DAILY EAST DHEGONrAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1010. ' rAGE THREE NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Mill IlcliiK riclxilnU'tl, Waltura Kluurln Mill. 1204 Haley treat, Is being repainted IhlH week with wvpial cuata of gray paint. Mra. Genevieve Helta, who hfl been 111 for the pant 10 duyi at Bt. Anthony' hoipltal, l iw recovered and hua left the hOHpltul. IH Iliinmqi Hero. Kfiper MuriHHn, who ' In well known jU(j They will purchaNa the late modelitjooHt $r,iill. Fred Mrnwn, 01 S Munlo in run aim winter n win vim iireet, wan luMieu a iiermlt to con- Hl. 1'uiil, CIiIciiko and New York. Now Willi WuIIhco Ilron. J. K. Chapman, former aaleaman with the Union Motori Co., has taken a poult Inn wllh Wallace llroa. aa nali'tinian for the International truck In 1'emllftton, 1b In the city from the M. II, Jiouxer tlroln c:o. of Portland. He Is at the Pacific Grain office and will remain for a week. irotiry Jiidd Uncovered. Hurry Judd, Hon of Mr. and Mra. F. who has been III for several W. It. Tliomiwtm lu inrtlaad. W. I. ThompHon, vice preaident of In Portland on IUmuI 11iihIiio. tn Flrat National bank of Portlund JudKB C. H. Marsh left mm nlKhf n, Htute hlKhway commlsHloner, who days with an attack of tonellltla, Is re covered and la able to be out again. struct M7S. a concrete urivewuy, to cost Mr. Italpli 1Y-milo In Iliwplliil. Mrs. Ilalph Temple Is convalescing In Ht. Anihony's hospital after an op eration this morninx for appendicltla. for Portland, where he will attend a meeting of the Htate Highway Com mission when contract for roud work In thia county will be let. also has large groin interests at Pen dloton, la registered at the Benson. Oregon Journal. j.lnilw'H Noil on Vacation Trip. C. M. Fit Gerald, son of Judge the Thomas Fit Gerald, Is In Seattle on a IViidfuton Soldier Vlwlta Homo. Private William A. Myers, of 21st IT. S. Infantry stationed at Fortjio days' vacation which he is spend George Wright, Spokane, is In Pen- log on a visit to his brother, Arthur dletnn on a furlough and Is visiting !ita Gerald. The young man Is em wlth his father, Charles Myers, of the' ployed by the O-W. It. & N. Co. ul police force. l.cuvc on Iluylng Trip. Mr. and Mrs. o. D. Carrier, of the Carrier Millinery, and who Tecently purchased the Iirusha Millinery, left make InRt night on an annual buying trip. Install lttcth. Two Small Permits Issued. . William Wilkinson, 611 Alta street, was Issued a building permit today to I addition to his dwelling and cellar. The Improvement will 161 i6i 161101 loi ioi loi ioi ioi ioi- "The new 'phone number at the Delta is 32" HIRES Household Extract FOR MAKING ROOTBEER AT HOME. A healthful and delicious beverage made di rectly from fresh barks and roots. Refreshing and thirst-quenching. One 25c bottle makes 5 gallons. PURE LEMON JUICE for making lemonade or wherever fresh lemons are used. 4 oz. bottles 13c. "Waste Less Buy the Best" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both' departments.) Is OlNTiiled I'imiii. The son of Ira Arbogast of Hitter ia In St. Anthony'a hospital convales cing after an operation this morning for tonalls. I If turn to Itrwlilewe. Mr. and Mrs. It. Alexander, who have been making their home at Hotel Pendleton, have returned to their for mer place of residence. 111 East Jack son street. Columbia Krlioot IMreetor In. Henry Sommerer, clerk of the Co. lumblu school, District No. 112, was In the city today from Hermiston on official business. ir i m I Grocery Phones 526 Use the Phone PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE , Other Department! 78 Use the Thone MIhs Km ht In JJofeplutl, Minn KWa Kuners. daughter of Wil liam Kupers of thin city, Is a patient In Ht. Anthony', hospital, -where she was operated upon this morning for tonsils. County Agent Kxtod Thursday. Fred Hon n Ion, newly appointed county agent for Umatilla county, la expected to arrive Thursday to take up his duties here. He left Bozeman, Montana, July 1, by auto, and is ac companied by Mrs. Bennion and their three sons. Hank Toiler on Vacation. I. T. Hobart, teller at the Amerl rnn National Brink, left Sunday night on his two weeks' vacation and will spend mort of the time visiting at his old home In Nampa. During his ab HHtire his window is being handled by J. Ie Wilde. -TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT .ettiii Work I too in in Shape. The Hed Cross work room In thu federalbuildlng is undergoing;-a gen eral clean-up today. The materials are being sorted and packed and everything Is to be put in order for the coming of the fall season. The work room will reopen in the fall. Men:. Come Here for Your New Hats A fine assemblage of Felt and Straw headwear is at your service. Such an as semblage