! DAILY EVEWIKG EDITION DAILY EYMjljO EDITION TIk fMft ommnlan M r;arm fin's rriut ncwnMifr awl aa a M-HIn fore Ktvra l Ita advertiser over ink the dniilaUoa la I'atwtkj. Ion and Imatllla count of any oliire newspaper. c Nam Ik ooplea printed of xesterda's DaPr Kflltloa. 2,875 rhla paper la a tunniuer and audited 7 the Audit Ilureau ri Circulation. r COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CUT OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 9784. VOL. 31 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1919. PRESIDENT ARRIVES HOF :: : J A?A BURLESON QOITSFvy VON i sin nnn ijt . I.OH ANnr;i:& July 8 Char.le niKiu. in niiiiiiiii I IS RUMOR; LATER E CALLED UNTRU AT 3:05 TODAY; HARBOR FILLED TRIPTZ Wilson Declared to be Re turning With Postmaster General's Resignation. SAID CABLEDAFTER RESOLUTION OF A. F. I To Be Considered on Presi dent's Homecoming:; Burl eson Denies. I.OH ASdKlAitt. July 8 f'liupliu, Jr., arrived hint weighing seven and three quarter pounds. The father wa so de lighted he forgot how to do the fa- niouM (.'haplln wulk. Papa (.'huplin stopped admiring h'a wm long enough to draw ten IhiiUNnnd for Mrs. Chaplin. He made a tiet with her that their heir would be a Kill, Mm. Chaplin Ih known on the screen an Mildred Hurrla. IF SUB WARFARE LIK ELY T EEL PROJECT MONEY IN COUNTY TREASURY; WORK STARTS MONDAY WITH DIN Of WELCOME BANDS SLUE GREETING AS . With Money in Bank and? Ireasury Work on Long (Treaty Disappoint ins Planned Job Becomes Re ality. a 8. R-34 DELAYED IN. START UNTIL 6 A. f.l Former Kaiser May be In dict'ed in Same Wav Grand Jury Operates in U. S. .TUNNEL WORK WILL . START NKVT WKRIf iWOULD BE VERDICT 1 IF SURRENDER FAILED Headquarters for South End Work at Pilot Rock; But Must be Upheld Is Attitude in London GEORGE WASHINGTON STEAMS IN; CAPITOL AWAITS WILSON !' Ml.VKoi,A. I,. I., July . The 11-34 will probably start on its return voy- WAHlltlNOTON. I. C. July president Wilson returninif to MowUKa cross the Atlantic at tomorrow York haa In his possession Postmast-1 morning. Commander h'cott said the or Hurlonon's resignation, which wan delay is due to more work than was cuhled to the president at Paris, anticipated In overhauling the engine. ., . . ... .. I He wild the dirigible will erulHe ovor top lying, Wl son .aid he would con- Ncw york bcfro aider It upon his return to America, r Tho postmaster generals cable, of-1 The dirigible which brought Home fcrlng to retire In the Interests of thejmHi OV(,r wm roturn with 25 pounds ittmiocrnuc party whs aispatcnca soon 0f mail, mostly personal letters. No Crown Prince Before Court Suff jaresl ion of Cabinet Minister. ' LOIO.V, July 8. Itrliuin will de mand that Admiral Alfred Von Tir pitz, author of Germany's submarine warfare, bo brought to trial, accord ing to the Tim estoday. After sitting in Ixmdon and hear-, in evidence against the former kaiser n his responsibility for the war, al- lied statesmen may formally Indict; him the am eway the grand jury op-j orates in hearing a murder case In f after the American Federation of I-a-j official document -were offered forre-j York or Chicagi oor ai us Aimiiiio t,uy convention, turn mail so the public received the adopted resolutions demanding Iturle- benefit, such mails as marked "please aon's removal This action, following aend by K-34" being placed aboard criticisms from other quarter of j yesterday. Most of it bore an ordi- -Iturlenon's administration of the post- nury two cent stamp. ! office department is understood to,' have prompted his offer to quit and save the president possible embarrass ment. i ltiirlc?oii Ifc'i.log ft. WASHINGTON, July 8. Postmast er General Burleson after refusing to affirm or deny the report that he has resigned, ' later denied it, saying "There Is absolutely no truth in tho statement that I have resigned." SECRET WAR GOVT. CHARGED IN HOUSE,; TEN FRENCH SOLDIERS KILLED IN FIU1E RIOT,?' IKMK. July it .