East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 12, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Section Two, Image 7

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    :r.l-,.'jr.rr.i T-
Section Two
Pages 7 to 1 2
Section Two
Pages 7 to 1 1
Secretary Daniels Will be
With Warships on First
Trip to the Northwest.
POIITUAND, Or., July 12. The ra
clflo floet and Secretary of the Navy
Daniel will visit the Columbia river
harbor when that new fighting divi-
Ion of America s navy In sent to tnke
up tin position on the western coast
uni w the Information ronveyed
In a telegram Friday rccelvod by the
I'ortland t'hamoor of Commerce from
Harbormaster Jacob Bpclcr, now In
"The I'ucinc fleet and tho secre
tary of the navy will visit Portland.."
Harbormaster Kpelor.say In hlM tele-
. grain. "I had a conference with the
secretary of the navy on Thursday
will have a conference regarding- the
naval la:M tills week. Am meeting
oil officials and expert concerned
the ma-itsr."
Captain Bpeior. In a telegram to the
Journal reiterate tho new tha the
iieei will vJHlt the Columbia river, ac-
ccmpanled by the secretary of the
nnvy, saying, "The fleet and the cc-
retnry of the navy will vlalt Portland.
X3BLEXZ. July 12. Marriage be
tween American Holdtcrs and German
Women were forbidden by the army
regulation pending ratification of the
peace treaty by the United state and
Oermany. The Judge Advocate Im
pertinent of the American forces on
the Ithine handed down a decision de
claring that marriages under the re
cent condition would be Illegal on the
ground that the United mates techni
cally was mill at war with Oermany. j
Officers eald that any violation of
this ruling would be prosecuted, and
that the offender would be tried either
on a charge of communicating with
the enemy or of disregarding frater
nisation regulations. I
At army headquarters, however, in
quiries continued to be received from
soldiers eager to wed German girls.
Hlnco so many report with reference
to the fraternization order were re
ceived that headquarters ha issued a
memorandum on the question of fra
ternisation. All commands were In
structed to see that the order receiv
ed the widest publicity.
MOOD JtlVEIl, July 12. J. h.
Frodcilcy, local agent of the O.
W. U. & N. compuny and vice
President of the Hood Illvor
(iunio Protective association,
stands vlnclduiod.
Mr. Froderlcy( ufler a Nulling
trip up Hood Kiver recently, re
ported seeing a ll.ard with a blue
tail and a red und white striped
body. - Muny and varied stories
wero written about the "victory
saurian." and Mr. FVederlcy re
eelved many letter inquiring a
' to hi brandof beverage and how
It might -bo cbtalned.
Xow Mr. Frcderlcy I happy,
tor yesterday George Chamborlain,
an east side orchardlst, brought
a real read, white and blue llxard
to the city. It i being displayed
In a milk bottle as "Fredericy'i
Orchards and Farms on Che-
nowith Creek Suffer I
Heavy Storm Friday.
ilcsldes the Important start already
mentioned in this constellation there
are two other notable ones. Tho first
known by the catalogue number iH30
((jooiubrldge,) I called the Itunawuy
nOWILh t.Tf-Pk Kllffpr h'rnm ', ",ur 'ru'" ln" ,ucl ,nul 118 proper mo
- - i ti
Bulgarian Treaty to
Be Considered July 23
THIS DALLES, Or., July 12. The
country soumw. si of The Dalles yes
terday afternoon wo, visited by a
rloiidbiirst which did coimidoiable
damuKa to the farms and orchards.
The storm started about five miles
up Chenowith creek, southwest of the
city, and headed directly toward the
city, giving Tha Dalle tho heaviest
rainfall of the year.
on, with one exception, is the great
est of any star known, If it were to be
rechriHiened In the present age of
slung phrases is probably would be
wtu ne npecu luii. ji is esti
mated to be flying through space at
tho reiriuiiiuble speed of two hundred
mile per second, and yet its distance
from the Knrth Is so great that it
would require three hundred years
to make a displacement equal to the
apparent dluineter of the moon.
