rv TWELVB PAPIST' BAItY EAST OREGOMAN, PENDLCTON,. OftESON-, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1013. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, pound, For Rent,, Etc. Classified for Lasy Reference : UW1W TODAY. Bach nvr advsrtlssment will D. run under Ke Tsdar" for' the first Insertion only, DUMB subsequent Insertions of the ad It will iDpuf under IU proper classification. FOR SALE For Sale Continued K)It 8ALK Hrass ulto. cornot model, KOR HALI5 Used Ford.' Inquire alinout us. Inuulre this office. I Wallace Bros., 812 Johnson street. ! KOK 8AL1S liood restaurant Inquire I U. 8. cafe. . , NEW TODAY FOR SAIH3 Some very fine reKlstcr- FOR 8ALK fitrnlture, 177. -Flue residence and new $200. Inquire Walker FOR HA LIS All kind of Insurance. J. H. Estes, CM Main St. Phone 804, For BALK Four roomed house and 3 1-2 acres at RiverHido. See owner at home. Terms. Henry Castor. cd Red pit's. Mule and fvniule. J-lpQR BAI.K- 3P11 Frk-e 3100. -6 room furnished house. Enquire 224 Thompson FOR HALK Ford chus:s. liulld the body to suit yourself. Bus Paul at Simpson Auto Co. . FOR 8ALK-10 room furnished house. 1 price 1 6500. Beautiful home' for family. Inquire 224 Thompson fit WANTED Woman cook for Apply Ruom 7, Alia Apts. ranch. WANTIOD Man and wife to work on ranch. Inquire 41 Lincoln or phone' 637M.' " COR SAL,12--lfurnllure. ' rugs, stove, fruit Jars, etc. Inquire 40 Garfield 6r i)hone BSliM.'1 1 ' "I TOR BALE 16 rt. cut Holt combine with Kan enitlhe. In rood shape, flee Purl Bowman', Bowman Hotel. FOR SALE room modern house, almost new. with furnace, on north side. For particulars call at 1001 laley St., between 7 and 8 p. m. FOR HA LK Dort touring car. splendid condition; also two ford touring; curs. Inquire Independent Garage. I FOR SALE A 4$ Holt Combine en Cine In first class condition. Inquire James Hill, 110 N Main or pnone (73 WANTED-To rent & or 6 room houe Address.. H. . P. . Whitman. I'hone 418, Pendleton. . $5,000 IX OI'IV.M HF.Vi.Kri IN ,, ll.ll IX WYOMING TOWN .DENVER, July 3.. The lurgest uuantlty of smoking opium ever found by government UKents In the Colorado- Wyoming, district .was seized' Monday In Rock Springs. Wyo when Inspec tors from, the office of Jnternul Rev enue Agent A,' O. Dlngley of Denver raided the homo of l'ete Hurrili and placed him under arrest. Seventy-one pound cans uf smoking opium, valued ut more than 35, 00V were seized by the Internal revenue Inspectors. Inspector H. V, M'llllumson and H. B. West over of the Denver office, co-operating with the local sheriff, made tho ruid iuid tho arrest of Bur rill. , Burrill probably will be held in Cheyenne ponding notion by the Wy oming federal grand Jury. FOR SALE: Soma very beautiful lots on' the North Side. See me be fore you buy. J. If. Estes, 314 Main street Phone 304. FUKNITURK FOR HAL.K Dining chairs, 31-00; rockers, ' 31.60 up; kitchen tables, 31.60; couchesi . $2.25; oak library table. 31. 30;- wardrobes, 313.50 up; beds, dressers, kltchoti cab. tnets. 514 Lilllth. Phone 302W. FOR QUICK SALE AT SACRIFICE 320 acres south of La Crosse; 185 acres fall wheat; 85 acres summer, fallow; 8 head horses; .Improvement fair. Price 318,875. Half cash, terms balance. Crop will make a large payment on the land. J. Moore Wanted WANTED Porter and chambermaid nt' Hotel St. Onorne. APii? at once; j WANTED Woman for general I kitchen work. -. Write-' Hermlston' Hotel. Hermlston, -Oregon; i SACK SEW ICR wishes to enguire a Job' "-during harvest. Alta Apartments,' Apti i: ' i i WANTED, TO BUY; Modern ,4 or 6 room bungalow or house. Close in. must be reasonable. Address "F" this office. HANDY BUSINESS D IRECTORY OP PENDLETON AND VICINITY Itits Directory Is especially bandy for the out-of-town reader who may want tne same) ami address rewpnuskule business men who represent the following various Hues.. All are) reliable, responsible bastaeas i oems who stand ready to give yon prompt and effk-icnt service. Auto Tops Miscellaneous DRESUMAKINO Mrs. Petty. 