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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1919)
V,W, PAILYEA'ofen(TAENPtETok ttKftCOtt. SATURDAY. JULY S. KM. TWELVE TAGES fir5 .lt.lK Nl tAV-MOU V. COIOY'S CASH GROCERY STORE CLOSED ALL DAY, FRIDAY, JULY 4TII. ' . j Order your groceries Thursday. Large Lemons, dozen 40c Large Cantaloupes, 2 for 25c Guiltard's Cocoa, '2 lb .20c Guittard's Chocolate, 1 lb 35c Economy Jars, pints, $1.30; quarts $1.45; Vt gallon $1.80 Bulk Ginger Snaps, pound 20c Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles, ; 3 packages ... , . , . , 25c Blue Karo Syrup gal. 50c, 1 gal. 95c Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 for 25c Snyders Catsup, pint bottle .......... 25c Quaker Corn Flakes, each 10c Best Peaches, Pears and Apricots, large cans, each 35c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, 5 for . . ? .T:-v . . . $1.00 MOTION PICTURE NEWS What tie Picture Thetr 'llav to Tell Yon. Lotil-M M. Aliiill Nuw' "IJlllO 'lt'M" the nttl tirpnlinir (MorliM o writ ten, rich In tnl mMit, huit't.r -t? me tie -tn. "I.ittlu Cmn 'h. 1 It ! fanit'im i t el tf fjttitiui M. AV. , hu I'ASTIMK bl.lAY-MOXUAY. ANOTHER CARLOAD OF FORDS JUST RECEIVED. TOURING: CARS AND ROADSTERS "Come'andgetit!" Orders filled in rotation and they wont last long, so we urge that you come in now. Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson Sts. Phone 408 9 Svuro Soldier Are Hurt. JtlHRKR, Ariz., July S. One netrro ithlicr WAii everly woundH nnl two other nllKhMy-tiurt In n h brtwenn Hisboe notice and men of the luth ca valry, colored, lait nlKht In the Htreets uf I3islee. y ItHiik Siali'inrnt C'allrtf. "WASHINGTON", July The comp t roller of currency fnluy Iks tied a call for u Htutemcut of the condltlun of national bank at tho close of btiHinet June SO. tiiiianiiiiiitiitiiMiiittiiiiiittittiitiiiiiiiiiiiffliiitiiiitiiiitiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiifiiiiiiiiiial I ALTO TOE3&Y J John Barry more j .M : hMed lit i'htopUv fit, a a J rramHiritAri-rttrt iet-uii Wr I anjiMM Stfvrn rhijvf Aiftnur In '" llt .vit 1 hb n nl Arr, l,' tt.r. atrr ne t Sumltiy. It prt.,Min it ti nt ) house w Ml vlniiv;!.' f- r tit- flrM .true fr admirer f thu t,w ini rtnl Btry, the intwt S'lMvit'.l i hni-4. t rii In Anmrioun liui-utnr'- M(it ji, Hvih nnil Amy. 'I ittli Womrn" fttnit d In ni-l al m lh AU'ott Itoiur lu Crtm'oil. It i -., nhcr th lry wan written by M "-h AIU In INflS. Tin A'cott tmnii ban Ihtu wfl to uprviMl ft ail utiiiuU todty vxtuil.' n It did whun thf nry wh iini d. Tht pnidtici r hail the atlvi jmiif i:itn- mid r opprnlttin of tht tnvl t! tin rn)--i. of tin vnt, imd th-i ili4vor '(t-ttd hud t hi itaittiiillfld ttiiittl tf h(voral rfMlitiM)ti it onid u lt I.hmv MtfMi Alonlt and the IH It wi-nn-n of whom h lit wrot. The four M-ttlU1 Wonifii." M,'f, J., fifth and Amy, lire nortrtivcd icHprrt. i l'r1r liV Ialfl l-umim. 1.ifil liv ft. f ' In r. thHt.of a man wlm krxpa -,,,.., ,jiiiui. 11,11 ..! M..r.,...' wm.. mlnliiK ciinii. In Ciillfornlii. v.nrv i, i,.,,,,,,. ,i -...-,..i NiikIb jiluyn Iiurif. Kule l.ofic1 l MHrru. Th nriimrlt wn. wrtth'ii by Ann Maxwell nnil ih dirrtur wti Hnrloy KnulfM. Krum Itm xtiiiHlpolm or iilioioKiaiUiy, Ilia lucluro In Uni x- lit AH' TA Sunidav-rJIlonidls aaiW'i riiiiiKV ADULTS 30c '11u 4.trl of Um .old(n VMt. In the com of 'The Mlrl of 'the lolUtn "'Went.' the uplendtd Pnrn mount (diMuiday uttirrlmr .U'l Van Huren, which will he i-rcmMilcd at the 1 'uptime t hotter Pumlay, are niuny ttrllaK. hu hftvo urhlcVfA eiKiml re nown lhce the prodttctton of that picture. Among thte are ltuymnnd Hatton, who uppeared to Rrent A1 vatitttge In the support of (leraldlne Karrar In niHny of her famuli ptc-j tureif. Theodore HoImtim. out of tho bei-t nil-round acton Identified with motion picture. House I'ctera, a lend lnjr man of prominence, Anita Kluir, au-hnrmlnir actreH, Hilly nimer, Hld nv ' riHf and other. it bt neMorn that a photoplay pre entn ao notable a I1M of Mcrven plujr ere. ' Minx Van Hurfn him a' charm nalooji In during the