PAGBTHRRB DAILY EAST OREGOMTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY T f TWELVE PAGES NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON 1 le New Umployo. William pierce of Hullx, has ac 1 cepted a poHltlon wllh the H. W. Col llnii Co.( as foreman for ono of the plant. Mr. Pierce, with Mm. Pierce, will make his homo In Pendleton. jr-aro on Izmir Anu Trip. , Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Allen left thin morning hy auto on a trip which will take them to Kansas City uud huck. They expect to be iunt several weeks and will make numerous slops en route. , NeweiapiT Man Taking It,. Homer Jlerrington, for the , pant decade with the Portland Telegram, arrived laiit evening on No. 18 en route to Teel springs whore ho will spend n month In an effort to roguln his health. Mr. llerrlngton formerly worked on Kastern Oregon newspaper and for a time wan In Hcppncr. Jt.VTuitliMf Officer Horn July 4-3. Captain Walter Hwackhamer, Ser geant William McKennle, Kergennt Chick and Private Henry Kretchtnan, recruiting officers for the I nlted HI n ten army, will be In Pendleton July 4 and 5. July S la the final day on which recruits will he accepted for ervlce In France and Oermany, hut the officer will continue to accept recruit for the regular army In the I'nited Mutes. I IcrnilKUnt 1an Iiils. ICdgur W. Mack of Hermlston. wan ih. wounded and nick soldiers and Marines who landed In Han Fran cisco yealerday aboard too nospnui ship Comfort. The Comfort arrived from chHi'k-Htiiwn, Bouth Carolina. John llnxllng Homo. John nredlng, Pendleton man who him been In France an a member of tho 14Sth Field Artillery, nan return, ed from Camp Lewis where he re ceived an honorable discharge. He Ih a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Eggers. drain C)ffl N" Man. B..M. Huntley, for the pant year employed hy a grain company at Portland, arrived Tuesday to take a POHltlon in the local office of the Northern Grain & Warehouse Co., on Fat Court etreet. Mr. Huntley will attend to the Inside business while K. 10. OflHt, agent, Ih attending to the outside business ' during tne buying aeaHon. llavo Tukcn Bishop Homo. Ur. and Mn. IL H. Hattery have rented the Itny T. Ktshop reiiidence, 1101 Haley atreet, and will make their home there. Mr. and Mm. Jllshop are In Portland at present. I'.. -fl. ijmipkiii i ill, H. H. l,umpkin Ih confined to his home by a severe attack of tonxllltlx. He has been ill for the pant acveral daya. Adams t-olillcr On May Homo. Charles Owens, a young soldkr whose home Ih In Adams, waa In Pen dleton today en route home after be ing dlHcharged from the service with the 14lh field artillery. Maiden Nairn, itmMiml. . Nunle Wall waa granted a decree of divorce from Robert W. Wall bs Or c;ilt- Judge O. W. Phelps today and hrr maiden name of. Nanle Hurtgraves leMored. iM 161 ioiioi loi id iQi loi I o ri II VH O I H -4 I -4 o I rH O I H O rH I rH O H I H H I H O H I H "The new 'phone number at the Delta is 32" J ICE COLD FRUIT DRINKS FOR HOT DAYS Grape Juice, Loju, Applju, Pure Lemon Juice, KEPT ICE COLD IN OUR REFRIGERATOR. Place your July 4th orders now. Fine, large Sunkist Lemons, 40c per dozen. "WASTE LESS BUY THE BEST" This store will be closed all day July 4 th. Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both' N departments.) -TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT Th two daughters of K. J. Jnrmon are convalescing in St. Anthony's hospital after un operation for toiiKiln and adenoids. Will Malm AwnnKntX. A permit wan MMsued today to Mrg, Julia H. AlbrtKht to make additions and alterations to her dwelling on Aura direct, to cost 12000. The con templated improvements will include the building of neveral apartment)!. KnlM In Navy. Dale Kdward Miller in a new mem ber of the United Btutes navy, having enlUted at the local office, with re cruitlng officer M. Rtilison. Miller Ih from Ttockaway, Oregon, and has heen sent to Han Francisco. Dr. 1. J. Kuril h on Committee. Dr. C. J. Smith, formerly of Pendle ton, has heen named by Mayor Baker of Portland a& one of the 107 prom inent people of Oregon to serve on the general receiptlon committee to welcome the fleet of warships expected In Portland In August. INSURANCE Is the Best Policy' FARMERS I will insure your grain in any of the old reliable companies that I represent, to December 31st for about one cent a bushel. This ic the cheapest rate ever issued in Oregon on grain insurance. Give me a trial, save money and get real insurance service. JOE KERLEY Buoceuor to Chas. E. Beard. Ino. "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate m Ma Pendleton. Oregon uiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii nil iiiimiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiii'j 1 rvinsrKji?. 1 uXMMJ lHmofTuJc Otmmiuoo to Moot. The Umatilla County Democratic Central Committee has been called to meet at the city hall In Pendleton at 10 a. m., July 4. All members of the party as well as the committee are re quested to attend, says N. Berkeley, county chairman. I.lcitteiumt i;lmcr Tliomaa Hem. Lieutenant Klmer Thoman, who re cently returned from overseas service, id a l'enaieion visitor. e expects io leave tomorrow for Salt Lake, where he will he joined by Mrs. Thomas and the two will return to Pendleton. He will resume hit position in Alexanders. I'Vmtier Merchant Visits IffTO. Ward White, years ago owner of a stationery store In Pendleton and now traveling for A. I Reed & Co., leath er good manufacturers, is In Pen dleton today calling on the trade. Since retiring from business here Mr, White has been on the road. Hie for merly traveled for Sanborn Vail Co. probate Mutter fcctlled. Dates for the final hearing in three estates were set today by County Judge C. H. Marsh. The hearing of tho estate of William O. Bade will be on AtigiiNt 4, that of Oswell Thompson 1 HniKlas on Auguxt 2 and that of Henry Ilanes on August H. Douglas Melts was a poin ted guardian ad litem f r Klbrt Belts, a minor. Will Leave On Buy Ins Trip. Mrs. Jessie Crichton, head of the partment of women's clothing in tho Peoples Warehouse, will leave to morrow for a lx weeks buying trip for her firm. She will visit Chicago, St, Louis, Philadelphia, Cleveland and New York and will purchase the fall and winter models In suits,, coats and dresses. 3-in mi hiii in hi urn i i i i nn ir3i-JM 1iarle Vlivler at Cnmp Mcadt Capt. Charles C. ' Vtnler, formerly manager of the Worklngmen's Cloth ing Co.. is at Camp Meade. Md., re covering from a recent illness, ac cording to a letter received today b Thomas Fits Gerald, secretary of the Rlks lodge, of which Vinier is a member. He expects to be discharg ed and sent home shortly. YOU CAN'T AFFORD to keep a good car in an unfit place. WE CAN TROVIDE m . safe, clean andconvenient storage for a limited number of machines. , RICHT NOW is the time to see about it so you will be sure to get a place. OR, IF YOU WANT ' , f a cover for the car wc will serve you best. Beuic4A WaiV.w lti Arsenal, A long argument for the enlarge ment of the present arsenal at Be nic'a, Cal., to a manufacturing arse nal, was received today by the Pen dleton Commercial Association. The I letter points out the advantages of the San Francisco Bay location for 1 such a plant and asks whatever aid! Pendleton may give to bring the plant; to the coast. - HoMpvelt inphway Want Boost. L. J. Simpson, of North Bend, hns wired from Washington that not enough boosts are coming from prom inent Oregonlans for the success of the Roosevelt