746.' 702 B. Alta. Phone INDEPENDENT Call S6SW. - C1TT Scavenger. CAR OWNERS; do Away with all punctures by using- Universal Tiro Filler, guaranteed for luO.OVO miles: 803 Cottonwood street. IF TOD NEED a New Top or Cur tains for your ear. See Gadsm, aoi E. Court. , i AUTO TOPS and sboe repairing, 121 West Alta street. Auto Tire Service WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service Car. We go anywhere, any time. Simpson Tire Service Co., phone 831. Blacksmithinix Legal Blanks THE BOWMAN SHOP, Blacksmlth ing. Horseshoeing our Specialty. Re pair auto springs, wheels, all rises. FIR8T CLASS Blackamithlnr of every description. You oan do better here. A. I". Iiurjrln, 607-9 Clay 8t.. . LEGAL BLANKS of every d ascrip tion. Blank Deeds, Leases. Writs, Bill of Sal; Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits, Complaints, Summons, ete for sale at East Oreconlaa Offtoa. Batteries (Willard) Lost Auto Tires BATTERIES repaired or recharged. new and rental batteries. Electric Service Station, Main and Water. Monuments PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cup, vertown Cords. Wallace Bros. 11- juocasyw.-is monins. L, MONTERAJSTELLI, Marble and Oranlte works; write or arrange fog Interview for prices, styles, eta , - LOST One Brown mare, weight 1100 I lbs., about 6 years old, with split i- Architect Piano Tunincr Guaranteed for 13 I . i n s W. E. , Chase i BERT McDONALD. Piano Tuner. Let rn s 9ft F Court. Tele-i - me take eare of your Diano oy xnm Kn-Kf phone 2, Pendleton, year. Special rata. Phonographs re paired; pnone S4S-w, ate w. weom. FOR SALE- property. Phone 561. -Or will trade for city Cole "8" automobile. Crosse, Wash. left ear, branded O on left side and GEORQB B, WRIGHT. ARCHITECT TU connecu-d upside down on right Telephone got; 614 uun ou, s-sn- Ei. Side One white horse, weight about I dleton, Ore. Care Security State Bank, La 1150 lbs., about 8 years, branded V WORK HORSES KR SALE In quire Fred llondrlckuon, Adams, Ore. . W(llt a daylight saving, law, how evcr,i almost any ono, eun urie an huur, earlier la aiiiumer and get spe cial enjoyment out of life by so doing. BUICK Model 81, for sale or trade for Ford or Maxwell. Bulck has good tires' and In fair mechanical condition. Inquire at 1104 E. Court street after 8 p- m, any evening. FOR SALE Good garage, good lo cation in business part of town. Well equipped with machinery and tools." good stock of extras and tires. Must quit on account of health. J. D. Royer. City Garage, Pilot Rock, ore. A FINE STOCK and sheep farm, con. sistlng of 2000 acres bunch . grass land, 30 acres Improved alfalfa land, 100 acres unimproved, with water system, located in southeastern Klick itat county. Washington,. Is . offeree. for sale at a very low price and easy terms for a short time only by own or. Address Western Investment Co., Alderdale, Wash. , on right hip, scar on left shoulder. Suitable reward for Information lead. Ing to recover of above described animals; Phone U. 8. Indian Agency. RAYMOND W HATCH Architect. Phone 763, Rooms S and 6. De spaln Bldg. LOST Pair of field glasses In black leather case. Engraved R In box 14622. Finder will receive reward by returning to John H- Van Kirk, Cam bridge, Ida. . , , . . ONE TEN FOOT McCormack header, new last year, first class condition, cut one hundred acies of grain; all crated ready to ship.- Write C. O. Pick, 55 Second St., Portland, Ore. 'I- NOTICES FOR SALE 165 acres, g room house. smoke house, good barn, small orch ard. Most all underfence. 2 million feet of saw timber. Plenty outside roR bale n 70 acres of fine wheat ranra. Terms. Ad drew. Mrs. Ellen Innd, one and one-half miles from'Troxel S4 3 MiUer St.. Roseburir. Ore. mri.un. liwa nouse ana Darn, suo acres In summerfallow. All plow land. Price 355.00 per acre. Part cash, bal. crop payments. 