V r,et.r In ttsV (Mitl Wf WJ' jWi f ejjfc -. 7 TENTACES DAILY EAST OREGON IAWflEMPtElttft, tjRftfl(ft TUESDAY, JULY g, m$ '? WW; t . . - . u ' l r Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost,N Found, For Rent, Etc. Classified for E&sy Reference - r WsJW 0D4T. Bach ntr advertisement will e run undi "New Tatar" (or ( tire, first Insertion enlr.- Diirras subsequent Inaartlona of tha ad ' . It will appear under Its' aropar ' classification. , NEW TODAY FOR SALE For Sale Continued ,'. VOK HALK Good restaurant Inquire U. 8. Cafe. FOH BALIS Fine residence and new furniture, fssoft. Inquire Walker 177. . FOlt SAUK 4-room house , Inquire SIS Marie. and lot, WOMAN with .two children wants fo . cook during harvest. Address M. C. this office-. ..,. FOH SALE: 6 room furnished how Price 12100. Knnulre 224 Thompson roil BAL19 HOUSOKeeplllK outfit. .furniture rugs,, etc. Inquire ltoum I FOK 8A.LE Oood you n if .milk cow. 11, Bells Bids. I Phone 201 It. Inquire 1802 W. FOR SALE Some very fine registered Red- pigs, male and female. ' J. E. Troxel, Wild Horse Creek. Phone SF11. FOR BALE All kinds of Insurance. t. 11. Bates, III Main Bt. Phone to. FOK 8ALh5 Used Ford. , Inquire Walluce Bros., 812 Johnson street. FOK SALE Furniture. ugs, stove, fruit jars, etc. Inquire 409 Garfield or phone 639M. , Wanted Lost LOUT Mun'a big 4 -while felt hat on slreet near Happy Canyon. Finder please leave at E. O. Office. Reward. LOST Old gold brooch with pendant l.Iherni reward' If returned to East Or.,-!e.nlan office. ' 1 i FOR SALK-Ford chassis. Build the body to suit yourself. See Paul at Simpson Auto Co. FOtt SALE Four room furnished house.. 810 West Uluff or ..phone 1181. WANTED Woman to Phone 113. do washing;. WANTED Ford top. erul Delivery, City. J. Lung, Gen- FOR ALE Wicker ftuby Call 611 Jaokson. .carriage. W6MAN WANT. JOB cooking for crew of men. Phone 24 8 R. ' ' Notice of ItlilH to furnish Coal. .. Notice la hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of thotC'lty Recorder in Pendleton. Or gort. ud to 5 o'clock p. m. on July 1919 for furnishing to the City of Pen dleton. F. O. B. the City Hall, two car loads of nock Springs Coal or coal of as equally good quality. The Common Council reserves the right W reject anv and all bids. Dhted at Pendlctbi Oregon, thl 7th day of July. 1919. ' THOS. FITZ GERALD, ' City Recorder, Webb. FOR HALE Ludwlg piano, cash or terms. Inquire 309. Uurfleld. Tele phone 494 J. FOR SALE 10 room furnished house. price $8500, Beautiful home for family. Inquire 224 Thompson St. vima AfTlittH txtltM RFAIi TIIAPW ' Vst'S PARIS. July 7. The actors and singers of the Parle atage have decided to form a regular trades union, to bo f filiated to the1 general! labor feder- atton anot so compelled to take part In any strike ordered by that body. The machinists, electricians and other employee of the theater and mti r6 hails have been tinlonnted for somo time. The now onlori will try to e. tablHh a minimum ahlury of 14 a dor 1th payment durlur rchersulsv LOXDOJC--Complalnlnr; thaH soldiers 'billeted on hint had stolen his grain a phone, a Welsh household was aake.1 If that was the oriry thing he hart lost Well, my wife-. But the gramaphone cost fifty five dollars." BRAISBAK Refusal by shipping companies to recognize Influenza and pneumonia as "rtoka cf fcthe work." causes a strike among Qu'eenslan 1 sea men, which Is expected to spread to other Australia ports. For. Rent APTfl. AND ROOMS ALT A APT8. FURNISHED APT. Hamlltom Court HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 801 CUT. