TWELVE PAGES DAjLYEASTOREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY IfilOlflL PAGE THREE I iwb Hum ur bhujurii liibiiranua Alan in Town. Charles Vulvin, of Portland, . rep resenting the New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co., la In the city today culling on H. W, Collins, local agent. Hay Crop to Be Short. Charles Hewitt, who Is In town to day from his ranch at Ourdane says that the dry weather fur many weeks means a short hay crop In that soc tlon. AVIU VImIi Hormiston B tattoo. " V. I Ballard. assistant state loader Of county agents, and Fred Bennion, tuunty agent, loft today for Hermls. ton, where they will visit the experi ment station. They will also visit the 'farm bureau executive of that section. lavn for Vhtoria Jl. '. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wade left Port lund yesterday as members of The Journal party of autolsts -who will at tend the Interstate Realty . Associa tion meeting. In Victoria, B. C. Twen ty automobiles will make the tour. Mr. Wade Is a mvmber of the association. County, Ore. The exposure of the trip gave Dr. Buff urn a severe cold, and he return Hi to Walla Walla one duy sooner than he had expected. Aft er his return he was taken to a hos pital where death occurred yesterday, Hon fH Horn. . Mr, and Mrs. Ernest, French are the parents of a nine pound son born to day at St. Anthony's hospital. Ijcavo for Coait Town Frank 8. Gelst. Mrs. OelHt and son. of Mlnnenpolls, left last night by mo tor for the count after visiting E. E. deist for several days. will be completed and ready for tlio Installation fit machinery by October 1. A full force of men Is at work on the building. liank Making Alteration. A partition hue been removed to give increased room for safe deposit patrons of the American National Bank and additional tables and chairs will be Installed In the added space. Wnlla Walla AMHPmnr IWart. Dr. H. 8. Buffum, county assessor, and prominent In many of the arfalrs of Walla Walla county, died yesterday morning at S o'clock of pneumonia. Ir. Buffum became III recently while on a trip with his brother, County Treasurer EX S. Buffum. to Crook An ken j- In Trust Company. ' Levi Ankeny of Walla Walla, pres ident of the First National Bank In Pendleton.vie one of the eight Incor porators In the.Inlon Trust Company of Walla Walla, organized In that city recently with a capital stock and surplus of 1125,000. JamM C. Cun ningham Is president, A. K. Dice will be vice president. Mill Making Kxccilont Progtw. Pouring of concrete for the new Collins mill building Is progressing according to schedule and the first story will have been completed by the middle of the coming week. It was es timated today. The foundation work has been completed and the struc ture will rise rapidly from now on. Kvery Indication Is that the building ioi 161101 loi ioiioiioi loi ioi- I r -4 T -4 3 r "The new 'phone number at the Delta ia 32" I Bread and Butter and Honey Fresh "Holsum" Bread and "Golden West" Butter and our pure white Strained Honey from Hcrmiston make an appetizing "Holsum," lunch for these hot days. We receive the large, white, clean, loaves of "Holsum" bread every morning, 10c and 15c. Honey packed in wide mouth self -sealing jars. PINTS 40c QUARTS ... 75c HALF GALLONS $1.43 GALLON JUGS ... f .... $2.85 . Waste Less Buy the Best" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) -TOT T0IT0T TOT TOT TOT 101 TOT TOT TOT Motored From Pendleton. Tom Murphy motored over yester day from Pendluton, to attend the Rainbow party this evening. He Is a guest of Jess Andrews while In the city. La Orande Observer. Firefighters Kent from Hero. , Beven men to fight the forest fire In the Uklah region tn the Umatilla national forest were sent out last even ing by W. W. Cryder, forest super visor. They were furnished through the free employment bureau conduct ed by N, Berkeley. " 4 Optician Moves lo Tcniiiorary Office. Dale Rothwell. optician, who has had offices In the American Nation al Bank building, for several years,' moved today to loomo 11 and 12 over the Worklngmen's Clothing Co. lie will be located In the new place until ( TA the remodeling of the bank building j offices has been completed. 3 Grocery Phones 526 Use the Phone SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other Departments 78 Use the t Phone Cool Clothes for Vacation Days Vacation days afford relief from the "daily grind." Rest, comfort, recre ations and diversion are sought for, and the clothes a man wears plays a big part in making noliday pleasure complete. This store has ready the kind of clothes you need. Clothes that will serve you all summer 'round. Made of approvedsummer fabrics to keep you cool. Palm Beach suits, mohairs, tropical worsted and other summer weaves $8.50 to $20 MEN'S ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR Cool and comfortable garments of splendid quality, white, self-striped athletic sleeveless union suits . . . -. $1.50 to $3.50 Also fine quality white gauze, cotton and mercerized unions, in well fit ting shapes that men want .............. $1.50 to $5.00 BOYS' WASH SUITS T J, Tweedy will Give Cartridge. T. J. Tweedy, local