as can hardly be rivaled here abouts. There should be no difficulty in fitting you wijth the right kind of hat shape, style and color for the variety is large, and some of the best known names in the hat world add to the interest of your choice. Better quality and better values have never been so happily combined. FELTS . $3.50 to $8.50 STRAWS $1.50 to $10.00 'Hi 11 By ForcK Fire. W. w. Cryder, forest supervisor, left today for Heppner, where he wai culled by a fire in the national forest near the Ditch Creek region. The fire has been rasing for a week and to doing much damage. Volunteers have been on lied from Heppner to aid in fighting the flames. Will Join Walla Walla 1-Mrm. W. A. Martin, for the past year em ployed a a general garage man with the Pendleton Auto Co., here, leaves Wednesday for Wall a Walla where he will have charge of the floor for the new Franklin Sales Co., which ts com posed largely of men interested in the local concern. Mr. Martin will eend for Mrs. Martin and their baby as soon am he is located there. EXTRA REDUCTION IN PRICES IN GIRLS' DRESS SECTION Wash Dresses 1-2 Price Attractive styles in 4 to 16 years sizes. Made' of Ginghams and Percales in plaid, stripes ana figures. WHITE WASH DRESSES '2 PRICE Dainty dresses of voile and Persian lawn trim med with laces and ribbons, 2 to 14 size. Children's white Indian Heal tailored dresses made with pretty pockets and fancy belts, sizes wrtm 2 to 6.. Vi price while they last Printed Georgette and Chiffon Cloth Offered in neat patterns and designs, specially for street Two of the most fashionable silks today, wear. Glad to show you. "INSURANCE Is this Best Policy FARMERS I will insure ycur grain in any of the old reliable companies that I represent, to December 31st for about one cent a bushel. This ic the cheapest rate ever issued in Oregon on grain insurance. Give me a trial, save money and get real insurance service. JOE KERLEY Buooeaaur to Chaa. EX Beard, I no. ' :' "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance , Loans Real Estate 711 Mala Pendleton. Oregon KcPr Case. Put Over. ! The hearing of the case of the state 'of Oregon, vs. C. K. Kelser, was not ! completed in justice court yesterday afternoon, the defense asking for a i postponement until 10 o'clock Wed j newday in order to Introduce new wit- nesfies for the defense. The charge against Kelser is that of contributing to the delinquency of a child. Sheriff Collects Tioard Kill. Two youths who arrived on the N. P. train from Wallula thia mnrninq were greeted at the station by Sheriff Taylor, who was requested hy a hotel man at Wallula to collect $1.75 in room rent which the boys neglected to pay when they left. Both told a plausible story, Fatlefied the sheriff that they had no weapons on them and finally shelled out the $1.75 which was sent to the inn keeper by mail. SILK SHIRTING $1.00 YARD Neat stripes that make up into most desirable shirts. They wear well and launder. DRESS BUCKLES 25c to $1.00 In many styles and shapes in colors of gray, black, white, etc. , - COLORED LISLE HOSE 65c to 75c A few runs of sizes in this particular line of hose, double sole, heel and toe. Colors, rose, brown, taupe, gray and white. - 5 two degrees by the record made July possible. The demands of the tele- Pedro Separation Completed. 4, when the mercury climbed to 101 (Phone girla call for a minmum wage j . A divorce was granted Mra. Mary and gave Pendleton the hottest day:o( J2 a day for beginners, and 4 aM Pedro from William V. Pedro in of the season. The minimum last day for operators who have worked ! circuit court Monday afternoon. The night was 43. lfor two years. Electrical workers Case was settled by default. a I are still on strike also. ltreiik IyK-k to Sll Car. : Thieves Inst niRht broke the lock to llansixmi Divorce Granted. Frank Snling's saruKe and drove , A decree of divorce was away with his Buick 6 touring car, Marie Hanscom from William Husband Charges Desertion. I Desertion is the basis of the suit for granted (divorce filed today by Charles J. K. ;Hewett, of Gurdane, against Sarah E. Murphy in the complaint aa a co-respondent. Peterson, Bishop & Clark are Hewett's attorneys. MIllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliilliiiiliiiiiiiiiiillllllllllliillilllllllllllllllllllllM!: DODGE BROS. Motor Cars The popularity of this ' sturdy car is growing daily. The last two car loads were all sold before they 1 reached Fendleton, and to date all of the cars which we will receive in the next car load are contracted for, as well s as .the second car load, except- . ing one. Salvation Quota Nearly In. Virtually $2800 of thin city's $3000 for the Salvation Army home service extension was In the hands of City Chnlrmnn F. K. Judd today