PACE TEN UfiHWET'rMS IMEHAGE'TO FORESTS DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1910." i Thts news na not rauffht Ihe for est arrvle unaware. I.nt week In III, hail dlwini-t of Northern lt.ickle, -n Idaho nn'l ?wtfrn Mt'iunn. tvhh IIS 30 00I1.IIUII HTM vf WlM fuiTHt hum. one .thousand ."ix-chil rii- f !BMei a p 4 w?w TR UVO AMI' were 10 hoi., .h. r..0,.1iVIL.Li I ivaiXNft A.'MI TWELVE PAGES Httnchert unlu, letal 250,000 limn. itivlsl.m in now Ht the iihrt ready to' Kill fur limuo uiul Hnnthorf it vii imn' iiimii inc i;nme to tne port- LIGHTNING Absence of Rain Renders Miuauon juore Than in Years. force of furwti nen, niiinloring; about five, who hu.l been taken! from road building and other for.txt work and sent to arnvple wtn (nr fierV Itrtllirff Of I h. u no'lhrniiDhmil V l'ltiCal mimmer. T!iln iticrnajdnc offorfe J has been done 1ko in Colorado, where ..... ..... v acre to bo Knarded. and L.J : " In Wyoming whore 10,000.000 acres v... ,.. . .... ........ I "l""" i" lire. ...... ,..-.v i,...,nn hum j far uronilHiyi fin FORDS MEET ON OLD TRAIL OF CARAVANS WASHINGTON, l. c July 17. Fireworks In the grc; forerun of the time A dWimtrh to the roivei:cTiinucivL-dcin. eervlee head.martori here dated Mls-i" ' wc- ....' . . . SANTIAGO. Chile, July 16. 1'iirts mm lit, Mont., frorn Ulstrict Forester ItutledKi., wijh; "" im.uiuit ..i emeu ures neing the r ives. wverw I hi Ni: YORK, July 17. The Amer- ilcj museum of natural history has irecelved from R.iy C. Andrew, con ducting the second Asiatic looloxlral expedition, letters telling of his trill :aionR the boundary of Mongolia, and .arrow the. Gobi desert. "I have been up in outer Mongolia and had a tnoet wonderfuf trip," he wrote. "It Is an extraordinary coun try and the most Interesting1 I have of crews from a number r .hi.,, w ,,rr v'"". i t'nta nnd FT V extinguished daily forest conditions cn nnd destruction estimated at $20,000, 000 was caused by a storm which Store trouble expect-; swept the harbor of Valparaiso, Sat urday nnd Sunday. i;y xovKM-iirit aiiy of ,urtTP.TKx may I1E CIT TO 50,000 located and Weather nnd tlnno critical, ed." Another messise from IHstrlct Pr- ester Riley In the Mr Horn country cf Wisconsin reeds: "ftltuatlnn more crlilcal than in years, Klectric storms with no rain prevallinn. tricky no h:r bleu yet, but there nre loo many we have not been able to pet to.'' ' I-Ike situation.' exist elsewhere. Re-1 Ports rave been received ayinT 'c tunl fiiw not known to bo under con trol have broken out in the forests of the, Madison. Klathead. Salaway nnd rtillerroot reservations." I sir by auto across Clobi des. German National Assembly, WTiich Ratified Treaty of Peace, in Session mmwm j . 1 ,., MM.,.M)IJ1 ,'..,,'1YV V ' A . i, ; mWr "j. ;.vi.u.;;.M.:U.L . f .J ert. The trip to I'rua was by way. of the old caravan trail across Oobl des ert, w hich has 'been In existence for centuries, nnd lire a Inn Its trail is Very similar to that of hundreds of years aito, Caini l Trains and HotiIs. 'Camel trains, ox carts, Moncn riders nnd sheepherders are carrvina i LCtfCDONT. July 16. If the German thPl,r ,dn"JL, 1-1 Same 88 hfl are 'Kod'- and fulfill th terms of,disot J1"Bh' Khan, and Into this the peace treaty, American forces onim,dd o RK 'L'1"0". W ,n,"u", the Khine in be reduced to 60.000 'T Ford tomobll-! men by November. Oenernl rershlng i f.' 2l h, J."st sou'h of Lnke nn said here today. J 1Bkal, In Siberia, is one of the most nor- Tho America penerallsstmo said ,'. " J T V. ' . thei-e are now four complete American ';'"?"'" w' d i " '?m divisions left In Kurope. These, wlth'll1. ' . beco"" "'- from there to Pekln by way of the caravan trail. Cliasrd Anteloe in Car. "The Gobi is not a desert in the pop ular conception of the word, but I a I