DAILY EVENING EDITION Number ooplea printed of yealeroaj's Dr Kaitlon, 2,877 This) paper la a menroer Ml aedltes) hf the Audit Ilureaa c, Circulation, DAILY EVENING EDITION Tlie Fast Orcnnlan tm Master r. gnn'a grrtUfv nwiapcr and m a selling force ! b Ms ediertiseee over iwl (Im rtrcnlaUoa) In llwdle Inn ami fimatllla. county of any tlMt neWWIcr. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CUT OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 31 -2Ai.L?-Nli!5LET0N OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1919. BILLY SUNDAY ARRIVES FOR SPEECH THIS 1 W11T PFTTPQ iq nrc at a p m h if ivi.fv BILLY AND MA f r SUNDAY GIVEN GIAD WELCOME "AH These People Down to See Train Come In? Thank You," Says Famous Billy. EVANGEUSTMAKES FIRST TALK TONIGHT CHAMPION DEMPSEY WILL TRY STAGE; WILLARD LOST THREE TEETH, SO CLAIMS VICTOR Milton, Home Players and Kilties Escort Sundays to Lunch. 'All these poople down to are tho train come In 7 Thank you for corn Inn," sail Billy Bunday with his uhuhI simplicity as he stepped from the train this morning Into a crowd of Pondlc ton people who throiiKed the station to greet tho famous evangelist anil his wife. "Ma" Sunday. Billy spoke yesterday at La Grande but has his customary ep ready for the Pendleton occasion tonlRht. lie and Ma expressed pleasure at arriving- hers and Billy says he's Kind to make his first talk in the Hound-lip city. Mayor J. Ij. Vaughan, Wlllard Bond, Marshall - Spell and Bob Simpson formed an official reception commit tee which conducted the Sundays to a car driven by Mrs. Jnmes Sturgia. The party left for Hotel Pendleton fur luncheon. Tho Pendleton band, the Milton band and the Kilties Joined In the crowd which conducted the offl. clal car te the Hotel. Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Bunday will be guests at a dinner at Motel Pen dleton, given b A. A. Freutzel of this city. t I r. v - ' 'I si I l i 7 : X ! SHORT OF GAS R-34 CALLS U. S. DESTROYER FOR TEtL PROJECT HAS BEEN music has been OFFICALLY CERMDfK. Ul OLUUliU UMI i ' I KA1,KM, thily r. Nine liuiHlriHl and hilly thoiiMind dollars in htmilx of (Iroui Aii uhi'n I.Jorifa in Ttov T,1'1 "i-lrl.-l arc Is-ius Ikhu.iI l ,. , . t, , . 7. l,,u WHirciary of wIhk '.h offiw. It is Thursday ui r unuj juttri iaitiiiig i Against Big Vinds. TWO DESTROYERS RUSH ASSISTANCE After Crossing Atlantic Gi ant Dirigible. Has Bad Luck. Iit-llcvcd ili-v l((iiH-iit work on Hie - " mj-t will start Imnuflialty. The cnnimiwkm approved tlM; bonds iirn !! GUoA- , it ana ii dim jitiaiui ovum- PRESIDENT WILSON WILL ADDRESS SENATE THURS ON WORK OF CONFERENCE uled for Forenoon Arrival Fails to Make Good. , SWIMMING CONTESTS AT THE NATATORIUM ; Dancing Will Mark the Fi nale of I wo Days Celebration. I.OSTO.Y, July 5. A wircletw ninn yene from tlH- naval radio station picked U nhortly bofnre noon con vinced naval officers the Hritish dir- NKVV YOUK, July 5. Tumulty def- iiatety announced that I'resident Wil- The prenident's addre-sa probably wi'l be in the nature of an exhaustive . 1a. s k iKible H-34, travelinff from Scotland eon will address the senate Thursday to Newfoundland, will be forced to descend In the vicinity of the Ray of Funrty. A message to the navy de partment Bald: "Could a destroyer proceed to the southern end of the hay of Fund$ to tuke hlw majesty's airship I:-3 1 in tow?" A Kecimd nieKHUKe picked uu nald th AHHoJino supply' was running short. WASHINGTON'. July G. A staml yaWu and two destroyers were order-1 -d ii rush to the assistance of the I 11-34. ! conference. It ts expected to be the loiifewt speech he ever made at the j cupitol. Ieague supporters in thai senate will try to force a Quick start ! of the debate after his address. "f report on the proceedings of the peace j MIX WHEAT LOOKS LIKE CROP OF 10181- 1Y 111 C II MIIrN ) out. Donuisey was ocnt hack to his (l-nlim llvi. wrr OirrcHtHiiKlnit.) corner. The lmpsoy crowd wen( in iw. i.r. vmiiinviiin l.nr, knocked out i... i. .til rrii-nriH tisliiv. round. .. .... ..... ..a..... r.n. ui...... lu. whtja !. iu.,........,ri.i mir enrnor anil broke Into wild t he HI Il-im III' H'n mm ir Uio inoMt iic-Ktcl(Ml ItouM - rattling With Wind WASHINGTON, July 6. The gaso Hne supply of the It-34 was f hort as l he Kt eat airship aKaiust