBSCRIPTION RATE (IN ADVANCE) Daily, Daily Daily. thra moatha by mall Daily, on monta by mall Daily, one year by carrier , T.Sa Dally, alx montba by earrtar... .7 on yaar. by mall ala montda by mall Sa.se S.0 Mrs. R. riond and family left for Waahlmrton. D. C, Rurraa t1 rur tar nth Sii.-. u N. H. .ir.n.hn !P,lHn i- tn i-umnln fliiWn'r fhA 1 ...... ......... . . Daily, thr-a month, b. l aa !C " " " "" " " s piemmil "'"""" "n - - lu't vnpn. iaily. ona month, by carrier .ft Tramps are .numerous ulonjr Iho r,.;l n-nil-Woakly. ona year, by mall. l.ta ran.l. S m ."ekl5r" months, by mall .T j 'n- W "fk IV four month h n..!! ! I - . . . .. 'miin.ti........ .... Prnsli too ton . .....nfiV. 'i Vn VW''7vi:l''''im- , ' :'! .: , . a Kvoaweil bakiiiK dish, with meHfd fill unrt ntliiutfi. t . 1 Spanish Cod O410 pound of coilfl.fh, i. . , dihi onidn, one jjrern peppt. two cups of cumiod tumfltoos. buy leaf, anlt OrvKonlun I pt-ppcr. ' ' i'htiii tht oninn antl Dcrnnrr and (Fro tuthe , Daily East Jill ilS.'JSill.) J. H. Kounti Is here today from inRhtl.r fry In hot fat nubtitltutff. Then I.cno. , !add the tomnta aeaaonlnir, and when w. i-arstcn la ill with an aitacic w.u conked prras throunh a aleva. of rhPtimutisni. i p, tho cod gtcaks on a nrwined buk- Ti otiort of bnthern In the river In- ,, with anil n.t iwniwr low town -bh intormpitfd ny an or.-icer ...j nlaOB i ov.n . i,k.. BoHte ltl rrld.(y tvenlnff. The boya muat aeH fm1,ety with the strained bhUco. W r0"16 ether "swimmln hole" away Tested ltociica. 1 n.mi.iiusuiiiiiuii. A'ejetablp i-'aed .ow that. sum. mor la here and sreon vesrelnblea aro J J. II. Marxton returns tomorrow from an insurance tour of the (irande Konde valley. Attornpv-fJpnornl lri.l,.l,. I 1. V. l'uidy reports a "city of tens" ttrA f - C . IKlMI-SICK nnrl fn-nn o . t- i now crowiny at his Warm riprinfts. , . xjui tun There are a number of rustieators lass ine same position. Olany of the horses that TOSter Of Rpmihlirnna w won- sent to be used dur- snare their views contains i he Ihore and nil are having a good time. who I bark but are to be left "over there." I'm setting rather lonesome For the pit en hills of my home, My beart i filled with lonfiinff Down thm pasture Inno to roam. 1 did not mind the fighting: I felt so youne and pay, I Jut now the war Is ended 1 feci quite the other, way. And they have sent my master ' To our home aoroaa the a', ;Vhile I am left with foreimt folk Wtm talk so queer to me. Oh, the skies are no more naure. P tra.ss Is not ao green r.wet, , . Tho birds alng far lew? payly; I plod with weary feot. I'm longing- for my home land Put if here I'm forced to rest, I pray my stable window May be open toward the west. nous. T Keputolican newspapers A 1 1 i ini iona n tin . . -. . i n ' C " " - ..... , . v v. . 1 1 V. . l 1 1 - culation are fighting for the j 1-eague and condemning those i l no wouia entangle it with partisan politics. . The Republicans of the Sen- ate, where most of the objec- tlons to t!:e League are heard, are by no mean? a unit in their altitude toward the League. Stnators Kenyon, McCumbi?'1 . and M:Nry are counted nor among the League's supporters. Other Republican Senators who ; 'are among its oppojk-nts can Icome to no agreement as to the oasis of their opposition HOUSEHOLD iserve them too often. Many ttmea a housewife will find thnt her Ice box contains three or fourdlshea of left over vegetables and the question is what to do with them. A combina tion salad made up of most any of the sprinjsr vegetables mnlios a very delicious and n-freshlnK dish. Mari nate each vegetable separately and let them stand a few hours until they aro well Beaconed, Juwt before aorv- ; intr. nrrantce on lettuae leaves. ! A very appt'tizinjr nnlad Ls splnnch, peas, new carrots, pickled beets and i string: beans, with a few radlHhos to garnish. i , ' ,,. Waffles ABOUT THE STARS 3IKMT lllT flaspberries lroiled Bacon