East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 03, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Section Two, Image 7

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    j I Sa"l5fBafaB'' ' Section T.wo
Section Two
Pages 7 to 12
Fire Damage During Last
Month Was Only $15
All Told.
The clly council hint nlKht UKi't-od
to Mliare the expense of operating the
employment office under K. IJerke
ley'a direction by paying an addition
al VS. 60 a month, toward Its mainten
ance. The county and the patriotic
nervlce league are being naked to add
a llko amount to their contribution of
$G5 a month, because the Koldlers and
Bailor' roiiimlHlon, which agreed to
pay about 119 a month, htm become
defunct. The council by Its vote ac
cepted lie share of the defunct organ
isation's pledge.
An extennlon of four year on the
loan held by Perry Hdumt wae grant,
ed. He ha a loan from the (ilnk-
Ilia; fund and It In Hocurcd by a flrxt
. mortgage held by the city.
Five fires were reported by the fire
chief for the month of June, tho to
tal Iohs being but $15. Most of the
alarms were for-grass fires which did
little or no damage. The chief re
ported the receipt of 500 feet of new
William Harison Buys
300 Acre Wheat Ranch;
Chicken Farm is Sold
William Harris, of Pilot Itock',
yesterday purchased from A. J.
ItoHS tils' 200 acre wheat farm
four miles east of Pilot Itock, for
t consideration of 115,000. Mr.
Hurrls will lake possession' Imme
diately, While Mr. Itoss ex
pects to make his home In Athena.
This is the second time the land
has changed hands recently, Mr.
Unas huvlng bought It a short
time ago from Dick Kerchoff,
Another real estate deal of this
section was the sale of the August
Guderlan four-acre chicken farm
on Havel street to K. L Kirk, for
a consideration of 6000. Mr.
Kirk recently moved here from
Heppner, and bought the Oldeon
Hrown property on Madison street
a few days ago.
All of the above land deuls
were handled by K. T. Wade, real
estate dealer of this city.
DENVER, July 3. Miss Myers de
clared, while waiting for Police Sur
geon Fritnkle and the police unibu-
fir iir,n a,hi.h hA tout..! r.n ...i.. lunce, mat never again would she be
day and recommended. On motion '""' with i "Old Lady Nicotine."
Ih ,.r.nr.l.l ...,.l r.ai i OUOUHV. JIlllKlliri III .vera HIMI
paid for.
Ulds for two carloads of coal for
Ik. . . ... . I. ..it., v. . . 1 1 .....:...- . i
rwm breeches,
. . , . . . . tiler frientl umoked
"v niitn c?i'i jiikb ur iui rumvtiiuui ill
.Petition for an arc light at the cor
ner of Jieneflt and Turner streets, in
the enHt end, wua granted by the
a friend, an unidentified soldier, went
out to City park to escape the heat.
i'mIms Myerg whs dreiHcd in a pair of
an (.live drab
Hhirt and leKKings and while her tu-
Miss Myers helped
Hut never again!
Miss Margaret Myern, m yeurs old,
took four "whiffs" at a strong old.
pipe in .City park Sunday afternoon
and then
The lake started rocking like a candle.
The animals in the zoo reeled around
Contract for Port Facilities
is Awarded Portland
ASTOItlA. Or., July 3. Thu Port
of Astoria today awarded a contract
to the Foundation compuny of Port
land for the construction of pier No.
3 anil warehouse at tho port terminals
the price being $816, 491. &0. Tho other
bids submitted were: Portland llrldge
J in i lil I uif company, $931, 817.25; Por.
ter Pros., K 17.7ii0.62: Hurriiigton-
Peters' company, I999.S68.60.
Tho J. A. McEuchern company of
fered to do the work on a cost plus
basis at 7 1-8 per cent. A. lOuthrie
& Co.. also bid on a cost plus basis
ranging at 5 per rent, offering also j
to rem eimiimient at S per cent.
In udditlon to the contract the port
Is to Install a sprinkler system estl
i.ia.id ut 125,000; furnish tlin cement'
at $19,120; electric wiring 70i0; rail- 1
road trackage $14,227. and sand fill
estimated ut $100,000. j
There will be upproximtely 3.000,
ooo feet of lumber used in the Job,
with 366.660 lineal feet of piling vary
Reserve Board Says
Almost Unprecedented
Prosperity is Ahead
prosperous year, tnurkeil by large
output and "almost unprecedent
ed" financial returns, is promised
by business activities of Juni the
federal reserve board suid in its
monthly statement today.