vast, rolling: prairie like those of our i western states, the only sandy portion jlyins far to the west of where we 'crossed. On cur outward iournev we '!mw upward of 2i00 antelope, of three;0"8 lemon. Juice nnd rind, and. one- j thought best that i come down to see jdifferent species, nnd were ruccessful '.tult cup of eoeoanut. '.that all was cornet " ' 1 in obtaining; four or five, which we I Heat the milk In a double boiler,.; . Jshot from the auto. It was most ex-j00"! the cornstarch, which-has tieen j Major rritehard ii.sin? a pia-ucliute cllinir snort to run narnllel with thein n'wnea in a little cold water and ' 'at about n miles an hour and see j stir until smooth. Then, add the yolks tlum slink around to cross In front of of Ihe eK beaten wilh sugar " add the car. This they invariably did. ! lemon, lastly add the cocoanut. Cook Jor F""er has returned from lloston , ;TOSUFfPASSED for deep fat -frying khdsauteiRg.Keady' forf instant use for cake -making. No tedious Cireaming-m process. Costs . about half that of ' the best OEve Oil and makes perf sctFrench Dressing and Mayonnaise. Italian epicures ohfOlive Oil now prefer it. VoncJerful.S3-page Cook Book. Wrile today for it , ' CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY P. Oj Box Hi Wew yotk 6 k rwujt,..,..,, sacra" e4 i lAJ IV, few r - n - III J .; I. - " ' - r; & ihus RivinR- na shots at from 400 to 5'H yards. I never droamert that an animal couhl Tim so fast. At a con crativo estimate . their speed must often have reached 60 miles an hour, and 1 believe even more. "The inhabitunas of Urga are won derfully picturesque, the population consisting of about, 35,000 lamas, 2000 Humans and 2000 Chinese. The j Mongols are a charming -and attract ive people. They dress in extremely j brilliant colors, pnd when they are on horseback -and they are seldom on tho ground they appear especially arrayed for a circus exhibition." MU til? m Men Homo. ded to nujtnr sirups and tho u holo HOSTOX. July iT.-ThA 389th -m- lnouht to a boll prevontx niiHrimi. fantry resiinrnt componed of Mlchi-i When opcniiiff a boulfl -of .oHves, Khif National liurd tvnd selective ..r. nour off brine nnd add a lilflo. olivo descended, huidinpr ntfi ly and only! vi(' men herer on the feranf-i'.ott. corlc and-dhuko weH; Jet aUind t !nuhtlv i...-ri ih..t At?. I I,olt tlrant. The Mlchiimtv men while. SUKar and ' Innoht nn th ti1iflnrai . lastly add the cocoanut. CookjJr Fuller has returned from Jlnstoii i1HMrt . '", . - for five minutes and pour into ft. well .And by wiK-wafls'ns and wireless mes- Thero were u offieers and filft baked rlo trUHU Heat the whites of tho crew of the X-Zi was told enlistert men on the tranporr Ite-i SICK i KIONES - - i..ioii.n, v ini in i PiniiH 11 r 1 tt II If I'd mr II 11 f II trl li 1 M linn III : :l HI rt t hei- u-i' n r. ..... k of the filling j,pr. ; is HOUSEHOLD 1 4 tiut riJhitiift;ii.j-ii1 jutit received from Weimur. ttOnal iienioiy. wnu n ratified tho t reary of peace by 115. In session. Ninety-nine member s , abstained from women members. Ht9flA 1 - - - a ? y-a t-jSV shows tho i.erinan Ka- i. vote of 208 to voting. . Note the MENU HINT . llreakfast. .,; Berries on Cereal. - - Pancakes and Syrup. Bacon Coffee. Luncheon Tomato Salad Rread and Butter. Iced Chocolate Cocoanut Custard Pie. lHniiCT. Onions and Radishes Boiled Tongue Boiled Potatoes. Spinach. Rye Bread Cucumber Salad. Frozen Pudding1. Tea. JJeeserts. Imon Cocoanut Pie One cup of milk, one heaping tablespoon of corn starch, two eggs, one cup of sugar, . w -l. a. For entertaining friends Nothing make so tig a hit with' friends, as a cheese, tongue or . ham jandwich and a bottle of RAINIER SPECIAL. This bev, erage makes possible a Holland ' Lonch that can be enjoyed by the youngest as well as the