. 1.i,Y.'-,vV." TAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 7, 1919. TEN PAGES EAST OREGONIAN , SPECIAL KFVVS OF UMATILLA GO. if You Use Jiff y-Jell Eight Cars of Sheep Go to Wallowa Range (East Oregonlan Special.) M EACH AM, July 7. H. K. Bartho lomew, sheepman, has shipped eight cars of sheep to Wallowa for graxing. m;..i, I, -m... - ,., --, , --...-..m.-t.-,;.,, ,. , v p)nrSH UvljuUvSt!aLb a -z&immKj L sealed IpAII .of Its goodness jlf sealed In Get -a Full Set Their final destination Is Chicago. s Smyth tiros, of Pendleton, -ihpped 13 cars of sheep to Chicago Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs, Itobert Shaw left J2k Protected, preserved. The flavor tlts SURE It's in SK for. and be to set WRICLEY'S.1! a sealed package, but look for the name-the Greatest Name in Goody-Land. . Tnt PERFECT GUM it I II iWHIGLEYSw. Sealed Tight Kept Right There is oniy one place for that delicious . CHOCOLATE ICECREAM KOEPPEN'S Th9 Drue 6tor That Serve You Beat. ThrR o..wefsr odcon .COKKVATn "KS MAY FOKCK j V.VIOXIST SPIJT OX 31 INKS ! LONDON', July 7. Opposition on the part of the conservatives to the nationalization of the- British mines jis growing, and there may be a union ist split if the government accepts the ireport of the Kankey Committee re 'commendinff that step, according to talk in the Parliinentary Iqbbies. The 'conservatives, like the labor party men are discussing the possibility of a gen eral election before Christmas. The results of the impending by elections in Swansea and Bothweli, where labor candidates are opposing coalitionists, may possibly, - it is throusht, determine the industrial policy of the government. In the light of the lack of housing facilities, there is now a deeper pathos In the familiar refrain. "There's no place like home." Trursduy evening for lendleton to take in the Fourth of July celebration, returning home Suturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haves, Mr. and i Mis- J. M. Casey, Miss Mae Casey and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Booth spent the 4th In I-fl Orande. Jewe Freeman spent the Fourth in Pendleton. ' - Oust Karas left for Vincent, Ore.. Wednesday. Mrs. J. A. Watters visited Miss Bes sie Hale at Duncan Wednesday. John Dockweiler returned from La Grande Sunday. Dale Denson was a Pendleton shop per Tuesday. " The now planer for the Casey Lum ber Co. arrived this week and hope to have it lilstr.lled this coming week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith were In Pendleton taking in the Fourth. Wtitiam Coffman returned from Pendleton Sunday after spending a' few days there. Victor -Peters returned from La Grande Sunday. Judge C. H. Marsh of Pendleton and Commissioner Dunning were here Fri day investigating the route of the state highway. The work will be done by the commissioners. George Perry of Baker is here and expects to work for the Casey Lumber Company. Walter Murlen went to La -Grande for a few days. Mrs. J. B. Baker went to Kainela Friday where she was called on ac count of the illness of her daughter Mrs. Frank Hamleti. Master Leo Marl in of Wallowa is vis iting with his grand mother, Mrs. J. B. Baker. Xdiss Mary Lawlor of Portland was he-e this week visiting at t he t home of her brother. Steve Lawlor. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ferguson who were recently married in Pendleton have takezi up their residence here. Mr. Ferguson will work for the J. D. Casey Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Casey went to Hot Lake Sunday where they took thsir daughter Miss Jennie for a few days' treatment at the sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Watters motored to La Grande on the 4th. A Nm. S Pint MoldStyle D For a Jiffy Jell Salad or Meat Loaf Jiffy-JeH is for salads as well as for desserts. And we offer this SO-cent aluminum mold for use in making salads. Use Lime Jiffy-Jell for salads. Each package contains a bottle of lime-fruit essence, sealed. Added to Jiffy-Jell it makes a tart, green salad jell. . . , . , Some serve it with the salad as a zestfur garnish. Some mix the salad into the jell while cooling. With cooked or uncooked vegetables this makes a salad loaf. A meal loaf is made by mixing in meat scraps. This gives you meat in aspic an ideal summer cold dish. Individual Molds A Set of Six for Jiffy. 