East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Section Two, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    .' n't1 Irr
Turn to the Right"
Edwin M. Whitney, America 'a Great Interpreter of Plays.
Presents Metropolitan Success, at Chautauqua
CapntaM Ksktmtf. 191
Stop' tqueaK !i
I '"''Kl !i
mm mm
Willard Service and You
It's for you that the Willard Service Sta
tions are maintained.
! It's for you that the Willard 90-day In
surance plan was worked out.
? or'yn tha the Willard Service and
Adjustment Policies you'll see in every Wil
lard Service Station were drafted.
The meaning of Willard Service to you as a
car owner is given in the booklet, "Willard
Service and You." Ask for a copy next time
you come in. Ask also to have your battery
tested with a hydrometer so that you can be
sure you have been keeping it properly
Electric Service Station
201-203 West Court St.
We tt, repairand re
charge storage batteries,
'nd always carry a full
I Supply of battery parts,
new batteries and rent'
I Whitman's!
Just received a large supply.
Tou can't buy bettor candles,
better assortment, anywhere Id
the world than right here.
We have tried to carry this
policy of selecting the bent
through out our business.
Com Id and Judge for your
self how well we have succeeded.
Tallman & Co.
Irdlng Irnr gists j
Bring' Your
Car to Us
We can furnish prompt
ly any size
Wind Shield
We have an experienced
man who will set the
glass while you wait-
B. L. Biirrouglis, Inc.
Corner Webb and Col
lege Sts.
This machine is used in putting new truck tires on
your old rims.. Let us install a set of
as i a t a v f i m.
Truck Tires ,
we Invested in this press. It will npply any slzo of
Firestone Pressed-On Tire, from 32x2J4 to tHo 42x14
Firestone Giant. With us, implying pressed-on, tires is a
matter of minutes instead of days. im" mmw 0
The resiliency, tou&h ness and 'wearing qualities of Firestone
Truck Tires are unsurpassed. Come in and let us prove
it. Get acquainted vith'our thorough service facilities. J
Simpson Tire Service Co.
L. A. Minton, Mgr. 223 E. Court St
St f -v f - , - . - .
1 : .!-',. , :;. - .
I It . ' ' ' . '
l ' ' y a '
By N)ccli(l pi-rmlxNliin of the producers, "Turn to the K.'lit" Ik to he
prPBcnted -at C'limilnuqiin hy H.hvln XI. Whitney. "Turn to (ho Rlcht" him
hei'ii one of the irrfiilt-Kt utaifH kiitowh In years. Sinmlliiiipoii.sly It litis hud
a year's run In both Chicago and New York. In three acts It gives one of the
most uliolexoine stories now before the pidilic.
I'JdwIn SI. Whitney, who presents the fourteen different characters. Is one
of America's greatest play Interpreters. 'Ills public encasements are limited
because of Inn duties us lieud of the Whitney Studio of TMnmntic Art in Bos
ton. This Is his first appearance on the Western Vhuntnuoim.
Every House Has Guard,
iaw Clears btreets at
11 in Evening.
(United Press Staff forrespondent.)
I NEW YORK, July 6. I'etroBrad is
hot the .Khost of a city thut was for
'inerly us Kay as money and people
could make It. Petrorad is a prison i
In Itself, under the liKhtest statu of
iHioLTA thut u t.-an,)lin ..,n
ivi. ir. . , ..-ii., 'sins is forbidden.
x i-liwkiuu a muo niu annum , . , i..n-
ueeii rjutii tauiua sciusns ouviuii,-.
Ufe is more normal. Dvinsk, for ex-
they are wearing their best left-over
KowiiH. Kven evening drosHes are
worn on the streets or at work, since
people can get no new working clothes.
The men ure mostly shabby, and in ad
dition, dirty.
Crime has greatly decreased, accord
ing to the bolsheviks. This is probably
due to the extremely harsh penalties.
Practically all of the punishments are
for political crimes. Stealing is more
or less legalized for privileged bolshe
viks under the confiscation system.
Ordinary mortals are punished for
stealing even food.
Ik-garM Arc Few..
