TWELVE PAGES PATJE roun FATLY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATUHDAY, jULYj, 1919 &!S'$!!em ' ' ' " ' ' IF A PRESIDENCY INTERFERES WITH BUSINESS CUT IT OUT lllllllMI II II MM I t Til I ,1. " " ' ' . B '-1 ' . . fc-fji': --.' r.:r. -.. H ! in Tires and Service Eg AN INDEPENDENT Publlk4 Dally and Sml.Wckl' at loJlon. Ortgon. by tb A OREaONlAN PUBL.I8H1NQ C& Katrd at tba postorfic at Pandla toa, Oraco. aa cond-claaa nail lattur; . NEW8PAPKB, 8UB3CIUPTI0N RATM Valapbona OJ BALE IN OTHliK CITIKS. ImpitrlaiHntal Nnwa Atartt, Portland Mowmaa Nti Co., Port land; Oracon ON FlIK AT Chicago Bureau.) Security Bund to. Washlnrtoa, D. C Bureau KOI Four tanth fttrft. N. W. (IN ADVANCE) Dally, eaa year, by mall Daily, alz month by mall Dally, thraa mootba by mall Dally, ona month by mail ,. Daily, ooa year by carrier Dally, six months by carrier- n.o , Ma 1.15 T.l 1.76 Daily, three months by carrier. Dally, one month, by carrier Seml-VTeekly. ona year, by mail 1.M Semi-WeekW. alz RinnttML h mall .TB Semi-Weekly four months by mail .( J-XSAV OX MAX AVhlla through the abysff of exis tence we're whirled Like fluttering, btllovr-tosaed f' bubbles;. It' a comfort to know, thnre's one man In trie world Who's aloof from our worries and troubles, Who values this life at its aotual ' ' worth, -Unmoved by the hubbub around him; I'm sure such a man must abide on the earth, But, somehow. I never have found him. i It is cheerina; . ta know that there's somewhere ft man Who is never disturbed by temptation. Who always ia doinfr the beat that ha can To merit mankind's appro ba- tion, , Who always keeps smiling, and ' radiates oheer. I?o matter how Fortune may treat him Ona such man must exist on this populous sphere. But I never hava happened to meet him. ! cause to obey orders has be- ' come second nature with him, he will perform his work to the ; best of his ability without grumbling. Because he is mentally a bet ter man. No man could have gone through what our dough boys went through without be coming so. Remember that they have faced death. The long marches have taken away (the shiftiness of youth. Every I ex-service man is a steady man. ! Because you must help the , returned soldier to restore him- Iself financially. He must not be allowed' to feel that you are not doing unto hinj as he did unto you. Nearly every one of jthem has to start life nancially. Because work for all ex-soldiers means industrial peace to our country.. Beeause every ex-service man (js a man a iun-sizea, rea blooded, two-fisted man a j real' American. xv i i MtTCHLL Fred Mitchell of the Chicago Ctibs Isn't golne to let a 4ittla thing like a presidency interfere with the winning of the National championship. Ha has cut the presidency ot the Cubs and is now just a plain manager, driving forward to another penant. Tha Cubs are in hailing distance and Mitchell believes they'll win again. Hereafter the presidency ." the Cubs will be held by jtVllllam Veck, who was vice president under .Mitchell. A NEGATIVE POLICY One man there must be, in the clamoring, throng, Great -souled.T yet devoid of ambition. WTto never suspects that there's anythini? wrong Or rails at his lowly condition. He never has yielded to any base luio. Low motives have never con- trolled him. Such a man must exist on the '. planet, I'm Kure, But I never expect to behold him! t JAMES J. MONTAGUE. SIX WORDS 3.V EPORTSfrom Washington yesterday said that op the stuff reached here it was confis cated and the younir womun arrest ed. Those who are familiar with the situation declare the chumpaune cost' the young woman ubout $7 per quart, Slang: Wins Alien His Naturalization ST. IX)UIS. July 12. Although he spoke English with a decidedly foreign accent. Frank Zlatach, an applicant for naturalization before Judge Trieber in the United States District Court yestor- lOay, aemoiisiruieu iu liig ilih,iiiiuii of the Judge that he speaks perfect RAISE is given by certain papers to the new con cress for its economy pro- cilivities. But let us take a glance at what this economy campaign is doing. Thus far congress has: Ketused money lor tne iea- "American" and was consequently ad- eral employment service which mitted to citizenship. was proving highly satisfactory "dowij believe m ar."y of poiy- ' , j i, or,,i gamy?" the Judge asked Zlatach. to worker and employer and B ..rothlns doing, tne applicant rc. was a guard against . bolsne- plicd. vism. "Are you married and the head of Killed the $50,000,000 bill a family?" for completing reclamation Despite the efforts of his counsel to keep him quiet,, the prisoner con stantly interrupted while, the. prose cutor was- glviny evidence. ' "How much did you say there was in the liag?" the prosecutor was asked. "1 am not- quite sure, but I should say over $20." was the reply. "That's an other lie," blurted out the prisoner, "there wasn't fifteen."