irMim head winds over Nova Scotia, accord In if to a wireless the navy department Intercepted. ONE RUNNER TAKES 3 PURSES; RnnmmiKnwnAMFi nuuu iuuuuiu him uluii uniriL Wheat yield this year In the Ilollx riKiou is expected to -he shout tho : n me as Inst year or slightly lower, ftc rordina; to estimates made today. The region last yeur jtroduced an average ff 37 hushels to the ucre. ome going as high as 4S. The hot weather about three weeks ago scorched the grain some In the Helix country but littlo damage re sulted from the frost previously. Near Waterman the yield promises to 'be exceptionally good. Harvest will not I'egln beforo July IE. The acroage this year Is practically the same as that of lust year. Threshing has begun near Kcho and n good quality or gruin is being pro duced. Just how heavy It is yielding to the acre hna, not been reported here.. IlnrveHt will he general In the west end of the wheat belt by Mon day. Kamples of turkey red wheat from Morrow county, near lone, have been f rceclved here. The wheat tests 6tl j pounds to the bushel and Is of excel- . lent grade. The lack of rainfall in j iiiri i-.iuiiii.v una ieouta. to nwy mi bushel per acre ratio down. rfcximl for Urn fliMl time by a pum-li. went down six times from IH-imwoy's IMow. It Is nolle prohuhlo Hint Ita-mfw will mot, ticorKow Cansnticr In his ic.t ImmiI. TOl.rcnn, July n. Jock lieinpsey is king of the pimllistlc world and a greater champion never lived. Tho I'lah glaillutor, flKhlliiK the most seiiKutlonal bHttle of his meteoric career, battered Jess VVitlsrd from powerful, mighty lookinit human be ing Into a bleeding and awful mass in three rounds of flithting. , Wlllard. arter returning to his cor ner, collapsed In tils chnlr. Ho w;i seized with fits of nausea and seemed about to lapse Into unconsciousness. Then his seconds ended im battlo by tossing a towel Into the rintr. Hy that token Dcnipsey roso to the Bubitine heights In his chosen profes sion. Wlllard's showing was the most pitiful of any champion of nil time Dempsey's tho most amazing In putr II 1st In annals. 1 Thi-j-tnirhnitt the nine tttinutes o(! fighting, Wlllard n.iver landed a real, ly solid blow upon Dcmpsey. And through those nine minutes nenipsof hit Wlllard with such crushing, ten rlble force that lung before tho secoiitl round was over the crowd began to shout to the referee: "Hlop It. stop It!" - , The echo of the first gong hardly had died away before nempsCJ' launched a terrible atlacs: that (pilckr ly closed Wlllard's right eye. smashed his nose, gashed his lips In niaicy places, transformed his whole face Into a bleedmg. horrible mass1 and made his body one splotch of red. It wasn't a fight. It was a slaugh ter. The first punch that KempseA landed meant tho end of Wlllard. Thn challenger dodging several Jabs of Die giant, rushed In suddenly, whipped n mighty left to the stomach and fol lowed with a flashing right to ttye body. HoiuhI One. fiempsey drove a left hander to Wlllard's jaw and Wlllard staggered. Dempsey drove a punch to the heart and Wlllard went to the floor for the first time In his career. liempsey floored Wlllard six times In the first i round, driving htm all around the ' Tt)lKllO, Jnly 5 Jack lx-niixo'.r ; ring and having him on tho ropes, punch Is now on sale here. It Is made Wlllard never once was able to punch of logsnlK-rry Juice, sol(cr. bit of; back. When Dempsey had Wlllard syrup and crackixl Ice.. It carries no on the floor for the sixth time and the knockout. , J referee apparently had counted htm lilMUiry. Is n-nlliur. Ills g-uanl un ngalnwt ilmne wlui would pry Into what lutlUKiM-d Ut him in the ring. tumor wore, heard: all idjcln tJuit Jew sliffcirxl a broken jaw but lie wnt word Ui tJn I'nltcil Ires that It was a niMiikc. He iliil not admit any lost tcelli 1ml lnnipscy said li savt liim slat tlu-iti on the canvas of tl rlns. The town Is gelling- ""M'k lo lionnui ttlft )r)K. Wlllard's left eye was III u slow faidilon. iroii of men aro rinsing and he bled from the cheek, still seen on street corners nnrulne rx-mpspy hooked the left to tho chin over the round ill which V lllartl,Hn,i willnrtl reeled to tho roopes. W1I- Wiilurd in the first Tho crowd surged forward Wlllard was being led to his ;rs for iHiropsey. Wlllard had to bo assisted back to his corner. Hound Two. -JDoiiipscy ran to Willard's corner, smashing rights and lefts to the jaw. Thd1 champion fought hack but was) umible to stHnd the terrific bombard ment. IJcmpsey deliberately measured Sereeant Marquette. Imlloon pilot who Willurd and then crossed right to the, Is believed to liavo been drowned uiiiiil of the chin, hut Willard did notjwln-ii a captive balloon in which lie fiill. Dempsey missed a smashing Jard fought gamely. Dempsey was very cool. 