The other, 21,185 (Leland) Is noted
as being the nearest star of the earth
PAftia July II. Tho Tlulgurlan
treaty will be ready for the allied
delegates' consideration July 25, it Is
leurned . -
Advices received declare the Poles
are advancing In Uthunla, violating
peace conference orders. Marshul
Foch was instructed to command
them to cci-se.
SAN FItA.VCISOO, July 12. Major
General John F, Morrison, command-
of the western department of the
United states army, said recently that
if he were a young man and not In
the service he would enlist for an as-
niKiiini-iiL io Jim million. made at ltorkwt.lt mM Vni-i h ii....j
..u nuw eiiuiiuiK a. inuai-i w Colonel H'vnrv H ArnnM
inn or tne zitu
mo guruens ana nrennras In the any in tne northern hemisphere, it
Cherry Height district suffered the; requires seven and a half years for
most damage fiom the hail, and the! Its light to reach tho earth. In other
strong wind broke down a number of I words it is seven and a half light years
fruit trees and damaged a number of away. In Astronomy the mile is not
ruavlly laden trees. Tho soil -was cenerully used In measurements tho
v.ashed away from the root of the! unit being too small. It would be
trees In many places A large amount ' somewhat like measuring the distance
or work will be required to place the -from Pendleton to i'ortland In inches,
orchard Into shape again. which would be an unintelligent Jum-
A barn on ..he Turin of Howard ul ot figure. Therefore the term
Moer was caved In by tho hail and j Hght-year is used meaning the distance
anumber of chicken and packing! that light travels in one year, at the
lenses w-?re reo'ced. Irate of one hundred and ejghty-six
Tho precipitation In Tho Dalles was;,nousand mile per second. Thus a
recorded as .2 of an inch. istar which requires seven and a half
t year for the light to reach the earth.
AIHMKN' WJI.I, PATIEOI, 's said to be seven and a half light
KA.V ItlFOTO, Col, July 12. Military
aerial patrol of the Mexican border
from Tla Juana. near this city, to
Brownsville. Texas, will be establish
ed as soon as the snuadrons can lie
organized, according to announcement
. j years away.
Arrested Here on
Charge of Stabbing
POUT LAND, July 12. A runaway
automobile, owned by the Northwest.
Cm Kli.r'tilr -, i r, I in n " VMMtfr,lH I ltv-
cd Into the basement of a house al !
227 East Third street north, after
tunning amuck without a driver, and
coasting' three und one-hulf blocks
down Holluday avenue.
A. Knodgrass. driver of the cur, had
Parked It by tha curbing. The driver,
of a wood truk asked permission to
move the machine so that he could
unload cordwood where Mr. Knod
grass had parked.
Receiving permission, the truck
cl-auffeur. whoso name the police did
r.ot learn, released the emergency
brake on the -tutomobile and shoved
i' into motion. Tho automobile gath
ered speed as it Parted down Holiaday
avenue. After traveling for more than
a block, the mn'-'hlne struck the curb
end thrmv off the truck driver, who
had been on the footboard trying to
wl the brake.
Tho truck driver landed In a pota
to patch. The mainline, like a Jug- j
Kernii-it, cont:nucd on Its course for
lv.il more blocl.w before, it finally
crosKod the curi and struck the wall
of a frame houd. The radiator broke j
through the wall, and the f rom j
v Iu'Im entered the basement of the
The rear half of the machine re-
j mained sticking out of the basement
, The cur reminded one of a naughty
puppy trying to hide from his master.
The damage was Bmall. both to the
'automobile and the building.
George Carrol, accused of having J MX IS KKII.FI
nautical officer of. the
partmcnt of the army.
western de-
PAftlri. July 12. Secretary of
Htute 1-anslng feel that hi presence
In Washington In the near future will
be necessary because of tho greatly
Increased duties of tho state depart
ment due to problem growing out
of the peace settlement.
It was Jor this reason that he de
elded recently to return to th United
fitate. planning after hi return to
make an appeal to cangreas for funds
to enable the department properly to
coi with It new tasks.
