East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 11, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Auo Marrlago License.
A inarrlutfe license was issued last
evening to Gladys Luollo Doerlng and
Ed-ward Thoma Bineimon.
Throw Months for I nlform.
' Men who have been discharged from
the service for more than three
month are Biibject to t300 fine and
six month' Imprisonment for ap
pearing In uniform, says official
word from the war department.
Kin- for KJcotmoiit.
Through a null tht has been filed
in ih circuit, court bv Homer I.
Watts In behalf of Claude Y. Heal
against F. O. Lucas the court In ask-
ail in niiHt the defendant from posses
Ion of certain lot In WomIoii and to
require a payment of $20 per month
a rent.
In-edging Out Mill Jtncw.
Two men and a team went to work
today to dredge out the mill race for
Walters' mill. The work begun at
the east end of the race below the
inuln Mreet bridge and will progress
tilrls uM ltulut In I'lilfoi-iii.
tllrls employed at the Lfcltu. are
appearing n attractive rose colored
uniforms with white trimming. The
costume blends with the color scheme
of the store.
Moot to Col loot H3.J3.
11. M. Tultle has started action In
the circuit court to. collect the sum
Heavy Ituin in John ay.
A heavy rain fell yesterday In the
John Day reiilon, according o world
received today, by W. W. Cryder, for-
SU '... . rr.t. ....I.. ....... I.cllw
. ewi. supervisor, inn ji " n uw. j
of $275 alleged to be due on a note 'ded a, cropg nav buen Buffering
given by J. S. Calloway In payment rom the wenth0I..
of the purchase, price of three marei.l
The suit wan filed by Ji. C wrignr.
fllct-i Jerard I veuves.
I Hcrt Jerard, who has been In Ten
part of dlctcn visiting hi parents, Mr. and
left this ariernoon
Orvlllo IIwvm Is Here.
orvllle U. Keevos, who ban been
elected to a position In the l'endleton
hivh whnnl for next vear Ik now in
the city consulting with school offl-4
clula regarding his work. Mr. lteeves
I. a ffriijtnnlA rf the l'endleton high
si niiol and of O. A. C. During the
Hint Trucks Arrive Today
m...n K:uh .niad trucks.
... . ..r on t.A unlnarlnd at Mra.-C. S. Jerard
l'endleton for the state highway com-lfor his ranch near Hlngnam, Montu;
.. iuUi..n nrriveri hv freight over the no, ile will continue his farming
v'..rihJn Pacific this morning. The, pursuits.
shipment started from Illinois ana
the remainder of the machine are
expected at any time now.
Soulier liookltut for lUdatlve.
Martin Anderson, of Dnluth. Minn
esota, who has been discharged from
the service with a disability discharge,
1:4 here looking for relatives in Uma-
uio ..mint v He is searching for
scnooi ana oi y. . iunnn ...w, ...... -
fun two years he wkh head of thei Andrew Anderson and Axel Johnson.
. " , .. nNh-ihA iinri froB8 home service hoc-
nmnuni training wurn i n- - , . t.
.. . . . .... u hUii a u.ki ihnt nnvone -who knows tn
I1IMU ni8n Bcnuui, wmriw im - " ----- ,..if
good record In building up his do-1 whereabouts of these two men notify
tiirtment. ' ' ' tn" offlce tne Mnrnl budlnK'
161 161 161 ioi 161 ioi ioi loi ioi-
"The new 'phone number at the Delta is 32
Word from Honulor MoN'ary.
The I'cnidleton Commercial Asso
ciation' Tecelved a telegram, today
from Senator McNary, announcing
that he Is doing all he can to per
suade the government to assist In the
construction of the Roosevelt Highway.
railed hy Ikwtli or Brotlier-lii-l.aw.
Mrs. T. Ft. Wells left last night for
Ffokcr, where she was called by the
death of her brother-in-law, W. H.
(ilenn. formerly of Pilot Kock. Mr.
Glenn is survived by his wife, who is
a sister of Mrs. Welles.
"The finest old potatoes I have
ever seen at this time in July"
That is what people are saying about pur
fancy Weston Mountain old potatoes.
These potatoes have been pitted way back in
the mountains and are almost as solid as when
dug last fall.
. If you want canning Cherries place your or
der with us at once. We are receiving them in
large quantities now from Weston Mountain.
Fancy Large Bings 16c per lb. f
Royal Anns 14c per lb. M
"Waste Less Buy the Best"
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
Fine Groceries and Meats
Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both
Fire I'ikUt Control.