Honey Coffee l.uucllmn. Cold Ham and l'ntatn Fulad Rye Hread Iced Tea Apricot no , The liossn'r 154r. (CoiitiniKI.) Dinner. ! Tbe antitiuity of the knowledge of Crape Cocktail ,1'olaris runs back to Iho Assyrian Ilrolled Chicken Virslna 8tyle tablets and was perhaps tho first of the New l'otatoes Peas (so-called) fixed stars to be so re- Asparagus Vinaigrette . Iarded. Marines from the time of the Berry Dumplings 1 Coffee I Vhotiecians to the present . day have ( oilrish in Variety. ! been Kuided by its benms. Cot only t Ttaked Cod Hwve the codfish cut ' fea but on land its practical uses are Into salted milk, then Into sifted bread manifold. It was used by slavea In cs- crumbs. i'lace on an oiled pan. sprin- caphiK from their masters, to a heaven Ble over with fat or oil. Hake in u 'in the North, and durinpr tl Civil War mm: ? S7to aft- iroar-toimd soft drink mm C-f'.t! .4 Rome was not built in Bevos Jiojjularity be canio coiintryvvide in three months because oiive years pvepd citieii inpi'fbctin the y VtMiS&rs areinvitvd to impoct our ilmnCr' ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS IMnmaiitT & I loch, WtKleil UHinlji.t.ir, I'olc 1 1. AND, OK S. C.tMuiiiier k Uurfoilclis rf.xlii hin. orb. L(h.I Diatiltiuuirt ', LaSllV. the KeDUbllCan ria-lvery hot oven for Id minutes. At the urns of vital imuortance to uniotli sol tional Corrmiltee itself i3 ' a end of that time the piece mtu be idiers escaping from Soutliern prisons : composite of factions on tht big lif,ca out wlole on to a platter. Oar- j when hlKhvvays were avoided and all ,: uj-v,;i M. t 1 . ,,, . .nish with parsley or cress and serve 'travelling done during the darkness of LET NATURE TAKE ITS tiue?tl0n While Mr Hay IS with tartar sauce. . thenlBht. Although it' la called the COURSE. Sa.Vl"j; it IS not a partisan lS.ue, Codfish Cakes Ope cup of picked j Polar star, this term is arbitrarily us- v the publications for whose dis- codfish, one and one-half cups of ! ed and la applied to any star that hap- 7HERE is some Confusion Semination : his organization is "1"4 Potatoes, one-half cup of pens to be nearest the .true pole at any iir B"'l'v .vuiiiusiun . f.VTitinw tV T jami( ra sauce pepper.- particular time. At present Tolaris US over the various angles to paying a,e fighting the League Pour ,ninK watcr over the fisn , s thollKh 4, ia abo, Cne and a the rate Controversy that jWlth propaganda Oi distiller, lie- and let it stand until cold. Mash 'half deirrees removed from Ihe pole IS to be heard in Portland be- P.llbiieail flaVO'r and. Obviously 'the potatoes and whip light with the i around which it revolves In this sumll fdVe the Interstate commerce to gain votes agains it. ' " Ihotmllk. Ad.l and make . into circle. Polaris was not always the I ore ine intereutie lomnieite Wo IW. I sacnp k not t nnrti cakes. Roll in flour and-fry In deep, pole Star, nor will it remain so. IIow- commission beginning next! No. tho League u not a parti-:hot fat 'evcr it win continue m its approach Monday, July 21. This COnfu- SIl matter; Ihe American PCO-j Creamed Codfish One cup of salt I to the Pole, to about the year 2095 at sion arises from the complaints P'e hav-.;-heard ' and heeded jendnsh, two tablespoons of flour, two j which time it win be less than half a and intrvfntion from differ- President Wilson's request, that,abi''3roons of butter, two cups f degree removed. Then it win slowly jbeKin to eiceea ana in int :the two tranf,I)or,g aa they small pieces, tive short perioa 01 eitjveu iiiuiramu ' Pi mil ent cities,- often with radically jt be kei-t out of politi-s. The uuierfUL iULfiesus aim iu Houitr ' j . y pour notiin? "'''Liina,',,,,. fii .i.iRwMiv"11"- Yes;S. S. S Is Purely Vegetable Nature's Safe Blood Treatment ovtpnr. frnm nronntrnnda work Ilea OV tre people. It remains and let stand until cold, then drain, veaa will be the Polar Star and at - that is beingearried On jnOW for