old- '. est with no ill effects. The flavor cf RAINIER SPECIAL is irresistible r-tinimitable. It is achieved through aa exclu sive, patented process and can be found in NO other beverage. Friends are -slighted, if you fail ' to erve the superior beverage and that, a all agree, is RAI NIER SPECIAL, the soft drink that really satisfies. Sold every- . where. Order your case today i j supar. spread on top una brown in a slow ov AlapJo and Cocoanut Snow Two and one-half cups granulated sugar, one cup maple Migar, three-quarters 6jp. water,. -one teaspoon vanilla. tvo eKif whites and one and one-half cups shredded ct-coannt. Kcl! Granulated sugnr. maple sugar and water together until a soft ball forms in cold water. Remove from fire, add vanilla and pour over the stiffly beaten egg whites, beating con stint. y until mixture begins to stif fen. Stir in cocoanut and pour ino a buttered pan. When set cut , in squares. . Strawberry RoM "Wash berries and drar. Soak about one teaspoon gela tine in one tablespoon of. water five minutes; then dissolve in some of th berry juicG Seated. ' Mash berries with two tablespoons of powdered sugar, j Feat very stiff the whites of two : eggs -find add,thm. yet a? Me until cake is ready. This mixture is thick 'r but soft enough to spread For the cake;" Rift together one J cup flour, one and one-half teaspoons baking powder and a pinch of ; salt. Beat two eggs and' the, two left-over yolks and add them. Add one cup granulated sugar, stirring' in' last about one-half teaspoon vanilla' flav oring. ... Have a long, narrow tin pan lined ; with paraffin paper. Tufn batter into j this, shaking the ran to get It an even j depth, all over. Bake slowly. When j done, turn out on piece of cheesecloth . well dusted with powdered sugar: quickly, beat . the 1 fruit, filling and spread, then rofl up by liflfng the cloth , and turning the cake. This must-be J done quickly while the cake is hot. j When rolled hang up in cloth till f cbld. Slice and.. f servo 'with ' plain cream. ' ' . '.' . j . of casual for eastern ramps. FOKSUMMEK AFTERNOONS Culinary llintq. When making eornmeal mush stir all the time.- - - t ' ' If pie crust Is not flaky -the shorten ing is too soft. Rhubarb tapioca Is excellent served with custard.. , , . , , , .. . A coal fire will revive if a little salt is. thrown upon U. - , , llolpful IlliKs I . KAnwve the center of a. round piece ;of toast and fill with creamed peas for an entree. j When ntamps stick together put a ;tluu sheet of paper over them and I press with a warm ,iron, !. To be. alisolutely sure that a car bolic solution wilt not burn, um one j rt acid to twenty parts water. A traspuonriii or cream or tartar au MAKE LAME BACKS I Cbdro brokon, , unrof resiling Bleep. ' Jf nnd in, tiiuuy casos that tired feeling mat ninuvs Jt ho jiiu'u to.gvi. v m tho morniqg. Tlii'v also cause loss of . ai.pi'tilr, lank of ambilion, and othrr I roubles. . Hood's Suranpnrilla .contains the medicinal hrrlw, bnrk, roots, etc, that strengthen and tone these or Riins, and relieve-their ordinary ail menls. Take it. .' And if yon need a laxative take Hood's' Pills, they work ri(rht. Wheat Farmers Attention We have a 1918 3 ton Indiana truck for which ve have no f urther.use and which is an ideal truek for hauling wheat and other heavy, loads. .Would like to submit yoitour proposition. NORTH PORTLAND BOX COMPANY North Portland, Oregon. . 4 :jf?c5 if rv "STEPS IKVX" 2 (MIO ki:kt . TO AlUMStiK, .CirpAiK THE RAINIER PRODUCTS COMPANY RELIEVES RETAILERS AND CON SUMERS OF THE NECESSITY OF PAYING REVENUE TAXES ON RAINIER HEVERAC.ES BY PAYING ALL TAXES THEREON DIRECT TO THE GOVERN MENT. - .