rwrxvi: packs TWELVE PAGES r.u.i: h?. PAGE SIX daily last oii:cto 'an.-rcxotF.rox, orfcok, DAILY EAST OREGONIAN; PENDLETON, OREGON," FKIDA JULY IS, 10VX FRIDAY, JULY 18,1919.. SOCIAL AMD PERSONALS Hubert N. rttanfleld Ik down from their home were extended a charming hi namesake town talking wool and expression of welcome last evening thinking politics. Kvenlng Telegram, when Mn. I. L Kogers and Mrs. S. R. - Thompson asked a group of young Mr. and Mr. U If. Campbell and fo,K " for ' Pleasure, the guests children left yesterday hy auto f, '"Joying . venin- of dancing at the. Ba.IU VI r t'Hmnliell will relum" " ....... ........ ewecv. In a Tew day but his family will re main at the seashore for n week. Mrs. James Hill and two sons are among the recent arrivals at Hot l.nke saiiitorium.. Mra. Amy K. 1-ce and Mrs. O. M. t'.riiln. l rt ihu morning for a vieslt at Ocean Park. l 'iss Oeorglanna Fletcher of Pen- Idleton Is the house guest of Miss Mlna- Mr and Mrs. F. C. Hassctt of Walia tor several days before wills arr"ed In 1-endleton this h " extended morning to be ...est. at the home of ,. -Oregon Journal. Mr. and Mrs. C o. Breach. Mr. Ras- Bett Is musical director at Pt, Paul's! Ry E- Morse, dry goods manager x-hu.i and oi-aanlst at the First at The Peoples Warehouse has re- J'resbyterlun church of Walla Walla. I turned from an outing at Seaview. Ha' and Mr. Drench are old time friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MeCormmnch left this morning- on a motor trip to Iehman Springs where they will re main for a short outing. Mrs, Lot Llvermore left this morn Ing for Spokane where she Is to be the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Douglas Tull. Wash. Mrs. Morse and little Maxwell are still at the coast. son Mrs. J. E. T)odson and Delbert Dodson of Milton, are at the St. George. C. Baxter of La Grande, Is register ed here today. . W. F. Blancett and Mrs. iflancett of Union, are in town on their way home from Myrtle Point. J. W. Arbuckle and Mrs. Arbuckle are In town from Range. Mrs. Lt If. DeMott of Spokane is a Pendleton visitor. , Tom Murphy returned yesterday from La Grande, where he attended convention of the members of the GAVE THRONE FOR LOVE. VISITS U. S, p11liiiwMllsllaiiawsaMitiMMsea.xvt- 1 a-i Prince Aage, who is to make ar extensive tour of the Unite' States, might have become klc of Denmark but for kove. He r nounced his right to the thro married the CounU Calvl di Pergola The Waverley Country club will again be the scene of several gay par ties this week-end at the weekly din-nr-dance on Saturday evening. Ani on those'who will entertain will bej Rainbow Division. Mrs. John Ross Dickson, who will be v. K. Schusk left today for Kel hostesa for a number of the younger logg, Idaho. set in honor of her son, Frank Dick- J. c. Johnson Is at the Golden Rule on, who Is Just back from service from Spokane. overesas with the 146th artillery, andj K. M. Maxfleld and Tex Collins are Henry C. Judd of Pendleton, who tsjin the citv from Salt Lake. the guest of the Dicksons for a abort 1 8. E. Broadweet is in the city from l me. viriiiiRu. I ' i,:.. rj-;M . Mrs. G. O. Henning is in tne city - ------ weather Warmer Today. The temperature Is K7 today, with a minimum of 44. Last niuht was one of the cuolost nishts of the summer season. f Vn. c. Llvermore is en joy ins a, from La Grande today. visit in Oregon City, her former home, j Mrs. G. W. Gray of La Grande Is in f he 1s the guest of her parents, Mr. the city today. and Mrs. E. P. Elliot. E. Pururo Is here today from . Portland. Mlas Rita Ferauson and Miss Jessie ! Lv K. Xoe is in the city from Port- Forshaw will leave tomorrow for La land. Grande where they will spend the week-end visiting, friends. Mrs. H. Pchults and her mother, lire. M. V. Thee left this morning for Lwwtston - and Vniontown, Wash., rhere they will spend a fortnight to gether visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. cSchulta will then return,-Mrs. Thee remaining for the winter. Miss Catherine Morgan and Miss Frances Morgan, daughters of the Rev. and Mrs. J. F.- Morgan, who re cently came to Pendleton to make MAY BE PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT OF MEXICO Aft . , , tv- f 1 i U t J NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Going On Vacation. Col. J. H. Raley expects to leave tomorrow for Granite Meadows where he "will spend i vacation of several days' duration. Suns to rolltvt Two Rills. E. L. Power is plaintiff in an ac tion filed today against I. Wilkes to collect $138.65, alleged due for goods and merchandise, and for $42.70 as signed by the Peoples "Warehouse, D. W. Bailey is Power's attorney. Stenographer On Vacation. Miss Frances Weber, . stenographer for Peterson, Bishop & Clark, attor neys, is on her month's vacation and is spending this week at Bingham Springs. Will M. Peterson, who is at Pacific Tire and Rubber Company, and F. L Hawley, salesman for the firm, are Pendleton visitors today from Portland. Appraisers Appointed. B. B. f.'asteel, J. -W. Etter and John M. Wilson were named appraisers of the estate of Felicita Knotts today. The bond of Emery C. Knotts, as ad