'til Rml-FrmH Wrfl in We Supply the Mold J! MDTi-isftiWf Pint Mold, Style D, serves a full package of Lime tiggl?:: ' Jiffy-Jell with the salad or meat mixed in. It makes a fiat " , - loaf with six indentations to mark six individuaj servings. .' .Send uS five end labels from Jiffy-Jell '- .- - "0'1,1' packages the end labels naming the flavor and we'll send you this aluminum mold. , , Mint Jiffy-Jell contains a vial of mint. It makes a garnish jell, far better than mint sauc, to serve with cold meats or roast Iamb. 1 For Desserts and Salads fitter's Happiness f.lcda Perfect j Of Utmoct Importance That Sha Hetem Every Cars. . Con Dung Low Louies Place Fine home-made FISH NOODLES Chili Con Carne, Span ish style. . Chop Suey, Chinese style. All kinds of Soup. Short Order Meals. Good Steaks. Lunches, Coffee, etc China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE HOTEL '('or Wehb and Cottonwood Bts, Phone t7. . Pendleton. Ore. Thj expectant mother's physical comfort tOtoult be our first Ihou-rlit, and all about hr fhouJrl pee to it that her preparation for baby's comin be complete. jnere ij a most splendid remmy to pare women for th?y prreatest time In their: i'tps, known as Mother's Friend. It la ap plied to the muscles of the abdomen, irntijr mbhed in, and at once penetrates to relieve etntin en nerves, cords and ligaments. It makes the mnscics so pliant that they ex pand eniilf when buby arrives; the hour ct the time ere fewer, and pain and danger at the criais is naturaHv avoided. Muther's Friend eao!lcs the mother to preserve her health and strength, and shot remains a pretty mother by havi tg avoided rlifarominrt: find Bufcrinap which mora often ! than otherwise; accompanies such an rcea ion r.hen nature Ja un-ildcd. Every nerve, unincle and tendon Jj tlwrouirliTy lubricated, iriscoorfort durina the period Is counter acted, and the skin, after the crisis, is left: uttOftH and statural. tVnto to the Bradflell Resrnlator Com pany, Dent. B, Lamar Building, Atlanta. .;cnrgia, for their Motlierbood Book, and ob tain a bottle of Mother's Friend from tb tirvx etore todnw wltliout fail. -r American Vailuttal Bank P.nrtloloa. Bufldlns. - Kite . Bclentlflcaib zamined. S!awi (round to (t IKMjfv ROTfMvrXi. Ootnanrtrlac and tttttirimm BRIGGS AUTO WOOD-SAW Attachment Om mb mmiM ISeoton Zmtem, SS ea. Goes Anywhere Any Aula. BRIGGS I BURPEE CO, Ic, Manbdaren 17t Hawthorn Av.. PortlAnd. Smd tmt atiaa mad lUmlratl CfocaUr e ii" jr.-'1 " 1 AT BREAKFAST TIME th cr-a1 can be cooked right fri the tahle with an electric cnil er. Of course' it can be und at o(ljer times and for oth er j u r poses such as rrea m iuce. itcAm cufitrls trlid . a hundred others. It is a moHt I'ixni iuug convenience and It is itt at alt costiy. Oive oat nt-t ;nid us the pleasure of jsliwuiii it to you. J. L. VAUGHAN James McLeans Parents of Twins Born June 28 ( East . Oregonlan Special.) ' ATHENA, July 7. Mr. and Mrs. a. Alexander of Touchet spent Sunday at the home df Aire. Alexander's mother, Mrs. Bollen. Miss Uazel Sanders has returned from Corvallis where she has been at. tending sschool. .Mr. and Mrs, Bert Piersol and family are down from Weston moun tain visiting at the home of Mr. pier sol's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Taylor spent funday In Walla Walla. . Mrs. Wall spent the week-end in Milton, a guest of her sister, Mrs. Danner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker were up from Pendleton Wednesday visiting Mr. Walker's mother, who is very ill. Wednesday afternoon Miss Maude Sherman gave a surprise party ln honor of her mother. A large num ber of ladles were present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers and children were up from Pendleton Wednesday visiting her mother. Mrs. Hill. "Aunt Lizzie" and "Uncle Lou" Wll- mot left Thursday for Prescott, Wash.. to visit friends. MrB. Berlin took her daughter Mary to Walla Walla to have her adnoids and tonsids removed. Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. James McLean June 28. Joe demons was a Pendleton visit or Wednesday. Joe Payne and Jake Booher hove arrived home from the demobilizing camp. Mrs. Raymond and daughter Mar guerite of Walla Walla, spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Raymond s sis- ter. Miss Coppock. Cleve Myers returned from Port land Tuesday, accompanied by hift niece. Miss Opal Root. Word has been received of the mar. riage of Miss Lillian Thompkins to Don Woodruff. The ceremony was performed at the John Thompsins' home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schrimpf were Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. Miss Kdna McAlexander 1b visiting ai the Floyd Plnkerton home, from Milton. Mrs. . Sanchez has returned home from Portland where she has been visiting the past week. The Gene Schrimpf and Laurence Plnkerton families have gone to the Cprings to spend a few days. Mrs. Fred pittman of Weston spent Thursday in Athena. Lee Kirk was a Pendleton visitor Friday. ' Miss Ruth Wiley Is visiting friends in Athena from Portland. t Mrs. Minerva Vaughn went to Pen dleton Friday. Bud Crabill came up from Adams Thursday to visit his parents. I Mr. -and Mrs. Will Ferguson were i visitors in Pendleton Thursday. ' . Logsdon and Myrick, Athena butch, j era. have purchased a new Ford truck. Yhe Mioses Howells are visiting at ! the Schubert home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson and I Mrs Fred Boyd spent Saturday in Pendleton. Ralph Richmond of Walla Walla, was a visitor ln Athena Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. c. M. Kager spent the Fourth at the power house on the I Walla Walla river. 1 Ten Flavors In Glass Vials A Bottle in Each Package Mint Lime Lemon For Mint Jell For Salad fell For DeMerta Strawberry Pineapple Orange Raspberry Cherry Loganberry Also Coffee Flavor Two Packages for 23 Genu " This is sl 60-cent sift. ' These aluminum molds co sets of six, assorted styles, valued at 10 cents each. ., ; Send us five end labels from Jiffy-Jell packages the end labels naming the flavor and we will send the entire set. Loganberry and Pineapple are two dessert' flavors which we particularly want you to try. They i flavors which must be sealed to keep. So they were impossible in old-style gelatine desserts. , . In Jiffy-Jell the fruit-juice essence comes in liquid form, in vials. So with all fruit flavors. There is a wealth of the real-fruit flavor, condensed from the fruit itself. Include Loganberry, Piheapple, Lime and Mint in your purchase of Jiffy-Jell. Learn the delights of Jhese liquid 'flavors. They have won millions , of house wives,, it o Jiffy-Jell. Pint Dessert Molds Free . s At the bottom we picture two aluminum pint mold. Each serves a full package of Jiffy-Jeil. They are valued at SO cents each. Send us five end labels from Jiffy-Jell pack ages the end labels naming the flavor and we will send either mold you want. Or, if you prefer, send a grocer's sales slip showing a 5 package purchase. s . - -'!. Send them to us with the coupon below, stat ing the molds you want. Cut out the entire offer so you won't forget. Jiffy-Jell, Waukealia, Wis. MAIL THIS Jiffy-Jell, Waukesha, Wis. I enclose. .... .end labels naming the flavor, for which send the molds I check. Salad Mold, Style D. Pint Mold, Style H. Pint Mold, Style E. Six Individual Molds. Pint Mold -Styte-H Oar New Star-Shaped Mold Writs tlanut nrf ASirr Ptarnljt ( . Serome a Fall Package of Jiffy Jell ... . XKW PHST ATTACKS V. S. C'OltX It's a man's outgo that piuys havoc tOP with his income. ALBANY, X. Y., July 7. Steps to prevent the spread of the cornborer will be diecussed at a conference, of