- . -; . ...... Xang & Co,,; Distributors, Portland, Ore : ROfi KVE.LT , FIKX.D, MIXJ-JOLjA, I I., July 17. Stepping .from a dirigible, two. thousand .feet, in the afr, merely to: "go down and.seerwhnt was hnppenlng,'' seem ,A. rather ticklish piece of business to the, average. Jay man. But -not so with the officers of the K-34. . It. became necessary to do this last weeKiWhen the great airship arrived here. . . ' Major John Maddock Pritchard. sec ond officer of the airship tell in typi- cat British. wayt how and why he did it. .V , "We received, word by wireless t'le- phone," the AInpor aidf "that Major j Hugh Fuller had one to JJottten. Ah j we did not know what arrangements i had been made to land -.013- it , was OFF TO FIGHT VILLA For afternoon tea "parties, or semi-formal evening, affairs this simple little frock of white hand kerchief Ueen la charming fded. . The round yoke, .the skirt. nd cuffs are embroidered In a check design in French -blue cotton, and the quaint peasant tneker and nn dersleeves are of 'White organdie, finished with sinart blue bows of groscraln ribbon. A wide white and blue shade hat with gay fruit trimmings completes this elective costume. . : .'! . 3 jt -orLnj xthj:-. r .. 'Iff a sav, 1 9 h lumtM' ' plnlnl: 1 .1 ' V mm 'riT5' 'li uei uur Dig PLAN BOOK fc i Send 6c Today for our . Bis Plan Hook ! Complete ffiuii for a'lai'KC mfcm- Iwr f , -modern, : 9 convcnftriil JlOlIH'S, ' lutMH nnd money In huildiiijt by the uwe of rendy-fiit it. -8lilK'4l direct to ymt, - larli leio of Inmlier 1h marknl to forr4-jiKHHl wilh plan wild complete, ma- U'rlal list, which H ilt uliat i-nch kcv is mid where it kocm lluM(t before riees fto ii! We miamnlre nallsfacihnt Utid vniiUT. rTMKXT i:l'i:itlMi:.NT buy fmm the old reliable concern thuj ban built hundred of ready-cut homes In Qre (Con. 1 FENNER MANUFACTURING COMPANY M;l Shl Porllanil, jHrvgtm. , "Gee-Whiz! llow it Hurts 1 - The ram in My Foot! y .. . . w "a r - I I ' ' ' L ' " f ' I i i . f. ft . t-4 "kwp-'tno gcm: TiAJVuzz cizeguz. n : Cenrral iJlPRUor. tortimandor of Carranza forres- la northBaterB Mexico. Is on his way to lv Uat Villa forces, ' " - "Sometimes it is in my arm. Merciful Heaven, how my back hurts in the morn ing I It s all ' duetaanovcr- obunduneo of. tbat pui.3011 Cnllnd .liric arid, 'i he kil neyfl nrc not able to get ri I of it. Such conditions you can rVnilily 6virtT)ie, ttii'l j rolong life by ' I tuhing the ail- ; t vice of Dr. j' ;.j Tierce, trhic!i I ' kfflneys in good-order." )' "Avoid too much nieat, ulwjhol or tea. Drink plenty of puro water, preferably B hot water, before meals, and drive tlm uric acid out of the system .by"takii J Anunc. llns can oe oinunieu ui almost any drug store. Send a bottle of water to tho chemist at Dr. Pierce's Invtdids' 'Hotel.' Buffalo1, N. Y., nnd you will receive free medical advice as to whether the kidneys arts affected. When your kidneys get slug gish and clog, you suffer from backache, eick-hcadache, diazy spelU, or 'twinge and pains of lumbogn( rheumatism, or gout; or sleep w dttiirbed two or three times a nieht. take hoed, before too lale. Get Anuric (anti-uric-acid), for it will Jf put new life into your kidneys and you ; entire syHtcm. Ail; your'uoarest druK- j gist for it or seud Dr. i'lvrto Ua GCUI4 ' f. (or trial pa5kKc, JJ LET'S GO" To Springs " WHERE THEi CROWD GOES! : DaniinSwuiuniti.ishing and Iluntui"- at thas big popular summer resort. Beautiful Camp Grounds and mice Cotta ires.' . . . O I TTTD11 I V ViniT TTTT V in I f 2 ' uill LJ i i I . J: an iviil 1, J u u 1 i .1. IK a n'H ' ' f x SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 20 ;t Fletcher's jtizz Orchestra Automobile stage meets nil trains. Arrivals at Gibbon, inquire at depot. : -Dining room service -iluringHUe week, , but only lunches will be served on Sundays. ( W. W. Ho6l t - :. Manager Gibbon, (Post Office), Oregon i I I: -