The forest fire near Heppncr. In
the Ditch Creek region, Is now fully
udder control, accord irg to word re
ceived today by "W. W. Cryder, forest
upervisor. Fire fighters have suc
ceeded in subduing the flames.
Use the
Depart men t
Use the
. Thone
Headauarters for
Men's Harvest Necessities
Work Shirts-a large stock f standard I makes,
full size, in blue, gray, khaki and light tan J&1.00,
$1Glove2sCanvas and leather, in wrist or gauntlet
reliable makes, "Osborne" and "Hodkms horse hide
and corduroy buck A
Work rants In Wiaki and whip cord $-;.00,
'Quilts and Blankets, a large stock to choose (from.
ranging m price irom - j .
Pillows, each from $L2 iof.xp
Straw Hats, a large variety to choose from at Zoc
to 75c.
Koveralls, Lee's Famous Koveralls in stripe, khaki
and blue iMV
m 1 u..Annirk
ixr. ...:n 1 1A t chnw and RlinDIV VOUr vvain-o
Overalls, Jumpers-Waist or VSB working dolh and furnishings, assunng you our
makes, full size, heavy denim .f XncHse is dependable and guaranteeing you
Bed Sheets ana larpounb, m o d" -satisfactiom 1
Jill DiCO
Vorm ConinUsHarles Oonianf.
K. J. litirke. H. J. Warner ana
David J. Hullivan are the incorpor
ators of the Northwestern Commis
saries, 1 Inc.. articles of incorporation
for which wer filed at the countyiji
clerk's office today. The corpora- K
! tion will have the right to buy and K
sill supplies, to conduct a labor cm-
e p!o ment service and perform other S
duties. It is understood that one of
the main lines to bo followed by thejj
corporation will be the furnishing of, 'A
i.rinltau in li.cirinir cn m OS n n ll similar. 1
concerns. ,
Ho is of the opinion that with the be
ginning of harvest and of the work
on the highways, the men will all be
able to find employment.
Will IK'turn In Seirtcmbcr.
Mrs. Roy T. Ilishop. who Is state
chairman for the campaign for $50,-
OftO for the I'niversity of Oregon's
Women's Building fund, expects to
be In l'endleton by September end
will take up the matter of raising
some of the fumls while In this city.
She is in Portland at present.
Is the Best Policy"
I will insure your grain in any of the
old reliable companies that I represent,
to December 31st for about one cent a
bushel. This ic the cheapest rate ever
issued in Oregon 6n grain insurance.
Give me a trial, save money and get real
insurance service. j
fluoceaaor to Chas. K. Heard. Ino. "" i
."See Mc Before the Fire"
Insurance Loans Real Estate
Til Main Pendleton, Oregon
illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlll Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllg
1 irnrs rmrC I
1 Motor Cars
The popularity of this
1 sturdy car is growing daily.
I The last two car loads were all sold before they
I , reached Tendleton, and to date all of the
cars which we will receive in the next
' car load are contracted for, as well
. ii . i i,i
US IIIU sixuim tcii iuau, cAtcin-
Mirny fcn Here Tor Harvest.
Demands for work have greatly n-',R
crensed with the approach of the5R
harvest season, according fo Norborne 1 A '
of the employment agency. 4
Will ict ix-moiitratton Aeral
Mrs. J. 1). McComh. state leader ofj
. . ... 1. I .. I n.lnlli. A
today, "says thtt she has In view aii
' . 1. III.. .. . ilia 1 A
Mi.ccewjiir IWI III" IH'.IIU'II mem.
County DemonslrutlSn agent, left va
cant bv the resignation of MIfs Lo
rene Parker. M-. McComb, with the
county court, will confer regarding
the applicants for the position.
46 pairs of Pumps, regular $3.00, $3.50 and $1.00,
The above are all the high heel, plain toe; some
lot $2-la
now' worth $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00, sale price on this
plain pumps, few 1 strap, some 2 strap; no colonial
pumps in this lot.
33 pairs, welt sole, plain toe Pumps, this season s
style, sold for $5.00, w hile they last on this sale $3.15
21 pairs low heel Pumps, plain and one strap, sold
for $3.50 and $4.00, this sale for $2.45
7 pairs Oxfords, military heel, regular $o.00, this
sale . $2.4o
19 pair's Oxfords, reignskin, military heel, sold for
$6.50, this sale, the pair $4.8o
13 pair buck sport Shoes, military heel, regular
6 FiO. sale nrice. the pair $4.8a
T - J X
learaice Sale
on White Shoes,
Oxfords and Pumps
Now is the time to get those white shoes, oxfords
or pumps, for we are overstocked and do not vant
to carry any over. You will note by the prices below
that we mean to clean up on these shoes.