Frank L. Pol', acting secretory of
state, is to como to I'nrls to take Mr.
Lansing's place, but the secretary will
not wait more than a fortnight.
The council of five him appointed
three commission to continue the
work of the peace conference. The
commission for the execution -of the
German treaty consists of John Fos
ter Dulles, United States: Sir Eyre
Crowe, Kngland; Cant. Andre Tor
dleu, France; und Vitcrlo Scialola,
Italy. Tho commission for the organ
isation for permanent reparations
consists of lxmis luicheur. France:
Sydney Peel. Kngland; nr. Silvio Cres
Pl. Italy, and M. Moni, .Japan, The
commission for tho co-ordination of
Ilulgnrlnn frontiers will be Mr. Dulles
y Tardieu and Mr. Peel.
Infantry to full
strength so it can be sent North to
relieve tho United State guards sta
tloned In Alaska forts. I don't be
lieve a young man could put In three ; I'KHSIIIXU IKLAYS VISIT TO
years more profitably than In the ar-j LOXIX' I'XTIL JULY 17
my In Alaska. i .
"During that time he could become!
acquainted with condition and when
his term expires he will
where to go to get In on the ground
floor. Service in Alaska offers more
advantages imong which Is a 20 per
cent increase In pay and a larger ra
tion alowance."
The army haa five fort in Alaska
and usually one comiany of infantry
U stationed at each fort.
stubbed Melvin Lingenfelder. of Wal-
le, vi ana, yeateraay. wa arrested to
day In Pendleton by Chief Al Roberta
and Is being held here until the ar
rival of the sheriff from Walla Walla.
Carrol iv wanted on a charge of
second degree av.f tilt. He has agreed
to go without extradition papers.
as car pi.rxc;
LONDON, July 11. It is under-
know right- "'"' '" r ersnmg, com-
,,. ,ci -iii-i-niei oi ine American
armies In Europe, has postponed his
visit to London, to July 17. planning
to remain until July 19. H may be
accompanied by a -. composite regi
ment of 2,000 American troops rep
resenting all the units still aligned
with the ol'lcs in France.
Tile program for General Pershing's
visit Includes an official visit to the
city, where he will receive an award of
..... , r,,,,i.,i mm me mug ana
ji.si:si;i MIIKAT
HI lli:i TO PltKVKXT
IXDIAXAPOLIS, July 11. Under
threat of the federal government to
quarantine the ftate aga.nst shipment
of wheat becausd of disease ravaging
the crop, a program of d rax tic action
waa mapped out by Governor Good
rich Wednesday.
Frank M. Wallace, utate entomolo;
gist, waa dispatched to Iafayette to!
ASHLAND. Or., July 12. One man
I waa killed while another escaped al
I most without injury when an automo-
i bile rolled down the mountainside off
I one of the scenic drives above Llthia
I park lastnight. The car, which I
owned by C. R. D. Jones, stalled near
a sharp curve on the drive. Joe P.
Hendricks took the whel while Jones
started the car. Hendricks. attempted
to drive the car with the result that
it jumped the road and rolled 60 feet
over the steep hillside, lodging in tha
nmoer below. Hendricks neck was
broken when he was thrown from the
car. Jones stuck with the car and
escaped practically unhurt.
The dead man's family lives in
Keep Mo Home
Wheels Turaincg
Western Electric
Charles Milne
Pendleton, Ore. PHONE 1037
notional assembly very plainly dem
onstrated Wednesday that It wanted
to complete the unpleasant task of
ratifying the treaty tjutckly ami with
out obscuring the measure In any way
with qualifying: resolutions.
At the opening of the season the
cc nscrvaUves introduced a resolutlo
aimed at the enforcement of articles
221 to 230 inclusive of the peace trea
ty, providing for the trial of the for
mer emperor and other Germans ac
cused of causing the war or of viola
tions) of the ruins of war.
The bill ratifying the treaty passed
the first reading and then a recess wag
taken togive the parties an opportu
nity to discuss tho resolution- After
15 minutes the assembly reconvened.
