TWELVE PSGES7 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 3, ldlfl. L NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON rnlrlittlii I'uvorM ;lvcn. Tiny red, white and blue rlhlion liow knots are being Klven itt Huyres tore a patriotic favors for the Fourth of July muwit. Iloys to 1MHilo on filiform. All boys of the high school inter ested in military work are asked to meet at 8 o'clock thin evening at the library club room to deride un uni forms for next yuar. Jem Andrew to VWt Tom Mnrpliv. Jess Andrews, Ia Grande hoy who wan In Franca with Tom Murphy an a member of a hospital unit of the Hainhow division, will bo a guest lit the IC. J. Murphy luimo Anting July 4 anil 6. Payments Duo July l.V Second payment on Victory bonds bought on the InHtiillment plan will lie due July 1A. Payment of the com plete amount of the bonds may be made at any lime, which will eave the payment of Interest by the bund holder. WanlH to Know How lViidfi'ton ivies. Hosehurir has written a letter to tho Pendleton Commercial A'ockt tlon to. leurn what method of financ ing the? unto tuuriHt citiiip ground 1a used. Merchant there have been radio service, United Htuten navy, ar rived loiliiy for a visit with bin moth, er, M I'M. f. h. Mullock, and hi sister, MrH. James Welch. Mlalne Hallock. contributing to the support 'of their of Itaker, passed through Pendleton ground und the chamber of commerce j lost nlkht on hie way to Portland and believes the city should make provl- on the return trip will atop hero for Hlon for It. The chamber also sup-'a, visit with hla brother, ports an Itinerant band but suggests' . city financing for the band bIho. Mlu Wlmli-r On VaenMon. WIbh Kilna Winder, who la employed at the .-W. It. & N. office, loft to day fur a two weeka' vacation. Hbo will visit In Kpokana and In Uayton, At Work on Kllta Moat, J'etulleton n. p. o. K. arn hard at 'work on the Klks float, which will be. ,one of the attraction of the parade j tomorrow. Minn Mary ('Inrke hua been .chMen to ride In the float. the homo of her mother. Winder. Mra, Mary I, II ll- (.III SHI M Tli'kvlN. Miss Mildred Klirel. axed 10, has aold 53 Chautaunua tickets to date. An opportunity la offered for a few school student to earn peases for the entire week by seeing W. W. tlreen, county school superintendent, who la a member of the ticket sale committee. aloe Hallock III Pendleton. Joe Ilalock, who wears a xod stripe for service as chief special mechanic. io j i6i i6i 161 161101 loi 101 101 iui- "The new 'phone nambcr at the Delta is 32" RICHARDSON & ROBBINS Fancy Boned Chicken Fine for the Picnic or Luncheon. . Heinz Pickles and Relishes in both bulk and bottles. "ilOLSUM" the real vacation bread. Keeps fresh longer, 10c and 15c. "WASTE LESS BUY THE BEST" This Store Closed All Day July 4th. Pendleton Cash Market. Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both" . departments.) v J -T0I TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT IJvo i:xpm Package. A real live "hee haw- was con tained In an express package which passed through Pendleton today, go Ins; to - J. II. Thornbury, of Wasco, from H. 8. Skleda, Trenton. Missouri. Kxpress charges on the animal whose vubie Is paced at $100, wllbe 1136.15, with a war tax of $.sl. Iwnllsls Visiting Here, o. a. Chlsholm Is in Pendleton as the guest of his brother, J. j. Chls holm. Ife recently deceived his dis charge from the army and next year will complete his course In dentistry at the North Pacific Dental college. He is accompanied by Dr. I It. An drews, who graduated this year from the dental college. also entitled to sport the handle of captain, la a wheat raiser In Umatilla county, having about 1200 acres un der plow, which puts him In a class of those who yield up an Income tax. There has 'been frost to curtail the crop about 20 per cent and despite absence of rain cool weather has en abled the grain to come along nicely. It la within the range of' poaslbility that IJenator Itltner will lie a candi date, for prealdent of the senate in the 1921 aesslon. Oregonlan, lirldgn KiurlncoT VIsltH. (.', II. McCu Hough, bridge engineer, was In Pendleton Wednesday for a conference with the local office of the state highway commission. - Sheriff nark Tomorrow. Sheriff T. D. Taylor Is expected to arrive In . Pendleton tomorrow morn ing with . Itobert Grant, captured at Miles City, Montana, with a car stol en f rom, J. B. McCook on April 18. ivdiTai office ieo .inly 4. The IT. H. Biological Survey office and the U. 8. Forest Service office will be closed tomorrow, July 4. They will be open July, 5. however. I'ostorrhw