The report contained warning
ugalnst over speculation. The
board took up ttio Industrial, ug
rfeultuiul and labor situation as
In many respects the agricultur
al prospects of the early spring
are being more than Justified.
Kcports from the wheat grow
ing areas show that practically
the entire crop is in good condi
tion. Cotton has suffered slight
ly from recent heavy ruins.
Famous Woman Came to
America as a Poor Work
ing Girl,
l'HllAtKlAHA, July 3. Vr.
Anna Howard Shaw, honorary presi
dent of the National American Wont'
j fan's Suffrage association, died at her
home in Moylan, Pa., near here, at 7
o'clock lat evening. She was 1
eara old.
Ir. Khuw came from Kngland to
i this country, an unknown pioneer girl
of 4 years, and through her own ef
forts became the president of the Na
tional Woman's Suffrage nunociation
In her girlhood he lived with her
parentH' Immigrant framily in a Mich
igan wilderness 40 miles from a post-
office and 100 miles from a railroad,
Ktartlnp? her career as a school learn
er, who walked eight miles a day and
received $1 a week. Hr home wan a
poverty-HIi-icken lo cabin built by
her father, who was compelled to
leave hifl wife and children at the
merry of Indiana and wild unlmala
while he earned a living for them.
From her Michigan home Dr. Khaw
went to live with one of her married
itern in a norihern town. After,
MUdylng at Alhln college from 1872
1875 me watt graduated from the
Ilo.ston School of Technology In 1878.
of wire splken; 31,004 boat p.ken; 34.-) The snake, which meaimred nine paying her way through Bchool and
0 malleable washers. (feet In length and had twelve rattles , college by preaching and lecturing,
The pier will have a frontage of . has been sent to an 'Eastern taxider- She suffered extreme poverty during
1586.52 on slip 2 and S35.33 feet on! mists for mounting. Pioneers declare this neriod. living In 'an attic in Bos-
the pier head line and a frontage of It to be the largest rattler ever seen in I ton. , . : ,'
Affectionate Kitten
Saves Master's Life
HOIYOKE, U,i., July 3. "White
j Paws," a tiny Maltese'kltten, waa tho
means of saving the life of H. G. Mills
recently. The kitten, which followed
its' owner as constantly as a dog, was
riding with Mills in , his automobile
when engine trouble developed. Hills
crawled under the car to Investigate
and found himself within ntrlking din
ing In length from 40 to 05 feet; 670,- tance of a giant rattlesnake coiled for
000 feet of lagging; 336,000. feet of , a spring. Too frightened to move, ho
sheet piling; 48,000 feet of whaling , watched the pet kitten leap from the
strips; 11,000 cubic yards of ripraps car and sink its teeth into the rattler s I to
392,000 feet of bracing; 35.000 pounds, head, killing it Instantly
1760.18 feet on slip 3.
this section.
JlOAl) WXSTttl'CTIONj1'10 a Hntn on u rough sea.
The trees and the flowers and the
. . - . uhrlihu tiluvnrl Inn it r.ir . n - tha itnz-ba
nla votod 7 to I in favor of a 40.-,on tno lttke BWam witn tnelr noada
000.000 highway construction pro- !ubmurged and their webb feet point-
gram, according to nearly complete i
returns early today. From the first
counting of the ballots, the result .was
never In doubt. The bonds voted will
be sold to provide for completion of
'portions of the present highway sys
tem, construction of a number of sce-
Jl was a terrible evidence.
Woman Kidnapper
Freed After Ten
Years In Prison
nlc routes and Ktretchea to relieve the
congestion on certain portions of the Piatibn.
IMTTHHUKGH. Pa.. July 3. Helen
Iloylo left the Western penitentiary
here Wednesday under parole after
serving a little more than ten years of
, twenty-five-year sentence for crnn
Hclty in the startling kidnapping of
Willie Whitla of Kharon, Pa., in iiioa.
'I'll never come back again,' she-
said, as she stepped out into freedom.