- And he was surprised when tho verdict went against him. " i&ZFS ' - -3BsW FII5ESTONK vvns first to produce most of the important truck -tire improve ment3 , Our service; also is first in speed, thoroughness and economy. We have a truck-tins press of tremendous capacity.. We have 'all the other machines needed. ' . Our-men understand truck tErea. They, therefore, combin-i great care with ... rnnirl tv5ii!r? ' I TK- The fact Over half . truck Tonnage of America is carried on TIRES George You bet your life." "Do you intend to stay in this coun try?" , ... "I'll say so." With a smile at Zlatach the Jude reservoir SO aS to protect Westlfaja: "You are acceptable, you may Judge Trieber heard 75 applications for naturalization. Many cases were projects, the bill through which the people of this county hoped to secure money for the McKay were passed, the Judge kindly advising each applicant to go to school, learn more of the country and lis viws aiu try again to pass the test for citizenship. Dosition senators object End settlers and develop lana to six words used bv President Inow unused. Wilwvn in liia nHHresa tr tho I Made doubtful any appro- those of men who, in the opinion of t m j ! fT,a TfnnsPVPlt roast naturalization examiners, were not yet iiiuiud,, , pxiowu.. Ifit for citizenship because of their If the objectors can find only military highway e en alleriKnorance of the laws and customes of Rix- -mnrda to rririrdP nut. nf a! Oregon nas VOieu w ucai uc thls country. Many of the application! speech of several thousand jhalf the expense, words they are not doing well. Reduced the appropriations The president covered a big for aviation in the amy and subject. It took the various al- navy to such an extent that : our lied and associated nations over flying force will fall far behind five months to agree on the sub- the air forces of other big ject and then they were by no powers. . , - means all fully satisfied. The western ates including Under such conditions one Oregon will be the chief suf might expect the opposition ferers from the niggardly pol senators to find much to com- icy m congress The chief plain about. Finding but six beneficiaries will be eastern words to harp about leads to millionaires who want to see the belief that either the presi-jtheir taxes reduced rfr,r v.rv annnH in thA noRi-! Is it timelo cheer or time to tion' he has taken or else Lodge, howl? Borah et al are proving a sorry lot of sleuths. WHY SERVICE MEN ARE PREFERRED. ! 28 YEARS AGO ' J the Daily July 12, Belts is East 1S1'. in! the Oregonlan, j THE FUNNYBONE ( Kmrn 5trHERE is a general ten-! dency all over the coun-j nougias try lo give positions io ex- rn . . , . servke men whenever such I 'e X are to be had. It is not only H.and. the part Of patriotism but the j A iOCal telephone exchange is being rf enimH Vtiictncas for pm-!.MihliiihpiI between Helix and Vanj foyers to thus recognize the syc,e ?e merr who constituted the coun-.Jj" 01 --m try's fighting arm during the j 'A. w. starts Wednesday fr var.. ;the Kaitt with four carloads of John The San Francisco Bulletin switzier s homes. ,, jiic - Pendleton has a new real estate firm has enumerated some specific iTp;o,a"d- Morrison, who succeed reasons Why the SOldier and the j. iL Bentley and Co. Its members are sailors are entitled to prefer- s. H. Tennery. whose rustling ouaim- ment. Being KOOd enough tO cations are well known, and J. It. Repeat they Ir! here fated: , "'.Xr Beacuse he was a soldier. He ,a Leon Cohen and j. w. Haiiy left to was loyal to us in wartime. We day for a week's outing at purdy's have to be loyal to him in thewarm springs.. Jeace he has won for us. ih,hT ST Because he Was a SOldier. He :court. He haa collected and turned better man. Life in the army over to the county treasure has hardened his muscles dZaX?J'f1 given them endurance. .'f which was abated. He reports now Because he is a 100 per cent .de)in1Ui.nt from an sources sts.oss.ih. man and he Will give 100 per 'accumulation of a number of years. cent service. Efficency will be I ..v .xn -t0 the greatest asset in oar com'.iM, w'Vum " wk held ing industrial life. Every man; v - and every machine will have tof dallks, 4Tex.. Jiy 12 Night inn nor fpnt. rariHcitv. iif In Dallas received a severe jolt i ui n civ 1 t j J-'1- .