ministrator, was also filed. Bond Declared Forfeited. The bond of Hans Gorke. arrested several days ago on a second charge o," having liquor in his possession, was declared forfeited In Justice court to- dav. His trial km set for Monday but he failed to nnoear. The bond was in the sum of $150. Savs llu-liaiKl Took Money Wlien III. Robert Oilman is charged, by his wife. Rose Gllman, -with taking $500 of her money while she lay sick in bed, she alleges In a complaint for di vorce, filed in circuit court today. She charges that he was extremely Jealous of her and has made her life miserable since their marriape in 191C She is represented by J. B. Perry. Yokinm inks Want Rouml-Tp CoM A wire from the Elks lodge at Vakim i was- received today by the lo cal lod,te. asking that they arrange the beach, is not expected back until tnT tne use of 100 cots thought to be late next week. owned by the Round-Up Association. The Yakima herd is arranging to Mrs. H. E. Green and her mother, handle a big crowd at the Washing. Sirs. S. M. Wyaut plan to leave to- ton state ' convention August 21. 22 morrow for Portland where they will and 23. The association, however, be joined by Mrs W. T. Noel, Jac- disposed of all of Its cots years ago QueKne and William Noel and Harold Bnd n wa8 necessary for the local Green and the party will go to Sea- lodge to inform the YaKimans that SECRETARY HOUSTON VISITS GRANTS PASS Head of Agricultural Dc nartment on Tour of In' spec t ion, Invest igate9 Road. GRANTS PAS.-,. Or., July 18. Da vid ' F. Houston, secretary of agricul ture, accompanied by Mrs. Houston, headed a party of officials from Wash ington, D. C, and from the forestry departments of Oregon and Callfor nla, visited Grants Pass todays Am ong the delegation were S. H. Graves, head of the forestry department at Washington. D, C: George H. Cecil of the forestry department at Port land, and Austin H. Fletcher, state highway engineer of California. Secretary Houston, Mrs. Houston. Mr. Graves and a few others made the trip by automobile from San Francisco to Eureka. Crescent City and thence to Grants Pass. Last nlRht they stopped with Mr. and Mra George M. Esterly at Waldo, where they were entertained. Mr. Houston statd that he was merely on a tour of Inspection, "oeing greatly intersted in the beautiful highway now under construction to Grants Pass. The state of California has already voted $400,000 for this scenlo high way, and additional funds will prob ably he available from the govern ment. The secretary and party left for Sacramento this afternoon and will then go to Salt Lake City to nttend the cattlemen's convention. SILKY' AND SUMMERY Ten Planes Could Carry Enough lewisite to Wine Out All New York City WASHINGTON. July 18. Ten air planes could carry enough Lewisite, a coal-tar chemical -product, to de molish New York city, Francis P. Garvan. alien properly custodian, told the house ways and means committee. Mr. Garvan mentioned this point in emhpasizing the importance of the dye industry as a means of national defense. Without a dye Industry the United States would be at a disadvan tage against other nations. Mr. Garvan T'ss cross-examined by Representative Moore, of Pennsylva nia, regarding the purposes and ram ifications of the chemical foundation which is advocating the passage of bill providing a license system of controlling Imports of dyes. It Is Mr. Moore's contention that ' the chemical foundation scheme tends to create a monopoly in the -dye Indus try and that many of those connected with It are not as disinterested a? claimed. Charges Husband Deserted. Harry Betts deserted her on July 11. 1918, and r.fter waiting one year for him to return, Mrs. Orpha Betts of Freewater, decided to bring suit for divorce. The action was filed to day -by Peterson, Bishop & Clark. She asks the restoration of her maiden name, Orpha Johnson, and that title in fee simple to nine lots In block 57 Freewater, be granted her. Crepe da chine, the aeftr thtn, alluring and washable material that win Its war to every femi nine heart is a favorite for sum mer frocks, that are clinging and graceful. In contrast .to tha ex treme flufflnesa of organdie. This lovely frock la Of malxe-colored crepa de china, richly braided! with yellow silk aoutachc and finished with yellow silk fringe. I With It a creamy leghorn wltlt' yellow mallne and soma wheat spray complete r a costume charmingly artistic," FOR A TINY "BEST FR0CKw " SMART STYLE BEST QUALITY REASONABLY PRICED Dainty and cool are these smart new Blouses of voile, organdy, Georgette, crepe de chine and Pongee. ' , Different Better Cheaper $2.50 to $15.00 COMPARISON INVITED BERLIN' FOOD PRICES TAKE SUDDEN DROP side for an outing, has been visiting in Harold Green their order cannot be filled. Portland as a Oomet look Ilka a good bet for provisional president of Hex loo whan the Angeles faction gets ready to bum Its choice. Angeles. ,ao I now tba military bead of i .the VUllatas, has said that no ' salutary man shall be named pres ident. Oomei Is a civilian, and was strong Maderista. guest at the hoem of Mrs.