'Dempsey fought to a clinch. (Continued on Page Six.) The track events at the Hound-Up crowd park yesterday afternoon were profit-! ing running .able lor J-mery Worthington, -with two C. I', battled L-irsts und a place in the winning re- j lay team his share of the spoinls. Worthington had no trouble in taking both the 50 anal ln yard dashes for 0 Miles Off "Maine. J men and his relay team won tho t0 WASHINCTo.v, July B. The navy I Ur d run agaiivst a field of two others. department received a message short- A ,.,.,,, whcn aIlnost taxed the ca ly after '2 today showing the position ! . of the It-tM to be ac miles northeast M ' 8""""u ",u raccB-aiiil the bail game folloving. Tho &xliibit!on of the national pastim'i was nuytii'iig iuit scientific. Pilot Hock winning out over Athena, 10 to 9 in . see yaw contest full of errors and "boners." ' Th men from the Hock start h'. out stronj;. scoring a lead of thre: luns r;ch I. eld until .the fourth when Athena p.led up six runs. The win ners got one and two an inning, how ever and when Athena left the fleiu Hh two on bases and two out in the sixth, the l'ilot Hock runner vert, euick to see their opening and scored, oris l'n m second and another from first e. This put the score u to ; an 1 tool, the heart out of tho thcna ihe winning three run coni the last two Innings. Do Lausaux, on a Yal won ! FI.YIXfi FROM SI-OK.VNK. A pixme message to the East Oresonian imm Walla Walls Hi. 4 afternoon hr-Hight the news1 tlint UviiU-nant h'ctu-rs. flying from t-.okaiie to lemlletfHl, - luul ! quested thuA oil and giM be made available ror hiin at Walls, Walls for s landins at S o'clock. It Is Uie preeni minion here that after tiik:n& oft ami gas the aviator will fly on to Pendleton. THIS EVEJTIYU 5 p. lu. Hand concert and swim ming contests at the Katatortum. 7 o'clock Exhibition flight over city by Liieiic. Fetter. 7:30 p. m. lntriotic addresn by Billy Sunday at Happy Canyon. 9 p. m. Masked, dancing' on Court street. 10:30 Dancing- at Happy Canyon. tho motorcycle race. of Cross Island, Maine. Tho message asked if destroyers were en route. IMI.MKIV IlliOT 1OST. TOIF.IHI. .Inly S. A Vliilcd Slates Istlloon scxiliting nwr like f-rio for was oiemting over the Willard-lKvnii- ' arena yesterday Is-okc- its cable and floated over the lake. Tlie bal loon Tell two miles out. Fred Delevan. moving picture oerntor was rescued by one tif a himrinl luunchcs which sturtixl in pursuit. All are unable to account for Marquette's dlsapiieor ". "it t i ai T tmi r n.-a, thn Inltff fnrln ,.l Ilia cum-- He was prestcri iond d t th eeif,hri.tion lnj.v. with uy Hoy smnlley with an Indl m and kiltied bagpipers drawing the lion's tJ. I. I .tterson took third on a Hen-jshare of attention. The Scots - vied dci-sin. He split third with GIot .Ynr- witn three ther bands for popularlty ton. id. tig a Merkie. ' fm concerTa lasting three hours thkf" ,. - . (morning- and the time when Main as follow raCeS Wertet wasn't bubbling over with mu- R' . jsic-wasn't noticeable. 100 yard dash Worthington, Saun- The only disappointment in tho pro-ders- . . , jgram today was the failure of Aviator Hoys under 12. 50 yards Didioij, I Buhl to appear. Buhl was due to McNary. 'come here from Walla Walla but for Girls, under- 12, CO yard fmpson. Mildred Atkinson. Boys under' 16. 50 yards Focett. Luja reasons not known to ! failed to arrive. When De Wilde. Girls under 16. 5'l yards Thelma Keene, Lula .Simpson. B0 yard dash Worihington, Saun ders, Potato race Smalley. McGoniglc and HclmicH tied .for second Sack race Robinson, istahl Three legged race Robinson ar.d i'arnes; Saunders and Kern. Relay. 