Take advantage of this sale for it is our last one
this season on w hite shoes and it will mean a big say-.
ing to you. These shoes are good styles for next
86 Wenwill hold this sale for 8 days only, starting to
morrow (Friday) and ending Saturday, July 19th.
nti0iQvfnv sizes is bie item. Note number or
pairs and price of these sale shoes.
75 pairs high heel, plain toe lace, sold for $5 00
$6.00 and $7.00 the pair, while they last, pair. . $4.15
':"i ;iffr Wl V d vamo with reign-
skat rOT $10.00, this$sale3
Vkmt lac'ei mUitaVy he'el'sold for $11.50, this
wash kid, sold for $12.50, this sale pair only. .Wo
60 pairs white wash kid lace, plain toe turn sole
very dressy, sold for $15.00, now worth $18.00, this
sale only, the pair ?. f JJ
Shoes are higher and are going higher It will pay
you to buy your supply of shoes now. We sell shoes
of quality and fit you right.
WchiImt fooler Tmlay.
The temperature today at !:30 p.
m. was 91. but Indications are that
the mercury will go higher. Yester
day the thermometer reached 97 and
stayed there until after 6 p. m. lj.t
r ight the mercury showed the record
for the year so far as warm evening
weather is concerned, the tempera
ture being S. A few drops of rain
fell last night and this morning and
cooled the air.
I,ti'r ITom Chamber of Ouniwn'o.
The Pendleton Commercial Club
received today from the I'ortland
Chamber of Commerce a letter of ap
preciation for the efforts of the local
lyghnLzatlon In attempts to secure
for I'ortland the 1920 meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce of the United
Slates. Secretary Cranston has been
advised that the directors and offi
cers will arrive in I'ortland August 7,
and efforts to get the meeting for
the western city will be continued at
that time.
Ofledal. !has been received concerning tnem. it
,inlimiilni the 23 boxes now ' " .. . . . ..."'.-, n-in. nnla have found it
U8; The new boxe. will save the ""o - - ""'-""' - I lo 1. Mr. Br
carriers trips back to the pos.off.ee -k-;--.v; opportu.
lo get mail. - 1
Idioiiic lo Ib-ar llrvan.
Cos I'civt Here. whoi Many La Granders will be passen-
Gus Perot, fa.nous n . rkn u ho VvwXWyon on Xo. ,7 ,omor-
n presents the 1 cte rs M.ell O ,m m l . n.nnR to ,.Hr lne ttdl(.tiS to
l Pendleton visitor today accom- , , city tomorrow by
punied by Mrs. 1'eret. In.. nd Mr ,..,. nrva. former sec-
leave this inn ior a - , ,Ao, -u,-
cabinet. Mr. Bryan is on a lecture
..i. ... i- . itour unner ine auspices iu in-: r.iu&un- , ...... ...
Huncy llanovau in Pilot Hock. Chnuta.io .a bureau. ! POt,K TO I'K.IMH 0 L SI.
lannvan, a granuaie ,-,..,i i siilVi;TtX. July It. Ailing
sever ;1 weeks aw that Mr. Hi yan was ! Secretary of Male l.lk sails for
lo visit Pendleton, efforts were made ! lYance July 21 lo replaw brcretHry
to have him appear helo while in this ll-nm-ins at Paris peace conference.
ABEKDEEN. July 11. Eight OH
'companies, each of which declares
intention to drill, nave so l
. . . low. on. -KI.L P.E3XO
Ai-l.i. wine, wnicn. It is ancgea, was oiaoe imi i ui m . .. ..! i ' rKlI.IJt;
" :. irHvoit with S. A. Newberry. The complaint pearance was ,,m:.., ---
Six new man . h f,irrri,, , Rprt Hanev I'ni-, Ellison-White, but to dale no repi ,
M Ln" '""" . .w. ...... lorl PIKtea District A Horn v.
Placed In different parts or i . ., K,1,.,z,itndor recently is considered likely, therefore that : the l",- .,.,,. The
ea ints .
- . TnwUn fill r"FTl V lis -
Umpissibie to give Mr. ur ,'lle ! ' " " , actuallv at work drillina
hero at this time tnd that La Grande- counts is actual ? wn aboul
ers who were expecting to see tne la- , .. ..w -
mo'if crator here will bo disappointed. 400 feet.