-Ten French sol diers were killed nnd 20 injured In new outbreaks between tho French and Italians at Fiume, says a dispatch to day. It is reported the trouble started when a few drunken French soldiers opened fire on a passerby. A large crowd gathered and one Frenchman was killed. A company of Italian marines landed from a cruiser and a number of French soldiers attacked) of (ho commission was such that fed WASHINGTON. July 7. The Unit ed .States had a "secret government" during the war which functioned in disregard to the law, Chairman Graham of the special house commit tee on war dejturtment expenditures, charged today in a statement charac terised as "a nee ret government" ad- ry commission of the council of unit defense. He charged that the president disregarded tho Intent of congrcs to make the commission purely advisory and making tho mem bers real executives, thfit the commis sion allowed Interested parties to fix prices of war supples, and violated trust law, that prints censorship was planned by a commission at the sug-j Ren Ion of Philip patchin, of the state! department, that such ''unprecedented! and Illimitable powers were assumed! by the commission" that several cabl-! net officers protested that the work This possibility Is admitted by a cabinet minister In close touch with the plans for Wllhelm's trial. He said it Is highly poKsIble that-the grand j jury will return an -indictment aRalnst 1 him which will be given to the world fnlbiwed by a request to Holland for j his extradition. If Holland refused j hla surrender, tho grand Jury would Jet the indictment stand u Its verdict. and Hit back, ready to pounce upon he kal.ser the moment he set foot out- Hide of Hollsnd. In case he moved Work Finished March J921. With a ri-(pt for S'.mumm do. MitMl with the county trcus. iirer, lit behalf or the Tool Irriga tion ilMrb-t, .1. I-rank Spinning; WH-relary. came from the court lioiise this morni!!-? to announce tluit work on the project in not? only aHNiiwd but i.a reality. Tho project Iiuh Imth certified, tho homlt wdil and the sum of :tO.. 4HHI I In tho l.adil A Tilton hank In Portland to defray tlio cxpcimcn or tlm work. The HtfM).(HK) ilcM tcd with Mfc- C.fMlain, county treasurer, today Is the first install ment of tliiM money. I,1 LOXWi.V, July 8 Comniintiiift lengthily on lJrenident Wilnon'8 taHk when he returns to America the Daily News today declared th pene treaty In a dl.-alpointingr travesty on the 14 point and a perilous menace to ieuee. "lut it's HiKned and the only hope is to take it an It Htands and reshape ft into what it miKlu be. Wilaon'H de feat would be an international disaster." I rnone strikers uppose xkw yhk. jhim- t. a- Tiill-lpunn'a ncro-pcif inn npuiilrii-it of the iMMHiiitiK of sun. lilillt-SUItS OUfcgeSllWII Mhr.k(lMt n, Mrcn bUriu nl haiMl and Nlioiitiwr of immMo, lrmld-iit W II- Hon ine hmm- today. Tho program IMPORTANT ISSUES CONFRONT WILSON WASHINGTON. July 8. lreident Wilaun. returning to the United States, i confronted by many important is- All .iiih iro.,rrrf hv ih, ,i i. Het I HueH- A reat ntimier of bills await are paid through the county treasurer j hitf nature. In addition, he is ex and th distrift K,RHmnntH are r-nl. Uected to name a charge d'affaires for lected bv th Hheriff like other taxe lhe American embassy In Berlin, con- I'nder the law if the district directors do not make up county assessor must do so. The Teel project was officially cer tified July 3 but the directors had to another neutral country the allied, three days wait In Portland to get grand Jury miht set in motion extra- the money, because of the three suc dltion proceeding. cessive holidays. Yesterday the mon- Such a plan certainly, would mean ' ey was paid over and Mr. Spinning the banishment of WHhelm from any i came to Pendleton this morning to belligerent country. The cabinet mln- deposit tho first money here. Ister made the suKgestinn that former crown prince bo tried. the suit with Secretary Kedfleld regard- the assessment thai ' " . j nit na wnn uerman)', conaiuer me per- slNtently reported desire of Secretary Baker to resign, decide when demo bilization Is ended, and war prohibi tion may be lifted, and take a hand in plans for returning th& railroads to their owners. Among the bills before him Is the agricultural appropriation hill, con taining the -clause repealing daylight j im... i euiimia nave ocen receivea ! The directors of the Teel district are . 