There are remarkably few beggars
in Mosc w and Pelrograd, though
more in the latter than'in the former.
Those who formerly begged are now
sent to detention homes established,
and are allowed limited rations. Beg-
In the smaller cities there has not
,desurtel. The days are almost as bar
'one is allowed on the streets after ele
jven In the evening. Kvery house must
have one of its occupants outside its
Kto on guard at all hours to guard
;what nobody knows, but those are or-
not reformed. Htores are boarded up,
as in the larger . cities, but hiisiness
thrives on the quiet.
j One of the unfair features of the
Inew system is that the fine hotels and
(houses formerly belonging to the bour-
.Iflra - U - ...lll... ,
, . . . , . , geo i til e are confiscated and uae raidly
Mores are closed nnd buying in done ; , , . . . .. . ,
sl. a. . rr.L decaying. They are inhabited almost
entirely through secret channels. The 1 , ' ' . . ,,- , ,
.,.. . . .,7 . . .. . tent relv by the government officials
beautiful buildings are Inhabited by : - llffl in
k. . m - i . i .coinmissaires. No workmen live in
bolshevik officials. Hotels arc dark I . . , Kf
... . j . , , ... 'them nor are workmen s homes ber-
aid dirty, and are no longer public ; . .. ... (m,
,,,lki t. ,.r . tered. Kussian cities have simply fal-
hostelries. They are the hang-outs , .
ha ivimriiiDuniMs ICH UIO l till II j sji, c. asv n
That annoying squeak; squeak, squeak!
Besides, it indicates real danger, because
it means loose I spokes. Loose spokes will
wreck a wheel. Then it "crumbles and "gives
way at a critical 'moment Spoktite stops
squeaks and makes wheels permanently tight and safe, if
, applied in time. It is in universal use by all who know of
its wonderful efficacy and economy.
Examine your wheels and frequently. Your life may
depend upon your wheel-spokes being tight
Everybody who has washed
'a car knows how difficult it is )
to remove dirt and grease
without injury to paint and
varnish. '
A little Kantmar A o tow ash
'in th water removes the
thickest coats of dirt and
grease without difficulty, and
it is harmless to paint and
varnish. sr"',-s
Kantmar Autowash is a
'scientific product, idea! in re
sults and most economical.
,Th appesrtnes a ear
eovnU for raoca. A
.'worn too lie umb
. ralssi of a ear aboot m
' mm anvthinr. - A I M
.motorist wiH keep kis
lmks snick and am
ToptiU water-prisofa,"
serrea and bessstiftea. It
no rivals. It is tim
bie dreMicsi.
V AH piSKimstrsamsssrir'
'and hardware Jlsssti ell
Spoktite. Topfcte ana J
X mar AstowmaJi.
iof I
There prohahly Is not a sadder rlly
in Ihe world than the once wonderful
1'cIroRiad. The pluce Is under the
spell of apprehension of either twd
Hhevlk terror or enemy Invasion. Most
of the people hope for the latter, since
It would mean food.
Most of 1'ctroKrud Is starving. It Is
estimated that Beven or eiRht hundred
people die dully through hunger or pri
vation. Ulsease Is rampant. Medivul
supplies nre not to be found.
Food is sold In Insufficient (pianti
tles lit the co-operatives, but nobody
can live on It. The soup kitchens serve
leyed class, the bolsheviks.
(V'nited Press Stuff Correspondent)
PARIS. July 4. owing to constant
broadening of America's foreign rcla-
such us they have, but substances that tions, connress will be asked to appro
none hut t he ravenous ran mouth.
In'iiHTsi PMirht INliful
The jmsitiun of fuieiKners is pitiful,
Thiy ure mostly old ieoplo or refuses,
waiting; for the chanco to escape. They
: have nothitiR, anl without enormous
funds one cannot live. With limitless
funds one can eat fairly well, buyins
on the sly.
Confiscations continue. Supposedly
they nre offclat. The same old ter
rorist methods prevail. A typical case
was cited hy a Polish woman. This
woman lived ulone with her aged mo
ther In un apartment. One nlKht ahout
midnight half a dozen sailors appear
ed butter In r down the door, demand
ing to si-arrh for weapons. Kudely and
destructively they bullied the woman
and stayed until four In the morning.