lM'nl to 10. The Pendleton postoffice will be open tomorrow from a a. m. to 10 a. m. The office will be closed for the remainder Of the day. Courage to (lose Tomorrow. All local garages an accessory dealers have been asked by .J. If. Knight, president of tho Pendleton Auto Association, to close their places of business tomorrow from 10 a. m., untir G p. m. It will be possible to get gas at a few pluces In town dur ing that time, it Is announced. Was In Pendleton at Jtouuil V. J. Shepherd Schoonmacher, who will appear as a member of the Lewis Military Quartet during Chautauqua, was In Pendleton during the 1918 Hound Up as a member of the Camp Iewis band. Mr. Schoonmacher is a baritene singer from Los Angeles. While in Pendleton last year he was a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. K. Eoyden. Three I'ourUm of Fund In. The Salvation Army drive commit tee hns received $2246 in cash so far. hlch is three-fourths of the total for Pendleton. There are five precinct captains to be heard from and numer ous lieutenantsln other precincts have not turned In. F. K. Judd, city chairman, is of the opinion that there is enough money now outstanding to finish the Quota. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" FARMERS I will insure your grain in any of the old reliable companies that I represent, to December 31st for about one cent a bushel. This ic the cheapest rate ever issued in Oregon on grain insurance. Give me a trial, save money and get real insurance service. . JOE KERLEY Buoceaaor to Chas. S3. Heard, Ino, "See Me Before the Fire" Iir jurance , Loans Real Estate 7S1 Main. Pendleton, Orron Tuilor Shop ItolilN'd or 911. Fourteen dollars In currency and silver was taken from the shop of IJiKlKren and Fran seen, tailors, some J time early this morning. The thief 1 gained entrance from the rear by cut- tin a window screen. A check for I t2H, endorsed, was unmolested. The : robbery fa tough t to have taken place eiiriy this morning because a tailor was at work in the place until J o'clock. Was in IVrnhlrur' Rrydmrat, Arthur Edmunds, who has been In France as a member of the 15th Car. airy, Pershing's old regiment, return fd this morning fnm service ovor si'as. F.dmunds Is the' son of Mr. Chironce Kdmunds of this city. He iiMK ivtr a member of the r3?ilar ar my for the past five years and has nat yt't received his discharge an 1 is home on a furlough from. Fort Husscll. The returned soldier was !oadefl down with numerous German helmets and other ttnpbios. G, Ti. Sliiill Itctums. O, L. fthull. who far the past few months has been In Oakland, Cali fornia, for the benefit of his health, has resumed his duties as telegraph operator at the O-W. It. & X. office. His health is much improved. Ifc'fuult I Entered. A default was entered In circuit court today against Milton H. Bmlth In the divorce action in which he la defendant and Jessie X. Smith i plajntiff. Will liOdiiro In Vancouver. IB. C The Jtev. V. H. Cox left this morn ing for Vancouver, 13, C, where he will give a series of Bible lectures In the First Haptist churc;h. He will be away two weeks and during his vaca tion will visit with friends whom he knew in England. Ifynien If. odion Here. Hymen H. Cohen, editor of the mar ket page of the Oregon Journal, Is In the city today making a survey of the crop conditions. He Is accom panied hy Mrs. Cohen and they are making the trip by auto. The tour will take them over the entire state. Old Church. Vrwa Vned. The benches which have been placed on Pendleton streets for the use of crowds who attend the celebra tion, are.the old church pews from the old Episcopal church. They have been donuted to the use of the weary ones. New Cashier Arrive. Leland I. Tolman. who Is to be as sistant cashier of the new Inland Em pire Hank, arrived in Pendleton to day. Mr. Tolman Is from Seattle and was graduated from the' University of Washington three years ago. He la the son of Justice Tolman of the Washington supreme court - and be longs to the Phi Delta Theta national fraternity. Will Not Cltao July S. Itunks and stores of Pendleton will nut close July B. although Governor oicott has designated the day as legal holiday. The reason for not closing is because of the holiday. July 4, and because the coming of the first month catises an Increased amount of business. If the holiday were observed, sny bank officials. It 'would cause much extra work and In. convenience both to patrons and to the hanks themselves. . Pendleton Couple Marry. A license to wed was issued today to Mort Snyde Beckwith and Pranie Bell Williams, both of