1. Teel, Asa B. Thomson and J Frank spinning, secretary. J T. altef lflnKlrr Is ennlneer. To SUtrt MoiMlay. WIKIIMAV AKKS I'.XI'iyy.VTU VASIII.V(;TV. .Inly 8. driiuinil thnt IhTHkfi'nl UIImhi it'll tin wuate "ly vihHt rlclil or lawful aiilborlly ho The goernl rontrarl for construe has undertaken to impose upon Uioitlon of the project has been let to IMHipIo ttt tills country and niako lt the Warl-en Construction 'o. and the aoernniflit. subject to the otli ! Hub contract for drilling the 12.341 powers, by tho oreaiiizatjon treated in the liwiriii of natioiiM" Mas voicx-d III a resolution tliicli .tiuitor Slier- luuu today Introduced. j SAN FKAXCIKCO, July . Iead- worker. in the Pad fic coaat dltrlct , thc hr)0p . are willinff to submit their case to ,, aKmnntlUmttou, m1m. ,,. iny board of arbitration appointed by t,eonte Washington s-l abreast th. the pre,dent and Secretary of Labo, s,atm. f Kl , 2:35 thc pnUpe m. VMlson but not to Burleson 8 wire npp hupbop m tarmfM , ,Hm.. control board. The announcement vltrm trttm Mkwp aboard the esrort folb.wed a teletrram from ljurleson to blg rh hurlm. lTnft flunir hark Mayor Itoth pledBing that a suitable ,Jml,rf ,, h. .i,.,. fl.- wase raise would be granted and ura. Mn.aprt h,,, sJWrrtn U mT lnK that settlement be left to the wira into Ihe H,kell , J:05. Tir ! control board.. ' president, attired In a silk bat and ' ' cutaway coat, stood on the brldiPV WEST END AVERAGES ZZ'Z w"d how'" OVPT? 90 RITCJtlPI T'1" president set fooC on American . i at 3:&5. He had remaiiM'd on tho ' liridwo most of tin tiiuo artor reaeh With harvest on. In several fields Injc Uie dtick- afknowkMljrlnjp the near iicho, Nolin and Yoakum, earn- cheer of thousands. Pies of wheat are lSlnnlnS to reach ! ,M" AT MmmtiK liGIIT I Ehip arrived off Ambrose Uaht Pendleton. Several days ago gam- j before 11 but Its speed was reduced plo testing 60 pounds to the lj untie) so as to reach the entrance of Xorth came in from Yoakum and today ev- river about 2:30 to 'permit her to eral were received which grade No. ach Hoboken dock with flood tide about 3. The dreadnaught 2, testing 68 pounds. The yield per Pennsylvania nnrl Oklahoma, with .in acre ranges from 10 to 30 bushels destroyers, were drawn up in review thus far, with the average appearing off Ambrose light. Ths president took to be better than 20. Ufl". ""T brle- ! with two dreadnaughts preceding; A good many growers In the west h, a aUbmarine ehaer on either end have started and by the end of flank a destroyer flotilla training, irv the week harvest there Is expected to hr wake, a dirigible overhead and be fairly general. No cuttlngx haa flock of seaplanes, swooping and started in the Pilot Rock region but ton steamed slowly to the city, the harvest there is looked fwr short-j The Pennsylvai-ia flew Daniel's pen nant. Vice President Marshal, dec retal y Baker and their wives were - Another week will see the ' com-. iismx, to itK Kixsi mi;i ,.XSIX; COMKS THIS WKHK them, wounding a marine. Merchant marine sailors attacked the French men who fled and barricaded them selves In a store, opening fire from windows. The mob returned the fire, states entered the war to discuss war killing 10 and wounding 20. A mer- plans, chant marino pallor wan killed and several Italian soldier who rushed . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Huff, of Iatah. to restoreorder were wounded. Wash., ure at the St. George. ' WAKIUVOTOV. July 8. The state department today announced that Secretary Junhig will sad for the l'ii.fl Kilt lil 4 u rvlr ret urn r If oral bureaXis bid against each other, j tuk mrir , d,.,arl.nnl nlfnlrs as Increasing the price of supplies. and,j(hpy ,. ,lllrlnlr , HW (rnll4y that the commission had secret meet- Idisc iisslons. I nd. r Srrrptary of State inns inur monins oetors tno i nuea ,k s cxhKoiI to take J.aiisiiur's Itlato at Juris in conid(riiig the re- foot tunnel has been let to Hajoite. Fobert & Winters of Bpokane. They are to start work by next Monday or Tuesday. The tunnel is to be eight feet wide and seven feet hiRh and is NEWPORT. Or., July 7. After a to be concreted where it does not gol lapse of two years visitors will again through solid