Ll Grande Observer. ! .
Pcret expect to
trip to Alaska.
Is K-ratcd I'ihmi. !
Ralph Carstens is a patient in St. j
Anthony's hospital, where he was op- j
tia'.cd upon this morning.
.nr. Harvev
Of the North Pacific Dental College
Is practicing In Pilot Hock at present.
Ho Ik substituting for , Dr. H. A
Schneider who 13 spending a vacation
In Portland.
1918 IUU NO SO.nnn,00O
SEATTLE. July 11. Alaskan fih.
which last yea:- brought more than
5tt.000.000 wholesale. ao erita.bl
gold mines, according to Henry B.
Ward of the University of Illinois, en
route to Alaska on a government mis-
slum This year, the professor said-.
the Fish revenue will exceed that ot
the country's gold deposits.
ing one.
Since the demand is so much greater than the
vou will have to speak quickly if you expect to be
the owner of one of these dependable cars.
1 Cottonwood & Water St. Phone 530
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i J I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f t iTf
I..llll llllf VllCxtllY
Payments on Victory bonus nought
on the Installment plan will bo due
next Tuesday, July 13. when a 10 per
.-,,t imvment U rtliiiiled. Twenty
tier cent Is to i.e paid on or before g
August li; and the remainder In 20
per cent payments on or before the E5
following dates. September 9, Oc-
tober 7. and November 11. Full pay- s
e stale in att-dance. Fred Bennlon. "aiao. e oe .., u. ... m
newlv appointed agent for this conn- at any time oe,-..- ..u. m
Is nttendlnir the conference, and
FtimI lti'imioii at Convention.
Demonstration work for Eastern
Oregon counties and questions per
taining to wheat production are be
ing discussed this week at a meeting
at the Moro experiment station, with
county agents fiom various parts of
Canning Time is Here
The market is very uncertain at present but you can rest assured that if it is
on the market you gVCll WITH US.
o'lhers are H. E. Tweed. Baker; PauL1 " st ,-".r
H. Sliillman. tnlon; Mao Hoke. Wal
Iowa; L A. Hunt. Morrow; C. C Cal
kins. Sherman: A. L. Fluharty. Was
co; II. K Koony. neschutes;' E. H
Thomas, Klamath.
Wanted 'or Sliuinns.
The aviation s-ctlon of the Ma
rine Corns Is urgently in need of four
year enlisted men for gus engine me
chanics, machine shop mechanics,
electricians, wireworkers. woodwork
ers, welders, blacksmiths, etc. Men
of good chnracter and mechanically
Inclined are satisfactory. These men
111 ho sent through the regular navy
school at Great Lakes, III.,
and will receive a thorough education
In all or part of the above trades.
Thy will be sent to the flying stations
training in mechanical work. A
majority of men on aviation duty in
the Marines ale non-commlssloned
officers and mot of these receive in
That a violent, hail storm occurred
near Nolin early this morning is re-
ported by parties from that section,
.'hurles E. Wells who hits been in
town today, suvs the hailstones wore g
a large as walnuts. No reports have g
been received here of any damage in
t'ljcted by the storm and it is there- i
for considered to have been of short
duration. At an early hour In Pen- g
dleton today an electrical storm pre- g
vailed, accompanied by light thunder. 1
The sky presented a lurid appearance
at 5 o'clock but the storm passed
oer the city. .
Come in ami let us figure with you on your harvest groceries. Look into
our 5 per cent discount proposition. We have everything you need and
can save you money as well as give you the best.
l.ltrlo ;lrl lt,'ovrriiig. s
Little Mary Francis ra hirer.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Crab-
tree, is recovering after being strucK
by a Uoedecke taxlcab 'Wednesday &s
night. .Mr. Ornhtroje says that uc-;j
cording to information gained from
spectators, the accident was causeu
V .. . , r ..lhv fast driving. P.oth Mr. and Mrs. 3
life are now expert mechanics and are girl. 5
securing upon discharge. positions ..,
seeming u 11 ic.Miiplaint IHcrl Totlay. ,
paying $10.00 or l- 00 per da Fur ' . a.ainst Alerta In.ai- ,
ther nrormation 11 ':.,'. "-"lie. Mexican charged with having 11- .
,n V,r;.r l"or In his possession, was filed to-lfl
Big fresh shipment will arrive Saturday noon direct
Rich in quality, low in price.
Fresh fruits and groceries every day for your home dinner
the choicest of lunch goods for picnics and vacationists.
from the mountains.
: j