Highway aprpopriatton In the houses of congress. Pendleton will celebrate two days, July 4th and 5th, a Victory , Celebration -hwi? every body. Let every one come that can and lets make this the biggest celebration we have ever had. Everything free. - Grocery Phones 526 Use the Phone ( 7 Mil SERVICE PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other DeparfmenUi 78 Use the , Phon OUR CUSTOMERS KNOW THAT WE ARE EVE N MORE INSISTENT ON QUALITY AND, SERVICE in everything we sell, than they are themselves. Thi s rigid adherence to our own high standard of excel-pnre-and moderate orices-hold our customers an d daily attract new ones. bilk and satin LINGERIE Satins that tub and serviceable crepe de chine fashions these garments. Wash satin combination suits. Wash satin and crepe de chine envelope chemise, wash satin bloomers and all trimmed in dainty ways with laces, touches of hand work and ribbon flowers. Camisoles of wash satin and Georgette 98c to $4.50. sh satins and Georgette. A most unusu al ocenrtmpnt. so plahorate with buds and bows, laces and touches of hand work. Choice of ribbon strap or built up W1U BATHING SUITS Knitted Suits $2.50 to $13.95 All the pretty colors that are so popular at the swim ming resorts. Stripes and contrasting colors finish them about the neck and bot tom of the skirt. The athlet ic sleeveless kind and those with shield sleeves, sizes 32 to 46. ' UNDERMUSLINS " For Stout .Women Pleasing Styles The "Mildred" undermuslins have exquisite dainti ness that will please you. Gowns, petticoats, enve lopes, corset covers and drawers. Reinforced at points where the greatest strain comes. Even the short stout woman will find garments in pro portions to fit her i T.. ,!f 'r WASH SKIRTING 50c to $1.50 YD. sh fahrips make ud into excellent skirts, some are plain, some are striped and many are plaids and checks of self tone effect. They will wear and give the service. Try a length off one of these. ' Nurse stripe gingham of the regulation stripes and colors of grey and blue. Nurse stripe ginghams make up into most practical wash dresses and aprons. . SILK TOP UNDERWEAR iSS $2.00 to $3.50 If you choose a vest, uni- Jvi on suit or envelope from this -SS4 fine silk top underwear, you ' fig? .- JWV. wont be disappointed be- A jT . flfs cause you get a garment that h " ttJiMi will give the wear and has ijftffk J&A X. the effect of an all silk gar ment. Buy some of them, J for summer, you'll like them. - iT. MATERIALS FOR UNDERWEAR NAINSOOK, LONG CLOTH and SILKS, all of these are splendid for summer underwear. Make it up as to your liking. The finest of quality and fin ish and will give the wear. Nainsook . .. 25c to 50c Long Cloth 25c to 50c Silks 40c to $2.35 SKIRT SILKS $2.00 to $6.00 Yard. You will certainly like the skirt silks we are showing. Offered in white and many colors. Some are striped, and some plaids; 36 in. and 40 in. wide; it takes 2 yards to the skirt length. Buy a length from this assortment. Grocery Department Vanilla Extract, 2 oz 25c Vanilla Extract, 4 oz. 40c Vanilla Extract 8 oz 75c Vanilla Extract 16 oz $1.40 Lemon Extract 2 oz 30c Lemon Extract 4 oz 55c Lemon Extract 8 oz $1.00 Lemon Extract, 16 oz. $1.75 Good Durable Brooms $1.23 Fly Swatters . 