rock. The company wilt ' " ablo to enjoy deep-sea fishing. use two 75 h drilling, one crew horse power engines forlluring thc war period no ships were j crew at each end of tho allowed to indulge in fishing for pleas- ' tunnel. Bhfits will bo worked night '"re. Captain Zenas Copeland is fitting I repeal. v. nson i annua - aboard. The mayor's committee- of ii is not Known. , ...i.r l i. me. reservation i welcome, includirir Rovernor fS.nith presidenti-it campaign is wheat around Mission and nerhaim as' Maror NvUd iua 1 . already beginning to loon, and some far a Cayuse. It wlMbe about two "thers occupied several small ateain cxpressl.ui from the president regard. weeli8 before harvest wi taj.t in era. which streamed along- the traos lng a hird term nHiy be forthcoming, j the Heix and nol.,heastern wctOM. Pnrf wake with bahds playing. Sev An utterance he made in Paris was , .. .nl nrint. nhi. ini..j n.. n,i slowly and promises a heavy yield, i were kept at a safe 'distance by busy littl3 submarine chasers. 1 AU CRAFT I.V FVI.I, IHJKSs. I Escorting ships and all the harbor i craft were in "full dress," decorated from stem to stern ' in vari-colored ' flags and pennants. The din increased as thc ship proceeded ' to the dock. jTens of thousands of persons crowded into Battery Park, on the wharves and roofs of watorfront buildings and at every vantage point along the shore. taken in mime quarters herb as being a hint that he does not want another term. BOMB PLOTS, FOOD RIOTS, ON IN ITALY ana any, continuously including sun-!"- -w""B vessel, w-nicn will be, n.iME juiv g. Anarchists todav I ". commannea ny ( .aptuin Tracey Davis, Wamoted i eie n io-. . . i,.a '. irliir ol Hmnn The tunnel contractors will use SO laquina bar pilot. . , grenades deposited in Pietralata fort.' WASHINGTON'. July . Washing- men in their vai imis crews and head- I Possible that trips will be made planning afterward to capture the cita-( ton. which ordinarily goes to bed quarters for their work and for all to tha sea loin caves at Heccta head for del. Centries fired on the anarchist.-, ' about a will sit un tonlnht to weieom. - - j - v.-. iiiFF"'fi octiiiuiia m uo and H.oniinuca on i'brc cix.j .suia to zoological gartiens. IDA M. TARBELL AND SINGER ARE ON GHAUTAUQUA TONIGHT Tonight's i'luiutautiiii Pritgrain. Musicale, Mary Adclc Hays, onratura Soprano, assisted by recital urtlsts. lecture, "The I'niled States at tho Peace Conference,' by Ma M. Tarbell. Tomorrow Morning' 1mulaii qua ITogrant, 0 a. m. Junior Chautautpia. Tnmorrriw AftrriMMinW Cliaiilau- oa Pi-oiTiam, 2:X0 . m. Concert, Cimera's Czecho.sio- A-nk Hand.. liocltal artists and Klle Mae Gor don. Impersonator, are appearing this afternoon for the 'hautamina pro- grani. This evening will be one of the star numbers on the Pendleton Chantainina program, with a musicale by Mary Add Hays, coloratura so prano, and a lecture by Ida M. Tar- bell, known as one of the foremost 1 women of Amor tea. and a noted pub licist and journalist. Praise Is heard from local people who attended last night's program. Kdwin M. Whitney gave the dramatic reading1. "Torn to tbe Ttlnhf ' (n mi oh a wav as to convince the audience! that one man can prenent a play alone: A concert prelude by the popular Lewis Military Quartet concluded the program. ELKS BUILDING PLANS i ARRIVE; BIDS WANTED FOR CONSTRUCTION JOB Complete plans and specifications! oT the proposed new Klks' home andj theater were received Monday from A. 13. Doyle, Portland architect, and; iPiiidered last night In a meeting of( the lodge- building committee. Hi da, for the construction of both units, either separately or as a whole, will j be advertised for within a . few days,! the com m It tee announced today. i The plans call for the lodge home' and store rooms ami alwi for a modern t theater. It has not been decided ', whether the theater will be Included In the completed building. j The committee will specify thatk any r all bids may be rejected nnd will require a certain length of time to consider bids. Numerous Portland contractors have Higmftcd a desire to submit estimates hut the committee i declares that all possible encourage ! ment will be given local