postmaster, says that the person who relieved him of a 22 rifle recently may have the cartridges toy calling at the. Tweedy residence on Lee street. "The cart ridges are useless without the rifle and someone may JuBt as well have the use of them," Is the generous of. fer made by Mr- Tweedy. W. W. Hai-rnli Cutting Graiii. Harvesting on a portion of the W. W. Harrah whoat ranch has begun and the yield Is running better than 15 bushels, although it Is In light land. Mr. Harrah has about 200 acres In spring wheat which will be ripe in a couple of weeks. This will give about 15 bushels also, Mr. Har rah believes. ' ' More Men Than Jobs Sow. There are about thr harvest hands available for every harvest Job open at this time, according to N. Berkeley, who is continuing the free employment bureau formerly oper ated by the government. The men came In early this year but there will be enough "work for all as soon as harvesting beaomes general. Such pretty suits aren't often offered at such a low price, but we have f limited number of models in incomplete sizes which we wish-to dispose of at once. Rep, galatea, poplin and linene in attractive styles, plain colors or com binations, not all sizes in each style, but all sizes in the entire lot. $1,50 to $i.5l) 1 . J1L' A. U v; Sim. Ms,- .1 -INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" FARMERS I will insure your grain in any of the old reliable companies that I represent, to December 31st for about one cent a bushel. This ic the cheapest rate ever issued in Oregon on grain insurance. Give me a trial, save money and get real insurance service. JOE KERLEY Successor to Chaa. B. Heard, Ine, ' "See Me Before the Fire Insurance Loans Real Estate Til Main Pendleton,' Oregon Combed Nation for Couihts. Evidence that Sheriff T. D. Taylor waa anxious to apprehend Charles Conners. Haines bank robber and es caped Umatilla county prisoner, is conveyed In the front page spread in the current issue of Detective, a na tional magazine. On the first page are two pictures of Conners, his finger prints and signatures and a complete description. A reward of $50 was, al- llllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllg nowever."1 w'as knToxio"Thi . E officials of Baker Rfter being caught 5 at San Francisco. The ad appeared llmr Make Havoc In Sheep Camp. "Boots" Matthews, who Is In Pen- dleton today, reports that a bear In-1 laded his sneep camp on aieauow. Creek recently and created such ha-.K voo that he describes the condition of the camp similar to that of a French ! village hit by a German bombard- .A menu l no war wan nunary ttuu imw. merry with the rerdor's supplies. No. first Ismie Kraclim) Pendleton. Several copies of Volume 1, I of the American Legion Weekly, the official publication of the Ameri can Legion were received today by the Pendleton Commercial Association The magasine contains 32 pages of newsy articles and notes about the le gion and among the contributors Is Rupert Hughes. Christy Mathewson. Admiral Sims. Walter Camp. Lord Northcllffe, Henry Woodhouse and Brlggs, the cartoonist. A story of the oiganizatlon meeting at St, Louis Is one of the principal articles. Navy Attracts Recruit The new ruling that men may en list In the navy for as short a time as two years Is attracting recruits. Al fred Arnold Nelmets. of Nellsville. Wiaconln aixl "laire Campbell, of Anaconda, Montana, signed up yester day with Recruiting Officer M. Ruli son for two years as apprentice sea men. They chose cnicago as a train- CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES, SPECIAL Sizes 3 to 16. Gingham, lawn, percale and Indian head in all colors Vi Price BUNGALOW APRONSSPECIAL $1.69 Bungalow Aprons of both light and dark percale and contrasting shades; belted style, buttoned in back or shoulders or down the side. SPECIAL New percales in stripe, polka dots and figure 35c DONT OVERLOOK OUR SALE ON WHITE SHOES, OXFORDS AND PUMPS. 5 ' i Cunningliam Appraisers Named. O. M. Rice, O. A. Hartman and J. T. Lamblrth wore named appraisers or the estate of Charles Cunningham, Jr., today. MM. BurrougliH in Hospital. Mrs. B. S. Burroughs is a patient in St. Anthony's hospital, having had her tonsiU removed this morning. Pected that the pool will be ready for use today. . . . , , Hmull Permit rxnicd. Mary Maynard was Issued a permit by Recorder Thomas Fits Oerald to day to erect a chicken house to- cost f 10.00. Pool to he FIIUnI T.Hlay. Two .Men Heieawd I-Voiu Jail. Lee Harden and Alfred Swope, Ing place. Harold Douglas Orton of. nave been held by tne sheriff several Walla Walla, who has been in the Ca.days on suspicion, were allowed to nadlan army for the past three years, leave the Jail today because not suf- and a half, decided today to try Undo flcient evidence could tie gathered to Sam's navy and enlisted for three hold them on the charge held over rears as an apprentice seaman, ua wieui. -will also go to Chicago to train. Sweltering iVncllclnnl.ins who wended their way toward the city n tatoriunt last niphl in hopes of kbi- ting a swim were disappointed to find ,the tank nearly empty for lta weekly 'jcleuning. Owing lo the bottom of the who ' bvng 'oy er than the river, a .U'Kf -TUB It . I.T IliaiailVU IO lei Dili all the water and the Job of cleaning the tank la necessarily blow.