The conservatives defended the reso
lution, but it was decisively beaten."
The treaty bill was then taken up
and quickly parsed second and third
readings, with the opposition coming
from democrats; national liberals and
wiuiam it. i ait, ex-l'residcnt of the United States.
Ceorge W. Wickersham, formerly U. S. Atty. General.
A. Lawrence Lowell, President Harvard University.
Henry W. Taft, of the New York Bar.
discuss and make clear the various articles of the
I ans Covenant for a League of Nations, now awaiting
ratification by the United StatesSenate.
Today's Letter Takes Up
She What la the correct transla
tion of tho motto of that lovely ring
you gave me? .
i He Faithful to the last.
She Tho lost! How horried! And
you've always told me before that I
woj) the very rrst. Mlnueaolis Trl-Iwne.
. oumo tho ;lini or Cio.
"That young man stayed very
again, Kdith." '
"Yen, papa; I was showing him my
picture postcards.
"Well, the next time he wants to
stay late, you show him some of my
elite-trio light bills." Boston Transcript.
cooperate with Purdue university.
ine governor ordered the burning! Sacramento with the exception of one
of 400 acres of diseased grain and he! boy who lives here. Hendricks was
win ask the legislature tt reimburse about 50 years old and was employed
the farmers whoee crops are destroy-' at the Sonthom Pacific. Khnrm hro.'
f ' ,- j Brilliant lAitiirc.
! "How about that college Brad note
who is ambition to break into the
newspaper game?
"I have hopes of .hint," replied the
city editor. -I
j "Some of these days he's going to
iwrite a story without trying to use
fall the six-syllable words In the dic
tionary and it will be a corker." i
indeed, a distinct advantage in pro
viding for an immediate declaration of ;
war. The object of the sanction is ;
not to punish, but to deter; and the :
greater the certainty of meeting with 1
!an irresistible armed force the less the .
'danger that any ill-disposed nation j
will venture. to precipitate in conflict.
The proposed defensive alliance of ;
England, France and the United
Read the Want Ads It Pays
AHTICL.K Wl I-.. . ... , . . , . Slates against Germany would have
. . ,. , , , aii enant, they undertake Jointly and ev- ,
Trrr r ,hatw,c -rra..t.ir,
binding force, instead 1 nwr t,. V" ..." . .V." complain inai it may onng us uuo
of mere honorable eimaiiemcnts iiL.i..r. uV.I i , 7 V. i the causes of which we are
and XVI t hp I ...i . , not directly concerned, and that our
league would be no ninrt? ihun un' ' !oung men may be sacrificed
agreement on the part of tho m.-,7.- " ",.U. "T- 11 r"n- ign quarrels. Cften without being
bers that
..w vvilll-UIOIUII IIIUBC III. II limit noil .11 . . . I
It.Wt'llKltS M-'Alt lMIADV
miciii u, uiuuiiiK UU CP, insLcua : t.iu'Af i.. .
" nnoui Article a.
ttiiui'in young men may be sacrificed in for-
they would do right, with armunv A ,..., k,. 1 1L 1 conscious of it, these critics are ultra-;
Compulsion for those th.it broke ..m " .... .... . V. pacifists fur th-y shrink from using
faith. These articles make it a real ' u. L Vu . , " " , . " " ,he force necessary to prevent war in;
und fnfrro..n i . r v. .s... .... tne world. They are like people who f
and enforcee ,,,, intercourse . I, h Oermany. and snould ol)jecl , a loIice forcp createi, ,
,.vn lather To a iarVe exn. ,hov LIZ "Z"""' yucil ,iRht fear that the poliee,,,en m.Kh. get
the same ground, and provide f,r the lhe roiinril h nrtih.ntr t.. i.h
association to muintain
i peace.
by ranchers
recently laid
near Brady under plans
except to recommend what.