They broke open every trunk and
box and stole all money .they could
find. This they did in volatinn of the
regulations for protection of foreign
ers. Trunks left by friends of the
lamily were broken open with axes.
Next, day the victims protested to
their diplomatic representatives. They
were assured they would grt their
funds and papers .back. They did but
with fifty thousand rubles none. This
was the third time this house had been
priate money for the establishment of
a bureau for an international commis
sion under the state department. It is
learned here today. American mem
Beautiful Women
of Society.durlngthepast
seventy yean have relied
uoon it for their distin
guished appearance. The
Wt, refined, pearly
J ....:.. II
render Instantly, is
alwavs the source of
flattering comment.
searched for confiscations.
IMseases rages in J'etroRrad. worse
than any other region in Russia. Ty
Iphus is especially bad. It is so serious
it hat the Finns put everyone who es
! rapes from ltussia into quarantine. In
I none of the Uussia cities are there
j means of combatting disease now. The
'Punish Ited Cross Is the only organiza
tion to conduct relief work, and it
; operates under the greatest of difficul
jtica. , A .
MoMftw Ics Tragic
I Moscow Is more normal and is less
tragic than l'etrograd. It Is better
supplied with food, and prices are half
:as high, l'etrograd is in danger of be
ing isolated anytime by an advance !
from Ksthonia. The bolsheviks are
panicky and are prepared to evacuate
j hastily If necessary. Shops ure almost
entirely closed and the workmen mobi-
.HKen. xrencnesaiio imuwu wire "nr- PYnPrf nr. nf
ricades outside Fctrosrad are Intricate . uu dI e au cApei 6 Or 110 1
and many, built mostly by labor of the t makes 110 difference When
,Hed Guards.
Jn Moscow there are many people
In the streets, and they do not seem
particularly depressed or hungry. They
have adjusted themselves to the new
conditions and are making the most of
it with a shrug of the shoulders.
Women are quite well dressed, many
of them even stunningly Kowned. In
answer to jour query, they tell you
bers of the new organization, it was
said will be members of numerous
commissions established by the Oer
man treaty.
lit view of the bis change caused by
the broadening work that will come
under the state department. Secretary
Lansing believes the extension and
reorganization of the department Is
necessary. He also favors the estab
lishment of a. bureau throuph which
work of the various commissions will
be handled. It is also planned td es
tablish a bureau for trade affairs.
The commission on responsibilities
for the War, it is learned, may reply
in ih letter from Former Oerman
Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg in
M Illlll IHJ no ..v. w
the war. The commissioners are now
considering his letter with a 'view to
framing a reply.
It takes a man with sense to make
a dollar go a long way.
All men are born equal, but the
quality doesn-t hold out.
Fortunate is the man who is a hero
to his wife.
Kst and sleep better, as well as look
better by taking Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. It is an all-the-year-round
medicine, good in all seasons.
It purifies, enriches and revitalizes
the blood, creates an appetite, aids
digestion, assists assimilation of the
food you eat, and wonderfully builds
up the whole system. In many cases
it succeeds where other medicines
fail to do any Rood. j
If you need a mild ellertive cainsr-,
tic, get Hood's Pills.
Revolving Rod Weeder
A Few of the Facts About It:
1. It kills more weeds
2. It conserves moisture
3. It makes an even, perfect seed bed
The general use of this well-known Implement gives a better lmprcs
t sion than mere words.
Sturgis & Storie
Tcndlclon, Oregon East Court St.
LOWS everybody' cannot be an ex
pert judge of Auto 'Repair
ing, reopie who know are
not those who are deceived
by inferior work. Whether
you send your car here. We
do only one kind of woi'k, the
best, and at one price, the
sis w. YKnn. , 1
Tuning Up to a
General Overhauling
Work Absolutely Guaranteed
As Dependable
Service Station Oil, (las and Water at Curb.
Motor Inn Garage
Victor Henderson, Prop.
722 Cottonwood St.
Phone 46.