and he predicted that by tonifiht or tomorrow the balance would he In. Several so. Hcitorn are Mill out with lists and an soon as they report the quota is ex. period to be met. Returns are ex pected from outsldp towns In a fe-w days. Chnlrmnn F. W. Steiwer having exrenfled Intention of calling for re turns at once. Jtifico of IVOfe on Vacation. Joe H. Pnrkes, justice of .the peace took today for a vacation and went to hia cabin near Meucham Tor the day. He will return tomorrow to resume court, but will have his vacation when ever there are no bis cases to come up. Clark Vnrlan Here. Clark Varian, who for . the past 18 months has been in France as a mem ber of the 7Mh Aero Squadron, signal corps, Is a Tendleton visitor, on his way to his home in California after receiving his discharge from service. Varinn, who was -a sergeant while In service, is well known here, and as prominent as a baseball player. He played center field on the local team. wmcn up to press time looay naa not Jtianscom today in circuit court. Fro- ; Hewett. He alleges that she disap been recovered. The car bore Oregon perty rights wero settled outside of reared last October, taking thir in license -"so. 34.0.M. lAxjklnjr for Ioli Ponies. ' J. P. Ltieunllon, cattle man of Wes ton, was in the city today. He is pur chasing a car load of polo ponies for use In eastern, cities, but finds few horses of this description in the mar ket. court and the case went by default. (year old son. Hewett names Pat Man Sues tor Two Xotes. Henry T; Hill today brought suit through his attorney, .EL W. Eastman, of La Orande. to collect $81.05 al leged due Jom Joe Tobin on two promissory notes. One note fa for $40 and the other for $41.05. . The plain tiff also asks costs of the action. - - tiOWm THAT THE PEACE TREATY. IS SIGNED More Arguments Heard. Hearing of arguments in the cases ot James Scott vs. (. H. Reeder and Michael Ryan vs. Sims Dickerson was continued before Circuit Judge G. W. Phelps yesterday afternoon. The case of F. M. lockwood vs. Oharles Hein was to have come up today but Mr. Lock wood is still ill. Since the demand is so much greater than the supply of DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS, you will have to speak quickly if you expect to be the owner of one of these dependable cars. Cottonwood & Water St. Phone 530 5Tiliiifiiitfiiiiiiiiifiifiiiiiifiiiiiuiiititifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiu Motm Forfeits $50 Hail. , Raleigh Moon.member of the Chall foe auto party which collided with an auto driven by H. C. Gates, forfeited $no in police court yesterday for fail ure to appear for trial on a charge of disorderly conduct and use of abusive language. Moon's fine swelled the to tal for yesterday to $140, one of the biggest days in police court this year. Eleven enses were on the docket only three of which were for speeding, the remainder being liquor law violations. Ileturiietl prisoner on No. 18. Charles Conners, Pendleton jail breaker, now being returned from San Farncisco to Raker to stand trial for robbing the Bank of Haines, will pas through this afternoon on No. 18 in the custody of Sheriff Anderson of Paker county. Conners ha a charge of obtaining money under false pre tenses here and may be Indicted by the Sept em her grand jury. Rnwnian Gets Judgment of $8101.28. O. K Howmnn was today given a judgment of $8491.28 from Alice N. Wei k or and the estate of John H. Wel- ker in circuit court. A deed dated Oct. 8, ltuii, from John II. and Alico X. Welker and .lames C. and Myrtle H. Xeil to the American National Hank was ordered to stand ns a mortgage and two mortgages, one executed Oct. 7, J 0 1 ft and the second on June IS. 1918, were orderer foreclosed. The sale of lot 8 and the south G feet of lot 5, In Ijlvermore's addition, was ordered. Coiiiieilmen Confer on l-'leld. , The airplane committee tit the city council spent most of today on the reservation making arrangements with Sam Ritner and Major K, SwurtsJander for the uso of a portion or Rimer's field for a permanent landing field for airplanes. The city has agreed to take n sub lease on that portion of the field to be used and the committee went out with power to act. The com mittee members are 1 lenry Taylor, Ralph Folsom and Manuel Fried ly. Temerntiiro 99 Today, The temperature at 2 30 this after noon was 99. This U bested by only! to keep the service as Dear normal as Phone. Strike Continues, There Is little change in the local telephone strike situation. J. A. Murray, manager of the local office. says that about 13 girls have joined the ranks of the strikers, out of a force of 21. White the strike causes a shortage In the number of employes. Mr. Murray is making every effort ootL, a crTl- K? rrxcr . iv wm Your. c