military and naval forces the
AIltfltDRKN". July 11. Six hundred same
acres ol swamp lanu win ue erauieu - ., uu,iKumuii. t,i lf any
Aiui-ie are 10 ue carriea out; ana
;yet they do not wholly coincide, j
iCases may arise which brlnK one of,
j them Into effect lint do not touch the1 Th'- memhers of the U-asue agree
J other. If. for example, an arbitral that an attack made in disregard of
award, let us say on a uuestlon of III -,ne Covenant upon any one of them
treatment of citizen, is made In favor sni,ll ue deemed an act of war against
of one nation w ith w hich the other !al of hem in going to war with the
fails to comply, the first may, to com- aggressor, does not oblige thcoi to do
pel compliance, attack the second KO- W"t they do ;:gree to subject it
without incurring the penalties of.Ar- ,' treatment closely akin to war: and
tide XVI, because It Is not resorting j ulfo to ttive to any of their members
to war In disregard of Its covenants. ! ald thai by intei-national law is given
Hut the first nation would not be at j onl' to co-helltgcrent. They agree
liberty to destroy the Independence of nnly to co-belligerent. They grce'
annex the territory of the second.-'0 boycott the offender completely, to
That would entail the obligation of j blockade it by sea and land, t sup
Article X. On the other hand, ajl,,rt "tie. another financially, econom
wnr for the same cause begun without I ''ally and In resisting any speciul
submission to Inquiry would be a vlo- measures aimed at one of their num
lation of Article XVI, but not of .De". and to afford a passage through
Article X If it did not Involve the '"'" territory to the troops of any
integrity or Independence of the coun- OI the member that are fighting the
try attucked. This was true of our offender.
was In 1812: and on the same prln- Might lk Made sinmsrr.
clple I-resident Roosevelt took the To some people it would s.em bet
ground that hostilities by Kiiropoun ter lo have agreed boldly that all th,
nations to collect claims against Von- members of the lj-ague should lin
exuela did not violate the Monroe mediately declare war on the agmes
Doctrlne If no annexation of ten I- sor. The situation would thus have
tory or destruction of Independence been more plain, although It would
was contemplated. not In fact have been very different.
Works Automatically if the aggressor were a small country
Article XVI declares that If any a pacific blockade would be enough,
members of the League should resort and other military operations by tho
to war in disregard of its covenants member ot the Ieug.:e. or at least
"If shall Ipso facto be deemed to have by those at a distance, would not be
committed an act of war against all needed, either under the Covenant or
other members of the league, which under an express agreement to de
hereby undertake Immediately t" sub- clare war. If. on the other hand, the
5ect it" to a boycott and blockade, and aggressor were a large and powerful
to do certain other things. Now it nation the measures required by the
must be observed that this sanction Covenant would practlcalls be cer
ls automatic on the part of the mem-.tain to bring about shortly collisions
her of the league. In case of a and actual war with all the principal !
hurt. If we believe in preventing war
we must use the means necessary to
do so. We must be willing to risk a
l-hiu II uerifliu In iiicitr.) a trititief 11
members of the League shall several- i.,riEP 1,,.
Every phone order receives the same careful,
attention as though you were here to select your
meats in person. So if jrou can not make it con
venient to come to the market, be sui'e and call
us up. '. '
Oregon Market
hntn of Vrg Unnm -You and your passengers will never suffer
from left cramp becatiso of too short tonncau space. That, too,
I a statonient of fact that may not read so impressively in print,
but will bo Indelibly Impressed by test. Your Inspection of this
cur at our showroom will prove to you that no refinements of
tonncau have hcen overlooked and all demands for comfortable
room In thl car have been studied.
Test Cuxe Comfort The automobile buyen who Is willing to put
our claims for comfort and utility to the test will find the Case Six
an eye opener 111 many ways. We have purposely made only the
most conservative statements regarding this good new car, be
cause we feel sure that the plain facts will Induce many people
to lose no time In getting a Case Six demonstration. This is all
the car ask. t
77 years of successful manufacturing knowledge
behind every car.
II. F.HIe Motor Car Co.
610 MAIN' ST.
Mules will be given away! I
Blue Mountain Motors Co., Inc.
resort to war contrary to the Cov- member of the League. There Is,
i '