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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1919)
TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PfiNDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919. PAGE EIGHT lllllllllllllllllll!liltll!lllllllllllllllltlIIIIIl!l!lllllllllllll!lllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!llimil rf!Haa MOTION PICTURE NWS Wbt the Picture Thitr Ht to Tll You. it i m.-m PASTIME Sunday ! ; Monday Pauline Federick ZAZA The play that will live forever. Children 10c Adults 30c ALT A M'XIMV AVI MflMMV TOM MMHK KTMSS IV "A MAX AXI Ills MOXIV f t.t &muel Goldwyn 5 J ,fJ presents' P'1 -Z' 4 V V- h ' I, s , M1E in i 4 t 'f noch't.-, T(m Moti ai niw OoMwyn .I'lctur, "A -.Vhii K'ld HIh Moiiw." f"mc tn the .Mta thea'rn hi-Kinnint; ' Sunday, li whs wrltr n ! Fvrtrie S. Ihnci, 'luliior (t n wore Mjulir i , uovoU ti1 iort ytorfrn. jimi ff tlif rxi'tpruMiooO wr.i-r is fini not -inly in h f u' th wnr. but in tho T.m Mor ro is Harry Ijithmp, younK tiiwii with nuirv money thn in , "(too I fv)r him. Ri-caiiMe of his Uft ; , Mirp-luvinqr diKioKiiinn aisd hahits hin ffin ncee hroakii lln-ir nKixemeitt wlirrupon Harry literal !' "sin ta thoj ijm' hut not in the convemionMl ' ii'i'iiw. Ue r-hnjuishpf his income for ; n oar and nnswers an aijvfrti.nient ; 'f'r a man "wh is ttrruslormHl to T To his chagrin h learns thnt j , he in rupr-cted to he sort of valet to' ffit.r pampered p-t bolongiiiic to a' -HM-iety woman. (She happens to be the ( . . -- - - aunt of Harry's erstwhile financee, hands of an Hrtist. The iihotoj luv hrts and when the Riri encounters him in ;ecii splendidly produced and in point Vn perfirmnnrA of hi aiurd 1ut1e9.-0f direction and photographv, as Ttll lur pcorn i too -deep for words. Hut ' as sterling portrayals, it ranks as the .Hurry does not g-ivo up his Jr.b, for he masterpiece in this particular field. Hcf-s that the irl is unknowinsly on . he brink of jsrejiti danger. His efforts 1 to save her. withont causing her too 'ARCADE SUNDAY AM) MONDAY t a'rat ;tlarm. and his success in to do- ? in .hringt shout a climax as amazing .STOES COMETY IS iis it is thrilling. " FIXK AKTH ASSEUTH ! kexowned n;iTic .PASTIME SCX DAY AM) MONDAY ; 4 5! ALT A SrXDAV AX1 MOXDAV. MIS' MOMtV AltCAim TODAY. iru r. of Oriilmn l.lfo mid Mother I.oukIik In .Mart Ili-Wonl'n Own lilm. t j James Huneker. one of Aniertca'a '2AZA WAS STAItltlXO ; foremost art critics, has ranked Fred VEIUCLK Xlt MANY Stone us the leading comedian, acro- FAMOI S AfTltliSSKS bat and dancer in the country. It was ;he who pointed out so trenchantly ;about a year ago that Mr. Stone's wort belong? In the realm of the fine arts, and that the elastic B"red has brouRht to the American stage a dis tinctive Kenltis fur fun mnklntr Now this Kenius has been transfer red to the films and hundreds of thou sands of persons, who have hehetoforc been deprived of seeing Fred Stone. Be cause of living a great distance from the metropolitan centers where he ap peared, will have a chance to view his really extraordinary art. His work is difficult to define; it consists of flashes of real acting, a humor that Is spon- When "Zasa" the great French play wss produced In Paris some j eaxs ago. 3 and which was the starring; vehicle .or Madame Bernhardt, it was believ- ed by many critics that it would be 'Impossible for any Americt&n actress to portray that arduous role aa artia , lically as the actress named. But these critics were in error as the evidence showed and the play for many years ta was a reigning success on the Ameri . can stags with