the Senate to give for-p'elt the fat In a fryins pan and add that time the Pole will be about fifty The oricinal COmDlaint in the al -XDVession tO th'it ratifica-,the our blend and pou rin the milk rdeKrees from its present position and ., ine original COJnpidHI I. lit Hie slowly. Cook until smooth and add 'about five desiees from Vesa. This I rate Case IS that Of the Inland l"tn. !the codfish. Heat thoroushly anil Iphennmenon in bruunhl about lis' vhat . Empire Shippers League, Which 1 ......a....... ' jn''I ''li beaten ess Just before re- Jig known as the "I'recession of the "' organization was formed in' . moving; from the fir. Kquinoxea." too long for explanation - PpnHleton on December 14 last -Objectors to the peace treaty "" inn un. cup or snreaueu enaieion on Liecemner t lasjl xianna codfish, two cups of mashed potatoes, .and has for its purpose the se-and to the League of Nations one.ha)f cup 0 cream saue one' . curing of a reduction in theiare not telling the whole truth tablespoon of butter, one tablespoon ' grain rate via the Columbia 'aoout ine snantung aiiair lor 01 onion juice, dasn or paprika. river haul. This suit which is'tne reason tney Know mai n the one absorbing most local .they did so there would be ht interest, was launched in the.tle left of their case. They belief that the present rate is peek for instance to give the too high, being identical with 'impression tlrat Japan is al- ha .ota tn. Roottio whiVVi wa,iowea to steal territory irom fixed bv the Washington rail road commission and is suppos ed to be a remunerative rate. China. On tfhe contrary the region in question was taken by Japan not from China but from If it is such then it is obvious Germany. German soldiers that the rate from the interiorjhad held Kiauchau for 20 years to Columbia river ports is ex- until dislodged by the Japa cessive' -' jnese in 1914.- As a compro- Some are contending that if a mise to get Japan Jnto the differential is established be-League of Nations thereby re twetn the Columbia river and jstncting the mikado s opera Puget sound it will be through tions in many ways, Japan was an increase in the Seattle rate 1 allowed , to retain Shantung raOier than a reduction-in the itemporanly. A promise of Colombia river rate. " evacuation, however, is made . 1 . 1 1 . i K I n t. in hut rnifl TWnmiaa let On the other nana ine ai-,"j y.... tnrnev reDresenting the Inland Rrnnire ShiDDers league be- not emphasized by those who are seeking not to bring out the Toleys Icavofor Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Toley left on last evening's- train- f o fjoveland, tolo.. in respon-je' to a. wire telling; of the serious Illness of Sir. Toley's fath er, who resides there.'"' ' tieves such a strong showing ;f acts but to discredit the peace in 1 j vt ;t ...:ii Wa 111- treaty ":; r - ; ; - Will Uc XliilUC uiab 11. i - . ... Possible for the Interstate com-,',; - "-; ' jnerce commission to do other-! Ontario business men are wise than reduce the rate via akuig a trip to get better- ac "the Columbia river route. Cer- qoamted with their territory, iainly there are numerous facts o community ever loses by indicating that a reduction in eh ";-'J.;. ' rates is deserved. . ..i lirThe Trotekysd the Bela w.r5T of the oro-1 Kus would be elated to see the may the interests of the Pro- rejected ; defeat ducer m this section calls for v J J . wQud a rate system under, which he eat thing for anarchists Soelaoi"?. PBe'n r d otherhel, raiser . arrangement is not ethical and Who said anything. about it is sure to be changed some weather? time. The sooner ine anan m adjusted in accord. with nature the better it should be for all concerned. j . t , . . - THE PEOPLE HAVE RATIFIED. INCE there remain in the TinitpH states senate ano elsewhere some Republi cans who feign to scorn asaer- f tions that a vast majority of the i .American people want "1I"e diate and