TWELVE PAGES ' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. NDLETONOREGONj, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 191D. ri .1 r i SOCIAL ID PERSONALS Mr. nd Mm. II. K. MtUwn and Mr.tSiulth car -for The Dalles en riu(o toto the home of Mrs. Moorhouse mill i ami M ra. Raymond Hatch plan to I Portland, where they will make a:patlrotlc inotlft was charmingly du leave tomorrow Irt the Hatch ma-1 short stop nerore going on to Astoria, veloped In the appointments of the chine for Wallowa where they will They will visit friend there and ship pretty table, a cluster of white bloa. rpend the lost four or five days with, the machine to Ixmg Beach where, soma being- used In the center with relatives and friends. Mm, Mi'I-ean's ' they will bo joined next week by Mr. mother, Mik. X. C. Davis, and hot ; unci .Mrs. H U. .Smith and M Ih Uulu husband's sister. Mm. O. A. Hunter, j 57111 It ri for an outing at their Hummer lioth live in Wallowa, while Mr. and pottage. Hri. Hatch alao have relatives there. 1 I A dancing party given in Helix last Mr. If. K. lnlow and children of evening had as Its honor guests Mr. 1'endleton. who have been house ana William l'lerce. the affair guests of Mrs. Karie V00dard. sister j heing In the nature of a farewell cour. of Mra. Inh'W, In this city for the past j le8y before their departure for l'en two weeks, r i pert to leave within aidleton to make their home. Mr. few days for Wallowa lake where they pippc. H to become foreman of one will apend the summer. Mrs. Inlow lajof the H. W. Collins plants. For the a graduate of the Pacific conserve- pagt several years he has been with tory. and Is a charming solum. 1. the Farmers' Mutual Warehouse Co, O ramie observer. Miss lma Helllnger arrived last tilcht from Lebanon to spend the Hummer at the country home of her grandparents. Mr. ar1 Mrs. A. P. Newqiiist. Miss IlellinBer la a niece of Mrs. J, II. Eggors of this city. In Helix. Mrs. rieroe was formerly Miss Edith Richardson. A num llx for the event last evening and Fletcher's Jasx orchestra played for Golden Utile today. Kay ribbons of red and blue complet ing the trl color. Covers were laid for Mrs. DeSpain, Mrs. 1 ami us. Mrs. Norborne Her kelpy, Mrs. John Vert, Mrs. H. H. Hallock. Mrs. Jamos Welch, Mrs. J. F. Robinson, Mrs. Moorhouse and Mrs, ?chuefur. Mian Jenny Dale left yesterday for a visit to Helix Mra. Fred Hook la In the city from ine roeK tarm on iiircn creek Mr, tleorge M. Wlnno is spending a few weeks In Seattle, where she the guest of friends. Dave Oirgill is here toduy from Claresholm. Alberta. Canada. 10. M. Wlllett of Ilaker. la at the Miss t-aura Cahill and Miss Tansy Ilyliee left last night for a vacation In Portland and Seaside. They expect to begone for three weeks. Mra. J. H. D. Gray and d; the dancing". Miss Madeline Burgess, Miss Cath erine Thompson and Miss Helen Thompson spent yesterday In Walla Walla, motoring over for the day. Oeurge T. Mcltuin Jm visitor from Junction City. Ir. nnd Mrs. F. W, Vincent toduy for a visit in Portland. Pendletun loft One of the most charmingly appoint ed of early summer luncheona was presided over at 1 o'clock today by ushter.i.Mrs. Moorhouse and Mrs. A. U Miss Ijotilse. arrived last night from .Sehaefer, the affaair being a delightful Portland to be the guests wf Mrs. 'addition to courtesies extended to Mra. George Hartman. j Nancy DeSpain and Mrs. John D. jlsaacs since their arrival in 1'endleton Elmer Osborn. of Olympia, Wash- from Portland. The guests were asked Sngton. who visited here yesterday atj ; the home of her aunt. Mrs. John Montgomery, left last night for "Wal lowa, where he w.ll apend the summer. WIXII CIIKCKS lXHtKST Klltl' KAl'I.T STK. MAItlK Mich., .Inly 3. Oylitc winds gave hoie that forest fires which, liavo threatened villages for 40 miles mt or here have aim led and can la checked. No 1i.nh of life la m-iMM-tcrt so far. An effort was made early today In reach Kaco 11 ml several other small villages which were reMrted In danger lust night but all efforts were unavailing. NOTHING PLAIN IN THESE PAJAMAS Miss Jewell Franklin, who has been 1 a visitor in the city as the guest of! friends, left yesterday for her home I In Portland. .' 