several notable actres- aes in the title role. The picturization of this . charming 3lay by Taramount with beautiful Ja,uiine Frederick in the title role is hnli.v.11 hv mnnv tn hA M f r mnra ' noworfnl hnractorisation than has iand wonderful dancing that is a.bso- ,ever been seen on the American stage, lutely individual. Jn this splendid picturization. which All these elements are combined in wiU be shown at the Pastime theatre his second Artcraft picture. J'Under the next Bundav. Miss Frederick relies en- Top." which will be shown at the Ar- tirelv upon the power of pantomime jeade theatre Sunday and Monday. rt in.which the French always haveiTh" charming comedy-drama of cir- been adepts, but those who have seen I" We. which was writt by Anita the great screen artist in her wonder- I-oos and John Emerson and scenario- ful emotional interpretations, in which ; by Gardner Hunting. Ronald . she has appeared for several years, j Crisp directed the picture and he was will be the first to declare that Miss jassisted by Nat Deverlch. " Frederick is the one American actress i . who vests the role of Zaxa" with a! it is the twenty-fifth anniversary of power seldom witnessea in snem unu mm u uneii- "Dad!y Long Leire" in which Mary I'ickford will !e seen at the Arcade Is filled with the most delicate and ar tistic Imagery throughout. One of th most effective Incidents jdeala T lth a comparison of the rearing of Judy Abbott, the orphan asylum girl, nr.d Angelica Wvckoff, a spoiled rich cl-.ild. Judy (Miss l'ickford) the little girl who. despite cruil treatment and bad living conditions In the asylum, brings sunshine and aid to the smaller chil dren is symbolized by a lily, rising from a dumping ground for old rub Kish. Angelica In symbolized as ft hot house rose, beautiful because ol intense cultivation, but unahlle to stand the rigors of the ordinary out-of-doors. I'upid'H Home Symbolized. There is a pretty bit showing the court of Dan Cupid who sends forth toneous and human acrobatic skilllh.s emissaries to see mat. juuj laiiajS mat give the spectator the idea that Mr. Stons has no bones in his body. an and HlS Money By f redirtck Sis hunu fheBo&.MtrrMQi. Directed by Harry Beaumont . Astovyof the bright lights and the youth who turned them low. 1 Mr "it r'Y , vim V- jbr rm W 111 f 1 i 4 i In Addition. BURTON HOLMES TRAYELOUGE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimini iiiihiiiiiii1 KINOGRAMS Late News. Vaudeville ALTLEAU s Singing, Talking Comedian CONNELL & MEREL Classy Duo in Clever Comedy I ALTil YOOj&Y; J I CHILDREN 10c ; . ADULTS 30c U ' Vivian M&rtin , ; r ' . "IN " '" I I You Never Saw Such a Girl" 1 A Corking Taramount Picture. 11 Mack Sennett Comedy ! RIP AND STITCH TAILORS I drama productions. . The. support. provided tor Miss Fre . !enck in this play is exceptionally praise-worthy, each, role being in the est celebrated by a woman. of sorrow and the, tear jug. In love. Babies, winsomely clad with; wings and thin draperies, play the, part of Cupid's attendants. I The master stroke of dlrectionalj Sj Ktnlus takesplace tn the scene show-E ing tho death of an orphan baby. whOj tad not nad proper care in the asylum j and who dies in the arms of Judy.S The dead mother of the child is seen: in the form of a beautiful white shade s ,....? which moves forward, passing like j (HIIIIIUIMIIIIIinillllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllinillllinillllUllll air through the furniture and gently 1 M rrrr: 11 . t would io n the army." ne earn, h r.