DAILY EAST ORfcOOMAN. PENDLETON. ORftfiON, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1?H9. PAGE ElflTIT BOMB FINDING IS KEY 10 HEW P10T TEN PACES WAtroLK, Mass.. July S. Nine teen bombs, believed Intended for use In "rwT demonstrations, were found I ahert hri today. Th bomb, oonustructed of heavy iron H five Inches In diameter, were IwidrU with tiiith explosives and euiped with ' fps rendv f"r ut-e. The fhed wiii in the rear f the1 Home, of Kdward lnvi. whi, the po-.' Hen way, had tin federal 1 reuse to !hv tun powder In hi pis.osioi-. When qoestb.ned by the polios, IhvI alleged to h ive mi id the bmbs war made for the "c.-lebration'' of ; Mily 4- NViehbor who became sua-! I'ltHoun null fled the police that some thing mysterious was Kin on in thef (ned. Immediate investigation htouftbt the bomb to liht. In add-' t Km to large bombs there were several smaller noes. Alt were filled with black powder. A ' . .77... I, .Ufa "Speed up the Growth and Prosperity of Oregon" '.i ''"""";',S'" iv 5r: o FINDS SHOCKING ! CONDITIONS IN RIGA PRISONS PARIS. July 3. Additional lifjht ' thrown today on conditions in the ' lteltlc provinces by Colonel A. J. fnrl- j on, o( the Sanitary Corps of the Vni- ' td Stales Army, a professor In the : Cniversity of Chicago, w ho arrived to- day In Paris from Riga. Untenant Colonel Warwick Green, chief of the I American Military Mission to the Eal- j tic states, also arrived here to discuss the Baltic situation with the peace conference, which is endeavoring to obtain a comprehension of the com plex conditions caused by the presence of several opposing armies in Letvia and the general encouragement of un rest throughout the Baltic regions by German propagandists. In the opinion of Colonel Carlson the . I. WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE Isaacs Doctor Carpenter Presents Unusual Lecture at Chautauqua. ' In the entire realm ef popular edu cation no one thing con be of more Importance than to understand the wonders of the universe. And yet we Iiave found that very few people have correct conception of our own world and Its relation to the worlds about OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR ft ,''-. Its the' daily break fast in thousands of western homes. There It ao (ther . as tffeiHMo aod healthful. Henestly recsmraendeo as the tally diet af the antlra tousoholtf. Because the ingredients are so blended as to. produce a food tat la apetitising and perfectly dicested. Those who bare found other pan"kes indigestible will find OLYMPIC agrees with the most delicate stomach. - The Portland Flouring Mills Co. m Oregon Goods for Oregon People TAKE NOTICE LJ INVESTIGATE Call your nearest dealer tor information AT ONCE. Then take the earliest opportunity of conveying to said dealer the idea that you wish to acquire one of these na. To present these facts In a scien tific yet plain and thoroughly enrer tfllulng way is no small accomplish ment. Such a nian, however, is Dr. A. D. Oirpenter. lecturer at Chautauqua, eminent scientist and astronomer. With the aid of his Matlick Tellurian biachine, a revolving miniature of the universe, he explains "celestial me-! ehanli-s" In a higlily absorbing aud in- j terestior manner This Hat Talk Like It Waa a Tor. Bood RlTer, Or, Boat, Hut. 4. Taaghan Motor Works, Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs: Am harlnf fin sna ceae with th BtU old bag. Att age ten ricks to gallon of gas; al so cat 800 ricks st 4 l-8o cost per Tick. Going some for an old rig. Bespectfully yours, J. J. KECXEMACHEH. LABOR SAVERS A Gasoline Motor Driven Drag Saw Machine that saws up to 25 cords of wood per day. NOTE : We also suggest that for good results you should ipecify a VAUGHAN Drag Saw. for farther details addreia VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc., 475 East Main Street Portland, Oregon. expulsion of the German army from IjttviA and Lithuania, recently ordered by the Council of Four, will cause Ihe riprniom 01 cona 110 us. our ne ez- - i uressed the opinion that It would be created under German officers and for the recent execution of 100 alleg noc-aeary also to exjel the volunteer opei-ating- around Riga under Major led Bolsheviki. includini? ten women, .rmn and 0?rniHn-RuHtian forces j Fletcher, which are held reaponaible 'and the imprisonment of great num- "THE THRIFT SPREAD", Oleomargarine Makes economy a double pleasure; a table treat; delicious on toast and bread and on steaks and vegetables. You'll like it right from the start. Composed of pive, carefully select ed ingredients and churned fresh daily with pasteurized milk. The most aotlresble differ ence between Columbia Bread Oleomargarine and fancy cream Try batter Is th price and it's In faror of asers of Oleomargarine. Packed In waxed, odor proof - cartons. , U. S. Gov ernment Inspected. iiilP UNION MEAT CO. North Portland, Oregon " Oregon's ProsperityYour interests HOME PRODUCTS THE SIGN OF QUALITY Golden Rod Milling' Co. ARE ' Reliable cereals excellent in quality -the result of experienced milling and worthy of support as a Home Indus try product. Golden Rod Milling Co, Cereul Millers and INraltry Food Manufacturers PORTLAND, OREGON rli fSajiaclIlJ feffi' Fi i i--- .. f - 2VI-lV.V--VVS?Cln LET'S GO" To mm f 5 through .WHERE THE CROWD GOES! Dandnjr, Swimming, Fishing and Hunting at this big popular' summer resort. Beautiful camp Grounds and nice Cottages, A Fine Place to Spend 4th July JAZZ DANCE -5 - 6 July Auto: Arrivals at K,bib rueets all trains. ii.quirc at depot. . Dining vm during the week, but only lunches will be served cn July 4th and Sunday. jbera of persons under revolting condi- lions. P j Colonel Carlson visited Riga on June ana 4 to investigate ine sanitary con jditions. lie found the prisons over- 'crowded with starving- men and wo men, who, it was admitted by the er- i here after man keeper, were Riven only enough j , Ta iu ncr( liictiii dine nit Jim ut; 11 nit; F American Food Administration was supplying provisions. 