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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1919)
TWELVE PAGES TWELVE PAGES V V U , TV l .T.Y K PAfiE TWELVE daily r-s inp;c.oMAN. prndlktun. okekon. . upay. n-i.v n. isut. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1919. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. CPenney Co., Nationwide Institution. ill II 11 Will make your automobile look like new. Takes the hard work out of polishing au tomobiles and furniture. Cleans and polishes with one operation. I.yknu Polish for automobiles and furni ture. Small Bottle ........ 25c Medium Bottle ...... 50c Large Bottle $1.00 . " . .Complete line of every, thing good for. Saturday's trade. v V GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 823 Main St National Prosperity GENERAL PRICE LEVEL. Variations of price levels may lie compared (o Hie tides of the sea, while Individual trices may be com- -pared to the wkk, Priors in individual industries may vary from the general level of IM-iees, Just as the height of waved varies from the general level established by the tide. The causes of the general priee level are distinct front tlios controlling individual prices just as the causes controlling the tides are distinct from those controlling individii-il waves. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON - The Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon" The Lexington is not an automobile for people who are waiting until automobiles go down ten dollars in price. Lexingtons are purchasfd by people who can afford much more coftly cars but who think the . field over from five thousand dollar cars to five hundred dollar cars, and light oh the Lexington. In the Lexington, there is a good deal of the golden mean. FRENTZEl MOTOR SALES CO. Lexington and Whitfe Dealers of Umatilla County. Telephone 4 723 Cottonwood St. Solving Your Hauling Problem Quick delivery often makes the difference between profit and loss on the farm. With Kepublic Truck you can take your produce to the best mar ket and Increase your iMrofits. nut a truck must be built right to withstand tlie grind of heavy farm work. Torbenson Internal Gear Drive applies the power nearer rim of wlieel, gaining greater leverage. A separate I-beam axle carries tlie load and takes all load strain off driving mechanism. The POWJtlXMC deliver tlie power to tlie Mliecl that has traction and in-events stalling on Mrt ground. In mud or In snow. Pendleton Auto Co. ' Established 1907 Court and Johnson Sts. Pendleton, Oregon Pendleton Market News ! The following prices are the prices being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail prices are given the fact will be spe cifically mentioned. I Kggs and Poultry. I Eggs. 40c I Hens. 20o a pound. Spring chickens, 25c a pound. Country Ham, Ktc Kam, best quality, 28c. Eacon, best quality, 40c. Lard, 3c. nutter Fat and Butter, gutter fat, 64c f. o. b. Pendleton. Butter, 11.00 a roll. Potatoes. Potatoes. 11.75 and $2 for 100 lbs. Canteloupe Price Is Now Doubled. Canteloupes are. now 20c each, 01 three for Stic This s just double thr price paid for' the fruit a few weeks ago, when the canteloupes sold for at low as 10c each. Tomatoes Arrive From Milton. ?omatoes, the first to arrive from Milton producers, are selling in local markets. The producer receives $3 a box for them. The retail price is 20c 1 nt it is expected that with the arri val of the county grown product the price will decrease. Hogs Soiling at New Top of $21.85. Hogs broke all previous records in the local alleys during the early mor ning trading and jumped to-a new top of $21.85. Local market Is keeping pace with the tone of leading eastern markets, being strong. General hog range: Prime mixed t21.2G21.76 Take home a Delta fancy brick of Ice Cream. They are put up In card board cartons and will keep for on hour 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.50 6.009 6.00 3.50 5.00 4.00 7.00 0.007 13.00 Medium mixed ,.. 27.75 21.00 Rough heavies 19.2519.60 Pigs 18.7Sj19.75 Bulk 21. 2Sifi) 21.50 General cattle lange: Good to choice steers . ,'. .S9.0010.00 Fair to good steers .... 8.00 9.50 Common to fair steers.-.. 7.00 7.50 Common 'steers , . Ouod to choice cows and heifers , Medium to fair cows and heifers . ........ a. .'. , Cam-.ers .. . I . Bulls Calves . North Portland sheep market was uncertain, the tone hanging between quiet and steafly. General sheep and lamb range: Prime lambs St2.00Q 13.00 l''air to medium lambs... 9. 0010)12. 00 Yearlings 6.00 0 8.00 Wethers 6.00(B) 7.60 Ewes . 