DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, rENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1010 TWELVE PAGES 1WC.E FOUK .V.. .".V . AM rxPEPEKDEKT fuibllh Dnllr nl S-ml.Wkl V JVvdleJon Oreson, by lb . . TAUT OHKUONIAN 1'UUL.ISHINQ Ctt I lBirw i id poioinc ai renaiv ton, oreffOK. , econd-claa mall tuuter. v.y'-- NEWSPAPER. ( -UMORIPTION RATM (IN AJDVANCB) br mall , Yalwption Da I It. on yar. Dally, ix month br mall Dallv. tore month br mall 1 , Dally, on month br mall i Daily, on year br carrier $.! 1.S . I ll .SO yuaranteed. Conyress cannot ealare a peace except of the ildcat oil-stock variety unlw is bottomed upon a treaty duly ratified : and the attorney- in-chief of the Republican Party will so inform Messrs. Lodtre and Fall one . of thes jdaya, if they persist in their inonsence. New York World. PENDLETON'VTlNANCES lm.rlIHoi,. Now Stand. Portlana ; Dally, ail month by carrier iltowman New .'.. Portland, Oregon I Dally, thr month by earrlar. "' , ' fN KI1.R AT Inally, on month, br carrier fci . "" - 9ml-Weekly, on year, br mall Waahlna-tnn. n. O- Bureau (01 Four- I S-ml-Weekly, lx month, br m leenth street, N. W. ( Sem-Wekly four month br mall ':)H)SK nnnM) Tin-: wu.r. HE healthy condition of i Pendleton, financially ! speaKing, is shown byi . the retirement of $55,000 of! i i n bonds that could run 10 years' Hi! '11 loHffer f such were desirable ! jor necessary. Also in the per centage of bonded indebted-! ' - - - . "IVa tnM vnn vfrvt Viinrr V ii,i vm, ihmm i i a I ness as compared with the as- toil fr.;n.t v, sessed valuation of the citv. . in., uvuv. iiitiiua uc , ...... v . . . . VV 1th on once In "Sear shady wall a Brew. "TiuiMe4 ami blossomed Hod's free lie til. Watered 'ml fen by mornliig ft rvr. Phertilintr its snwinrw tiny an, niKht.. As It PTCW ami blossomed, fair nhd tall. Slowly rWiw to loftier lieiphl, It came to a crevice in the wall. Through which there shone a beam of light. with added nnr tell niv other frienila hp iraiis.. vmi hnve inHcrmenr nnri ! v lin an assessment or ap ja sense of proportion,"' the col-Proximately $6,000 000 Pen- onel is quoted as saving. :dleton s total bonded mdebted i whon rni Hn.wa w i,'ness now is $612J)00. Of this1 he had not read all the stories ",far,y one half 13 for bonds of published in this country and e cavity water system and : which purported to tell the J.hese buonds are bel"? reUred news of the peace conference. from tne income of the water Some of those stories were far system so nlean ,T0 ta burden from the mark. . on the community, ,...... As compared to many other; ANOTHER CALL FOR -cities of its size Pendleton is in 1 MR. ROOT ;a fortunate way financially. i LOOK! LOOK! 3 s l iAi Btf VS. Cm World's Championship Onwnrd It cropt pt reus i h. With never a thought of fenr or pride; And It folwed l!ie lipht thru the crvice lencth. And unfolded ttstf in the other side. :!tP The lipht, the dew, the broad ening view, TVere found the same as they were before: It lort itself in beauties new. 28 YEARS AGO HE attempt of Senators Lodpre and Knox to dis credit the representatives of the United States at Versail les before they had acted failed because it was an affront to the tFrom the East oregonhm, moral sense of the countrv. ! isi. July S. Indians have commenced racing on the reservation, tfauirilay is their Elihu Root's advisory proposi tion that the Republicans of the i ..?.! I , ucicaira at- -Mr. ana Mrs. nouglas Kelts m-ere in1 Cording; to law put Messrs. j c:ty today from Hirch Creek on i -Lodge and Knox in a bad light, i their way to vislt fr'fn(is at Weston, j Breathing its frasrnnce more but it at least "saved" the Dartv ' A- Sf J'lfV an(1 daughter, and more. fn,. trio mnmonr J JIIss Cozzie, arrived Wednesday even-i . I LJ, moment. inB from East porlad and win re-: j inus iiisu-ucieu uy me cniei ; main during the summer. i Counsellor Of Republicanism, it j Misses Bertha Bean and Bernico ' inow becomes the duty of Sena- D',M"' who have been attending st. : T A oo r,llo;v,n n, ' Helens Hall, returned Wednesday i ,tor Lodge, as Chairman of theleveni from Portland to remain dur.i Foreign Relations Committee, inR vacation. ito consider senator r ail s reso- 'lution providing for a prema-' jof peace by Congress. What Mr. Fall has in mind is peace j without a contract; and he bli- thely proposes an arrangement of this sort in the interest of Shall elaim of deaih cause us to grieve. ' And make our