Jiim of the (tf rimh in '49. who b com oh Intaroatcid . In the welfare o a hunted bandit, and who haven hia itfe In a hit; My dramatic nmnlnT. The' piny In filled with ult- uutlonM of unUMiial drnmntlo lnlnnltr. f celled. .ALT A fcilM)4Y-MOXOAr, r- 'IS v f ,t " i f , v. - t V J j -NX ii V l T JI STO H K EDITH R T O K - 13 "To-;nn" Wnmaii I'fns'Cfl Hlur. liy M-1ii IN Here thb. MM In "A the Hun Went Down," a tlr. rlni drama of a rough mlnlnir rump, Kit it h Kiorny, fumuua Metro mar, will be neen In the tronr 1urt ut "Cut ni Hilly," a "two-gun woman. Thl picture will be ihovn at the Alta on .Sunday. AlthiMiKh Kturllnir her younir life from the wrong end that of the dance hnllM and aaloona of thin vile mining town, "i'olonol Hilly'' ha the Rood. tralulitforward honesty of character which holila the llklna; and half-admlration of the men, at leant, of tho community, he la reKpected on accourt of her fuirnefj of mind and accuracy with the sun. Her own eex treat her with con tempt hut It la to thla woman of tho underworld that they all turn to In I time of trouble, with the full knowl edge that they will receive all tho help in her power. I-atcr. when ahe finds out that ther. I no "pereentuKe" In the life nha In leading, h haa the courage to lift herself out of the depths Into nn at moHphero of etralnhtncaa and respect. MIkh Htorey Riven a wonderful charac terization of thl complex woman 1 making her at all tlmea thoroughl) S human und likable, and It U with a ft'clliig of gladnemi, In the end Hiat H we aec her happy In the right way- Aiu aim: simiav and mo.nuav I'i use ALTA ORCIIKSTRA Prof. Itobt. Naglcr. Director. it "15 I (ft I fx u SI A T 4 A4 5 ft 'A EDITH STOREY IN As the Sun WentDown A CI.AV or I!I!1HKI J IUNr ICH A FVHT Vaudeville HOB CAIVIPIIKLL Master of Concert inu. THOMAS & TALLY - Two Nifty SinKeri and l)unerri. S!' T.viepiia quickly tranaforina an S . ... . . . -S optimist Into a peMtmlat. ' liy all means sec this comedy. L t v Si If a patient ha lota of money any lllllllllllllllllllltlirillllllllltlllf IMlllIIIIIIIf IIIIlllIIiJIMlIf If lllllllltlllllllillllillllf IlllTl i J" tor- can relieve him. : IK Dlt. II. 11. HATTKHY I'lrVBHTAN AM) BI'HUKON ofriro Out iiHI- llioliiiiiant. I fliDiiii A7 AitHlilenre ltoi ltn)t,y HI- , J'hono .m.rrn M,il..i.itl Hank Huimiua. e randiatoa. i Zy -ti.iitlfleall . aiaaaaa ground lo ft' r fiXt.K IHJTIIvVKI' ; Dr.'Lynn K. IUakehle rh route and Nervoua tMaaaatw an4 plaaaaoa of Womea, X'ttay JCIa lr Tharapautlea. Vipla lUtJ , II.h.b. II, ma UTTLK WOML'N ARC ABE-SUNDAV-and MONDAY JThAIlV&f rni,nRKN10c ; , ADULTS 2.1c TREATY EXECUTION . COMMITTEE MEETS! CarH arc Ktandai dized.- No olher carVlOi"so many high class ntandard parti sold so low in price. f Standardization in the first road to success. S' VAttlH. J.-in. & The fl!Ud eutumi j , kIoii vharuvd with fMifurHnff ex-'vution; of tho jjcuce treaty tnt fr tho firl i time lhl uftrnonii. 7hn frt verbal-. dltkurwiun iit ihu trraty -wilt ht-Kln next week fthfti mvmhvrn tf (h til-.' I led eiiimfnj-lm on rtpurntUmi will I rot-t Oftrmufi itrt at r.tlUi I and data, will le Mni(itld for ttttu- 1 execution of the treaty' reparation Only fool think make .tilUkHB. (hut they can't .WARNS AMERICA OF BOLSHEVISM'S EVILS IlujiriK- ftlandaidized goods llllhillCNN. is he real "vay to protect your Huyinjr aiiloinohilcs Is real business. We Invite the moht rigid investigation. Eastern Oregon Motor Co. VLLIK, CHEVROLET AX D PEERLESS DISTRIBUTORS. 1 l': i ' P' li feicfa ifai'a.- Hia reur.Si. t.J it i (a low j rcA A '' y i I Wn t had Loved. ' , Mite 11 PCTH I vTvtV $ 'iv" "r-- ' ' W 1111 t , WilKim A. IirJy frattntt t "' L0Ufa M. A.lCOtt'5 Famoiu Ktery ( ff¶moiuib Irtcnit pedal f K have an idea that you have Kt?tm r such a caw; in real fife. Where a fellow has jione with a tfirl for ever w loner, but there never has been a real understanding. ARCADE ORCHESTRA Roy K. Slant i-!d, director. 2 MEN! One day the !Vof-or came down a t-urvina', ihad-d road through the trees and CAME UI'ON JOIN THE ARMS OF ANOTHER! IN ADDITION IJRAV I'KTOO'RAI'JL 2 S