- Noel who jxtidc-4 In Plaintirrs Favor, is his aunt. An order, foreclosing the Hen In the " "- sum of $1496.35. was made In an Sent Wire to Hospital Once. oponion of Circuit Judge O. W. Charging rough treatment that sent l helps today In the case of Charles her to the hospital at Harrlsburg for Scott vs. O. H. Reeder. The opinion several days and also failure to prq,- further states that the Judge believes vide for herself and two children, the plaintiff acted in good faith and Mrs. Gertrude Wilson today brought made a substantial performance on suit for divorce against Guy X. Wilson, the house under litigation. He Btat She asks custody of the children. $50 ed that, after examining the premis a month for their support during the es. he believed that the defendants pendency of the suit and $30 month, would hav'e a house worth as much ly when settled. In lieu of her in- o.- more than the price to be paid, terest in a contract of sale of their a deduction of five per cent In the home on Cosbie street, she asks Judg- purchase price will be made for costs ment'of $250. .she is represented by of the action and each party will be Fred B. Schmidt. obliged to pay his own court costs. BERLIN". July 18. Prices on all foodstuffs have fallen with a crash in Berlin as a result of the lifting of the' blockade. They, began to show weakness when it was rumored that the embargo would be lifted, but the real drop came only when Illicit deal ers with huge conecaled stocks brought them out In a virtual panic to unload before competing supplies entered Germany. . "PRESTO!' THE TURBAN CRIED "BEHOLD ME NOW A HAT" X ' .' f f 1t?v tig ' ' ' ' ' I fr '- Ml s j f V A bachelor may be on object of pub lic derision, but a married man usu ally gets his at home. ,'TUey say 11 cornea from Paris In fact It la acclaimed as the latest creation of Paris milliners. Without attempting to doubt, we are tempted to suggest Africa, Arabia; or perchance Turkey, as Its starting place, just the same. But whatever Its origin, behold this, one or the oddest of odd new hat concoctions, designed by a Paris milliner-artist. Further more. England lends Its support. London critics affirm that turban effect in hats have come to stay that tola la no "sport," bo tan Rally speaking, but is a real style. Aa for color, almost any shade of ribbon may be used. A hat for every (own la an easy require ment la fill. If one choses to buy a few bolts of ribbon to match If the government's superb war or ganization was Just beginning to func tion well when the war ended. It is a pity that it could not be transformed into a peace organization and kept in being. There are problems of peace as imortant as are the problems of war. If there is still room. in their cellars one may tentatively suggest to the ex wets that it might be well for them to store away a little coal. Oklahoma boasts a $40,010.00 wheat crop. After mature delibera tion one must concede that It I some thing to boast about. There is far mere pleasure to be de rived from the pursuit of happiness than there is in catching It. BRING YOUR FILMS TO IIS For Expert Printing and Developing. The best equipped plant in Eastern Oregon. We carry every thing for t h s amateur printer. EASTMAN KODAK AGENCY The Pendleton Drug Co . Tba very smallest ladiea should properly have the very prettiest frocks and here is an example of what that "prettiest" is. For little maids from 3 to $ years what could be more adorable than this simple confection af white handkerchief linen, pointed all about tha hem with Vandyke points with white piped edges, and a background at lacy ruffle. A soft pink satin ta&h com pie tea tha picture. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I wish to announce that I am now; located in my new office over the Inland Empire Bank, corner Court and Main streets. Old and new patrons will find me ready to care for their dentistry work in a modern manner. DR. J. E. SHARP. Dry Spell Threatens Timber Near Aberdeen long dry spell Is threatening much valnnhla . i . .,!,- (I U 1 1 Im o tlmA tOT dangerous fires, and extra precautions are oeing taKen. no ram una wiioh nnu.tim.liv for a. month: Two Poison company logging camps near Hump tulips have been .pulled out of dan ger by employes, who have been fight ing a fire for two days. Bo far the flames have been confined to the slash lngs and no damage has been done to green timber or logging equipment. f Notice to our Customers The light and power will be shut off Sunday morning from about 7 A.M. to 9 A. M. in order to move one of the poles on the high tension power line. BEDROOM OSMIIE Pacific Power & light Co. "Always- At Your Service" This means Quality Suites. We witf make a SPECIAL DISCOUNT for the next 'week' on any complete set of Sligh Bed Room Furniture you may select. These Suites are made in Grand Rapids and is -strikingly high grade goods. We are show ing this quality line in Old Ivory, Mahogany and Walnut, and in many different perioid patterns. In our window you will now sete a very beautiful Old Ivory Suite.. We have many more in different patterns, so why njot pick your new set while the special prices ire on. . ' . , J , Crawford & Hedges Phone 496 Corner Court and MaSn Sts. iV tb