6.00 7.60 4 Currants Retail At :!.;. a Crate. Red currants are celling at 13.75 a crate. The fruit is of good quality and plentiful. - Loganberries retail at 13.75 a crate; red and black raspber ries at from $4.2.1 to $4.50 a cratte, and apricots at $3 a crate, consisting of four baskets. 05 ! 4 c 2! as! k a 41 Giving service has built the most sub stantial institutions of the age. We wish to emphasize the fact that we maintain nothing but the highest possible standard of service in shoe fitting, and we can sell you better shoes for less money, , WHITE FOOTWEAR AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU. (WW HOLD NO 8 ALIOS) , - lk 38 White Cunvao Uiv Kline, med. toe, lint, tip. Huh! solo and milt, heel, the pair $a.l 'u, 4s White CanvnH tnun Klioe, plain tiK, light sole and IjmiM heel, the pair IS.49 No. 21 white Fabric ljieehoe, plain toe, turn sole, covered I.011IC) heel, tlie pair .' No. in WlUle Canvas Ijiee Shoes, lint. Il, Neolln welt sole and low ruhlier heeH the ialr $:!. Sn. It White lleignskin Cloth l.uee Kline, lint, tip, welt nuIo, milt. hl, the pair $.1. 19 No. 11 White Nile Cloth le KIiim', plain Ine. welt sole, eoveri'd Louta heel, the wlr , $. o. H White CanvaH Mee OxIiinJ, plain Ine, turn sole, 111IIU heel, pair . No. White Ciuiva I strap HlilMMr. turn sole, mill. heeL IMilr 2.i The above are only a few of our nuuiy nuinliers whleh we have mi display. "Jl'ST ASK T( UK FITTKI." PTT1MPS HP THE STCASON . You will always find the newest thincs in FOOTWEAK on display in our snoe uepi. Our line of pump are very complete. No. 50 The new Matinee Colonial Pump. Black kid, turn sole and milt heel (all sizes) the pair $5.50 Our Children's Dept. is brim full of the newest in suppers and pumps, bring the little tots and make them happy by having them fitted with a pair of our dainty slippers. "The price is right." FOR COOL FEET USE DR. SCHOLL'S "3" NECESSITIES. y Incorporated. J. C. PenneyCo., Aanwidejnstitution. tion becaue of a lack of agencies thru which this work can be done. In Rumania, Esthonia and elsewhere In the Balkans there are practically no doctors or medicines. Plan for Organisation. ' The American Red Cross, . how ever, does not pre pose to carry on this relief work in Europe by itself. In stead, at the request of the suffering countries, we propose to lend our as sistance In organizing Red Cross so cieties In the countries now lacking them. Pending Hie withdrawal of our forces we are taking a very active part in relief work, in some places supply ing foodstuffs to the people. "The American Red Cross has been revolutionized by the war and Its fu ture activities in America will be on a much broader scale than ever before. The chapter organization will very likely be retained and an active cam paign in the interest of public health be carried on constantly. "Nursing facilities will be provided and trained workers kept In readlneM to answer distress calls resulting from disaster or epidemics." waging of warfare were Issued upon my advice r.nd upon my responsibility. I beg you, therefore, to Inform tho German people and the Allied govern ments of this declaration." nrrrritNEi) troops SFT i;i HEPI'nLIC OF OWN ON M.Vt'KK V LF. PAPiiRTE, TAHITL July 1 1 A sort of conimun'st republic hai been set up In the Wand of Mauke by sol diers whit retur ed recently fr-m .ht battlefields of France. Mauke is one of the Cook group of Islands wit of Tahiti. Reports froir. Mauke say the seldlcrs have taken rnt're charge of tli.i Island, displaced the government reiir.ont, as sumed direction of tho trading ; re setti prices on the goods for sale and have estal-l. t od government by com mittee. The Cock islands are under the British flag with direct supe .ision in the hands of the New Zonlard gov ernment. SAYS R. C. SOON TO COVER WORLD TAXICAB-yn PHONE I U Bonks 5 Rides for ia.5 PARKER TAXI CO. Why Pay Mora. CECIL COSPER public accountant income: tax adviser Smith-Crawford BIdg. Op poii t Pendleton Hotel Phone 1030 PT. rCUIS, July 11. Tho success or failure f the League of Nations will not Interfere with the operation of the reconily organized LRn;ue of Red Or Societies, comprlstTg Rod Cross f;ranizottona In the United State, 4ireat Erltaln, France . Italy nnd .Japan, hut should the LeiKtte 'f Nations succeed it will materially as "IM. the relief societies in their wtrk, mid J jr. I.ivlnKston Farrand, chairman of the Central Committee, of the American Hed Cross, here al''"Iin.r a conference of the Southwestern Divi sion. Cond lions in Europe. . "The situation in .Europe as a re-, suit of the war cannot be exaggerat ed. Jr. Farrand said, "and the Paris conference recognized that only thru the combined efforts of a-world or ganization can the reconstruction prob lem be solved. Therefore," regardless of what transpires in the political wor!d, the international relief associa tion formed at Paris will continue to function. - T ' "Disease is prevalent 'everywhere in - continental Europe and in many iof the suffering countries - it is at present impossible to - combat sick ness and nourish the starving popula- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. i Another Good One 1 ;S . . Alfalra Itanch, live Miles From Pendleton. 