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. Phone 292M. 31S Garden. ... FOR RENT Fart pt store bldg. In quire StI EL Court. I . f. 0 FURNISHED Bleeping rooma for rent. Inquire 801 Cosbte. or phone 289R. FOR RENT Laxga . oat eleeplii room wit a beta. Inquire Jit Ann street, evening Coupling experience in buying! with up-to-date study of the "ads." a wo man becomes highly EFFICIENT member of the home-making partner, blp. , FOR SALE, . fruit Jars. 292M. CHEAP Second hand SIS., Garden. Phone FOR SALE Dort touring car, : In splendid condition; alow two ford ptourlng cars. Inquire Independent Garage. , . . . , LOST At scene1 of automobile - acci dent near hospital, Thursday night. July 3rd, small black coin purse con taining f 5.00 bill, some silver, also one emerald ring and a iavaiuere. Ring valued as keepsake. Liberal reward. Beryl Gannon, 401 Aura St., City. Apt. B. Miscellaneous FURNITURE FOR SAL Dining chairs, 8! 00; rockers. 81.50 tip; kitchen taiilea, $1.50; couches, 2.25; oak library stable, 812.50; wardrobes. JI2.50 up: beds, dressers, kitchen cab inet. 614' Lillitri. Phone 302W. . DRESSMAKING Mrs. Petty. 748.. 70 El Alt . . Phone HANDY BUSINESS DI RECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY Tola Directory la especially handy for the out-of-town reader who mar want tfte "roe im. - . k- - h. nllnln mmrlnam ItnM. All SJ-tf grllnflte. SWBPUaUDJe) ! nenai who Btamd rend 80) aire yon DrMnnt end efficient service. Auto Tops IF TOO" NEED n New Top or Cur- Ulna for your ear, See) Gad we, 101 E. Court. AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing. 111 West Alta street. Auto Tire Service WHEN IN TROUBLE call our fjervtee Car. We go anywhere, any time. Simpson Tire Service Co., Phone 881. INDEPENDENT ..CJTT Call B63W. Scavenger. Auto Tires Elacksmilhing THE BOWMAN SHOP, Blackamlth- Ing, Horseshoeing our specialty. .Re pair auto springs, wheels, all sixes. FIRST CLASS Blacksmtthlnr of every description. Ton can do better here. A. P. Burgln, 607-9 Clay St.. , Batteries (Willard) BATTERIES repaired or recharged. new and rental batteries, saeetno Service Station, Main and Water. Legal Blanks " LEGAL BLANKS of every desertp tlon. Blank Deads, Lsssss, Writs, Bill of Sales, Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits, Complaint, Summons, eta, for sale at East Oregon Ian Offtoa. .Monuments CAR OWNERS, do away with all punctures by using Universal Tire Filler, guaranteed for 100,000 miles; 803 Cottonwood street. PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cue, vertown Cords. Wallace) Bros. U- nuarnnteed for It months. W. E- CTaae wuime . CO.. 3ZO JS. umin. ixw- FOR SALH Modern B room house with garage, close in. Price right. Address ' E. O. ' care this office. FOR SALE Some, very fine register ed Red plga. Male and female. J. F Troxel, 'Wild Horse creek. . Phone SF1L '. ' " IKO Injys n Interest In new Nvad. Oil field. Write for geologists re port arid atf' particulars:" Fallon Oti A Qaa Co., bos 847. Tonopah, Nevada, FOR SALE Some very beautiful lots on the North Side. See me be fore you buy. J. H. Kates, f 14 Main street Phone 80. WORK HORSES FOR? BALE In quire Fred Hendrlckson, Adams, Ore. FOR JiALB--LeavIng cfty,? will sell nearly new (180 model Brunswick phonograph, reasonable. 820 Cosble Street. FOH QUICK SALE AT SACRIFICE, 320 acres south of La Crosse: 1SS acres fall wheat; 86 acres summer, fallow; 8 head horses; Improvements fair. Price 818,878. Half cash; --.- V... I - n . will M-l Ma. lit wamuv. ' viuy niu nn nf mi lnrff n.i-m.nt nn 1 li In n rl T 1A 1 Moors, Care Security State Bank, La Crosse, Wash. , " . FOUVD rtenllecnen'ajf.golUt veteran ring. Owner can nave" same by calling at this office and paying charges. - - Architect GEORGE R. WRIGHT. ARCHITECT Telephone 104; 814 Main St., Pen dleton. Ore. ATTga phone 289. Pendleton. 