courage faint or fall ? Kay, let us faith and hope re ceive s The rose still grows beyond the wall, SoatterinK fragrance far and wide. Just as it did in days of yore; Just at is did on the other eide; Just nt is will, forever more." Mrs. John Vert has gone to Hood River where she will be the guest of Mrs. Koberts during the summer. Joe Connelly has returned from La Grande. Misses Annie and Rosa Grady have arrived from Joliet, Illinois, on a visit to their brother. Conductor -Grady, The young ladies will remain two months at Mr. and Mrs. Grady's home in the city. NOT A LABOR AFFAIR w Hni ii ... , . i RETyRJJS t ,f . . ,, ... . ..... ; . .. lWfW WILL BE READ AND p6sTED JULY 4TII AT TO Ini ... PENDLETONS Fine New AMUSEMENT PARLORS BILLIARDS ' 3 ' rOOL " .SNOOKER3 CIGARS ' SOFT DRINKS - ! MAKE THESE COOL PARLORS YOUR HEADQUARTERS THE 4TH . - 'i i - . SEE THE BIG FIGHT BY TELEGRAPH! EVERY BLOW, EVERY ROUND, JUST AS IT . HAPPENS IN TOLEDO ! Its All Free Its Our Treat MAKE YOUR DESSERT ,; ... A PLEASURE ; Take Home a Brick of Golden West The Cream of Ice Creams. Eat. More Ice Cream. ' .;' t Healthful, Nourishing', Satisfying. We have it for you in any quantity. -JlwHUH taitii wi:i)S ! 11 JO . OX VACATION I ate is engaged in ripping the troafv it-aol-f Trt thl ATr 1 srl era fTHE men who are advo- Senate, seems to i assent, on the! j VLL eating a Ftrike in order to condition that Congress shall washinxtox, July s.-The army j ompel a new trial for MOO--act on ve g;;ne Df fg treatV air service announced Tuesday that' and a poor regard for the besti r Fi;V,n Rnnt's inh tVtProfnro ijlsoon oul1 start cn a iRinacoutincntal WrM nf lahr . f"?1! "OOl S JOO, xnereiore, lS;fllKht frora HaelUurst field. Mineola. ", " , , ; ... not iinisnea. rrom tne cioist-'N- Y.. to Seattle, wash. The fiisnt i ine laws or America provide ere(j retirement of his Newiwiii he for the purpose m mapping j certain conditions under which yorj offices he has' already in- in aerial route betueen the Atian- a criminal may have a new v.o imthn in law tic and I'acioc coasts. t trial. While those laws stand ft and state.man-l Th0 Per8nnel of the . squadron. . , ., . morals, POIUICS ana hiaieHIIldll- wtj n wi le aCcotniained by an nb- . . there IS no necessity for any h- Now it is incumbent Upon Nervation balloon and motor trucks, """""ered the secretariat may -well h,mI ItlVK 5" rrJLLlih-'mto explain to l" X Znl ' ff'l It "S Unaersrooa Dy Jir; noui b :Coinbia Indianapolis, Chicago. Mil-I , "V ii.neeus 1'ltie comment, nannlc. daughter of Mrs. K. A. -or- w ,?? 8t lntimildatln- " clients is conducted Only On pa- waukee St. Paul, Minneapolis, Parso, i'? conf" UP"" the deleKates to the ,. 1.I.IS hPr mother and ShOUld be resented as SUCh 1J" i ner dutV attested, recorded and Bismark and several other cities. C ouncil and Assembly, to their com- friends, has written that h.-r vacation every SOber minded Citizen. . P y lccu i missions, to th secretaries and to the ,er.lnated on .May 17 in her weddlnx Another nhier-rinnahle thine; 4 i ... !a'"s?..ucclip tn? . Ireea"m. , oy 1. Cornell, Hood River Soldier. ffiSS JiSnSf "TuS Ssfdfr! THE ' LEAGUE ; COVENANT the Mooney case as a labor af-; fair. Mooney is not in jail be-! cause he was a labor champion. JHE AUTHORS OF THESE ARTICLES: ymtU-Tnent ,f the. United States, forward the interests of labor. ; George W. Wickersham, formerly U. S. Atty. General. A bomb was placed on a side-i a Lawrence Lowell, President Harvard University. walk in San Francisco during a Tiinrv W. Tafr. of the New York Bar. THE PURPOSE: ' ' - To discuss and make clear the various articles of the Paris Covenant for a League of Nations, now awaiting ratification by the United .States Senate. . , Today's Letter Takes Up KEEP COOL AND HAPPY Drink BiN-IW "First for Thirst" Made in Pendleton. - Refreshes the thirsty everywhere. On draught here. rei iinni iiimi,.tiijm .aiii r I.".. V in. iV-' tiiii !v i - - - --. - - . preparedness parade. It killed a number of totally innocent people, including a little girl. , It was a diabolical crime and it ! was committed in cold blood.1 The object of the outrage was to discourage military pre-i paredness on the part of the j ...... .c. eve j '" ,,J,U i.Mr. and JVIrs. C ornell have tone to local officials conferred by universal icisper. yyo. where thev will make custom upon ambassadors and embas- their homo. Cornell will be connected sies in foreign lands. In order to en- wl, , ,nn siHnr!ll,d