e T V '' vy, r-t wy- 'A 0 4 'A 0i 0.1 it It ir t i t 14 1 PAGE FOUR DAILY, EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OftEGON, rh, - Jll,lirrirttt,)flii--1 i 1i"illliT miMiTi X- Uxr II , E have moved to our new quarters on Garden street, The garage formerly owned by the Leuer Auto Company We are now thoroughly equipped to give adequate ser vice to our old customers and new. ' v ' Chevrolet, Velle i Peerless Service and Sales Exclusively ' 1 With a complete line of Tires, Accessories, Oils and Gasoline Repair Shop in Connection Remember our aim is to have it said: "Impossible to lose with the Eastern Oregon Motor Co." Distributors Chevrolet, .Velie, Peerless '"' FRIDAY, JULY 18, 191ff TWELVE" PAGES - 9'. i r4 21 5 i 1 V, it tin! ni mdfcii tfiaJff nil -it. 1- i i i '"""II 'IMiitTlilU J Mel W r, OF" " ' n RSBBm ' I i- 1 ' in hi IIIW WtlMfr fT IrT" 4 YUvt 'C ' WW1 C nssa