builders to bid on the work. The succewsful bid der will be required to start work within a short specified time after the contract is siKned. The arrival of the plans and the de cision of the coiamitteee to advertise' for bids .puis the new building much closer to realization than It has been for the past six weeks. It Is confl-j dently expected that a decision Willi be reached nnd work may possibly start within i month. I lilltiilM- I tH 'HI . . : U - - -zn 111 Ilf J Tlll J I H K v v All ri I VI II fl -TvOLtANfc. MOST M - I I gua "Bin M I I "'-SlVw i www mcapimg hm -i .1 Sj4 IMIMIII in 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I m I 7 ill --r -- .-v, -fc, ,8-. n hwum 1 1 hi in 1 1 hi 1 1 mi i -iii- -c . .. number of them were arrested. ! President Wilson. Police ara pre- The police learned of the plot when Pared to handle the big crowd when a soldier revealed that 16 ringr leaders (the president arrives at 10. The I were meeting in a wine shop to pre-j presidential party will pass through pare plans. They surrounded the tan arbor of flower at the station. wine shop and - arrested the men, i greeted by two bands playing na among w hom were three notorious tional airs and will proceed -to the anarchists. Simultaneously 30 anar- White House nast a tableau intnH-d Ichists arrived at Pietralata fort en 'deavc.ring to induce the soldiers there to deliver the grenades. Officers charged them, however. arresting 'nine. The others escaped in automo biles. to demonstrate how glad he capital is to see America's most prominent citizen again. - Police and secret agents have ta ken extraordinary precaution to safe- ,,unti tno prtv-uieni. ttuuwav lines I One thousand workers, goaded to .will be patrolled. Throwing flowers desperation over the economic situ-'and taking flashlight .picture haa ntion overthrew official authority and been forbidden, took the distribution of food - into ; their own hands at Milan Sunday. At dawn parties of workers delegated for the purpose met the incoming supply wagons at the city gates and ordered the sale of products at half price, con fiscating the goods of those who re fused. In the afternoon the lawless ele ments intervened, scores of shops be ing looted. Police charged the mobs. causing hundreds of clashes In which 50 FREEWATER. IILTON TO PUT IN PAVING The cities of FTeewaler and Milton were injured and more than one are both preparing to pave the streets thousand arrests were made. Jiarlier in the day crowds thronged all parts of the city forcing the mer chants to reduce their prices and place cards in their windows announcing re dections of half. The whole, city gar rison was called out but merely regu lated the lines of waiting1 people who were purchasing foods. MRS. CAMPBELL OPENS)? SHOP IN PARIS AUG. 1 5 .over which tho highway traffic be. itween Pendleton and Walla Walla must pass, according Jo . iirelt- haupt, engineer, who Is in Pendleton (today. .Mr. Breithaupt has been en. I gaged by the two communities to fur Itilsh them with data and e.xtimatea to jte used in starting the paving work. I Paving on the road beyond Freewa ; tor. is progressing from the edge of he city and also from the state line oward Freewater. Mr. ltrelthaupt said. The twin cities hooe to havn heir sections connected ut bv the time the state and county work h.i been completed, making an unbroken stretch of paved road tu the state line. I Mrs. Cm ner who tm - he; bu.siii.N 'it. .v r i I. C Lane, a Nolin rancher. I in Pioneer miili- T" ",d"y an,i W harvest- tai !.- iifgun in xi im vu inuy. i In the miilinerv , n ars in Pendle- m tm. wi:i pj'imi h mill nery department i th tHt-is sro An; ivt t3, upni her rciuiu i rem a extnMed Kastern buy i:i; ti (. Mr--. 'miboi j now on h r w.iv tn I'h'cagt. Cleveland, Xew York and othr eastt-i it cities where she will ureliHs- th- late models in j l.-M ;iVHl w latt-r ha:. T.ic d pHi f men v:il h in the front' o( the shire, vh.le (bp -imniing room, iil bv in the renr. This will necesxi- j tate chanucN in the store which will i b inctiM- ;i in i;io rp-n ulelimg plans ' annitjiiced two nwnths as(o by W. H. ' Thomas, proprietor. j 8i M WEATHER FORECAST TonlKht and and Wed. fair and warmer.