1 An automobile party composed of Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson and their daughters Helen Kva and Marie Nel son, departed today for Seattle. Mr. Kelson will return in a few days, Mrs. Nelson and the girls remaining for. a more extended stay. - . Hubert Smith. Iten Smith and Ed Ward Thompson left today In the Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. 1300 West' Alta Theme 351 and 1014 PRICE LIST All 1ST too lbs. delivered. Chickfecd lIMamond) ... 3.O0 Scr&ldifood daily) 1.75 Milirrrd (white) a sack.. 1.73 Ktnuned nulled Barley. . .t 2." lry Kolled luurley S3.25 (.rnuiid. Barley . . . ' $3.25 Oats SX25 Corn (whole or cracked). I.."W t'w feed $3.75 Hog foil (barley, milifeed, coeoanut meal and tnol- lavses) 93.S5 1-ooltry Mud Kmc Pro ducer $3.75 a 10O lbs. liaih-d Hay 1 Kc a lb. All kinds of Poultry tonics and Mock tonics for sale at low cat rices. For larger quantities we will make you special prices. The old-fashioned nightie is superseded by oatamna ...rf eoatees and bloomers, and tjther variation, of the Wfurca?ld sar rites of the cold cream Jar with the donning of this white TrremL sleeve less slip, ending In foil bloomer, and cream net ruffle, and over it a coatee of Victory gold crepe, with a flowing .ash !2 lacy ruffles and pink ribbons galore! Or. for her IZ tlr who iova. .he Bohemian touch, some artist ha. achieved this pajam. .u In rosexsolored wash satin banded with .liver braid and .11., xnxxsr1 wtn wou,d ,ook c'"m' 3 THE UPSTAIRS APPAREL SHOP C OVER TAYIjOR HARDWARE CO. Oeaia-Up SALE , of Silk Dresses Silk Skirts, Silk Petticoats and Waists SILl DRESSES of Taffeta, Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Crepe Meteor and Charmeuse at wonderful reductions. SILK SKIRTS of Baronette Satin, Georgette, Pussy Willow and Crepe at ABOUT HALF PRICE. ALL WAISTS at Great Reductions. Many new ones just received and marked at special prices. SEE OUR WHITE WASH SKIRTS AT $2.93 OVER TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. ROUND-UP PICTURE IMPRESSES CONGRESS WASHINGTON'. July 8. (Special to the Must Orenmilun.) "It Is tho finest picture I have ever seen." said lion. Scott Ferris of Dkluhoma, chair n-.un or tile national congressional committee when he saw the bin pic ture of tho Pendleton Kound-VP which the Commercial flub of thai city sent to ConKrecnian Nick Klnnott and which now hanica In the office room of the committee on puhiie lands, of which the Oregon man Is i-hutrman. The committee Is now holding dally hearines on the Soldiers' Xnnd Settle ment bill and people from all over the country see the picture every day and ask' countless questions about tho fur off Orenon city nnd Its unique wild west show. The picture was so well packed that it came across the coun try w ithou mishap and In perfect condition. It took five attendants t get It on to the third floof of tho house office building where It was unpacked, and four men to fasten It to the wnll. CowrroKsmun Plnnott takes great prldo In pointing to it as one of the remurkable things In the wonderful district that he represents. Ho Is looking forward to the day when some brave from the I'matllla reservation shall dron In and express his surprise and delight ut seclns the picture' of the "heap big show' for then he can discuss It with him In Chinook jargon, which Is a sort of Interview in which he takes special delight. E. O. SEMPERT GOES TO WALLA WALLA. BROCK TAKES HOME K. o. Kempert. for the past year and a half employed as a drugsist at the Tullman Drug Company, will leave on Sunday to accept a similar pos'tion in the Walla Walla Drug Co. in Walla Wulln. Mrs. Sempert left this after noon for Weston to visit with relatives