Pendleton. Mr. Beckwith is a farmer and the bride Is a nurse. They will be married to. day at 5 o'clock by the Rev. It. R Oornnll at the home 'of Mrs. D. C. F'olsom, mother of the groom. They will make their home In Pendleton. Let everybody join the happy throng and Celebrate 4th and 5th TWO DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVERYTHING FREE! THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED TO MORROW THE 4TH. BUT WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY THE 5TH. STORE OPEN THIS EVENING. lxr jo ... p o r SEKViCK Wt rv r C : sonal and reel property belonging to the estate of w. N. Matlock was made In probate court today. Final orders were made in the estates of W. C. Spencer and Mary LaFave. Edward LaPave is decreed owner in fee sim pie of the tjuarter section in section 20, township 3 north, range 35 east. An order was made empowering the administrator or the L C. Harder es. tateto pa J16.747.68 In claims. The estate of liena Taylor Robinson was admitted to probate with Frank James as executor ant S. A. Taylor. D. R. Brownell and John F. Wurster named appraisers. Will lie In harms of Service. Men. Lieutenant Charles Despain of the United States Army, Chief Corby of the navy and Sergeant Griffith of the Ma rines will be In charge of the service men In the parade tomorrow. The . .. j " A regulation uniform will be worn by .i i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 t i ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiniii minimi f 1,."" " u dir'wuwVirt white hats and no leggings. All ser S vice men are asked to meet at the 2 Court House at 9:30 a. m. The service section of the parade will form there and will mnrch from there to the cor- rr.ner of Garden and Alta streets to Join S the remainder of the parade. Indiana Arrested for liahting. Bill Hart, riot the actor, and John Snyder, Indians, were arrested this afternoon on a charge of fighting and their case was brought up In police court lute this afternoon. It is al leged that the fight was precipitated by some liquor. Hart has two badly swollen eyes as his share of the fracas. nm numi fire CELEBRATION LOUGH ARRIVES TO MEET STEVENS! past nine months he has been box in in Portland. Stevens is In fine fettle and feels confident of a decision over LaOtigh, basing his confidence on the fact that has beaten some of the same boys that Lough has met. Two whirlwind preliminaries are premised the fans. Perry, the battl ling brakeman, and tailor Owens will Looking every Inch the fighter that l,x ff. roun?? at 170 Pun the Portland press accounts indicate I he is. Frankie Lough, w ho is scheduled to face Buddy Stevens in a ten-round go tomorrow evening at the Oregon theater, hopped off the rattlers morning. County Court in Session. Hearing of a few petitions for roads and other routine business has occu pied the time of the county court which is now In session In the regular July meeting. Not all the bills have been reached yet and the session promises to extend another day or two before the business Is disposed or It was thought Commissioner Harney Anderson would be home in time for this meeting but ho has not made his appearance. 1 YOU CAN'T AFFORD ' 5 to keep a good car in an unfit place. 1 WE CAN PROVIDE 3 safe, clean and convenient storage for a limited H number of machines. 1 RIGHT NOW ' S is. the time to see about it sd" you sure to get a place. I OR, IF YOU WANT a cover for the car we will serve you best. j Cnc Hests With judgr. Taking of testimony In the case of : the State of Oregon vs. Homer I. Watts was completed yesterday even- Ing In Justice court and the case now rests with Judge Joe H. Parkes. He has asked for briefs on the points of ;law from both attorneys and will ren ' der a decision In a few days. jJr. ! Watts, defendant. did not take the Ktand yesterday and It Is understood 1 that the state did not call one wit Si ness. hut intends to use him In case the matter goes to a higher court on appeal. Trucks on Way Here. The b:ll of lading for 20 Nash quad trucks which are to be unloaded at Pendleton foruse by the state high way commission arrived to'oy and the trucks are expected in few Cays. The shipment, which consists of new machines turned over to the Mate by the war department for high way work left Hawthorne. 