1 MONTERASTELLI, Marble auad Granite works; write or arrange for Interview for prices, styles, eta Piano Tuning BERT McDONALD. Plana lunar. Let me take care of yonr plane hr the year. Special rate. Phonographs re paired; phone 848-W, lie W. Webb. Chiropractor NOTICES A FINE STOCK and sheep farm, con. slating of 2000 acres bunch grass land, 80 acres improved alfalfa land, 100 acres unimproved, with' water system, located in southeastern Klick itat county, Washington, Is offered for' dale at a very low price and easy terms for a short time only by own. er. Address Western Investment Co., Alderdale, Wash. . ... ONE TEN FOOT McCormack header. new last year, first class condition. cut one' hundred acres of grain; all orated ready to ship. .. Write C. O. Pick,- BS Second St., Portland, Ore, Tour ad. should serve you quickly when the cook leaven. Wanted BUICK Model 31, for sale or trade for Ford or Maxwell. Bulck has good tires and In fair mechanical condition. Inquire at 1104 E. Court street after 3 p. m. any evening. FOR SALE Good garage, good lo cation in business' part of - town. Well equipped with machinery and tooln, good stock of extras and tires. Must quit on account of health. J. D. Royer, City Garage, Pilot Rock, One. FOR SALE! 1470 acres of fine wheat land, one and one-halt miles from str.tlon. Good house and barn, 800 acres in aummerfallow. All plow land. Price $26.00 per acre. Part cssR, baL crop payments, 8 per cent lnt W. 8. Smith, lone. Oregon. WANTED Good Clem East Oregonian office rags at Che HEM3TICHING at the Singer shop. , Mall orders promptly Attended to. WANTED GirL to cook during har vest. 5 or 6 men. Phone 16F13. WANT I-ID To rent t or 8 room house. Address H. P. Whitman. Phone 418, Pendleton.. - WANTED AT ONCE Second hand office desk, flat top preferred. Phone this office. "C." "IK POCXD. " The following" described ' animals have been taken np by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wit. 1 bay mare, no brand, about 9 year old, weight 1000 lbs. Small white spot in forehead, one glass eye. Left hind foot white. ' 1 yearling colt, no brand, about' 700 lbs., white face. ' one glass eye. left pilnd foot white. If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to their possession, costs and' expenses paid and taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. on the 10th day of July. 1919, the said ifnimal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction for cash, at the City Pound, In said city of Pen dleton, the proceeds of such sale to be npplied by the payment of anch costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 28th day of June, 191. AL ROBERTS, City Marshal. RAYMOND W HATCH Architect. Phone 781. Rooms i and 8. Da- apain Bldg. Auto Washing CARS WASHED I call for and de liver. Especially equipped to ban die work right. Automobile Laundry Phone 38, opposite court house. Auto Repairing DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, . office over Cash. Market, 80 M. Court; phone 184. DR. LORETTA H. 8TARBA :' (-10 Peebler Bldg. to II a, m.; t n ta s. b. m ether hours by ap pointment; phones Of. 883, Res. 1189. Contractors & Builders Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Pap Picture Fram ing. L. J. MoAteea the PraeUcsJ Paint Man.. Lowe Broe. Palnta. J. W. JACKSON; General Contractor, Fainting, papering and kalsomtnfnt done quick, neat and cheap, , Sit Calvin. Phone 1034. MILLER & BEMENT All kinds ot automobile repairing. Chevrolet and Velle service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed. 310 Cotton wool. Phone 203. ONLT 8800 for 10 seres, all under government ditch, one mile from Heraitston, Ore., is renced. not building, Is best alfalfa land. Joining land has cut as high as 8 tons alfalfa per acre. No rocks or gravel, soil Is sandy silt. Address Ed Ma her, Te- nlno. Wash. WANTED Experienced girl or wo man to work on ranch. No family washing. . Must give references Phone 207R. , 51,, Beauty Shop HAIRDRESSINO, SCALP TRBAT- ment. facials. - Hair dyeing all colors, Marie Robb, Room 11. Judd Bldg. Tel 1050- WOMAN WANTS JOB cooking, on ranch for two or three men. In. quire N. C. this