- It is ex- DODGE BROS. Motor Cars The popularity of this sturdy car is growing daily. The last two car loads were all sold before they reached Tendleton, and to date all of the cars which we will receive in the next car load are contracted for, as well as the second car load, except ing one. Since the demand is so much greater than the supply, of DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS, you will have to speak quickly if you expect to be the owner of one of these dependable cars. Cottonwood & Water St. Phone 530 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S two days after his capture. Wheat r Clean ;rude Tills Your. 2 - Arrivals of wheat of the new crop 5' from the Interior are shown in Port S laud and the qu.iltty Is the best known for many years. That there Tvas a 52 cleaner crop than has been known 5 for at least five years has been known c'for some time, hut the trade Itself Is Si somewhat elated over the fact that 5j the percentage of smutty stock is even Sjlens than had been anticipated. New Hj crop wheat arrivals not only are of Ei heavy weight. nt the berries arc El Plump and full, hut the color ia ex cellent. It is now figured that far the greater per cent of the crop will grade No. 1 quality this season. lire Covers 1200 Acres. A forest fire In the ITklah region has covered 1200 acres of the Whit man national ferest, according to vord received today by W. W- Cry der. supervisor of the t'matilla Nati onal Forest. Men have been sent out ry the employment agency to fight the fire, which is especially mena Inj because of high winds. - - , : Half of Improvement Finished. The east half of the ' Sturgis A Storle Implement store on East Court street has been finished by the con tractor making the Improvements and work has begun on the remodeling of the west half, originally occupied by the firm before McCook A Bentley sold out. It will be several weeks be fore the entire job is completed. Robert Knykendall lycnvos. Kobert Kuykendall of Eugene, who has been in Pendleton two day a look ing into the possibilities of entering the practice of law here In the near future, left for Portland last evening. Mr. Kuykendall. recently . returned from overseas and -was here to present the Victory Loan honor flags to the ctunty and city on Juno S. .-, . , - IKjnity Assessor Oiv&ii-k Ha.. f' r R. O. Hawks, deputy In 'the office of Assessor C. P. Strain. Is confined to his home today with a slight attack of tonsllttis. He was1 taken with the trouble yesterday afternoon. BECKET WON LIKE DEMPSEY SiipH.v of New name Laws Here. Several copies of the new Oregon game laws, as brought up to time by the 11 legislature, .were received by County Clerk R. T. Brown today for distribution to interested sportsmen. The booklet Is a complete compendl-1 um of all the laws relating to game and fish and contains 98 pages. It Is, free. 1 jfc v ljilng IXjKo Yh ProbntMf. The estate of Robert Lalng. de ceased, was admitted to probate today and James T. Lalng was named ad mlnistrator. Mr. Idling died without leaving a will but he loft property es t mated worth SiSH.000. Real property Ineludes three uoarter sections of land In this county, vcalucd at $36, 000, city property worth $10,000. and stock in the American National Bank worth a like sum. His heirs are Mrs. Mary Laing, James T. Lalng. Alfred Lalng. Arthur Laing. Mrs. Alice B. Roe. Mrs. Mary Hartnett. William R. Laing. Mary H. Hartnett and James V. Hart, nett, grandchildren. J. B. McCook, Kenneth McRae and George T. Pee. bier were named appraisers. Publisher sued for IMvorw M. D. O'Connell. publisher of the Ht rmlston Herald, is defendant in an i action for divorce brought today bv Mrs. Mlna .O'C'j.'nell. through her at- torneys. Raley, Raley & sterwer audi H. J. Warner.' Mrs. O'Connell charges I desertion and non-support. They hav three sons. 1 7. 1 4 and 8 years old re spectively and for their eupport Mrs. O'Connell asks J100 a month. (iraiii t ar Rules Kopt. War time regulations that necessi tated permits being Issued for th movement of grain will continue In force, according to a decision reach, ed at a recent patherlng of railroad era In Seattle, called by I ( oilman, district director of the U. 8. railroad administration. There will be district grain control committees at Seattle j and Porland,- nnd grainmedj when ; making application for curs In which ( to move the cereal must first obtain: a permit from the committee. The system is belnp depended upon to; ellmlnae a general car shortage In the northwest by expediting the movement of grain, , i , ., J J . TZ. L " t I Wfco Beetcett atavpett tmt of tn rtn tn Londoa e- . Moeta k left aa opfwoeat oa ttie mat who bad taken, and atow. B W of Danish merit. The pietmr of Uts boat hi stmriar to the aemt . at Toledo when Dvmpaey pat Wlllard oat of the running. Beckett" VIoBntVoa rraak OoddanL Beckett administered sever paslsev pent In i tiorhlchwasiheld'at pLoBdoaBporUac'aak. Th arhmer-aieeis Qoorge Corpeatier. French champtoa, eenn. Ttio rtnnr wflLno doahCke tnsa'aked Witt DemBeey. If It ti Beekett.