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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1919)
1 n?-.--',ryn,-n-y " PACK FIVE DAILY EAST OttttGONlAN, PENtiLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 1 1Q1Q TEN PAGES -MllimillllllHIIIHIIIIIHMIIIIIIIIH MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaten , . Hftve to Tell You, - ARCADE THEATER 3 Children 10c g Adults 25c COIOY'SSI STORE CLOSED ALL DAY, FRIDAY, JULY4TIL Order your groceries Thursday. " Large Lemons, dozen 40c Large Cantaloupes, 2 for 25c Guittard's Cocoa, 2 lb 20c Guittard's Chocolate, 1 lb. 35c Economy Jars, pints, $1.30; quarts. $1.45; Yi gallon 4 '$1.80 Bulk Ginger Snaps, pound 20c Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles, 3 packages '. 25c Blue Karo Syrup lz gal. 50c, 1 gal. 95c Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 for ... . 25c Snyders Catsup, pint bottle , 25c Quaker Corn Flakes, each . . 10c Best Peaches, Pears and Apricots, large cans, each ........................ 35c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 2 tins, 5 for . ........ .; .......... $1.00 ik V ; V'"' ' '"' ' W ? I it- r t v s g I :: " " - Ji , s Sep1 ANOTHER CARLO AD OF FORDS JO HTM DARRYMORC AlfA TODAY ' ,, hi ( m , in i in . II l.l .. I. ...Ill nil I I l l..l...l .1 .1 "I. J'""' 11 1 " " " "' " " ""V . t ,.-aWmt"At.JMI'JIWW!mfy.!a'JJItlvf M. , ii in in iinm T-- Trfnm, xc- !" ttimtj ;. , ! - , . .v . -.- - 1 E JUST RECEIVED. TOURING CARS AND ROADSTERS "Come and get it!" . Orders filled in rotation and they last long, so we urge that you come in now. wont Simp Water & Johnson son Auto Co. Phone 403 JMIX nARUYMOHK IS LAWYER I.N. II IM LiATKHT P1COTOI1..AY (Union Paramount Mar Swn In Kx eXKiuil AiivaiinMi In "Hern Uomrs thn Hride." I'ortrnylnn the role of a poor lawyer Is in lore with the brautlful H dmiuhler of a millionaire out wno B ! wciii an ti1y widow with ft pat" to Kiwln a reward of 1160.000, John Farry w. more the talented Paramount atiir 0 i will be Been In one of the mom hum- 2 2 oroua rol( of hl Hcreen career In 'Here Tomes the Bride," which will be displayed -t the Alta theatre to day. Mr. Barrymoro Is on8 of the best known actors In the country and he Is now appearing In Tolstoy's play, "Redemption" at a New York theatre with great success. Notwithstanding that much of his time Is taken up with this attraction, he finds time to devote many hours to motion picture work. ! In "Here Comes the -Bride," Mr. W. marrymore nas me pan oi a your K'struitKlinB lawyer who Is Induced to wed a strnnito widow for a brmo or 1100.000, denplte the fact that he loves the beautiful dauuhter of a corn mag nate. Khe loves him, but the father is opposed to the match. This unfor tunate marriage provokes numerous Interesting as well as humorous situa tions in all of which the artistry of Mr. Barrymoro is finely displayed. The heroins of the story is portray See Anita Stewart in "Virtuous Wives" liiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH TABLETS .MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiii I PASTIME i THIS is just whit you. need, madam. Many Women who were troubled with indigestion, a sallow, muddy skin, indicating biliousness and habitual constipation, have been permanently cured by the use of 'Chamberlain's Tablets. Before using these tablet; they felt miserable and despondent. Now they are ebeerful and happy and relish their 'meals. Try them. They only cost a quarter. TODAY ;2 Children 5c Adults 20c Alma Rubens IN- I Di&ne of the Green Vmi 1 IN ADDITION KEYSTONE COMEDY : Wonderfully the Beauty wnn noDular. favor, by her char .ton. ... . ., ed by Faire Blnney. a charming actress aCterization " th I'arainount-Art- j In lots of 500 tons and over,. 4c per " r. l .. 1 nu.i.n "Knrtrtinir J.lla. lull. .... ' -- - Kii Hlniwv ton . won many: admirers! Where inspection and weighing are rtrrom ih7 Ami Iowa Intelligencer.) by her conscientious work and per-'demanded, the fee for the combined Xn'lfarcmpu'Tdou-lso'na. charm. The siting com- service .K.1 . lo . nditiona to v. - . -i . v in ,,r inn ttest ana jmciuuvh sut-n " i -" - . -- -- nnu ... ..... " ,. , - . . 'well known players as rranK jxsee, !. lK-mnee Kave. Alfred Hickman and iiiiiiiiiiMuiininiiiniiiiiiiiniiHuiiiiiiniiMiHiiiiiiiiinHMiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiii.'' Kjnerlcaa National bank Pendleton. 1.1..1 ...11. naln will dlo in your presence unless you well nrnenre him a drink Of of our Baldwin Player Pianos is that in additi on to being wonderfully fine rrmsiVfll instru ments they can be played by any body with equally fine effect. You can with one of these player pianos in your home enjoy the world's best music, though you don't know one note from another. Let us tell you how to put one there, from $500 up and terms to suit all. Have you seen the new Edison? Special-$50.00. -One used cabinet talking machine whiskey. Frances Kaye him n doctor or else give him 'Others. a dose of Chamberlain's Collo and Diarrhoea ltemedy. There Is a mis. I.lrnn nnllrtn fl ni 1 1 1! C a. whole lot Of people that boose is the best remedy for colic and stomach ache. AHCAUE TODAY Ilcauty In Old Ogc. Tou often see a beautiful old lady and she seems to be as hr.ppy as he Is beautiful, for beauty and happiness depend largely upon good