and will Join her husband on Sunday. "W. E. Brock has assumed the lease for the residence at 106 Jackson street occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Sem- pcrt. and has purchased the sempert furniture. Mr. and Mrs. Brock expect to move Into their new home in the near future. Tl'ltK riMMSIXO KEAUKD. iiitij -lulv ltcnortM from Tltr. key Indicate that three separate bed im or troops are opcramig mi ..! Minor ui tlie position 01 am u- pat Ion It W reported tlelr lenders rcrucd to rccogiiiie the authority el tho undent government at Cous.mitt- iicil A gcm-ral uprising is lea-eil ilie Turkish, nonce Uj " "n are ...r.nn.uu.1 .lnwlilerablo illffklll- tv is untlciiuttcd in enforcing th-n-. JACK JOHNSON HAS JOB. 1XS AXOEI.ES. July 2. .lack Johnson, former heavyweight cham pion of tlie world. i in Mexico my, acthur us atliletk! trainer for a partj of noted Mexican generals, according to P N. Snyder. I job Angeles contrac tor, who returned today from a tour of Mexico, lie sa.vrf Jolinson Is) tlio Idol of Itlcxico City. S. r. llrcwcrlcsj Itunnlng. SAX FRANCISCO. July 2. Brew eries are running full blast, manufac- turinK and selling Z.V5 perceni ocer. Thirteen saloons opened today and began to sell beer. l-AVT IVTlTtVATIOXAl, STIirKK PARIS, July 2. .Tench, nrltloh and Italian fcderaMo(is of labor nave oe. cliled on a st'nerai two-day htlrike ol an International clf-tractier July 20 and 81, according to tho hcwsmict tniHv til. nsiiep Waid tlie strike iu r.. tliA tmniesp of demand ing immediate demoWllzation and mm. iniMmmrp u-iMi tlin . Itusian aim tlungarian Soviets. I IS DAMAGING CROP The rulnfull In Molilalia hus been loss this spring und summer thuii In uny season for 30 yeurs. Charles II. Marsh, county Judge, said today 'on his return from his wlieut rahuh noar Laiwistown. He was aocuiupunied by Itoland Oliver und J. K. Montgomery, Joint owners in tho ranch. 'Streams which have hurdly ever been known to go completely dry are dried up now," the Judge said. "Tho Missouri river has very little water at Ait. time and mauy irrlxuled regions are suffering for luck of water. The Wheat crop In Montana will be short." While the Montana crop Is more lurgely spring wheat than the crop hero, this wheat, too, will be short un less ruin falls. It Is getting along to the point where rain will not do niu terlul good unless It comes right away. The harvest In Montant Is -shortly bo- hind thut here. JEWELERS OF OREGON TO SEE ROUND-UP The Oreuon Retail Jt-welera Ahhu- clatlon will hold 1(9 annual convention In Pendleton thin year, and the dale has been set for. Round-lTp timo. Pen dleton jewelers are at work now on plans for the convention, and In tho near future will choose tho hall whore the meetings will be held and -will! plan the program. About 60 delegates are from all parts of Oregon. by prominent Jewelers of Sweaters That are better, different and cheaper. All next season's styles and colors. Coat styles and slip overs in wool and silk. Priced $1.50 to $22.50 SILK AND WOOL SCARFS Very new and popular. . Priced $2.50 to $7.50 COMPARISON OF STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICES ESPECIALLY INVITED. expected Addresses the state will form a part of the program. While a man is sure that a woman will make a good wife, ho is very sure that she could not select a better mau for a husband. RUSSIA DURING REVOLUTION DAYS Rev. Joseph Clare of Petrogr.d Talk, on Russia at Chautauqua. It Is rare good fortune that brought Rev. Joseph Clare of England to the j Chautnuqun platform this season, for he Is bringing with him the most fns- 1 dilating and enlightening story of the j Russian situation that ha yet come to the American continent. A. pastor ! Tt.TKS MAY RISK AOAIV WASHINGTON. July 2. Hlreetor :ciicrnl nines expcctn to consult ITcsldoiit Wilson on the question of another advance In freight rates soon after tho rcWdoiit returns. It Is mated authoritatively today. SAIL FltOM