8 per cent Int. W. S. Smith, lone, Oregon. Unswayed by piyed radicalism, organised labor in tho United states stands foursquare aitalnst horrific gales of unadulterated poppycock. Congress has officially that the sun is a reliable luminary and competent to run its own business. ONLY 300 for 10 seres, all under government ditch, one mile from Hermlston, Ore., Is renced, not a building. Is best alfalfa land. Joining conceded; ' ""-- fer acre. i o tucks or gravel, sou IS sandy silt. Address Ed Maher, Te- nlno. Wash For Rent APT 3. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court HOUSEKBBPINO ROOMS, 301 Clay. FURNISHED sleeping room and apt. Inquire 415 Garfield or phone 248M. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms,- Phone 292M. 315 Garden. FOR .RENT Part or gtore bld. In quire 123 Ev Court. Wanted WANTED Furnished apt. Royal M. Sawtelle, jeweler. Inquire WANTED Girl for general work. Phone 389W. boose WANTED flood cleen East Oregonlan off.ee rags at The TUB ''BUYER" IS ABROAD IW TOR LAND, ARMr.n WITH SOME CLIPPED WANT ADS I He'll took you up If bis scis sors have encountered your "for sale" ad. - He'll be clipping and answer ing ads tomorrow, too: and yours ought to be there when he reads the paper If you have ANY THING TO SELL, THINGS If, to SOMEBODY, they are worth money. HEMSTICHINO at the Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. WANTED An experienced work at The Palm. girl to WANTED The best automobile that 31000 will buy. Give details In first letter. Address "C" this office. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Addition to Columbus Scliool, IKir mlMon, Oreiron. The date of receiving proposals for the addition to the Columbia, school building for School. District No. 112 has been, postponed from July 1st to July 7th, 1919. Proposals will be publicly opened at the office of Ray mond W. Hatch, Architect. Pendleton, Oregon, at 5 00 p. m., July 8th, 1919. . . HENRY M. SOMMERER. Clerk of School District No. 112. Taken lp. There came to my place at Camas Prairie between Albee and Ukiab about March 25th last, one grey sad dle mare about 9 years old, weight about 1050 lbs., branded long diamond on left shoulder. Owner can have same by paying charges. JOHN ENDICOTT. Uklah, Oregon Auto Washing CARS WASHED I call for and de liver. Especially equipped to han dle work right. Automobile Laundry. Phone 88, opposite court house. Auto Repairing MiLLER & SEMEN! All kinds ot automobile repairing. Chevrolet and Velle service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed- 613 Cotton wood, phone 203. Chiropractor DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, office over Cash Market, 809 B. Court; phone 184. " . . DR. LOR ETTA H. STARBA 9-10 Peebler Bldg. 9 to IX a. m.; 1:80 to I p. m.; other hours by . ap pointment; phones Of. S83, Res. 1169. Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Pap- Picture Fram ing. L. 3. McAtec the Praatleal Paint Man. Lowe Bros. Palnta. Contractors & Builders PARKER & BANFIELD, Designing. Engineering, Constructing; 10 years experience In concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg, Portland, Or Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your car, condition no object. Auto Clearing House, Garden: A Alta. Phone 785. Auto Painting BY MEN WITH YEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros, SIX Johnson. Ward A. Hoegland, Prop. Auctioneer WANTED AT ONCE Second hand office desk, flat top preferred. Phone this office. -C." Ttkm l'l. One mixed dark brown-bull, brand ed JR connected, on right hip. about J years old. S. O. SHAW, Pendleton, Ore. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms by day or by the week. Inquire 315 Gar den street. - ' ' 1 Beauty Shop FOR RENT Large ont sleeping room with bath, inquire Tit Ann street, evening UA1RDRESSINO, ment, facials.' colors. Marie Robb, Bldg. Tel 1050. Room XI, Judd Coupling experience in buying witb up-to-date study of the "ads," a wo man becomes a highly EFFICIENT member of the home-making partnership. Pilot RocK-Pendleton Anto Stage. Leaves PUot Rook at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. ' Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. IN POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal ot the City of Pendelton, to-wlt: Black roach mane , horse, weight about 1000 lbs., about 10 years old, branded on right schouldor with a Y upside down with bar across top and a, reversed F. If said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled- to Its possession, costs and expenses paid and taken away within ton days from the date hereof,, then at 2 o'clock P EOY WANTED at East.Oregonian of- m. on the 4th day of July, 1919, .the flee. Cood cportunity to learn said animal will be sold to the highest COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer, makes a sDecialty of farmers stock and machinery sales "The man that eeta you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan Office. - Auto Electric Work AUTO Electrlo Work of all kinds; magneto, starter, ignition, etc El ectrlo Service Station. Main A Water B. M. ACKERMAN, CONTRACTOR Excavating. 1209 East Court. Phone 286M. - J. V. JACKSON. General Contractor. Painting, papering and kalsomlnlnf done quick, neat and cheap. (If Calvin. Phone 10X4. THE HOUSE PAINTE1? - WENDT Tinting, Paper HcHi Ktimates Furnished Phone 1144 Shop 72S Cottonwood Dentist DR. THOMAS OHMART, Taylor Hardware Bldg., Pendleton, Ore., Phone 607. Draymen CALL PEN LAND Bros. Transfer van to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. We do eoun try hauling. Telephone 339. Poultry Supplies CHICK FOOD, scratch food, tonica, bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled mrley. C. F. Coleswortby, 129 K. Alta. Plumbing and Heating Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept., any size, style or shape glass while you wait. D. N. Rsber, M. D., 9. 10, 11. Belts Bldg. Engraved Cards HEATING plants, sheet metal work, pipe fitting, general plumbing. sup plies I. D. Phelps, 317 E. Court. Radiator Repairing VISITING CARDS, Wedding An nouncements, Invitations, many de signs and styles to select from. For sale at East Oregonlan Office, ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS T01 East Alta stree . All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaran teed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop HAVE your Radiator repaired by on expert. Thorough satisfaction guar anteed. D. D. Phelps, X17 E. Court. Florist WANTED Experienced girl- or wo man to work on ranch. No family washing. Must give references. Phone 207R. - WOMAN WANTS JOB cooklnsT on 5CALP TREAT-! ranch for two or three men. In Hair dyeing all I autre N. C. this office. WE REPAIR anything electrical, on an automobile. W. E. Chase) Co. Attorneys D W. BAILEY, Attorney at Law, Rooms T, 8, t. Dee pain Building. - QEORQ9 W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Schmidt block, POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker, Florist, E2X Mala St. Real Estate UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa lands, Pendleton property, stock ranches, grazing lands, W. H. Morrison Farm Loans Snow & Dayton, 117 E. Court St, Real Estate, Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. trade. Permanent. Wages paid whlls learning. See the foreman at once. WANTED Work on ranch by com. petcnt woman. Inquire 901' El. R. R. St.' Phone 219W. . . , DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Helen Has a Happy Thought! BY A LILIAN vjell, mai-,f ve got 'JT" MM HAIR. PACT& rVoo.'