office. WANTED Thoroughly competent stenographer desires position, law or commercial. Mrs. Rankin, phone 278M. -.. WANTED Job by practical experi enced separator and tractor man. S. B. Wolgamott, care Jerard St Temple. The store -ads" give , you light on the subject ot the next purchases you pian 10 maae. Alter reading them, you ksow and . do not have to DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Danny Already For a Vacation. BY ALLMAN WHAT M 5 AM HILL tKt Vol 47IM.8 tIM' IH UjeRsl AT -riirs ne of night r IT SOtMlDS LIMB A MACHINE. SHOP ' coe or, cuf rr OUYf 1 1 VJUAT ARE YoO Poim herb that3 SO IMPoBTAMTp VIMN POMV YOO COM Hi "TMe othec room Mr BE SOClAPLe ? NOVJ VoU 6ET out; T& GET A Few Vi, TdvB vacAtioki ., a' TV1I 1 a' I TVli , f 1 11 I . Sa- . f -lw J l nta VIARI Pr I .( .- fev"l 1 sJ 1 f viELt: OLD PUWHV. VoU ilh TOM.Vou'U HAVET& ' j VI, Loo a littlc MoaB , ''' 6 err something else "To SOCIAMHTHAri THB R88SJT III: pLAM V4lTH-iVfE WEED This , OP 'M DO AHOUMO MBRfi - I;': LIZS M THe OTHER. ROOM-! )' If t'a reao the iAYear . HJkl' -w J I. I DISTRUST OF AMERICA FANNED BY CARRANZA U. S. Pictured as Dollar Hog reeding , Upon . ' ' Neighbors. ; WAbllTNGTON, July " 7. IteporU are receh-ed from Central American tries that President Carranza of countries that President Carranza of Mexico is doing; his utmost to instill distrust of the United States In Salva dor, Honduras, Costa Rica and .Nica ragua. Accordiafe to the alleged plan of Carranza, Guatemala whose - Govern ment has consistently held aloof from Mexican intrigue, is to be crushed between Mexico and the rest of Cen tral America. . Salvador and Honduras have not been won over to Carranaa'a side, al though the reports indlacte they show an abiabillty in regard to Mexico which is considered hostile to the United States. Costa Rica, under! Tinerco, whom the United States re fused to recognise, is on the side of Mexico. Nicaragua la disliked by her neigh bora for having courted the favor of the United States. The economic ad vantage that Nicaragua- is beginning to reap as a result of the adoption of a non-military government and ..the policy of paying her debts Is worry ing the other Central American coun tries on whjch Carranza is declared to b working. The other countries ar gue that it IS better to be poor and ndependent than wealthy and depen dent. . : vfc. sl Carranza Is seeking' to make Cen tral American peoples , believe that they are in danger of encroachments by the United Statesi using Nicara gua as an example. The United States is represented as a greedy, conscience less neighbor, "a great big hog con stantly feeding on dollars." At curious development is the fact that. Both Salvador and Honduras have sent special missions 10 study the new Nicaraguan system. Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your ear, condition no object. Ad to Clearing House, Garden alt Alta. Phone' 766. Auto Painting BT MEN WITH TEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros, 112 Johnson. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Auctioneer' COL. W. F. TOHNKA, Auctioneer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales "The man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonian Office. " Auto Electric Work AUTQ Electrle Work of all kinds; munatflL starter, iffnitlon. etc El- ectrie Service Station. Main A Water PARKER BANFIELD, Deelgnin, Engineering. Constructing; 10 years experience in concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg, Portland, Or E. M. ACKERMAN, CONTRACTOR. Excavating. 120 East Court. Phone 288M. Dentist DR. THOMAS OHMART, nyor Hardware Bide Pendleton, ure- Phone 807. Draymen CALL PENLAND Bros. Transfer van to move your household goods, we also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 231. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat THE HOUSE PAINTER f WENDT Tinting. Paper Hanging Etimates Furnished Phone 1144 ' Shop 72S Cottonwood Poultry Supplies CHICK FOOD, scratch food. . ton toe. bona, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled arley. C F. Co lea worthy, 11 B. Alta. Plumbing and Heating HEATINO plants, sheet metal work. pipe fitting, general plumbing saSH piles . D. Phelps, S17 B. Court. Radiator Repairing OPTICAL Dept.. any size, style or shape glass while you wait. o. it. Reber, M. D-, 10, 11, Belts Bldg. -Engraved Cards VI3ITINO CARDS, Wedding- An nouncements. Invitations, many ae- algna and styles to select from. . For sale at East Oregonian Office. Florist ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta stree . All makes Of radiators repaired. Work guaran teed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop. HAVE your Radiator repaired by our expert. Thorough satisfaction aueM anteed. D. D. Phelps, 317 B. Court. ' Real Estate WE REPAIR anything electrical an automobile. W. E. Chase Co. Attorneys D. W. BAILEY, Attorney at Law, Rooms 7. S, , Despaln Building. QEORGB W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, Room 17, Schmidt' block. CARTER 6MTTHJJL - .Attorneys at Law. Offioe In rear of American National Bank Building.- .. - FEB at FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of fices In Despaln Building- R. L. KJSATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Build- In. POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker, Florist, E23 Main St. Farm Loans Snnw A Davton. 117 E. Court St.. Real Estate, Fire Insurance. Farm Loans, See na about a loan. Gates Half-Soles HAVE the old tires half -soled; 8800 miles guaranteed: have proven worth. O. W. Bradley, 33 cottonwd. 8. A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel lor at law. Offioe In Despaln Bldg. S A. NEWBERRY.. Attorney at Law. "Smith-Crawford Building. PETERSON, BISHOP & CLARK, at , tomeys at. Law, Rooms 1 and 4, Smith-Crawford Building. JAMES B. PERRY,' Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware com-. pany.'; -; ;- Jeweler and Optician WILLIAM E. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians Pendleton, Oregon. Job Printing UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa lauds, Pendleton property, stood ranches, grazing lands. W. H. Morrison , FOR SALE Double walled tent house and lot. For particulars call 311 Marie St. ' BUICK LIGHT SIX model 119, onlfr Restaurant THE- QUELLE. eat. A good Blaee Sw Suits to Measure EMIL BECK, the tailor. Hotel Pen dleton. Bldg. Phone 1003. Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE. dealer In new and 1 ond hand goods. Cash, paid for second hand goods. Cheapest plane to bny household goods. 210 M. Court. Fbone 271W. t Sheet Metal Works RALET AND RALEY, Attorneys at . Law. Office in American National Bank Building. . '-- - , ; - LETTER HEADS. Envelopes. Bill Heads, Loose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forms, Dodgers. Placards, ate. ' printed to your order. East Oregoni an Office. Laundry FRED a. SCHMIDT. Attorney at EVERY article Laundered perfectly. Law. Bldg. -. Room 14, Smith-Crawford There's an agent In your town. Troy Laundry, 808 Garden St. Bicycle Repairing AUTO Tires Vulcanised, bicycles and supplies. Savage Urea key fitting. Pendleton Cycle Co., 118 B. Court. ; Lubricating Oils MONOGRAM Oils and Greaaes. all dealers, Eastern Oregon Warehouse Matlock and Alta Bts. F. O. Sullivan. Eastern Oregon representative. . PENDLETON SHEET METAL works chimney tops, gutters, skylights troughs, auto bodies, 728 Cottonwood Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring car, call Goedecke- We go any where, anytime; all new taxis; phon) 484; stand 311 Main St. Tailors LINDGREN FRANSEBNi tailor) alterations; 73S Main St. Used Cars USED CARS as genuine bargain prlo, at the Pendleton Motor Sales