AHCHAXfiKI.. WA.SIIIVfTOX. July 2. Sailing of tho first Imitation of engineers from Archangel June 27 was announced by tho war leartnient. Tho steamer Is duo In Itrcst July . . i!P, 'ion lKAI IN E.VRTIIQl'AKK lCOIK, July 2. First reliable rc arts from Florence twlay ploccd the numlK-r dead after Sunday's earth quake at 100. Several hundred were Injured. tip.VDON. July 2. A Copenhagen dispatch today says Germany Is threatened with a new revolution. Government forces have occupied the principal buildings In Berlin. Troops with machine guns are on guiird. Many factories are closed as' a result of the disorder. . Shed Burns at Markhant Place; Wood, Coal Not Yet Moved in, are Saved IJecause four .cords of wood and three tons of coal had not. yet been placed in the woodshed at the' George r Markham residence, 110 Stonewall Jackson street, the fuel escaped to day when fire from unknown cause destroyed the shed. The fuel was de livered at the Markham home a few days ago and was to have been put In Immediately. The residence itself es caped damage. , Mrs. Markham is uncertain as to how the blaze started. She was sit ting on the porch of the residence at the time the fire began. It Is not ; known whether or not the building .was covered by Insurance. of the British and American church In I'ctrograd. Dr. Clare lived In the Rus sian capital during the war nnd the days of the revolution which followed. He enjoyed friendships with the great personages of Russia (lining those stirring days and his experiences are replete with thrilling revelations. To hear Dr. Clare will give one a better understanding of the Russian people. BRING YOUR FILMS TO US For Expert Printing and Developing. The best equipped plant in Eastern Oregon. We carry every thing for the amateur printer. EASTMAN KODAK AGENCY. The Pendleton Drug Co. Too Late to Classify. Attention ;IL. Pendleton Lodge No. 288, II. I'. O. Elks will meet In regular session Thursday evening, July 2rd. This will he the last meeting for initiatory work until after the summer vacutlon. All memlicrs urged to bo present. Jiy or der of the Kxalted Ruler. THOMAS FITZ GBKAI.D, Sec. llelng used to commanding, young ex-officers of the army or the navy feel that they ure capable of com manding good Jobs and good sulurics. , Notice to tlie I'ublio. This is to notify the public that the advertisement fixing the prlco of milk which apeared in tho local pupers and to which our name was affixed, ap peared, without our permission or sanction. Wo have no agreement with any firms or persons fixing the price of milk. GOLJ3EN WEST CREAMERY. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronlo and Nervous Disease, antf Disease, of Women. X-Ray Ela tro Therapeutics Temple Bldg., Room 12, Phone tit CECIL COSPER PUBLIC AOCODNTANT IJVOOMJ2 TAX ADVISER Smith-Crawford Bids. Opposite rnd)eton HoUl rbon 1030 (ieuiiiiiff HeriKteacls. House r leaning call for a thorough renovating of everything in the houHe, mo the housewife who nun a dingy white Iron bedstead piay be glad to know that a simple mixture of soda and vinegar will aatiftf actor! ly cleaa the bed and restore its former whlte- netis. Mix the xoda and vinegar one- 1 half cup of the former and one cup of th latter and wpply with a soft Hoth. j f a 2 S 5 5 Now Furniture Arriving Daily With almost every express comes something new for the home that will fill some long needed want and add to its attractiveness. ..... 5 High Grade Felt Mattresses received today These mattresses are high grade felt and are particularly fine mattresses. This new shipment combined with our already large stock of Sealy and other makes gives us an assortment that is unequalled. BABY CRIBS A fine assortment of baby cribs and crib mattresses. If you need any article for the nursery call and see our line. NEW RUGS Just received some new Wilton and Persian rugs of unusual quality and colorings. We invite your inspection. Phone 496 Crawford & Hedges Comer Court and Main Sts.