My future life will be one of ex-
1 wish only to be forgotten.
gallons all told, is stored at the Com-.
Imerclal distillery here. The distillery
has not been in operation since the
Bim prom union 111 w w em iihu eueci,
April 2, 1H18.
Before calling a man a liar be sure
you are right then use a telephone.
In marriage one and one makes one;
in divorce one from one makes two.
After seven years service as preach
er to atimal( flockat Kant Dennis,
Mass., Dr. tfhaw resigned from the
pulpit to take up the fight .for tem
perance, for suffrage and for social
purity. Her association through her
preaching, with such prominent wo
men as Mary A. Livermore and Julia
Ward Howe enlarged her view of life
and arojised enthusiasm for the cause
of suffrage and liberty.
state long highway.
1919 SEASON.
No, I will not go In the movies."
Her brother was waiting for her and
the pair started for Chicago, where
the paroled prisoner will make her
James Boyle, the woman's husband,
is serving a life sentence for his part
In the kidnapping.
Special. While They Last
Get Yours Today .
Charles Milne
phone mi
, Pendleton, Ore. 1
Tn-StatG Terminal Co.
Agents for the Oldest and Best Companies.
Telephone 550 129 East Court Street
Half Hen, Half Duck,
This Animal Grunts
THOUNTONV Texas, July 3. The
strangest freak in the nature of a
fowl ever seen in this section of the
country is a hen or duck belonging
to Mrs. Mary Martin. The fowl is a
little larger than an ordinary hen. It
has one regular chicken foot while
the other foot has web toes like a
duck. It has a "comb" like an ordi
nary chicken and bill like a duck. It
neither cackles nor quacks, but goes
about with a peculiar little grunt of Its jor Gen. Mowditch, personel adie; Maj.
While the strange fowl is one year
old it has never laid an egg. Some
times it will fly to roost and again
; it will sijuat down to roost on the
! ground.
Occupant Near Death,
Many Ask for House,
So Invalid Recovers
LeOtons, May 20, 1919. il told her that Gen. Poi-shinn wan to
Ea8t Oregonian": jcome through, so she remained hoping
"Attention!" The General Men!! I'0 8ee hl'n at lea 'lth, ,ners 8ne
was standing outside the door waiting
So rang out the command in the "V" fr tne party to paM. The General
tafetnria yesterday nt 12:30 noon, towering above. the crowd singled out
Pour ttmdred or more of the A. ts. F. itho tittle V girl, broke through.
rose and snapped to, "Attention". 'shook her hand and thanked her for 'shade,
while a hundred or more In line to be such services us she was giving the A. I "
i;erved, did the same. They so remain- E. F. it was Just a few moments later
cd till General J'crshing and associates that a voice greeted me as I passed,
entered, wrre received, made a short "oh Jimmie. hold mo up please, the
inspection and were given the word. General lust shook hands with me. I
"He seated, men," as the party passed) Won t T make Sarah Joyce King Jeal-
oilt. The eveninpfbefore a I-ieut. had ous and get even with her for not tell- '
breezed In giving us the information j ng you that I was in the hospital.":
that General Pershing and his party Ad she went of the happiest little "T"
would reach Le Mans, and among girl I ever saw. Sarah Joyce King of I
other places of welfare work, he Koine. Georgia. Is her helper in'
would visit the big " Y" Cafeteria in (making hot cocoa and dough-nuts fori
he "Garden of the Jocobins." He the doughboys. Miss King Is one of !
was accompained by his son with Ma-(those typical southern and refined 1
girls who just purrs when she talks.
Jen. McAndrews, chief of the staff: Those of us who have worked together !
Mai. .Gen. Harbard, chief of S. O. S.; lor several' months in and around ;
Brlg.-Gen. Simons, commander of A. Connerre and Montfort long since dis-
Kmbarkation center of Le Mans. I missed all conventions and call each
Men are compelled to invent - all
kinds of things because they have no
hair pins with which to work.
Sutt'ihVre tna 1,0 l-tulth:i , Uui lh
lazy hi.in 't-5 f.insh b:sl'ln the
Office 0er Quelle Uotauraut.
Phone 57S
, Residence 1101 Raley St.
- Phone 17( " . .