state commissioners of agriculture and entomologists of the corn growing states to be held here in August. The pest so far has appeared in but two states, Xew York and Massachuesetts. It is a rapidly spreading insect, and it is believed that is can destroy half the corn crop in a season if preventive measures are not promptly taken. Xew York state has spent 1100.000 in its effort to stamp' out the disease since the discovery here this winter, but so far no effective means for com batting it have been found. Invitations to attend the conference have been sent to the commissioners of agriculture of Illinois, Connecticut, Indiana. Iowa, Massachusetts, Michi gan, New Jersey, Ohio. South Dakota and Wisconsin. Massachusetts has been fighting the insect for a year or so, but has been unabie to check its spread, and a new colony has been found in New York state,' at Hopewell Junction, Dutchess county. Federal Secretary - of Agriculture Houston has been asked to attend the conference, and has replied that he will either attend In person or send a representative. ' ADMIRAL WHO SITKK ' OWN Gt.ltMAV SHIPS ' IS JU)TTBN"-KGr;Kl LONDON-. July 7. A dispatch to the Central News from' Oswestry. Shrop shire, says Admiral Von Renter com mander of the German fleet sunk ln Scapa Flow, was recognized when he called at a local bank Saturday.' He was ptruck in the face with a rotten..- egg ana was otherwise ftBsultcit. , .; IN MISERY FOR YEARS Mrs. Courtney Tells How She Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable j Compound. ' Oskaloosa, Iowa." For years I wsj imply in misery from a weakness and awtui pains a n d nothing seemed to do me any good. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. I did so and got re lief right away. I can certainly re commend this valu able medicine to other women who su!Ter, for it has done 8nch c-nod work for me and 1 know it will help others if they will give it a fair trial." Mrs. lizzie Courtney, 108 8th Ave., JVest, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Why will women 4raz alone from dav to day, year. in and year, out, suffering such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such letters as this are con tinually being published. Every woman who suffers from displacements, irregularities, in flammation, ulceration, backache, ner vousness, or who is passing through the Change of Life should giva this famous root and herb remedy, Lyclia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For special advice write-l,ydia E. Pinkham Medicine fo Lynn, Maps. The result Of its long experience is at your service. .iiiiiiiiiiliiiniiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiililllliili!t 1 Whitman's (CANDIES just received a large supply, c Tou can't buy better candles, better assortment, anywhere ln the world than right bare. We have tried to carry policy of selecting the through out our business. this beat MiimrmKmXmcr! ""TTT'M, M IIIM I A N IRRITABLE, fault finding disposition is often et due to a disordered stomach. A man with eoad digestion is nearly .always good natured. A great many have been permanently cured of stom ach troubles by Chamberlain's Tablets after years of suffering. ..These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to pes form ' its functions naturally. Try them. They only cost a quarter. 5 "v' Come In. and Judge (or ydur- i self bow well we have succeed- E, a. 4 1 Tallman & Co. 1 Lead lug . Imsa-tatf. Mllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli ! L Bring Yoiir Car to Us We can furnish 'prompt ly any size Wind Shield Glass We have an experienced man who will ; set;' the glass while you wait-"" B.'.L Biirrouflhs, Jac, Corner Webb and - Cel-lege.Sts, We KNOW You Want the BEST . That's why we are advising you to fouy ' DEERINC r The harvesting equipment you can rely on.- There are more sold of Deering than of any other make. ' Sturgis & Storie Pendleton, Oregon East Court St Mr. and Mrs. Downing are visiting at the A. L. Schubert home.