unconditional ratifi cation of the League of Nations, it may be both interesting and instructive to appraise enu ment in the ranks of the Repub lican party. It i not unfair or ungenerous to say tKat the practical Mr. Hays, chairman of the Republi can National Committee, would not hesitate for an Instant to make the League a partisan is sue if be felt that Republicans as a w hole would second him. But Mr. Taft, who is unques tionably the chief figure in tue Republican party, has denounc ed every attempt to make the league anything but a question of America's obligation to ob tain and insure peace. Former Cover the shredded fish with boil ing; water and let Btand until cold, then drain and press out all water, using n sieve too fine for the (fish to pass through. Mash the potatoes, wix with a little hot milk, whip rm til light, and add the onion juice and paprika. Put in the codfish, whip altogether until fluffy, and put into LEVIATHAN RAMS THE WASHINGTON NEW YORK, July 18. After the GeorKe Washington arrived in llo- hoken last week it was learned that r-oi'Af, jflf; slut Irnd the I-evicthan had collided in President Wilson sailed. Nothing was XKW YORK. July IS, Kounl rights said about it when the "Leviathan ar- ,for women in tho Eplscomil church in The Washington and leviathan , New York diocese a movement will vestries, but lecnlir.lng Ihoir election were lying at anchor and the Presi. I shortly be launched providing not only as delegates to diocesan and general dent Grant came along and cut the-for the admission of women to church conxentious of the church. - special mooring that the Leviathan had always hung to there. Fet free Ihe latter was caught by the strong tide and drifted down on the Wash ington. There were lighters alongside the Tjeviathan ami theso came between bumped. The lighters were crumpled up as if made of paper, but by taking the im pact saved the two ships from what might have been a serious mishap. The Ieviathan dropped an anchor. whi'ih held. The Washington was not jorn from her anchorage. As the ships came together a mess boy on the splc end span Washington yelled to another on the Leviathan: "Some dirty collar you got there!" "G'wan, you motor sailor, shove off, make your regulnr trip to the beach and return'" was the reply that icame. back.- On the Market Half a Century. When you are in pcrtect health, and are enjoying a strong and vigorous vitality, it is then that your blood is free from all impuri ties. You should be very careful and give heed, to the slightest indica tion of iijipnrc Mood. A sluggish c'rcnlatioTi is oflin indicated by tn impaired appetite, a feeling; of lassitude and a gciRrl wiMkynint; of the system. It i then that yott shottld promptly take a few bottles of S. S. S., the great blood purifier and strengthener. It will cleanse the Mood thoroughly and build up and strengthen the whole sys tem. S. S. S. is sold by all drug gists. Valuable information about the blood supply can be had freo by writing to the Swiff Specific Co., 50 Swift. Labomury, Atlanta, licorgia, ' iits 1011 wfn:.v ix ciiritcin: irrc rived here on Sunday. j ir4 ' ynenyu re "ot and thirsty say Jjfj jo.11 m iL ROOT BESF? $A-t XJ" At any place where soft beverages are sold. AiHlJ rL0 Bottled in 3 aim , - TjTe QkA THE HENRY WEINTIARD PLANT 4 f-JJ Bottlers ami Distributors. PORTLAND. OREGON cO ieverythinjj except holy orders, is count Jed upon as one of tbe reforms almost certain to grow out of the "every 1 name" drive which tho church is con ducting in Xpw York as its share in tho Episcopal nationwide campaign. Houses of church women have been1 organized in six Kpiscopal dioceses land In several of the Far Wastorn dio ceses women have been elected to membership in tho vestries. In tho 71 'pssmffn Trim NOTHING MORE ATTRACTIVE in a room than one of our new softly shaded table lamps. Gives plenty of light for read ing, thinking of pleas ant conversation. Come and see them. They are not so expensive as "their .beauty would in dicate they ought to be. 3.L. VAUGHAN A Ycman's Stsry . Vith Great ikssa Of the Great Pacific Northwest Are MsdeEipecially Attractive This Summer by the Reduced Excursion Fares ' Offered by the . United States Railroad Administration Notice Telephone Operators on Strike Operators now on strike, who desire to again take up work with this company should report in person or by telephone, at the telephone office. New schedules of pay are now in effect. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Subject CmltlbirUi Daeue3 by or CaXpttTkvu.. w WWv Ik C901 JU BREEZES HOW Ac (In eopulat . Clatsop Beach c ft 4 North Beach Kaar th moult) of th Tillamook Beaches rw M frthr sou Us u tt Orvsjun Cosst Newport AM Ktw r VatU ttralisxit b t I tlrconimvilk'latt llni tSAllvOIful La Ammma ttr tra la Crater Lake l h real and a FiaJf TTomen ererj-wbere tell tliefr frlcnjs how, f Uirmirh turn lit nr .MnTh'-r rm-irt tli j roBterful Denetmtinr external aonliritlon. tiwy arci ie4 rairuTi'ic and riiKtrf.-s tefore r.a d-it..t it caturc's cioLt wuderfi.l erc- , 4 tt!rr rrend U a remedy wMch Iaprcatls it tnlluenre i-Ton tT:e eorrisi, wrvti and lipamrntu invnlved, rtideririr t!ien pliant to readily yield to nuturr's demand , for exintnnlon. Tte ner , coril, tendon ; tajrid lmueptt expand witliont that pvcuiiai I vrrncitiitjr iniiti, u;,d iK-rvotin t-., nau!e ! and ui.rffftJi neuHtiaixa arc natural) ! avo'd-.d ".. L'-ji tha ucyva and imitcJt ar--I nii tl.i.j !e fit ti rt nud driwr I iiy Tetli-r ty, lte luwr i.hd'iiiii:ial rc i fion expands with rse when baby 1 born, j ilie liours lire Vttm at the crisis, cud paia fLtta auuwrr is nmiCBiiy ict. Yc4i ca rf4alu Mntber r riend from any drug; stare it tin been i:tM by women for over kaH m. century, and Just as stadard MM ar LUuf ym inn tblf.k of. wme uie Btmniunn ftv'iru v.r if"inr i a - . . . - . Dept. h, Lamar B.Ji.Mnr. a iia.a o.or,;i jk me agent lor teautilully illustrated I older giving com- ,P,cte inormation of Beach and Mountain Resorts of the Pacific yutuKif asraiutt jwlu a4 u--u-iurt, j North wett - j Oregon" Caves ML Rainier r.l. ...r.y tb... bl ... H'.rr f .... RMlnM .m. Plan your vacation to visit one or more of them, where the days are cheerful and the nights bring refreshing sleep. Olrl Orpiari 13 summer-time delight. Its vsiu vxsco.ll invigorating salt-laden air and the splash of its surf temper your nerves, redden your blood, whet your appetite, restore your wasted energy, bring new vim and health. Up in the Mountains Yoo rt an quaily twnericisl phM of rerMtf. Ya Uava behlni U pil-ia)i and terdul thft)g of daitf bwiiu liT, Th memory la nblirM and Impirifif. Hamra'a ftrat plan toe round and charnw and rnrwm rva. Vt emtt -fcik," eaa.p cut, Mint lofty peaka, fuh auattwrteaa traoty atrtaau and UkB, ridt koria fcatk, lunc In yvur hmock, rt, ilstp and format ait pmr carta Haanwhib- you ar braaliunt in Wit mir, drtakloc aparklina crystal -mrtn, aaUnc wkaleaonu food and Uia Mda U evr aw. Can You Resist Such a Challenge!1 Ask th toral tlek't scVhi to tv-Ipi 'an your trip. H f(IH. you )unt what t far ii, and ri V 'hf aWprwl binte. tt ic th aim f lh UtfiCd Suta Railroad Adminiatraitoa ta axtpftd ry paaib: aid in makir.( mmtwn trawl ....Mnt and aatiarrina; to th pobli. Th National P-.:i. mra all bn firmer assd r aar aa appcaUnr aa they arc aWaa-rfuilr UhMtrat haklsU ff1irc arnut, loforaattoa of their drltchta'and WendVra aav bn Maurd I by tkw Adw mUl ration and ar for fiw diatnaoton, Aak your Local I ."".ji.'.'ir' i-'n.Tan W ial. .wwjTaaai ftmf Wfm ' ' . TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Permanent and temporary positions open for young women with or without experience. Applications will le received at the telephone office during the presenf strike. . The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company