-MGo poj AfoBMAL AGAld AHt I yetwl AND I'll. Go WITH HOPE. YOU WMT BE r tWU W WO IT- WArr ASHAMCO'I& BE M NE5.tAUTlFtH.1 4 AJOVU A. MlftJlX I I hi V ''J Wf 'I -1 "W m. ' OU.Tm LnnL'i-inil'Tr S 'TUtr A beautiful txiess? bidder, at public, auction for cash. ai the City Pound, in said city of Pen. dleton. the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of suah costs and expenses of making sale. Duted this 23rd day of June, 1919. . AL ROBERTS, City Marshal. IN FOUND. .The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal ot the City of Pendleton, to-wit. t bav mare, no brand, about 9 year old. weight 1000 lbs. Small white spot id forehead,, one glass eye. Left JAMEg B. pERRY, Attorney at Law. Offioa over Taylor Hardware tjom- CARTER SMYTH E, Attorneys at Law. Office In rear of American National Bank Building. ; FEB tk FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of fices in Despaln Building. R, L. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Build ing. a A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel lor at law. Office In Despaln Bldg. S A. NEWBERRY. Attorney at Larw. Smith-Crawford Building. PETERSON, BISHOP & CLARK, at torneys at Law. Rooms X and- 4, Smith-Crawford Building. ' no brand, about 700 one glass eye, left Xo Soo kmovJ ,T6m,ThaV sooeTiMEa I wish That i was a mam - r A MAORlttCr MAM.f -1 The. "Thought come. To Me VMeJ ever PASS A JAWES" SWop WDTfUMK- HO MAPFN I COULD MAKE MV WIFE BY PBeSBlTWG HeC vOTU A Mew PRess- Ill i ' i '"W .1 mam" am 3pwl r hind foot white. I, yearling, colt lbs., -white face, hind foot white. If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to their possession, costs and expenses paid and taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at X o'clock p, m. on the 10th day of July, 1919, the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction for cash, at the City Pound, In said city of Fen. dleton, the proceeds of such sals to be applied by the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 28tn day of June, 1919. AL ROBERTS, City Marshal. Gates Half-Soles HAVE the old tires half-soled; 3600 miles guaranteed ; have proven worth. G. W. Bradley, 339 Cottonw'd. Hats- Reblocked FOR SALE Double walled tent house and lot. For particulars call Sll Marie St BUICK LIGHT SIX, model 1919, only Restaurant THE QUELLE.. sat. A cood place to Suits to Measure EM IL BECK, the tailor. Hotel Pen dleton. Bldg. Phone 1008. HAVE US clean and reblock your Panama, or any hat any style. Rudd 206 W. Webb. Phone 685. Jeweler and Optician WILLIAM E. HANSCOM Jewelers-Opticians Pendleton. Oregon. Job Printing Call for Bids. Sealed proposals will be received up to 6 o'clock, p. m. Monday, July 7th, 1919, for furnishing School Dis trict No. 16, Umatilla- County, Ore., with: 260 tons of Rock Springs coal, or some other kind equally as good. Coal to be delivered as directed by the chairman board of director! of said district. 40 cords of red fir wo id In four foot lengths, to be cut from green body timber and to be well seasoned. To be delivered to several schools as directed by the chad man ot board of directors of said district. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any and all bid Mail or deliver all bid to the un dersigned, and address the envelope, PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING FUEL. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 21st day of June, 1919. H. E. BICKERS. Clerk School District No. 13, Uma tilla County, Oregon. pany. RALEY AND RALHY. Attorneys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Loose Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forma Dodears. Placards, etc. an Office. FRED B. SCHM'iDT. Attornsy at Law. Boom 34, Smith-Crawford Bldg. Bicycle Repairing AUTO Tires Vulcanised, bicycles and supplies. Savage Urea, key fitting. Pendleton Cycle Co, 128 E. Court. Laundry EVERY article Laundered perfectly. There's an agent in your town. Troy Laundry, 608 Garden St. Lubricating Oils MONOGRAM Oils and Greases, all dealers. Eastern Oregon Warehouse Matlock and Alta Sts. F. G. Sullivan. Eastern Oregon representative Second Hand Dealenr . - V. STROBLE, dealer In new and eeo. ond hand goods. Cash paid . tot second hand goods. Cheapest Place to buy household goods. X10 BL Court. Phone X71W. j Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON SHEET METAL works, chimney tops, gutters, skylights, troughs, auto bodies, 728 Cottonwood, Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or toorlnf 'car, call Goedecke. We go any where, anytime; all new taxis; phonf. 464; stand 811 Main St. Tailors LINDGREN FRANSEEN, alterations; 736 Main St. waUora Used Cars USED CARS as genuine bargain prio, at the Pendleton Motor Sales Cq Cottonwood A Water Sts., Phone, 33 TRAIN nt"N 5 MILKS WITHOUT KNGINFF.R. KILLED 11V MAIL CRANE ton -passenger train No. s. from Lin- 2i,,,,erman declares Johnson - left eoln to Chicago, ran five miles without hi. ., and-stood on the aamrwaw bo- . LINCOLN, Neb., July 3. Burling- I WOMEN I DRY CLEAN I THINGS AT HOME Try it! For a few cents you can dry clean everything. Save five to ten dollars quickly by dry cleaning everything in the home with gasoline that would be ruined by soap and water suits, coats, waists, silks, laces, gloves, shoes, furs, drap eries, rugs everything! Plnce a gallon or more of gasoline In a dishpan or washboiler, then put in the things to be dry cleaned, then wash them with Solvite soap. Shortly everything comes out looking like new. Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles, i Ears those of very young men. t;r0 not attempt to dry clean without j least have found a new and import-! solvite soap. This gasoline soap is the nnt function. They Keep larKo hats!sccret 0f all dry cleaning. t an engineer Tuesday, when Engineer James Edgar -Johnson of Lincoln, fell from tho cab a mile east of Waverly after being hit by a mail crane. The train ran from Wavfcrly to Greenwood before the engineer was missed. Fire man Karl J. Zimmerman stopped the train at Greenwood and ran the engine back to Wnverly. There the engineer was found dead beside the tracks. v . CHICHESTER S PILLS WjE- TI1R DIAMOND BJtAM A (0 ft.f11! Ask 7ir Druflrt fr si-raes-ierx ui ! a (truel IM1U in K4 and el mlUc b"'rt, ofUext with Blua RJbrxw. J M M into,. H-y aT VM. V J HOI 0 BY DRl'GQiSTS EVEKHEW twtv the engine and the tender. ITES-STINGS Wash th affetttx rorfac with house hold ammonia or vtm salt water, then apply- VICKS VAIH)RU15S "YOUR BODYGUARD"-30'.tCJ'7r; 29 from engulfing their owners. - Ti nh an. I a Wt.mun'!. siMlilS K I'nis. A package of Solvite soap contain- Inff directions for home dry rlennln. costs little at any drnjr store. Dry clean oulUoors or away from flame. DR. DAVID B. HILL Dentistry "Wappler Interruptlesa X-Ray, acknowledged to be one of the beat made. I have taken spe cial courses In X-Ray work at the North Western University of Chicago and fronv Prof. J. C. Jerman of Kansaar City, besldoe tho regular course in X-Ray work at the University of Den ver. 1 iMit pW':?v you. WAST AO CO MM A WO cxASfltrircn oirectort Counting- six ordinary worde t the line and charged by the Una. Want ada tod locale. Ratee Pee 1Im. Mint Iniwirtlofi- Bttr Una 19e Eacn add. Irtaertloa, per ltna., a4j On wK (six inaeruonai. ach Inaertion. per line..., 9e 1 mx each inrtion. par lioe 4e ft montb contraet, each iDaer tion. par line te 12-month eon act, each tn ert(uD. per Una S Ko a da taken for leee th 1 1 linea. alintmum ebaraje Jt I e Ada taken over the taUphooe only from East Orejon1n eu b ecrtbera and thoa liatd la the Telephone D!rury. Copy muat b in our office not ltr tbaa 1.30 o'clock day of publUatloe.