K. V.
LONDON. July 3. The hous
ing problem Is one that confronts
not only Londoners but the in
habitants even of the smaller vil
lages throughout Kngland.
In one Midland village recent
ly, when the news spread that
one of the old Inhabitants was
likely to die. no less than six
people went In one day to the
landlord to "bespoke" the cot
tage. The old man heard what had
happened und.ut once began to
get better.
iney were on a tour of Inspection in ; other by our first names or some
this large embarkation area. Gen. J"nlckname."
Pershing was also to present all me- When I wriU this two days after this
dala won in the recent big shoot, at of the General, word comes that he
the Belgian camp rifle range near Lejwas very much pleased with the Work i
Mans. We were In readiness to wel-done here and said -something to the
come them also hoping that tho gen-'effect that the "Y" cafeteria looked
era! and party might take noon lunch- like a regular Delmonico. At our Sun- I
I eon with us. We had a good luncheon, day night dinner on May isth (5:30
tho nothing unusual, we always have to 7:30 P. M.t our service reached nl-
such luncheons, if you please! The 'most one thousand. To be exact we
4 general smiling, and in the most iserved 930 people. The work on the
.democratic way entered and shook Ire cream factory begins at once.
j hands with several. All the while his ! When completed this will make the
Keen eyes were taking in every delail .cafeteria still more imim nr in this A.
as he passed thr:i the building. Here
is a typical incident of a great and
democratic man. one of the little "Y"
1 girls that runs the canteen through here, which means that
at Connerre where I use to be had in- will have to keep wpen till well along
K. F. em bar kiit ion area. The order
now, which seems to he official is that
most of the 8. O. S. troops will pass'
cidentally come In for' noon luncheon, toward fall, or "all summer us the
She had not heard till then that I was, rumor runs.
When you buy a car, buy one that has been
tried and proven.
Why take chances on an untried product?
has been tried and proven.
II. F. Kimble Motor Car Co.
LtK ( ft, Corva 1 1 is. Juno 3 0. That
! Klamath county Is preparing for a
big fair to ho held Octohor 1 to 3,
and that the hoys and prirln In club
work in tho county are putting forth
rftrenuotia efforts to make possible at-
t tractive exhibits, in pointed out by
Prank W. sexton. Klamath county
club leader, who Is attending the
county club leaders' conference at the
; college this week. The day before
the opening of the big fair, fairs will
he hold in each of tho 30 districts of
the county to display work of tho lo
cal clubs.
Forty standard clubs have been or
ganized with a membership of 850 ond
individual club members number l.".o.
Cookery clubs load in membership,
while sewing and gardening club.-
come next. Clubs in potato growing
and calf, sheep and rabbit raisins
have been organised. Community
meet inga are held In the district at
tho school houses and programs are
given In whie! the work of the club
ia demonstrated. ,
Booze For Millions, .
But No Owner Found
TKftKH HAJ'TK, Ind.. July 3.
Right t housand two hundred and
ninety barrels of w hiskey have been
found In one place in Indiana, and
the owner cannot be located.
The whiskey averaging 4. gallons In
the barrel, or approximately 375,000
running the cafeteria. She is Miss i
Winifred I'na Jones of Sulsurr. Calif.,
Very truly yours.
Pendleton's Treat
This is Pendleton's greatest ' observance of
July 4tH and everything will lie' free to ' her
guests. ' ' ,
This store will be closed all day the 4th that
we may h'elp entertain you. . " ' .
We'll be open the 5th to care for1 ,-- -your
Sunday meat needs. . -
Oregon Market
rilONE 600
813 MAIN ST.
No Advance
In Price !
Instant Postum
is sold "at the same
fair price as before
the war.
Its high Quality is
always . maintained
and its delicious -
flavor and practical,
economy make it in
creasingly popular.
"Theres a Reason"
The Conservative Man
Studies Economics
that is why he is a success. Why not apply this
to automobiles as well as business.
The Elgin Six
fulfills every requirement, from the economical
.standpoint as well as durability and easy riding
qualities, with the best of service, always sniil-'
ing, " hih ccrving. ;'.
Cr;! and judge for yourself.
Blue Mountain Motors Co., Inc.
Distributors of
Min c'nd Vr.tcr Sts. Pendleton, Ore.