440 yards Worthireton, Reynolds and Strahorii. Saunders, THE SQUEALER DINNER WILL HONOR FLYER AND SUNDAYS lieutenant J. M. Fetters, srmy av iator who will arrive In Pendleton to, night, will be the guest of honor ut BKht. and Hilly and "Ma" Simdav will bo the guests of honor at a dinner at Hotel Pendleton, given by A. A. FrentKol, automobite dealer of this city. - Additional guests nt the dinner, bo sides tho host and the guest of honor, will be Uieutounnt W. O. Buell, who flies this afternoon:; Mayor J. Vaughun, Frank Hayes, J. It. Knight. Tom Keating. Hub Simpson and George Baer, president of the Com mercial Club. Lieutenant Fetters will be remem bered as the nvlntor who was hers two weeks ago and who gave Pendle ton an aerial exhibition In a govern ment plane. AKMV NOW ;t(l..MMI WASHINGTON. .Inly S. DmlolH xalloii figures show I lie resent strength of the army to be :I8 MM.). Men diseliarged now total 2. 755.7(17. MAKING "IIFJIPSEV PCNOH" r- -3 ' s , most Sfc aw Sfrffi V RE I KG VIOLATE f ') 10 DROWNED WHEN LAKE BOAT UPSETS:; Vlul'X FALLS. July 5. Ten are reported drowned in the siiistiig of a small excursion boat en Lake Madison last niglit. The b at is said to have struck a snag and overturned. Authori ties are searching for the miss ing. " ' i the committee. hen the committee saw Buhl in the Garden City Thursday he was trying to raise I55 with which to recover his engine from the express company and it is thought that he was unable to raise the money and get his machine assembled. Pendleton will not be without a flier i however, for Lieut. J. M. Fetters is due :to reach here at 6 o'clock this evening 'landing on the Bittner ranch, east of I the city. The last word from tho army man was from Moscow. Idaho, but (whether ho is coming from there Is tnot known. He will be asked to fly (over tho Round-Up grounds at - 7 j o'clock to keep the engagement of the 'missing aviator. I With crowds slightly smaller today, jollity has reigned supreme and the ; cooler weather has put the "pep" Into the celebrators. A good sized crowd attended the Rieth-TTmatllla game at he Round-l'p park this morning; and the sports at the park this afternoon Attracted a large number. Interest in the water sports at the natatoriuiu to take place at 5 o'clock has keen high. : 'T" 1. .. . ... . . : . . , , . j ,nc c.cnis ui iouikoi. wnicn win , close the two days' festivities, are be ing: eagerly awaited. The mardt gras I masque, the dances and tho street carnival will be the most lively events !of the two days and the city's first I Victory Fourth is expected to pass out big blaze of glory. 300 WHO SERVED ARE FETED AT BANQUET CHAUTAUQUA LECTURE OPENS 8:45 TONIGHT "When tho War 1 I AH of Equal Rank" I Tonight will see tho opening of tho lver and We're1919 Chautauqua at Ihe Round-L'p was the song grounds, with a l..tnre '-Th. bi.i,ii. jock Coleman. Pendleton s Scotch of the Russian Revolution." bv Dr. j corned an who Just returned from Joseph Clare as the initial attraction, i service with the HSth Field Artillery. The lecture will begin at :45. in order sang yesterday at the soldiers' and to allow attendance at the Hlllv Sun- siai(ors oanquet at lvile-Y oodman day lecture before C'hautauquu. hall. Jock wrote tho song himself to' The evening's program. however, express his sentiments, and it evi. I will begin at 8 p. m. with musical lui dently embodied the idea of the other personations and readimm hv lhM M..-' I service men. for the applause was b.n iDonough Kwleston company. "'." !"... ioe oig ion nas oeen paced n the i resided at the 'Hound-Up grounds and nothing Is short talk, in lacking in the arrangements which ton for her re- nave been made for tho opening night. I u-;e, mi : 1 1 , lv Captain ' banquet, ai; 1 which lie i ;ceptions t 1 I'lit r nt a shor : we:-.- ii I) ,- ii. ill- city. The iiii;-Iv. W!r' Kftvsis is from the t;.-d serving were .V Sxdn.'y Stimoi- S"tiinierrill Florence K -clii' tied veterans. : ! s Ivsp.-ln told in r.r it fol the soldiers "l.. :ht-;- received from lill: I' I Mis. I - i vice men who I at Sin. Girls osx who assisted In i Viri-m'a Todd. Mis. I'l.-. Mm Kvclvn Miss Alice Korshaw. Miss -l-.aw. .t;ss iMalre Raiey. Miss Rita Fergu. rink and Miss Ar- .leraid. si o. Mrs. i,'ar M F lie Kousnxoin. J Orchestra music during the meal was by Fletcher's Jaxa orchestra. Ii I jm if THE WEATHER fimL rtV. j Toi.uht and fAjiJ-J' f:i!L Sunday fair J Cj V J and cooler. - - . id