-- 1 - - . 1 Tviillin rfavrt a ihis wftek when agenui of That's IilTcrrnt. "Gentlemen." faid the sheriff, put ting his head into the jury mora, "If there is no chance of your agreeing immediately on a verdict, tho judge Rill step out to lunch." "TM1 his honor ho may go to lumh " said' tho foreman. "I was about to add, continued the sheriff, "that thn circua comes into town at 2. o'clock, and It's twenty min utes to two now." "H'm!" said the foreman, "tell the Judge tu hold on halt a minute." Imioucnt. A rent collector had been waylaid and rohlicd. A young fellow was ar retted and rharjred with the crime Ho stoutly maintained his innocence. liiMpenkablo Turk. The Turkish armistice led Cohan to say: "The Turk has well been called nn speakablej I met one once at Pera. I have seven -wives,' he told me calmly blowing perfumed clouds from his hooksh. " 'Merciful powers I exclaimed, 'how do you manage to pay their dressmakers' bills?' "The unspeakable Turk waved his hand ; " 'I nmrried dressmakers, son of an infidel he said." It is easier to float a rumor than it is to sink the trath. (cir-mi) iwmw'Mt started. V.Ataman Semlnoff. halt Rubsian half Mongol aspires to rule In Mongolia, and so successful ias he been with his force of Chinese bandits, Mongolian outlaws and Cossacks that he bids fair to get his wish. His one indescretfun is Josephine, half gypsy, - half Jew ish, who has displaced Mme. Sem- lnli f n iiijj nffefHfina. . w I he Uenarf- " --r . , i-Jnatripg luent of Justice capture.! in year are lost to our industries till(,(I to lhe 1)d wlth champagne and through sickness alone. If yourl)amted the youn(f woman who is naid factory is to run to its full capa- t own the trunks and the wine behind ..,.. nnn ntr n ct it II 7 1 n nurs. aiih it a. i....... ciiv. you mufti, 'nrkr. The returning sol- "!f.r" ""r! is the .She Is char'- diers are the cream ot the ,.ilo a dry dlg,rl(.t. .The value was health of our nation. !t ihced at i7,&o. c r..,,uo munv of the Kkillea There were 3t,d iuii nmni 4i 1. 1 V- M .'V. J " - . , .t ilr urmv nuiiia ami u in hat this has per nuart. It is- nion that ente were put to wont, eacn ai nis .nllrKVd ,hat MiM Nowiin ift the city particular traae, ann iney nave a f(.,v diiv KO fur the Norm. i develoDed their skill to the 'partmema of justice agents took up J. Vf Iff::--,.,. ! the trail. Thev found that sr,0 onnrts highest efficiency. !,,, had purchased. ' Because the ex-service man Jl:u,UeA iIt ,,irP trunks, and Fhipin-ii i luia !Hrttiil li) nhev. And l)C-,.n nmia, That was BUfficicnt. Wh" I LETS GO" To BisioliHfo s- WHERE THE CROWD GOES! j Dancing, Swimming, Fishing and Hunting at this 5 1 big popular summer resort. Beautiful Camp p Grounds and nice Cottages. JAZZ DANCE I SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 12 ' and j SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 13 j Fletcher's Jazz Orchestra J Automobile stage meets all trains Arrivals at Gibbon inquire at depot. j Dining, room service" during the week, but only J lunches will be served on Sundays. S W. W. HOCH ----- - Manager '8 Gibbon, (Post Office), Oregon f S the 1es?i -1 Simpson Tire S ervice Co. ; ; Pendleton, Oregon : " I' WW I Now is the time to repair jtour harness for the harvest season. and vve want to do it for ypii; We Sneciallze on Auto Tops 1 AWNINGS MADE IN OUR OWN FACTORY AND INSTALLED SHORT NOTICE. ON Opera House Corner. Pendleton, Ore.- Phone 773 u u UR V mcamzm, SAVE YOU MONEY Don't throw away a tube or casing until you've consulted us. We may be able to show you a big additional mileage at little cost. Our men are experts. Our equipment is complete. . . ; . Bring in your casing. We'll tell you what we can do and the cost, then you can decide. .... . , . . RUBBER FABRIC AND FIRESTONE GENIUS IN PUTTING THEM TOGETHER, ENABLE FIRESTONE FIRES TO COPE SUCCESSFULLY WITH'THE UNUSUAL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE. Oil, Air, Gas and Water at Curb. A Big Line of Accessories Simpson Tire Service Co, L. A. Minton, Mgr. 223 E. Court St 1 r 'r:r7