health. IndlRestlon or constipation are to a great extent responsible when old age lacks beauty and happiness. This can ofien be remedied by taking Chamberlain's Ttblcts. They strengthen the digestion. Invigorate the liver and move the bowels. This makes you feel better and look bet ter. Try' It They only cost a quar- Roocl for TiHllgpstlnn. troubled with indlgos- ere tion lake a few doses of Chamber- -w . Tk if T T Main's, Tablets. They strengthen the VV r lnt1 O lIllCir H11C Sl'stomarh and enable It to perform Its IT til I I'll S IVlUaiL JL IUU3C S fiinollons naturally. They also cause ' 5 la gentle movement of the bowels. Tou K i win lie snrnrised when you see how K much belter you are feeling ofler tak V. Salwmaji I'seo Wireless. HOOD ItlVER, Ore., July 4. "Feeling fine, scenery great," read tbe first radiogram .ever received in Hood River from the Atlantic. The message i i Scientifically examined. Olassea ground to fit DALE KOTHWKIJj MminK . mi urn A III I .11. 1 ' S Dr. Lyim K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases an D us eases of Women. X-Ray Kieo- tro Therapeutics. -Temple Bids;, Room IS, Fbonc 414 OWEX JOIIVSOX'S OVEIi OI- vax Bent by H- p Davidson, apple ex XEW YOUK SCK'IET SET porter who gaued Monday on the , lAquitania Ao tour European markets. fto the Hood Phone 524 820 Main St Pendleton, Oregon ling a few dopes of them. Cars are standardized. No other car standard parts sold so low in price. with so many high class Standardization is the first road to success. ' Buying: standardized goods is the real way to protect your business. .... Buying: automobiles is real business. "We invite the most riffid investigation. Eastern Oregon Motor Co. VELIE, CHEVROLET AND PEERLESS DISTRIBUTORS. "Virtuous Wives," , a sensation drama of married life, starring beauti ful Anita Stewart, at the Arcade today. The picture is adapted from Owen Johnson's story of the same name which had such a marvelous success when it appeared in book form. Ac- j cording to the author, a virtuous wife ' fs becoming un .extinct species of fern-j inlnitv under present day conditions. Ho tells the true story of married life i in New York society in this novel . which has taken the whole country by storm. "Marriage a legalized excuse for circulating in couples," says the ! author. I Anita Plewart is adorable as Amy j rrmttur who ts hannv with her hus band, Andrew, in the first weeks of! their married life. Andrew Is forced ; to go to Colorado to attend to some.) mining interests, telling Amy she must play for the family. He is perfectly! satisfied that his wifc'A charm and beauty be used in social conquests and that she enjoy herself In the company of other men. Amy i pleased with tho attention she receives and flirts with one man after another. lrma nelabarre. another wealthy society woman Is Jealous of Jlonte Rracken's attentions ami writes to Andrew warn ing him of his wife's flirtations. To ' win Andrew from his wife lrma flirts ! with him and makes "catty"remarks about Amy. This situation Is hondled In an absorbing manner in the picture. Conway Tenrle Is splendid as the hus band and Mrs. DeWolf Hopper is a vivid lrma. . I River Fruit company, 5 his i Ta Alta local connection. The local company wirelessed Mr. Davidson new develop ments in crop and market news for tho week. WEIGHING INSPECTION COST UP ONE CENT It costs Pendleton grain men 6o per ton instead of Sc per ton for the weigh ins and inspection of sacked grain since an order issued yesterday In Salem by the public service commis sion which revises the fees to make them commensurate with tho cost of service. The new rates also cause an In crease in the cest for hauling bulk grain. Formerly the weighing and In spection was 50c a car, which held jfrom 'JO to 60 tons, or a price of from 'one cent to two and half cents a ton. 'The new price is four cents a ton. ! Following uro the revisions for both hay and grain: j Rule 13. The revisions for Inspecting and weighing hay and grain shall be 'as follows: ' Sacked grain. 6C per ton. Hulk grain, 4c per ton. Hay, 1 2c per ton. Moisture test, 25c. Rule 14. Tho fee for welprhimr grain from a public terminal shall be as fol lows: In lets ot less tUun iOO lous, r ' KOVERALLS Reg-.U.S.Pbt.Off. Is otif Registered and Common-law-Trade-Mark and can only be right fully used on goods made by m. . Koveralls are ' garments for children I to 8 years of ae. If a dealer tries to sell you, under the Koveralls name, any garment not of our manufacture, you may be sure he lias an article that he is trying to market on Koveralls reputation. Unlet made by Levi Strains & Co. they're not KOVERALLS. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit FREE A NEW SUIT IF THEY RIP KOVERALLS are made only by Levi Strsuss Ac Co, Sn Francisco and bear this label mmr KOVERALLS net u s. hi ir SSI LfVlSTRfcllfS&Ca Today CHILDREN 10c eatre ADULTS 30c Vaudeville FIELD & KALISH Forward March. BELL & GEORGE Bumps, Falls and Laughs. , ADOLPH ZUKOR PRESENTS John Barrymore Beecham's Pills will rapidly improve yonr complexiorby arousing the liver and putting stomach and blood in good order. LaraMt S.I. ( Ar MiM la tha Warla, a14 aTarjwkan. la aaua. 19, IN Here Comes the Bride By all means see this comedy. TOM MIX IN THE RATTLING, ROARING COMEDY Six Cylinder Love 2 S