Co, Cottonwood A Water Sta. Phone I38, DRY PORTO RICANS Til1 PERFUME BOTTLE All for Alcohol, Use of Which Increases 800 Per Cent in Year. SAX JUAN, P. R.. JUIy' 7. Efforts are belna mad by Porto Rlcan au thorities to check the use as Deverago's of tonics, perfumes and lotions con taining alcohol. The Insular Treasurer, Joe C. Benedicto and Dr. del Valla Sarragan of the Health Department have asked the House of Representa tives for legislation to prevent the use ot such concoctions as intoxicating drinks. Mr. Benedicto pointed out that al though these mixtures Were drunk t introduced in order to make the lotions nauseous to the stomach had not been very successful, for means had been found by the people of filtering the liquids and otherwise getting rid of such ingredients. , Absolute prohibition has been en forced in the island for a year, but the police daily discover muny new stills for the distillation of alcohol. PP.KS1DKNCY IS OIWF.CT of constitutional rights, full and abso lute amnesty, end, above all,1 a war on, the Increased cost of living by all pos sible means.' SWKDEX DEMANDS PLF.B1SCITB ON ALAND ISLANDS' FlTl'HH STOCKHOLM. July 7. The Swedish government in replying to a note from the government of Finland, Insists SPOKANE, July ". A state concen- i tlon ot supporters of MaJor-CJeneral that the question of the future of the Leonard Wood's Candidacy for the Aland Islands (in the Gulf of Bothnia ttjUNBURN at APP'r VapoRub' A lightly- (t soothes. the tortured akin. VICRS VAP0RU1 riovK bodyguard" -30 eocTflTarj republican nomination for the presi dency will be held next month, it was announced today by Major Harry Arm sted, chairman of the state Wood for President club. between Sweden and Finland), shall be settled by a plebiscite. It Is declared that If the Finnish gov ernment does not wish to negotiate on the basis proposed In the Swedish note He said it proluibly will be held at! of November, 191$, Swelen will put Walla Walla or Yakima, Jtepfesenta- the question to the Peare Conference, tives from every county In the state are ! expected to attend, he declared. " TJihor Aims to Quit Work. FA HIS, July 7 . The execu t i ve committee of the Oeneral Iibor Fed- not be stopped, as they were permitted by lAw." "Before prohibition went Into force here," said Mr. IRertedicto.. i the lctll used for industrial purposes in Porto Uico amounted to betvr6ert TOflo nd quarts a month, whereas in lust April 56. Otto quarts were used." inietation announces that, sfter eonfer dfrinjr with British and Italian "com rades, plans are beinsr tald for1 an in ttrnatioitnl labor manifestation July 21, when there will be a complete stoppaRe of all work In France and Italy. - The objects or the demonstration, it la said, nre the 'ees-ation of nrm,d I intervention In Russia, the rat'td d Th other chemical? which bad been j mobiUxation. of armies, the revocation. i DR. IJAVin H. HIM, Dentistry Wappler Interruptless X-Ray, acknowledged to be one of the best made. I have taken spe cial courses In X-Ray work at the North Western University of Chicago and from Prof. J. C. Jermau of Kansas City, besides the regular course In X-Ray work at the University of Denver.- ? 1 can pirn '-you. - m WANT AD COLCMIf AND CLASSIFIED DlfrUECTORY Countlnr six ordinary words to the line and charged by the line. Want ads and local a. Rate r LIm. First Insertion, per Unt. He Each add. Insertion, per lkns 6e On s week lx Insertions), each Insertion, per line . te 1 ma each Insertion, per hns- 4a $ month contract, each Inser tion, par line Se 11-tnontb contract, sac a In sertion, per line le No ads taken for Use than 1 line. Minimum charre ., Ads taken over toe telephone only from East Ore von I aa iub ecrtbirs and those listed In the Telephone Directory. Copy Wi?t be In our off tee not later taaa I SO o'clock dsy of publication.