111.. June 26. The trucks will be equipped with dump bodies and distributed to the various counties in Kastern Oreson. Prisoner's Identity Kstnhllshcd. All doubt that Charles Conners, es caped prisoner from the Umatilla county Jail, is the man held by San Francisco police was dispelled today by the receipt of photographs of the prisoner which tally with those here. N'o word as to Conners' disposition has been received here. He Is wanted a! so for the Haines bank robbery and may he brought to Oregon for the linker county officials as a mora se Army fiets Six HothIIh. rtous charge is lodged against him S:x recruits for the army have been there than in this county, enlisted here this week by the four - . army men sent here on special recrult";Traiiper Is Here. lag service. Those who have signed I fc. Knottinghani, United States up are Harry fj Curnow, Arthur D. Survey trapper; is in Pendleton today McKlnnls. Fred I I'ran. lo J, from I-nngollano, Oregon. He Is on Payne, Jesse u Ilurrell and Daniel F.Jhls June and July vacation and is ac- Warnlngs against throwing fire crackers at floats in, tomorrow's pa rade were Issued today by both Mayor Vaughan and Fire Chief Ttingold. The chief also warns all persona to take extreme care to prevent fires during the celebration. The council will decide tonight whether the untl-firewnrks ordinance shall he enforced. Chief of Police Roberts said today he had received no ns as to enforcing the law. IC. A. Quinlivan, the ex-gob champ. and Kid Morris, the shipbuilder, will step six rounds at 160. Harold Casey will ofifciate in the preliminaries but jbout will be postponed until the arri ival of Abe Martin. Lough's manager. Lough is in the pink of condition. The doors will be open at 7:30 and being fresh iron) a series of boxing jthe preliminaries will start promptly triumphs in theJ Rose City wherejat 8:30. A special invitation to ladies Jockev Bennett, former Pendleton is issued and they are promised that scrapper, had charge of his condition- there will be nothing to offend and ing. He is working out this afternoon much to entertain. in the Moose Hali and good man of I . . '' the fans are giving him the double-O. j Lough's last battle in Portland was with George Schroeder, the St. Paul lightweight whose style of battling is likened to that of Mike Gibbons. Lough 'von a decision after four rounds of what the Telegram report ed as "rip-tearing, torrid rounds." Hib home is in Los Angeles but for the instructs YANKS WIN FIRST IN ALLIED RELAY PERSHING- STADIUM, Paris. July S. Americans' won the finals In ths 16H0 meter relay .today, Australians were second and the French third. THE WOMEN OF FRANCE Louisa Fitch Tells Absorbing Story at Chautauqua. Miss R. Louise Fitch Is one of the lecturers who will help to make the morning hour of the Chautauqua one of the most Interesting of the entire week. Miss Fitch, who Is a sister of the late writer, George Fitch, was sent to France as official representative of the Y. W. C. A. She spent six months studying the effect of the war upon the Karan. The recrurting party will re main here until Saturday night, en listing men for any branch of the si rvlco thev desire, fin Saturday en listments for tho A. T5. F. corps closes. JioX5 to Oct Kilties Kami, hut other enlistments remain open. The famous Kilties band On Sunday the pnrty will go on Milton, companied by Mrs. Knottinghnm on motor tour which will take thorn to Washington umuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif II. W. ltltlKT 111 INrtMlHIMl. Hnvlng helped establish a lodge of F.Iks at fiend. State Senator Roy W. Kltner went fishing at Big Lake, near Santinm pass, at the summit of the Cascades, and yesterday he landed at ft he Benson. Senator Rltner, who la may be toinere for July 4, if plans made by the Fourth or July committee material ize. Wlllard Hond la communicating with William Mc.Murray, of Portland, today, in the hope of getting final word regarding the appearance of the Kilties In Pendleton. Order Sale of Ileal IToia-rty. An order allowing the sale of per- l - j g Jl A package of Snow Flakes is a friend in need. 1 l f Always fresh, crisp, easy to pack and satisfy- V 'n?- They taste good with everything else. I Your grocer can supply you. 1 I rfS I . . Don't ask for Crackers JCST sa7 Snow Flakes J ilfl i : "1 women of France nod has returned with one of the most fasclnnti,,r h enlightening stories of the situation that has yet been bronchi t. Miss Fitch made a complete lnsi.oeti.,n of the factories, accompanied by an expert French factory lnsneeior whn gained for her admission to inarty Places which would olherwlsa h... been closed. . . NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I wish to announce that on or about the 1st of July I am going to move from my present location to new location over the new Inland Empire Bank Bldg., corner Main and Court. DR. J. E. SHARP. j x . n iBiisiMrT--'