5 1 Another Good One This nice little olfnlla ranch Is about five miles" ' S from Pendleton and Is an Ideal place to raise cattle, S' H hogs, chickens, garden stuff and an ideal liomo place. S S ' This class of place Is becoming scarcer and harder ' (5 'to get hold of, ' s S Improvements are good, and first cutting of al- 1 falfa now in the barn goca with the place. ' H S , Tho price Is l..0n.l)0. Ifs worth It. . ' ' 5 S AVe have a couple of nloe bungalows In town: E One close In post office, for $ S.noo.OO One close to Hawthorne school $:i,200.00 ' " H A I mo other homes In town. S I Snow Dayton I I "We Sell Land" I 117 Fast Court KKAL ESTATE FARM LOAJTS Phone (5 INSURAMCB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniii: Germans Plan to Put Kaiser on New Throne LONDON, July 11. The Conserva tive party has issued a proclamation, signed by Ernst von Heydebrand, the party's leader in the Keichstug, stat ing that the party "declares war on the government and intends to usa its whole strength to reestablish the mon archy," according to a Copenhagen despatch to the Exchunge Telegraph Company. Field Marshal von Hlndenburg,' for merly chief of the German hlaff. de clares that he Is responsible for acts of German Main Headquarters since August, 1916, and also the proclama tions of Emperor William concerning the waging of warfare. He asks Presi dent Ebert of Germany to Inform the Allies to this effect, according to a Copenhagen despatch to the Exchange Telograph Company. The Field Marshall arrived in Han over on Friday, the despatch states, and telegraphed the following i mes sage to President Kbert: . "The signing , of the peace treaty gives me occasion for declaring that I was responsible for (he decisions and acts of Main Headquarters since Au gust 29, 1916, and also that all pro clamations nnd orders concerning the smull bottles that have been sterilised and allowed to tecoir.o perfectly dry. Fill nearly full with Juice, put a tea Kpooiiful of olive oil on top. cork tight ly and keep in cool dark place. When ready to use, run a piece cf clean cot ton .Into the bbttle to absorbs the oil; Tho juice will be found to be as frash as if Just expressed from the lemon.' - fJF;l!MANY..MPAV PACT K.WS TO WA8HI.NGTOV WASHINGTON, July 11. The state deportment has no knowledge of any secret trenty entered Into between Oer-. many and Japan. Officials of tha de partment, while refusing to dlsc,uss formally Senator Lodge's resolution calling upon President Wilson to fur nish the senate with a copy of the al leged pact, indicated today that if one exists, it Is unknown to the department. TO KEEP I.EMON JOCE Lemon Juice may be bottled ond kept Indefinitely If it is strained- In to Tea or Tablets. Cools the etomach, washes out the bowels, drives out Impurities, helps the liver It's Mounter's Rocky Mountain Tea. Take it once-a-week during hot weather and sea how happy and contended you'll be. Stic. AMERICAN ABOARD R34 CROSSING OCEAN J Lieutenant tansdowne is the only man not an Englishman to make the night In the K34 from England to America. He Is a inaval lieutenant who has been detailed the whole time of bis overseas service to the study of air navigation. When the tng Ulsb extended an Invitation la (America . to have an observer Uboard the R4 n her transat Jantlc Bight, Lieutenant ur Saturday Sale Spoon Hooks ALL SPINNERS AT 15c Each week a new item will be offered for sale SOL BAUM SPORTING GOODS MAN ' Look for Sol's Saturday Season End Sale. t Hotel Pendleton Bldg. ! 5 aiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I THERE'S AN 1 Standardized j atvthe Great , Hogjlsland J Shipy ard ! FOR EVERY BUSINESS. ' s The first wheat of the 1919 season was 5 hauled in an Acason truck. Oregon Motor Garage BUICK HUDSON CADILLAC . Distributors , 111, 131 West Court St. Pendleton, Oregon a liowne was chosen. UUUUlUIUIUUIUIIUIIIlllUIIUIIUUUUUlUIUUUUUlUUsV