nil rnmnanv' sure for the Leauue complete Inde- , branch there: The bride for the past pendence from influence and pressure j rlve veara nns bpen cnle( operator at by any great nation and still more:tne offk.e t (ne oreKon-Wnshlnutmi from any suspicion of such influence, ITolephone company here, it was wise to place the seat of the Cornell, formerly a member of the Leaxue in a small and traditionally Hood River band, went overseas with neutral country. No better place could the 9l!it division. He was transferred have been selected than Geneva. Iand for M ime Was a member of a band, with General PershlnR's personal escort. TWO BIG FLEETS WILL BE RIVALS IS DANIEL'S IDEA WASHINGTON. July 3. Two fleets, (equal in strength, one the I'acific ffeet land lhe other the Atlantic fleet, with AltTK'l.XS V, VI ANI VII ' jse'eral members of the League. Nor Jthe Asiatic fleet as the third main di Votiiiff Utiles idoea it determine what branch of a vision of the United States naval forces Procedure and the appointment of i national government nas power to put iwm be the peace-time disposition ot tne navy, according to an announce- , hel,,fllJ to hundredi of Pendleton ;rea- the nation was threatened and !mmmiUea in the Assembly and the lit Into effect. That depends upon the preparedness was in order. . council are to be decided by a. majority .constitution of the nation. With us The jury found Mooney ivote almost all other matters requirejit would require legislation, and there tniiHV after an exhaustive trial unanimity. The functions of these ) fore action by congress; but con gUUty Slier an exnausuve inai. mainlv discussion, the Kress is under a moral obligation, like It IS reported that the MooneyW' unanimous vote on ithat imposed by. every treaty which record as shown Up during the qu(.stjons Cf procedure would enable Pledges the good faith of the nation, trial ia a had one. It is not the ,r. mo.nl.rr tonrevent any subject to eaact the legislation required. record Of a labor advocate, fr.nn being debited; and if it were A:n4- nt nni.'t rtuuirea lor tne ai)poinim.-m. more in sympathy with anar- KlChtS tnan Wltn Union laDOr. IntelUgent discussion. CHFKHI-'lTi WOI1DS l-'or Many a Pendleton llousi'liolcl. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed to be entirely free Irrm annoying, dangerous urinary idis oKiers, is enough to make any kidney sufferer grateful. The following advice of one who has suffered will tprove I'crmaiu'iit Secretariat The Ieague will .obviously - need a roiltees one member could prevent jconsmeraoio oouy oi men to carry on gathering the information needed for a voluminous correspondence among ' Lne memuers, iu recoru ine proceeu- i.. v. f in ioil rA ho Th. r.i.i.t nt rfem.nrfirvi- nnanimitv ings of the different organs, to col- nr,Ll fr,r the Bvmnathv of la- for " matters was really to still 'cct such information as they may re appeal lor trie sjmpatny oi la djj not un ifiujrei and to the various com, bor. ' 'derstand that the organs of the League mittees and standing commissione. It IS significent that the sober are Kiven no substantial power to di- In fact the convenience of the reprc. oUm.xl r,f nnr lahnr leaders OD- rrct tha conduct of the members. But sentatives, and the ease of working ment made Monday by .Secretary Dan iels. The I'acific fleet will be under com- I ders. ! J. H. Ktrover. BOH West St., Pendle ton, mjivh: .''Ilnan's Klflnev Pills are mand of Admiral Hugh Itodman, the a rj(,nt anL j coultln-t recommend Atlantic fleet under Admiral Henry SI. nvtnlIlir better for backache. When take days Wilson and the Asiatic fleet under j my hsicl, Keta ,ame nn(1 ,.,, j luimrai Aiocrt i. ..leaves. ine icu Dan' Kidney Pills for a few .. i.0 Monnev evmDathVithe provisions is by no means incon-'the organization will be P0(J? th. OOMy W" ,sent with the principle on which the moted by the efficiency o: admiral of the Atlantic and I'acific fleets will be announced next week, but I'.ear Admiral W. L. Hodgers, now in command of the ASlatic fleet, will be the vice admiral of that fleet. The president has approved the se lection of three officers to the rank of admiral. The secretary ' announced that the bureau of operations was studying and would present a complete plan of di- greatly pro- jvlding ships of all classes to make the ana iney never ihii 10 uo bwu writ, j A few doses stop the aching across my I kidneys and make my back feel as 1 strong as ever." . Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't j simply ask for a kidney remedy get j Doan's Kidney Pills the same thatj Mr. Strover had.- Foster-Mulburn Co., i Mfgrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. j Olir IUU1 W, Alicj' uu ii" i. . -mpn who hold the hlirh offices of statu mnnt one for hnvlnir these two strong ...ori.ln.ra Vnr 4h. last nurnose a cnunge irequenny, a.ua iiencw ine i ei- iieeis, w as to enuuuidhe " stimu- the spirit . .... - t-i.Bc,iti (it-u. in fhA f'.itnr!l dtuI As- In,.. n . I. tiln-VtACt. HopreA fcrmoiy are nut iiriuiy iu i itiiuiiii joiik oi compeillion umi nct:n ... a,,nl. a 1 ..I .... J ,.nifin fltint lit e.lll!ll Strike. They do not want theM ague Jg baBe(i that of automatic ac Jret:-.riat and its chief. This is es-igtrength. labor forces to attempt the tjon by the members, specifically set Pecially true because in popular gov- j In making the announcement the USUmation Of powers Vested in forthin the Covenant itself, and be-iernments -and no others are expected secretary stressed the fact that one ' . . ..... . I,. l, m.mhni ft Oin League th. i..f V.& ..rnno.u nnil nnsslblV the Para- ni. "ond this conierencea wiin a iew m,,-- " - " ' ----- - labor to assume the role Of voluntary nea aeon o ail tne juror when it has no way of lioynri.r trio n Vlil lnip 111 trie Ititunfllif. llii,.ilIC'. fatP Thv are absolutely right I! may be well to explain here more enough to be thoroughly familiar with .uve-n them, which will be a bis factor I t hk " "llo precisely what Is meant by automatic tne aeiaim ot previous transacuons, ji Keeping the wnoie nax y uV UOOUl ine mailer. action on the part of a member of the lut must depend for much Informa- itopnotch point of efficiency. 'The proposal for a Mooney denotes action that is tion upon the secretariat. sympathetic Strike is a mis- auU)IriJ1tic so far as the League or its j In order, therefore, to render effi- truidl'd affair and labor may organs are concerned, not in regard cient service the cretary General l,a lnntv ili l.ivalitvtOtheeOV- " constitutional branches of its and his subordinates should be pei- be.st show JtS IoalllJ 10 ine gO rnmenL Under Article XVI, m-ocnt fully conversant with the hai- eriinieilt and to lulJir interesib , n9liD resorts to lory and condition of International by ignoring it. war against' another in disregard of relation, but riot themselves political i ............... jls ,.,jvcnam3 the other members of Persons. Their duty is to serve the I CHARITABLE COL. HOUSE l,. League agree Immediately to sub- League, not to direct it; and in view of UWRIinci-wi. severance of all trade the large influence that any permanent , 1,-is i .imo to lisrht since and financUU relations, and to prohibit expert, with the detail of a matte, ) jrTI lUlh lOim lO llglll binci 1((,r.JlIrsc w,w ,helr citizens at Ins fmgers' ends, can exert over II tllC pt'iue treaty was t-lgn- .tj) cltjw,ns- ThiB S automatic in a changing body of political - su-, ,.tl that for six Illollths Oil. Btnf,e 1h:it it is a direct and im- perlors, it is of the utmost importance Hod, Vt the American peace mediate obligal.on, wholly Indepond- that the secretariat .mould be as free' A, Tw ilioll had been meeting eat of any action by any organ of the ,from bias and from I"tal motive , rteU'jrallOll nau Utlll n ta not automaUc In the powoHle; so that Iheir object may SIP American Correspondents that (he MVerance of reiations,be the .uccess of the league as an I Hllv civillg them th? latest le- ,Rk Jliac outomatically without uny .Institution, not Hie special interest of vlopmciita on the .conference. 'Muon tK tu f ovfimiBo . t . it'S'ny particular B.mbSr, a nghtij a- i Stop Itching Skin There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes he skin. Askanydruf?gist for a 35cor $1 bottle of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackhead s,eczem a, blotches,nngworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. A little Zemo, tho penetrating, satis fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, makes the skin soit, smooth and healthy. Th B. Wi R ti CJtvvland. O. Pure and Delicious licllvrrcil In packages to any part of lli: Hty, " Sold in Bulk or in Ice iCrcam Cones- Drop In, or telephone 81) HOHBACH'S BAKERY Oat Ciiiirt SCfcct. Try our - v I line Iloiuc-Made Remember we sell . i t s GALLON and , ZEROLENE 50c Gallon Bros. Grocery And get more for Cash Lynde 309 West Webb Street Plione 334