1 Young and attractive women, Col gi onel Carlson said, were at the mercy of y officers In prisons without matrons. J Prisoners were being1 tortured and exe 5 cu ted dally in a manner which he de- Va. dared was equally as revolting- I motorcycle giving orders megaphone. "Xow for the flap Jaeks. Thcv mix the batter with six concrete mixers and have a steam shovel to ruh the egg shells away from the door and 6 k. p.'s with bacon rinds on their feet, skate up and down the griddle to keep it greased. So you see it is not bad over 11." when the red terror prevailed. The 1i.vfMtiKat.jr repotted the horrors to Major Fletcher, but the latter refused to do anything to alter the situation materially, declaring, that any relaxa tion of severity would result in a re currence of Bolshevism. Veracious Veterans Says Army Kitchen Is Wonderful Place Uobles, are fastidious In their tastes, lias enabled ranchers to exterminate the pests. At first a poison mixture of molas ses, bran and Paris green was fairly effective, but this was succeeded by an orango juice combination that the hoppers liked evert better. Then a Hunta llarbara man mixed his poion with lemon juice and the Insects fair ly flocked to it. The state horticul tural commissioner has Issued a bul letin urging the itso of lemon Juice for poison and the. hoppers are com pletely under control. placed In a glass case by tho baby's cot. Previously, the youngsters, " boon me mixed and it was hard work' straightening them out. , To iT..vont Mixing InfaiilM. OMAHA. July 4. -A local hospila. lis applying a modified HrtWon sys tem to keep infant' hnm 'th tti(r hos pita! from losing their Identity. "Foot prints" are taken and t he record Handlers Pcrlson TIolior- ' SANTA BAHBAUA, Cal.( July 4. Discovery that grasshoppers which have been lunching successively on wheat in the Cuyama district, beans In Flaxen canyon and fruit in Paso Slowly the temperature is climbing toward the 100 mark and liuUcaUona n' .at tomorrow. viU , Mt..U ..Jnttri",, sunny day. The mercury today regis tered 05, with a minimum of 47. Th weather la clear and calm, 1 Defers Tho Advsaf Of Wcnaa's Eblie w4 Women Wko Know Take Precwtioa Against Suffering. ' ColtVALLIS, July 1. Private B. C. Goldsmith, an O. A. C. man in one of the training camps wrote the follow ing fantastic description -of the army kitchen at the camp where he is sta tioned: "Well In this lottp-r I am goinx to go into details about our kitchen and you can se by it that we gft. enough to eat anrl have the necessary number of men to do the kitohen work. "Now for the kir-hen. The ranwe Is Before the arrival of the fitorlr, women for over half a century have learned tha wisdom of giving nature a belpftij band. lAusea itervousacsai, be-trinqr-down sir stretrhing palitj in tho abdomen tni ; muitries are entirely Avoided by the us of i Mother's Frienc!, according to tho tcitlnrnny j of thousands of mo titer who Juno tucJ thlt I tine-ltonored remedy. j Mother's Friend lubricate-? trm fine net" f trork cf nerve benoith tho skin, arH by j regular um during the period tho fnusc!. ore mads and kept soft and elastic. 1hr7 can thea expand gently sad esifiiy whn baby it born and nnfn and danircr at tha 1 j cii-ns j). waiuroFiy a vomer Y. Y, Ilorh ...... Manager Gibbon, (Post Office), Oregon 3 feet wllo, l:ir,)i fe t lonij and It t Mutlier'a Prtnd 1. a prepuratton of tvnffl. takes 18 men In file It We hove SKi 'ra,in other medium! mronM 1 . . "," , ... . twpeied Tcia!ly for expectant mother. I m.i1( and , DO k. ) . VN e inueh pota- it ki for r-tern-1 ne, Im eb-oltitely rare and t 'Kit wit (i pue lnvern nmi ifrllld roffce j .noma ne wsen reirul.rir -urinf tlic enure iih n 3ro hri-e ptiwt-r Itbertv motor. The. clirtr dtHh-- re tiaulpd away oa a freight train and the k. p'l aie mount- J fil on roller hkate. The mem sfrnmnt "' up mid down the kitchen on a J period before baby comm. ; Write to tho Brt-lneld Kerulator Con- i rant, uepr. a. Iarnar Huiiointr, Atlanta. ; firorgin. for ae Jntretln Motherhood Book, and obtain a bottle of Mhfe, Friend from the dnimrlat. You rlll C-i 1. tin pc4tt )i:mS gt 'm.-UTi tl-.f-l'l-- 1r"i"t-t-r rf- -.-----... . AV E R. Y. TRACTORS 7 sizes AVERY TRACTORS come in 7 sizes and 7 patents owned by the Avery Co. Sliding frame transmission which means less parts and . less trouble. Round Radiator which lets the exhaust cool the engine. Adjustable Bearings, saves time. Lubrication that is positive. Gasifier, perfect combustion. Removable Cylinder Wall, eco nomy. Universal Lug, to grip the ground. F. E. Rannev. Mer.. American Nalional Ra Slanfield Office, Thcne 12F22. Pendleton Phone 348-J THRESHERS 9 sizes AVERY THRESHERS have guaranteed for life. cylinder teeth. Hyatt roller bearing cylinder and blower and a guarantee with" each machine to take 99 9-10 per cent of he grain out of the straw and put it clean in the I