10c Lux, package 15c This store will be open Thursday evening and closed all day Friday, July 4th. Oregon tho Red Cross la certainly on day night about to leave for La. the Job " Grande. Montague was arraigned be. " I fore Justice of the Peace Joe H. IPnrkes yesterday afternoon, and upon lr. Oilo Goes to Twin Full vlnV preliminary hearing as helij First National Bank in ernor Ben Oleott. There tra someVar Veterans of Oregon waa opened uncertainty as to whether Mr. Thomp-here this morning, and will continue son should serve Eastern Oregon att-i until tomorrow night er taking the vice presidency of the) uriyinany acneuuiea tor June, in. Dr. F. K. Cole of the Tarker System t ,e Erami jury in J500 bond. He Slmnson of Dentistry of this city, left yester-l, , ,n m aefault of the bond. is lohbvlnir for the appropriation and: day with Dr. V. A. Flu Gerald,;,. tn cll(.cks were for 112.50 and were asks that the Oregon delegation be traveling representative of tne. almost Identical with the first one Parker System. for Twin ra'ls-l nassed. Tho Workingmen s Store and where an office similar to the one in the Quelle restaurant each cashed one. Pendleton will he opened. unices. ot tne bogus checks. will be opened also In Lewiston ano sent telegrams and letters urging the passage of the bill. Innsmuch as Umatilla county voted the measure down It Is not thought likely that' much aid will be forthcoming froi this section. Casuals jo Through. September 1. Portland, encampment was postponed so that me veterans migni oe in stuieni aurinsr the big three-day home-coming anil Dcfcmlant-s Motion SuMalm-O. , Fourth of July celebration, which is i ejected to draw visitors from all The motion or tne ne'enumu i prts 01 tne state. Pocatello. "Dr. Cole Is undecided as to whether ho will remain In Twin Falls as part of the office force there or -....... o,- lc.n,tt.iti office. The nl. today. -r... v,,,,lr.l nmh.r. nf rnsnnl ' lor.. I office which will be Under thp was C.U. Wlin a Sllglll. wesi worn u.i" Comnanv 13.1 passed through Pcndle-1 charge of Dr. Vinson, will open auom me nr.... The office rooms on TcnilM-ratliro Is 89 Today. The temperature was 89 at 2:50 p. Tho minimum temperature lty Paruels I(oa.K? ton today on their way from Camp; July III. Main Mcrrltt, New Jersey, to Camp Iewls, for discharge. All were overseas men, and natives of Oregon and Washing, ton. They are under the command of Lieutenant John It. Sinclair, of Tim pa, Florida, who wears a gold stripe for service overseas. The men were given a luncheon at tho Red Cross canteen. One man declared hi !new when he reached Oregon, because "In street are being remodelled to nccom- lodute 10 dentists. More Hail OiivkM i'oiiiiil. Two more bad checks, made out as customer's drafts to J. Montague and signed with the name of C, P. Miller, were returned today ns evidence against the young man arrested ilon- TlHitnai!i t Stay tin Omtiiislon. V. L. Thompson, of Pendleton, will remain on the state highway com. mission at least until he removes his residence from here to Portland on January 1, I9i0, he said today, fol- U.wng his return from MiU-m wnere have certain portions of the plaintiff's complaint stricken out. in the cv of 1,1. u'-hh Wnlker lv nines. 111- ,, i of railroads, was sus. "Wo recommend that the commit. i..i h rirn..ii iiuieo ii. W Phelps' tee are of tho opinion that the practl toduv The judge also sustained thel tioner referred to . . . was not contention that certain portion.-, of thjj negligent In connection with the treat, comprint should be more si eaiflcl ment provided by him for the insured The action Is one for damages for person tnow deceased), and that a he 1-ss of an army hy the yo.nli wniie copy m ira i"r . .. - wurklng for the O.-W. K. & N. Co Veterans Today Open Annual Encampment SALEM. Or.. July 2. Hv Vnlted warded to the bitter.' Report of In. surance t'ommltteo for the County uf London. Americans being rather busy no prjkiably win not have time to cele brate the siKiiiug of the peace treaty ..nmn.iiiiii .11 the enthusiasm they ahowsiL com-J Press., ine a ""-- .."' I . V . i . , i J , ,h. .,ml.tic. mission were In conference with Gov- ment of tne uniteu Bpaui.a ., luHlHIIIHIIUHIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIHHIIIIIlllliniUlllllllllHUHI..