-olied 'tlo so here 1 am three years and more if Maw" enter tains the same foolish habit." Johnny Is frcm Thurston cotinty, Wa.hl.igton. Si- taking the babv from the arms "the little mother" U;001 CHK'KKNS Marshall Neilan directed the pic. I.II FAKMKH YVKMi ture. and In Its exquisite symbolism troves himself a master of the artis- WASHINGTON", D. C July 11. The tic as well aa of the humorous it-,,tor;. of Ketiben Lofte. of North Shm nation. which has last accomplish? , i1lr M iiiustr.itps the oossible iiro- For the wets there remain the cup ment has won him the title of "The ,!,,, ,rn, i.rv tninir where care- , Mark Twain of the-Screen." jfn! management is pructiced. lurin i ' ' 1 " 1 S this poultr.vman, who dovoles L :onlv part of his time to chicken raiM, k ing, yeiit 2.0 biros, which pant mm and for . The rudder of a yacht is a storn reality. VAUDEVILLE POPE & UNO Tho Goodnight Dog. LA DARK & WILLIAMS The Man of Mysteryv nniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiii 1 1 ft Children 10c " T Adults 25c ARCADE Jesse l. las kV 4 .. presents Sunday -Monday (P profit over feed cost of more than 6 $1,00U equivalent to J 1 a bird. In- m eluded in this amount are the sales of A a few eggs for hatching. cockerels n in the Middle Aires they jfM'pMfmzP ' 'for hatching. ' about 30 sold for breeding purposes A at to $r each, as well as the 8 market eggs, whicfi were disposed of In large quantity. Mr. Lowe keeps 9. .White Wyandottes of a strain that P win in the show ring when judged ac 0 cording to either the Standard st Per A fection or a utility standard. ti Owe pen of 20 pullets owned by the ' Maine poultry raiser produced eggs as 9: follows: November. 191S; December B 191S. 418: January. 191. 380: Febru- W. cry, 1 !1 9. 328: March, 1919, 45B; a to 9 tal of 1.966 eggs, averaging 99.65 egs?s m per liird in five months. Ill r , . (. l!. 5 It pays to keep poultry of this kind and growers everywhere are coming lo realize that there Is more money tn keeping better fowl and feeding them prop.Tly balanced rations than in wasting time with inferior birds. JOHXXY JOIXS ARMY TO OFT QVIKT RMOTCE AftCADK K I'M A Y-M ) X O A Y. Iff boi wouldn't have known wheth er to make him Court Jester of Court Acrobat or Court Jujrsler. See him in thi", Artcraft Picture Gee whiz! he'.s piuiusJi io make a at laugh! Play the country boy part flows up and eiopes with the daughter of a circm Man whose show conies to Three Forks vaults over seven horses in a getaway and paiachuie? him?df about the rin: like a iigure on elastic. Mi - 4: PORTLAVD, July 11. Hocanse Johnny's mother said he had to shut 51 'down on the -smoking ntinit, jonn K packed the old kit bak and will go to J the armv, vhere the K. C. Y. M. C. A. Viand Bed Cross furnish him with free 'smokes. This is the story Johnny A told local recruiting officers yesterday. S ,He said his mother hud permitted him ilo smoke for over two years and lately 5ehe got In with a bunch of "death to jthe cigarettes" orani.u1ion and . had J jnotified hlmb that ho would have to i "can" th habit. , 5 j "I told her that if 1 couldn't smoke ! 'A t 3 ft ' 1' fi'ffO-tH.' 1 ' in f 7 0 Children 10c Adults 25c Y 'PICK FORD In Jean Webster's Celebrated Play "Daddy Long Legs"; The Love Story of an Orphan , Directed by MARSHALL NEILAN Photographed by CHARLES RQbHER A SUPER ATTRACTION IN 7 REELS The sole survivors of the great Prune Strike INCOMPARABLY THE GREATEST PICKFORD PICTURE EVER MADE Scenes that will rock you with laughter. Scenes that will touch your heart. Running at the same time here in Pendleton as it is at the Liberty Theatre in Portland. - - 3 S W A MAMarrf i 0 m; AiW)M!"y 4 S t "1 m&Jtmmmm